She G o ld H ill N e w s ? ( B L IS H E D — EVERY SA T U R D A Y — — ---------, A T GOLD H IL L . JACKSON AXW NTY OREGON, B Y _____ _______ - - — - - B en H. Lam pm an Eu"*rv«t ai «Lv Gold Hill |x>Mte(Ke>* f«>r tran-uuewion through the mail« o ÂWiul-<’l»Wî« in «(ter SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1914 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM MORE MEN FOR MURDER IN A D V A N li Overdrafts ¡Sec« a d & ln».< '*rvil i B. H, U aesw ac.-r -- ' j Coutar «.rail Yun have heard the »tillit wind » I m ' lili «I h * cnktr houghs uh »hak«*n, \ >i» have I ìm v h ii I in the Millue-w tor a q . l i waiehrd I h V morning I ■> tipil through a rift» of stiver luring « hai You haw lxainl tin- Mark n, ('lati t> »!«■ niianilliiht ea-t a ghititoi n la n winitvd eight-point quarry turned in «tit ureial w ith o f, ty situ w ite_-(lx «ihl w«f|f |iavk ami Its h a iling—au h a w 1' I am cousin io you, master j I am lor,! o( sure disaster, 1 am Pear w ith in da shadow hre -tld u g low—taw ny tear with t i w eyes flashing as tin- liv in g tsrget, crashing, takes the b io » ! Not your rill, smite« more surely than I pin the pyvy securely on the fern fiends of the eow n where I w a il—you snd I arc of a likin g , unseen terrors sw iftly strikin g —we Fate! T h e M an W h o T u r n e d N ig h t In to D ay WHO W A S I h o s .A .E d i y j ^ HEN the first crash of battle resounded through Europe ▼ ▼ its echoes wakened the jingoes of America. The jingo is a personification of misdirected patriotism. For half a cen­ tury prosperous Europe lent ear to the counsel of those who held armies and guns to be the bulwarks of the peace of nations. These were the jingoes of the senior continent. In the end their You h a w h a r d liras abler «¡uiver in tlu counsel bore its f r u it- is still b e a rin g -a royal harvest of dead starlight by lire river, you have w,.t. In ,1 men and devastated homes. w ith in tile shadow for a>lta«le— d i.l J . ui is s r t heat high a n ti faster » lie n y „t, Major General V\ otherspoon, chief of staff of the American hunted me, in y muster— unafraid? 1 army, is a national specimen of the type that urged Europe to h a w pm red your craft and eniining, a i\ the most disastrous war of all history. Wotherspoon thinks in ty feet a llo w you sunning, while yen terms of armed men and murderous munitions, computed by the sought ilie moss and liracki ii M r a si ;o all your tricks a n d foils ami million. From the nightmare of Europe he draws no lesson save watched I, id ly and uncaring, f r it n tin the necessity of creating a huge standing army, of training a pine. mammoth force of reserves in the business of war. He has his I am Cougar of the ranges ward of ail mental counterparts in the navy, who argue that immediate mil­ tlio forest changes; I am T e rr r in ¡1 thicket lu rk in g nigh that the wotai -hall lions should be appropriated to the construction of battleships knew its keeper, over fir and Iro m t and and submarines for the destruction of similar hostile contriv­ creeper, beer my cry ! I am cousin r you, master; tawny fear Unit strikes di- ances which are to be bluffed into battle. aster , . , Conn's a footfall iu the Europe, 1 urdensd with a staggering debt that is wholly mil­ shadow, soft as breath? W ho would with itary; Europe, blinded with the blood of her best and bravest; the cougar trifle? ’ Tis the m oonlight on Europe, facing a score of lean and repentant years amid the a rifle ! . . , Thou a rt Death! debris of her madness, furnishes to the jingo his argument of preparedness for war. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON the Multnomah county grand Jury. Europe was prepared—in readiness to a degree that would Ray Bunch, 19 years old. conf eased never be endured in free America. No system of enforced con­ Portland’« tax levy for 1915 la to I k that he robbed Prank Kubn, an aged and ailing settler of Loon Lake, after scription and service in peace, of elaborate and cruel military 7.5 mills. beating him severely and subjecting Pendlaton waa visited by a 60-mlle taxation, will ever be tolerated in an entirely enlightened nation. gaie and number of dwellings were him to torment In forcing him to re­ Whatever may have b ^ n the first causes of the present Europ­ blown down. veal the hiding place of his money. ean war, it is apparent to the most casual student that the invol­ The annual meeting of the Or» ;on Next Saturday a Portland city or­ ved nations courted and created the conflict Ey a thoroughly Bar Association was held In Portlund dinance will go into affect which re- ; quires that all rags used for wiping November 17 and 18. scientific preparedness for mutual murder. Article« of Incorporation for a clam, purposes shall be sterilised before be­ To men of military thought, preparation for probable war fish and fruit cannery, to be located ing given to employes for use and be­ is the certain portent of actual strife. To dally with columns of In Seaside, have been filed with the fore being sold as old rags after use. J. L. Winters of Medford, an expert men and fleets of fighting ships is the courtship of destruction. aecretary of atate. 