Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1914)
Flour! Flour! The two Popular Brandt o f Fine Flour Snow-Drift Olympic At prices that will please you —a aubatantial reduction in lots of 10 sacks or more Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store W INTER C O A T S Splendid Line o f Ladies* Fall and W in te r C oats now on display at» H. C. Raedel, Proprietor Phone 17 Local News Notes Toys for buy*, alsi (or girl*—at the Bon Ton. > H aiku ('luu* says: Watch the lion Ton (or toys. Her them tx-fore they're gone—toys nt the Hon Ton. The (burnt lino ol Christmas toys ever «howu in America. At the Hon Ton. Clarence Cook visited friends nt Hrant« Pa«« last Sunday. C. Dethridge was hi tirant* Pu«« on Patronise home lndu«try—«moke Mt. Pitt ami (iov. Johnixin cigar«. APPLES Edit HALF—«pits aud New town second», from itlvcrxide orchard, for «ale at 10c per box, delivered in town. I/iuve order« at the Hon Ton. Home bargain« hi «mall tract« of land suitable for gardi«i, chicken or dairy purpose«, ranging in size from two to fitly acre«, close in und conveniently lo cated for market and schools. If you are looking for «mall place for any purpoee call upon or address, —C. S. Redfield, Hold Hill, t tregoii. M erritt &, C o m p a n y G eneral M e r c h a n d is e busines« hnt week. Service« of the M ethodist church: Mrs. Flora C. Duffield Coast arsotnation Is completed. It is Patronize home Indnatry—mnoke Ml. Sunday achool 10:00 a. m., preach believed that by doing so better prices Pitt unit t iov. Johnson cigar«. ing 11 a. m.. Ju n io r League 2:30 D ied :—At her home in this city, on Eli teher Stout visited his parents at p. m.. Senior I-eague 0:30 p. m., Thursday, November 5tli, PM I, Mrs. than now prevail will be received. The following officers were elected I Jack«- uvill over Sunday preaching 7:30 p. in., midweek pray Flora E. Uulfield, wife of Samuel II. Dnf- for the Oregon association: Mm. Henry C. Riw-del was In tiranta er m eting. T hursday, 7:30 p. ni. C. field, at the ago of sixty-two years. L. H. McMahan, Salem, president; E. W harton, pastor. Puss last Saturday afternoon. Flora E. MeKnight was to m in the Fred N. Stump, Polk county, secre FOR SALE— Eighty acre iiiifiroved state of Wisconsin, April 22, 1852. remov tary; C. A. McLaughlin, of Independ C. H. Itedllehl, the ha ul real estate rus tler, win in Medford Tuesday dialing n farm within two mile« of (iold Hill, all ing In girlhood to Missouri. On October ence, vice president, and L. H. McMa good land, along the Pacific Highway, 27, 1870, she was wedded to Samuel II han, Fred N. Stump. C. A. McLaugh big deal. J. Dunulngton und Bert Flentng, of J house and barn and some fruit. 9100 per Duffield at Quitman, Missouri. Thru- lin, W. R. Kirkwood, of Yamhill Jurkaon ville were tiol.l lllll viaitora acre. Term« f cash, very easy term« sous were born to the union; Harvey, county; Marion Palmer, Marion coun Now is the time to look them over and long time for the balance at ft percent, who died in childhood; Charles K., of ty; J. L. Clark. Lane county; C. A. Monday. and pick out the one you want while ltatlas, O r-rm ; and la-idle, of Sacra Code. Polk county; R. A. Newport, C. T, Davidson, of the Applegate, «|x*nt consider this choice. —C. S. Redfield, mento, ( alii ,.nla. several day« lint week with local (rienda Linn county; directors. we have a full stock. Our prices (iold.HUI, Oregon. and relative«. In 1877 the family came to Jackson are right; meaning that we have It. 11. Moore and II C. Bellamy at- Cecil Roberta, the twelve year old son county, where for a number of years Mr. I Schools to Get Birds. better prices on heaters than any teminl to huriltem mutter« at Jackson of T. B. Roberts, sustained n fracture of Dulfield was one of-the most succ-ssfui Eugene.