Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1914)
She G o ld H ill N e w s ?UB1.ISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD Hll.l.. JACKSON COUNTS = OREGON, BY B e n H. L a m p m a n ured & Overdrafts c Unsecured) B. M. I . Alt «.f Us 1 want to go down to (he border e - -----. ------r —,, _______ town at twilight tin»-, at v, -pm title Entered at tin- Gold HiU ,M\«toili«v for lri<nsuii«ti«>ii through the mail» i • foil tlie pert crick- (a li,. them «lows and second-class matter cl«*' in the elover hid»—and o f f in the hush of the evening hltish the don la to ocean ride. Eor tin heart is a hhin SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1914 lerful, wonderful thing—a lute with a »ingle stricken string tuned to the even SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ing skint; it will not play in die crowded way, or the garish light of g iden d a y - hut over the hill» and faraway it Jilt» «< AN EYE EOR AN EYE evening die» I want to go down to the border of O Y THE narrow negative margin at last week’s election it ap- town at vesper time, at twilight tide; for pears that Oregon has again subscribed to the irrational none may name me knave or dow n when sunret stretches wi.h—ami the and savage death penalty. Born in the dawn of history and heaven’» bitter looc is a finish«-«! book of unrv- perpetuated through the uncouth ages, this savage system once tnembered pride. Eor the heart is a had much to commend it. By it, and it alone, the stern masters blunderful. wonderful lute—hidden ami hampered and sadly mute, tuned to the of many an unruly tribe and people preserved society from the owning thrill; it will not leap where the red ruin of license and anarchy. “Off with his head!” and “To greetly reap, or spring as the «lusty sv- t .e stake!” were formerly mandates as frequent as “Get the eond» creep— at twilight time it wakes hook!” at a modern amateur matinee. The business of the day from sleep and sings the sunset hill. in royal court circles always included the signature of a few 1 want te go down to tin- burder of town at vesper tide, at twilight time, to I score death warrants. It is a singular fact that, in those tren watdi the western hills of brown flame chant times, when the slightest defalcation was punishable by to immortal rhyme where none may death, the assassins trade was of recognized standing. Death say, ‘’Who is this jay, this lemon, or this lime'” ’ Eor tlie heart is a hiitndcr- h .is never been a deterrent to the criminal—voluntary or invol t’ul. wonderful ihhie— a lute with a single untary. The chances are coolly weighed, or forgotten in the stricken string that trembles in us all; white heat of passion. When civilization spread enlightenment then be he great or friend to Eate, or be T h e M an W h o T u r n e d N ig h t In to D ay WHO WAS IT? Thos. A . Edison t* the man who invented the best Electric Globe on earth. Remember, we are agents for these lights, and they can be bought from us at the new re vised list price. MAZADA 40c, 60c, $1, $2.50 crime d e c r e e d - « no fear of the n . or axe ever caused it !T to abate. Today it js at a minimum—human frailty considered. Society is efficiently protected. Crime flourishes but wanly and !»t MOOt NOTES is nipped in the bud. The rack and the stake have Yanis'"'d w .h the legal code which bore the motto, “Savagery.” Of the Wednes«!ay following Election day, the dolorous days naught remains save the barbarian death penalty -ssembly room of the High School was turned into Election Polls. The board of —which serves no other purpose than to release the mind from [election «-«insisted of the following clerks its torment cf conscience and the body from its life-long servi and judges—Elsie Miller, Agues Dietrich, tude to the state. It is a hopeful indication, indeed, that Ore Pearl Collins, William Foley, Donald Report of State Expert on Avery, and Clinton Walker. Those who gon almost consented to abolish it. N^xt time it will join the counted the votes were—Horton Beeman. Gold Hill Mining District scrap heap of the Middle Ages. Vera Davidson, Lloyd Miller. 