1 violin maker, after extensive expert- The annual meeting of the Oregon Europe has proven this. Dairy Association will be held the ilrat meats announces that Oregon white »“ >d* » i Throughout the world America is today regarded as the only week in February at the Oregon Ag- " r „prot,er1/ tr; a'ed ricultural College. * ° ,,n * ood • nd *‘e predlc«‘ “ "»» , nation that sincerely preaches and practices the doctrine of .v # - au - 1 i < P,aco the special woods heretofore The date for the fourth annual Irrl- gupp„ed by Qerm peace. Her leadership and counsel will aid in the termination of gallon congress of Oregon la January Porl|and hgg „ Europe s war. Her example will fire the legislators and peoples 7-9. The session. will be held at the gh,p repgleJng undertaken on the Pac,nc CoagL R rg t<> t of other nations to protest against the repetition of struggles so Imperial Hotel In Portland. MarUn Bror Milling Company, o Orace „n<,r gw i,a c> j barbaric, so ghaslly and so futile. Klamath Falls is utt Ulng¡ the parce1 , by flre October ]g whn# One nation must lead in the enlightenment that shall banish post for the shipment of five ton. of up the Coluinbia rlv„ to Pordand , | Mars tc a fitting servitude in the hottest clime of Hell. One seed oat. to California customers. , t0 b(J made The taxable property in the city of , Tbe Conaolldatcd Contrgct c nation must confess her greatness and sincerity of purpose; not Albany is valued at 83,364.710. accord- wh;ch „ CODatructIllg Co|o£ b|' by sounding diplomatic pledges and instruments as worthless as lng to figures completed by County Highway In Columbia county, was ! the truce of Belgium, but by an evident intention io refrain from Assessor Earl Fisher for thé 1914 roll. temporarily enjoined by United States election returns from ev­ Judge Bean from blasting, building creating a military machine that will be a constant affront and ery Complete county except Malheur Indicate any more walls, or dumping material menace to other nations. that the measure to abottsn c a p ita l on the right of way of the Spokane, That nation is, logically enough, America—which jingo punishment in this state has carried. Portland ii Seattle railroad, the com­ The Monroe waterworks and the plainant. Wotherspoon would urge along the slippery path of militarism. home of the water master nearby were j I the man who invented the best Electric Globe on earth. Remember, we are agents for these lights, and they can be bought from us at the new re­ vised list price. M AZ AD A 40 w, 60 w, lOOw, 250w 30c 40c 75c $1.80 & TAMALE and CHILI Season , —la now on. Hot Coffee always on tap. . . You can get something good to eat at any old time. W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s your A T T U R N E R ’S G o ld H ill A u to L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s F e e d S ta b le s in C o n n e c t io n MTO’E HAVE added to our general livery business ▼ ▼ two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—-to meet increased dejnand for service. Com­ mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that wo know the roads, the country, and how to please. W. A. T. Bushong, treasurer of the destroyed by fire. The fire threaten- ] R. A< Booth campalgn coraraUfeei h„ jS IS with serene satisfaction that The News calls attention to ed the business section of the town. spent , 257B 30 thu reccnt gUt# 1 an error announced in this column last week. Despite the Under contract with the French I paiCT accordln({ to a gtatement f,|fld government to furnish 5000 cavalry , with Secretary of 8tate o ,C(jtt Thg T h e « S h o r te s t %Vay somewhat hasty grief manifested at the supposed defeat of the horses, Robert Jones of Weiser. Ida- Linn county C0lnm1ttee a,go ,nteregt. anti capital punishment measure, it now develops that the savage bo. opened buying headquarters at ed ln the election of Booth, spent T h e L ea st C o st ..I K , . 1 i t '18-63- c - J- Smith, democratic can- snd senseless death penalty was abolished by a small majority. Ba«vef i With some of the best cattle and dIdate ior goV(.rnor) apent , 462 gc. Oregon has again vindicated the faith of all friends of progress hogs In the state among the entries. cort, lng t0 hlg sta tement T h e B eet G u id e s and with 83 babies ln the eugenics Mre. Belie Barker, Indicted for child­ contest, the Hermiston Dairy and Hog stealing, was discharged from custody Infantry following them, this enabling show is In progress. BRIEF WAR NEWS One trial and our Livery Service makesjfriends—try it! In the circuit court at Dallas when the Germans to win the victory. Preliminary plans for the reorgani­ District Attorney Sibley moved for an After four weeks of most desperate While the eyes of the world have zation of the Oregon branch of the order dismissing the Indictment. Mrs. fighting all the attempts of the Ger­ been on the battle near the North 8ea American Poultry association were mans to reach Calais have been frus­ coagt, there has been some fierce made at the meeting of the Oregon Barker immediately filed an action G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N trated by the forest or bayonets pre­ fighting farther inland, and the Aisne poultrymen at the commercial clnb in tbe