—A collection of 300 speci ville on Monday. the large tone of the left arm at lfie miners in the Foote Creek placer district. retail store in the county. Compare mens of Oregon's common birds and Mi« ltiith Turner, of the achool faculty, wrist in s fall while at play on the M-bool During recent years they made their home them and be shown. We have 22 mammals was shipped to Portland by wan in Anhland on Suturduy and Sunday ground* Thursday noon. O r. Kelsey at tto ir pretty Hold Hill cottage. the University of Oregon for use in styles of heaters — the best assort a* the guest ol relative«. set the injured member und promises a Six years ago Mrs. Outfield's health connection with the nature courses In liecame impaired and she passed gradu ment in the country. Isaac Coy returned last Sunday from recovery. the Portland schools. Jacksonville, where he was upon jury For Hale: 77 acre« on County Itoud ally into tto invalidism that confined her The pupils in the grammar grades duty nt the recent term ol court. within 2 | mile« of Gold Hill, uliout 50 to her room for the last two years. will be given the opportunity to study Death, came qnietly in the early morn Mr«. C. H. Price departed on Saturday t ^ ’P'r cultivation, good land, fine spring the more common of the small birds ing last Thursday—from heart failure at ' (or El Pano, Calif., where «lie will -|»nd wbb'b could be pljssl to house und burn, and animals that are found in the a several week •’ vacation with friend«. "omc fruit trees, an ideal dairy ranch, tributed to her weaken» I state. fields throughout the state. With these A simple funeral tribute and prayer W. A. Marvin returned from a business *°r qUi,' k "H,c ,or o,,Iy * * ’ l“ r *cre' F°«- specimens will go descriptive articles was offered at the rat'd* nee by Rev. C. E. for the benefit of the teachers, de* trip to Portland on Sunday last. He lus particular« call or address, Wharton Saturday afternoon, m a n y —C. s. Redfield, scribing the haunts and habits of the accepted apo«ilion with the Hraden mine. friends attending. Interment was made Hold Hill, Oregon. various species. Mr«. Eermlii Zanu, who new conduct« at Rock Point cemetery. Unknown pilferers entered the Bon Ton a popular restaurant at Ashland, was in Mr. Duffield wislies to sincerely thank : one night last week after cl, sting hours and ‘G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r i c e s ’ the city Wednesday Visiting with Aiends. San Francisco.—A week of excep the lusny whose friendship comforted ab-traeted $20 worth of high grade pi|s-s. • tionally warm, clear weather was fol M r. ami Mr«. T. J. O 'H ara motored throughout the long illness, and aided In Emm a lottery board the thieves also lowed here Sunday by an almost Im down from Central Point Sunday and took a cliunoe—winning a gold mounted the final hour of trial. perceptible earthquake. Open doors visited at the home of their daughter, safely razor" Proprietor Johnny Retsl in downtown buildings swung slightly. M M. I) Bow, is. says Ito Pinkis-tons have lieen Instructed Mrs. Mary Smith The disturbance was felt by the Perry H iilb u rt left on W ednesday for Io look for a man whose fare Isiars evi trans-bay region, including Oakland. Ills falln r’s hom e at Auburn, Calif, where dence of an ill advised att mpt to use the Died:—At her home in this city, on Alameda and Berkeley, and at San l o u can raise some crops every year and all crops some years without he - s-k - recovery from a severe a tta ck of latter. Il is thought that hobos made Saturday, Novemla-r 7ih, M rs. Mary Jose, 60 miles down the peninsula. irrigation.^ But if yup want to raise all cropsevery year you should irrigate. inflam m atory rheum atism . the haul. Smith, aged eiglity-one years, wife of According to Professor Charles 1 lie value of apy crop any year can be increased 50 to 500 tier cent by ir Judge («. W. Wonacott, ol Portland, C. W. Martin has installed a handsome Enoch M. Hmitli. Funeral service« were Burckhaller, in charge of the Chapot rigation. accom panied by Andrew Jennings, of stris't. light at the News corner foi tlie conducted at tla- Rock Point cemetery i.n Observatory of the University of Cali If you have water supply from well, creek or stream, we can supply you Rockies, a’rived in