15 arl New Lance & C o y. TAMALE and CHILI Season els, ami Ray Van Slyke. Tin- returns re (Continued from first page) vealed the High School to be a Democra Iiornblend and vein quartz alired, taken caped uninjured. tic stronghold. Is now on. Hot Coffee always on from the Chisholm workings, occupy a The yearly payroll of the gypsum U — ». ... ---- UK The Athletic Association of tlie High page ot tlie report. tap. . , You can get something mine in operation in Baker county is School has been temporarily organizes) Placer Deposits. »250,53$. i cording to Labor Commis good to eat at any old time. with Ernest Lyman, President, and Ben The history of Gold Hill district placer sioner Hoff. The place gives employ Haytnond, Secretary. Clinton Walker mines since tlie early 50'» i. thoroughly , A V o u Id b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u y o u r ment to 42, operated 312 days of nine was elected manager if th basefiall | covered, particular mention being made T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s hours each and produced 10,920 tons. team. A constitution has been draftesl of th? Galls ereek gravels, ami of tb e , Labor Commissioner Hoff, who is — wa— — iw i m i j , » . • ■) g s s and is up for approval. Tlie boys are I since mine on Foots creek. Both of gathering data for bis biennial report, als«» considering the question of equip these sub-districts are characterized as [ announces that the eight plants man ping a gymnasium. having produced a steady yield of gold S ufacturing woolen goods in the state Lizzie, John and Cecil Smith were ab sim-e discovery. The Black Channel ami [ were valued at »1,045,000 and that I they produce »1,875,000 worth of goods sent from school the forepart of (In- week, the Bolling placers of F« h > is creek an- I on aceonnt of tlie deatli of the ir grand als«» prominently mentioned. Kanes [ annually. An appropriation for the establlsh- mother, Mrs. Mary Smith. The pupils creek, Sams creek and Sardine creek are i ment of an experimental fertilizer of the school extend heartfelt sympathy also cited as the sites of workable placer deposits. The Bogue river deposits are i plant will in all probability be asked to these in the loss ol their relative. Pauline Olsen was absent from school said lor tlie most part to be situate where i from the legislature, according to ! the valley is too narrow to (»»rmit of ile- - those Interested in the development the forepart of the week. of the Five Mile power project near Laura Fink is absent from school on i velopment. Iu the opinion of local tuin- [ ing men this statement is too general, as j The Dalles. account of sickness. many available locations are known. Following a quarrel on the county Frank Carter was absent from school Quarts Mines. F a st D r iv in g T e a m s F e e d S ta b le s road near Champoeg. John Schultz Tuesday. Tlie very interesting report concludes , hacked George Brown so severely with in C o n n e c t i o n with a lengthy discussion of tlie gold : a hatchet that Brown is more dead than alive. Schultz is in the Marion There were several uccidents to em bearing quartz mines of tlie Gold Hill VJETE HAVE added to our general livery business County jail. Brown has small chance ployes of the lumber concerns, and district. Owing to a lack of spare in tlie to recover. two completely equipped 5-pussenger touring 13 were hurt while at work in paper present issue this feature of tbe report on tbe mineral resources of tin- locality will Seven candidates are in the field mills. cal’s — to meet increased demand for service. Com for the speakership of the House of A report on the quality of the sur be deferred until tin- next publication. mercial travelers, o u ter’, hunters, anglers, tourists P h o to b y A m e r ic a n P re s s A s s o c la tia a . Representatives in the next legisla face waters of Oregon has been Issued bound for marvelous Crater Lake will find that we General Von Kluck, commander of ture. They are Ben Selling, E. V. Lit by the United States geological sur the right wing of the German army tlefield, S. B. Huston and Conrad P. vey. It contains much Information Financial Report of School know the roads, the country, aud how to please. which invaded France through Bel Olson, of Portland; Allen T. Eaton, of that will be valuable not only to muni District for Preceeding Mos. gium, Eugene; Vernon A. Forbes, of Bend, cipalities and to manufacturers al and William I. Vawter, of Medford. ready in Oregon, but to those who may Tlie following is the Financial Report T h e S h o rtest W ay As no appropriation for the Sluslaw contemplate locating industrial estab of Dist. 57 beginning July 1st, lltl-J. ■ jetty was made by Congress in the lishments within the state and also T b e L ea st C o st BRIEF NEvVS OF OREGON July rivers and harbors bill, the question of to irrigation engineers, water soften selling the recent issue of »100,000 ing concerns, filler manufacturers, Insurance on turniture. 80.00 T b e B est G u id e s Every county officer of Linn county bonds and placing the same In the and others to whom the chemical com Last half on water rent.. 25.00 who was a candidate in the election hands of the United States engineers position of water supplies is a matter Encyclopedia for library 87.37 to continue work is under considera of importance. was re-elected. One trial and our Livery Service makesjfriends—try it! January 7-9 are the dates set for the tion. •* ir.’