circuit court against J. M. Qrant the sheriff of Polk county, and J. Teu- rented by the allied French, Belgian valley, the Argonne forest and vicinity in Eugene. scher, Jr. representing the Boys’ and and British troops. of Verdun have again been scenes of The completion af the assessment Girls’ Aid Society, for 85006 damages. The opposing forces in these re­ some sanguinary affairs. roll for Baker county for the yi OVER e s V EARS' If high waters do not Interfere gions are about equal, which accounts The Russians, continuing their en shows that the total property valua­ for the fact that neither side has been veloplng movement around East Prus­ tion In the county Is now 818,067,1^5. and wash out the fish racks during able to overwhelm the other at any sia, have now entered Rypin, which is This Is slightly under the assessed the next two weeks the Clackamas hatchery probably will make a record of the three chief points of combat— west of Soldati, and on the road to valuation for 1913. Dlxmude, Ypres and Armentleres. The Thorn; so that they have now almost October was the largest month for run of salmon eggs this season, nn French official report declares that surrounded Emperor William’s North­ auditing warrants in the history of paralleled during the last seven years. the Germans havs been repulsed ev­ western province. T r a o i M arks the secretary of state's department Superintendent C. P. Hinkle stated erywhere. OcaiaNS The Germans after all seem to have A total of 3300 were issued, 863 of that between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 . ___ - - - CORVRiaHTS Ac. Some hamlets in the neighborhood deoided to make a stand behind the them going through the Industrial ac­ eggs will be secured and that the ■ n BRSirii nil'l GriSCT I o ur opinion free • salmon run up to tbe present time has of Dlxmude, which have been taken Werthe river, in Russian-Poland, for cident commission. “ ‘ -.MAHBBOOK on I'n to n U and retaken three or four times, now the Russians announce that there ••n t fn ». d«»t i in m i i ------ nn y fo ïa e o u rin s patonta. That corn as good as that produced been far above the average. iiK M u »»n throo«li t h r tm ili M Munn - C tj - t n -— unn  Co. ro o s lra That the supervisory powers of the in the hands of the allies, who are have been engagements with the Oer ln any of the states can be grown in WMtal »pretal notice nnllM, without wit hont oba charte, lu th « strongly situated on tP« canal, the man advance guards between that rlv Marion county and, in fact, the entire state bank superintendent are limited Toyland at Christ- crossing of which would be of great er and the Vistula. It may be, how­ Willamette Valley, was demonstrated to such trust companies as come under A h u d a o tn a lr tllnatrniail w naklr.»»at eh-, mastide in Gold H ill importance to the Germans. a n f aatunttsn Jniirnnl. Tan n a. M u ever, that the mass of the German when the first corn show ever held ln the terms of the banking act of 1907, cnlatinn o f mnntba, »L S o lt lb fu lii------ I netaadaùlura, ' is always located at or the bill regulating trust companies Accounts of the Germans’ entry into army, having retired to the borders of Salem was opened. Kork Dlxmude, received through the Ger­ Silesia, these engagements were ln the BON TON. We Senators Chamberlain and Lane ex­ passed ln 1913, and that the compa­ >ihce, in F S t . Washington, D. G. man lines, say the fighting there was tended only to delay the Russian ad pressed themselves favorably on u pro­ nies organized previously have a val­ have all kinds o f rance. the most terrible yet experienced. posal that congress enact a law pro­ id contract with the state, and their ’em, fo r all kinds o f rights cannot be Invaded, was the de­ The German corps commander or­ Farther south the Russians continue viding for the allotment of 70,000 For Sale: 77 acres on County Road dered his troops to take the town, to push on to the Austrian fortress of aores of tribal land belonging to the cision of the supreme court In a case within 24 miles of Gold Hill, about 50 little ones—now on brought by the Pacific Title tt Trust under cultivation, good land, fine spring warning them not to return alivfc if Cracow which Is defended by Austrian Umatilla Indians. display. they failed. Early onslaughts resulted troops under German officers. Wholesale forgeries are alleged to and Oregon Realty 4k Triist companies. which could be piped to house and barn, ln the slaughter of 80 per cent of the have been found In the petitions filed The decision practically makes the law some fruit trees, an ideal dairy ranch, attacking forces, who were unable to Patronize home industry—smok Mt. to bring about the recent Portland Inoperative. for quick sale for only |60 per acre. For advance across the flooded fields. Pitt and Gov, Johnson cigars. p irtieularn call or address, recall election and District Attorney Their bodies formed a footway for the The fine«! line of Cliridlmm foya ever gvans has bronght the subject before Wego shows please people—10 cents —C. M. Redfield, shown in .4melica. At the Bon Tou. Gold HiU, Oregon. D a r lin g Q, H o d g e s P atents Toy \ Land Sdentine JUncrian. TheBoN-ToN