Hold Hill Tuesday CaliforniaOregon Power company. A Mnn-lay afternoon, a large concourse of fornia, at Berkeley, the disturbance with electric power for pumping. On receipt of information card we will to I for a -e\ days lui-iu, ci it. hollow steel stand, surmounted by three friends from Hold Hill and the neighbor- . was 'local in character and was what | pleased to make you estimate of cost. Mrs. Bessie Henderson, of Patrick's globes containing-» watt Tungsten lamps hood attending. ia known as a “number four” earth Number of acres desired to iirigate........................................... C ro c k , Calif,, arrived on Wednesday is an improvement like unto day aft, r Mrs. Hmitli had been ill for some time, - quake, which Is a minor one. Total lift in feet from water level of well or stream to highest point of land morning mill will visit at tile home of tier darkness. The light is u sample of the and her death bad lieen expected at any uncle, H.'orgi' Holcomb, and family. 1 to irrigate......................................... sy-tem winch the C.-O. company wdl in time within the past several weeks. A Las Angeles.—A slow, trembling Placer Mine Wanted—Two experienced stall throughout the city if tbeir bid is kindly nelghtor and friend, she will be j earthquake shock rattled houses aud Number of feet of pipe required................................................................. miners wish to work go,«l placer proper favorably considered. The Rogue River sincerely moprned l>.y those w h o knew windows here at about 3:40 P. M. Sun Number of feet of ditch or flume required.......................................................... ty on percentage. Address, Public Service eorpora'tion lias also filed her ls-st. day. It caused several persons to tel M ater supply ( well or stream ) and name of stream ......................................... Much rympatliy is fre ly extended to j ephone the police that their safes bad M. Wclnburg, Hold Hill, Oregon. ' a bid for the city lighting. Both will lie S igned.............................. . e. her aged husband, “ Gardener” Smith, II. D. Reed, Dan E. Servey, Sprague given final consideration in t h e near been blown. who keenly feels the loss of his life long Postotficejaddress....................................... Rcigcl and Jack Morrill, comprised a future. Location- Section.................... Tow nsliip.................. Range................................. theatre party who saw the production of (liarley Kell ha« joined the Ford frat- lielpiiiis-t. Two sons reside niton Sardine Washington. — Administration offi “ A 1‘alr of Hixes" at Medford Monday ernity. Recently was Hold Hill visited Crw-k, J. U. Hmitli and W. J. Hmitli, cials admitted that the Mexican situa evening. : by u «piaek optician who canvassed the ixitii well known ranchers of the locality. tion had again assumed a delicate as Both husband and sons desire to ex Mrs. M R. Riec, Mrs. L. W. Smith, ‘"""’My in an automobile. At this point pect, Mrs. E. Tucker and Mis« Dorothy Smith, *•“' machine develo|«sl an unwillingness press their sincere thanks for the kind General Carranza has partially ful offices and ministrations of friends during accompanied liy Roy Tucker, attended a l,r"*'<'t‘d furtlier. It had every ailment, filled the Washington government's PhoneJ}168 216 West Main Street tlie bereavement. . pleasant dancing party at Riverside Sat- *no* ,, f° science and some new ones. request for guarantees before with For a price that made Charley smile the urday evening. drawing the American troops from Mrs. E M. McIntyre, Mrs. C. E. owner offered It for sale. Two days in OREGON n O rM L N ORGANIZE Vera Cruz, but his decree does not satisfy the main point asked for by Wharton, Mrs. R. C. Kelsey and George the Kell hospital for incurable cases were Iverson, were delegates to the county all that was needed to make It bump Salem Man It Named Head of State the United States, that Mexicans who served the American government dur Sunday school convention held at Central along as speedily as the latest model. If Body, Formed for Mutual Benefit. T h e day returns and brings us the petty round o your car wont crank, if the carburetor ing the occupation of the pert be not Point Thursday. Salem.