. 37 The opening of the Tumalo Irriga annual Oregon Irrigation Congress by August tion project, first in the United States th? executive committee. PRINCE GEORGE C. O. Power Co., lights, 1012-13. 1H.OO More than 3000 books have been ' to be state financed, has been official Lighting fixture, primary room 6.00 added to the public school libraries ly announced. Seventeen thousand G O L D H IU U . O R E G O N , five hundred acres are thrown open A. 8. Crawford, caring for lawn cf Linn county this week. in June and July......... ............. 20.00 The stcond annual meeting of the to entry under the terms of Carey act, W. H. Gardner, janitor services.. 55.00 Oregon County Assessors’ association at »40 an acre. The terms are one tenth cash and the balance in lo Burt A. Adams, salary............... 145.00 Teachers’ salary........................... 585.00 opened Tuesday In Portland. years. M. E. Patrick, to a p p ly on Janitor serving .......................... 55.00 Newberg celebrated the state-wide clerk’s salary.............................. 5,00 M. E. Patrick, to apply on salary Credit tor placing Multnomah coun 10.00 prohibition victory with a torchlight ty In the “dry" column belongs to 23 Interest on warrants..................... 22.50 procession and general Jollification. precincts outside the city. The West » 240.00 Interest on bonds for (1 months... 405.00 The programme for the Linn and Benton counties joint annual teachers’ side went "wet” by a margin which the September Total expenditure for 4 m o .___»2440.61 institute, to be held at Corvallis No East Side could not quite overcome, J. W. Hicks, repairing fountain.. 4.00 vember 23, 24 and 25, has been Issued. | but 23 precincts In the county rolled J. N. Fountain, reflnishing seats . 32.50 M. E. P atrick , Oregon now has 35 countiea The up enough “dry” votes to make the 35 gallons polishing oil............ 43.75 difference and place Multnomah la Clerk latest is Jefferson county, which was 30 cords wood................................ 157.60 the "dry” column by 38$. carved out of Crook county by the Phone and postage...................... 1.45 Although twice as many measures voters bf that county in the elec OVER SB Y E A R S ’ W. H. Gardner, janitor services.. 55.00 pamphlets were Issued at this elec tion. Toyland at Christ- tion as at the previous one, the cost Moi-day a special election was held was approximately 811 less per page 204.20 mastide in Gold Hill In Oregon City to vote on the pro Teachers’ salary for September.. 586.00 posed amendment to the city charter, and Secretary of State Olcott has or is always located at dered refund of »700 of the money changing the financial system of the October the BON TON. We collected for the cost of publication. city. D. Stienhoff, for lettering di The cost per page at the previous T r a d ì M arrs have all kinds of Practically the entire student body D ebiun « election was »45, and the cost for the plomas ....................................... 3.00 of the Oregon Agricultural college recent election »34.13. ’em, for all kinds of C opyrights A c . Industrial Fair___ __________ _ 25.(X) î nJ i°ne and flescrlntlon may turned out in a street demonstration ■ '« ?'.,r w hether •>> little ones—now on Physical supplies.......................... 44.00 Sixty-three accidents, one of them .s n t ln n ls probablr pstsntable. Communies. in honor of Dr. James Withycombe, re fatal, were reported during the week Webster's Dictionary.................. 18.00 display. oirieat aaenry for aaouring patenta, publican governor-elect, at Corvallis. Pate ots taken Ih ro u ah M unn à ( { . reoelea One dozen chairs........................... 15,00 aprrfal notte«, w ith o u t oliarn e, In tbe to Labor Commissioner Hoff. The Unable to see to one tide because fatal accident occurred near Glover, Repairing roof on High School of side curtalnti, John Steckley, a Linn where J. W. Hooper was killed by a b u ild in g ................................. 40.00 A handeomaly lltnatrnted weakly. I.araaet d r - county farmer, ran his automobile inlo train. Railroad accidents were tbs One pennant, industrial Fair . 3.50 rulation o f any e c le t if Id o t o m n u i. T o r m a S3 a K Y . !s is ., r i ,<i!it '“ , * L 8 'j l i , b yall n s w .d e .lor. a moving gafranger train on the Le most numerous, 19 persons being ln- Prince George, ton of the King of M Branch UNN OŒos. S CO 364Bro.dwa, banon branch ot the 3. I’., but es jured in the employment of tbe lines. Î 118.50 «06 F H L W ashington' I» e. 8ervla. A T T U R N E R ’S G o ld H iili A u t o L iv e r y D a r l i n g Q. H o d g e s Toy Land P atents Scientific American. TheBoN-ToN ]