—Having at Its purpose the wont carb—take it to Charley. ■ irritating concerns and duties’, elp us to punished subsequently for such serv Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nye, formerly of safeguarding of the interest« of its The new «ub-station of the California ice. play the man, help us to perform them with laugh Riverside, accompanied by MissHregory, member« the Oregon Hopgrowers' as At « o'clock Tuesday night General were the guests of friends at their old ! J,r‘* on company in this city will sociation was organized here at a meet te r and kind faces; let cheerfulness abound with in home last Saturday, returning to Med I to completed within ten days, according ing of about 126 growers. It is plan Eulalio Gutierrez, selected by the con dustry. Give us to go blithely on our business all I to C. V\. Martin, who is in ha-al charge vention at Aguas Callente«, was sworn ford tlie following day ! of the work. The Gold Hill station will ned for delegates from this and sim In as provisional president of Mexico. day, bringing us to our resting beds . weary and ilar associations organized in Wash George H. Calhoun, f o r m e r ly the Carranza hat been Informed by tele to the most modern in southern Oregon, content and undishonored; and grant us in the end Grant« Pass haberdasher, la now selling ington and California to meet here graph by a special committee sent by fire proof and fool proof, with outdoor suits of the Ed. V. Price Tailoring com the latter part of November and or the gift of sleep. Amen. the convention several days ago, and transformers. An automatic oil switch pany to his many friends everywhere. ganize the Pacific Coast Association, ¡ hostilities ngalnst him as a rebel will i will promptly cut out the current «hould ‘ •Robert Louis Stevenson Ho , was „ in „ Gold Hill , , Tuesday. . ! troub>'» ‘» W « any point on the detwn- with which the state associations will begin at once if he does not recognize become affiliated members. J. H. Beeman is absent from the city dent line. An absolute and uniform eon- I the authority of Gutierrez. According to a resolution which was thin week Haperintending a large run o f , trol of curreut in arnured. For the pres- General Villa has said that he will adopted, the association contemplates fine ore at his mill on the Lucky Bart, ent the station will carry a load of ,'tOO h back up Gutierres in such a proclama up Sardine Creek. The ore was hauled p., but by trifling alterations this may to making an arrangement which will put tion. from tlie Alice, another Beeman proper- increased to practically unlimited capac- an end to the contracting of hops and give to the grower the best prices. ty, on Kane« Creek. ity, Death Penalty Wins in Oregon. It will arrange to advance sufficient Wm. L. Htuewe, superintendent of the --------------- -------- — Portland.—Returns on the amend money to growess who have not the Braden mine for the past year, has r e - ! . „ ment to prohibit the execution of the .igned his position with the Ray com- Lawreu,ce Y; fherm an, republican. necessary capital for cultivating and death penalty In Oregon Indicate de ---- i i * ».i i . wtu» ------- v w i — u v u m from i i u i i i nilnofs iiiiiio iM to io the me harvesting of crops. Another resolu- | puny, departing laat Sunday evening .. . . . . tlon which was adopted urges all feat of the measure. The majority as ....... ............. »" > » C. Sullivan, hla democratic opponent, growers to hold their hops of the pree- j it now stands against the bill Is 1067. who regret bi« departure. by 17,030 voteg. ent year until the organization of the Are you goin g t o need a Heater th is F a ll. . . . 99 D. M. M ID LER ’S Irrigation is Crop Insurance CALIFORN1A-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. THE GOLD HILL BANK