a u t o m o b il e GAS ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL Blacksmith J LAST THREE PRESIDENTS OPPOSED TO PROHIBITION OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring GENERAL RENNENKAMPF the State During the Past Lunches Served at ull times Week. T he new world cham pions are: Broncho buater, "R ed” P a rk e r; Cow­ girl broncho buster. B ertha B lancett; bull dogger, Fred Spain; ste e r roper. Tomm y G rim es; cowboy relay rider, F. A. A rm strong; cowgirl relay rider. R uth P arto n ; pony express rtder, Fred Spain. C. F. C A R T E R Road Agreement It Filed. B la c k s m ith Professional Cards RRESIOEHT WILSON SAYS : \Y. r. Cl SUOLSI. SL II. ‘I am in favor of Local Option. I am a thorough believer in LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT and believe that every self- governing community which constitutes a social unit should have the right to CONTROL the matter of the regulation or the withholding of licenses.” GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG B u n t e ’i C h o c o l a t e » - T o b a c c o » , E tc . W S ftW " — ggreewg-rm-- ■ Round-up a Great Success Pendleton.— The 1914 Roundup It a staged. M in ers, I can sh arp ­ en, re p a ir or m ake toots, and guarantee m y w o rk to stand the ra ck e t; t r y me and be shown W ith other hot weather fortifiers Sodas in all flavors Throughout thing o t th e past. w hich It ra n safely be said la reg retted by all. It haa been a w onderful ahow moat w onderfully ust a word! IC E C R E A M T H A T ISl Hood River.—T he co n tract betw een th e O-W. R. A N. com pany and Hood R iver county for th e use o t portions of th e railro ad rig h t of way for the construction of th e C olum bia H igh­ General R ennenkam f, C om m ander of way w as filed h ere w ith C ounty Court the Russian arm y operating on the Clerk H anson. German frontier. T he county ag rees to finish the highway In th ree years o r relinquish BRIEF WAR NEWS all claim to use of the railroad rig h t of way. V. A T T U R N E R ’S G o l d H illC 1 A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s (O. F e e d S t a b l e s in C o n n e c t io n AVE added to our general livery business two completely equipped 5-paasenger touring cars to meet increased demand fo r service. Com­ mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound fo r marvelous Crater laike —w ill find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. W E Although th e re was continuous fighting of the fiercest kind ulong the T h e S h o rtest W ay Embalmer and Funeral great b attle line In France during the last week th ere w as no decisive result. Director T h e L ea st C o st Both sides, according to official re ­ Complete line of burial rol'es, ports, m ade sem e progress, th a t of the -asketa. etc. T h e B est G u id e s G erm ans on the allies' right being per­ FU N E R A L CAR haps the g reatest. Office P hone: Home, 9—M ; Residence The en tire G erm an arm y opened an Phone, H o m e‘J—K ; Pacific 4tFMain attack, apparently preconcerted, along One tria l ami our Livery Service makes]frienJs— try it! the whole length of the front from the DR. ARTEM AS W. DEAN E Oise to the .Meuse, Saturday, but ev­ eryw here the effort to break down the DENTIST French offensive w as repulsed and j C O L D H IL L , O R E G O N G AS A D M IN IS T E R E D enorm ous losses w ere suffered by both Dredging is Discontinued. sides. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD M arshfleld.-T he governm ent dredge A ppreciable progress w as m ade by Oregon, w hich has been a t w ork here th e allies op eratin g against the be­ OVER 6 6 YEARS for som e tim e past, has stopped oper­ leaguered right win; under G eneral von E X P E R IE N C E ations and is to be rem oved to G rays Kluck, mid In the W oevre region fur BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON H arbor. T he governm ent appropria th er F rench gains were reported. On tion was exhausted and th e dredge has the heights of the Mei:, e, however, A m onster rally to fu rth er th e N or­ been w orking on money furnished by according to the official bulletin Is­ E x -P re s id e n t, S ta te sm a n . J u r i s t an d the po rt com m ission. T he governm ent sued by the w ar office, the situation m al school m ovem ent was held on the P ro fe s so r, In a n a d d re s s on C ivic D u ty , s a id : bar d redge Col. I*. S. Michie is Idle on for the F rench right w not nt all im im -iitutlon's grounds at A shland. T n so e M arks W h e r e th e B u n ch D e s ig n s M ayor Rice cf R oseburg will provide account of no operativ e funds, but will proved. ‘‘Nothing is more foolish, noth­ C o p y r ig h t s A c . get S h a v ed ing more utterly at variance rem ain here. A n ro n e ««»n.-Unx k »k»t< h »nd d e tc rh ttl n m ny Fighting, such r.s wi n never bi lore th a t city with a rockpile th is w inter q n ic k ly »»ce rtain o u r oirttu: it fre e « • 'h e r an w here prisoners can he put to work. with sound policy, than to en­ Invent '■•»! ia pi - seen in any war. m arked ti. Si mes ti» !is A tn c tljrc inUdetiiiM i. MMNUttOUfc u n t 'a i e t i u More than a million tro u t of the act a law which, on account STATE BANKS ARE LIBERAL which raged long the lines, • c a t free. o ld e s t ajrei«cv fo r »e, u r . . i/ p u ie n t* . P a tents taken th ro u g h M u n n Jt Lu . receive of conditions surrounding the a o r ta l r. f i t / , w lfh cuS ch a rg e, lu th e P articular!: violent were the en- E astern brook, rainbow and black community, is incapable of en­ S u p erin ten d en t's Figures Show Re- gagem ents t liat ensued w here tho Brit- spotted varieties w ere released In tbe serve Reductions General forcement. Such instances are Ish and the French, supporte I by the stre a m s of Polk county last week. HAIR Cl IT IM I \ SPRIT \I.TY A handsom ely ilP i«trs»ed w eekly. I nrc e a t etr- rn ia i >• n >■( a n y »■ ier»t iU • J n u n a l. 0 • t-nie. 93 a Salem .—R eports received from 162 ! T urcos and Moors, cam e Intc contact . . . presented by sump Dr. Virgil W. Kuowles, cholera ex­ I.A IM U C I SERVICE » • n r: fo u r n .» n 'h « , f L d o id by a il newsdealers. tuary laws by which the sale sta te banks and tru s t com panies out 1 with Generad von K luck's riu h t flank pert of the governm ent bureau, lias of intoxicating liquors is pro­ of 176 to S eptem ber 12 by S tate Su- betw een the1 Somm e and the (Use. i taken up the work nt th e Oregon Agrl- B rauch OfLce. 625 F C2-, WashtURU/n. D. G. Next to Gobi Hill ItcMtaurMiit hibited under penalties in lo­ p erin ten d en t of Banks S arg en t show T he fighting was from trt .ic.h to i cu ltu ral college for tbe purpose of calities where the public senti­ th at they a re act hoarding money. The trench, n ltern ato gains and lot es | ridding hogs of the disease. ment . . . will not sustain report show s th a t 85 sta te hanks have finding first tb e defenders, tl:-,n ’he T he official directory of the achooU the enforcement of the law.” d ecreased th e ir reserv e percentages n tta c k e rs in the lung line- of t re n d o a of Jackson county show s th a t the and 71 increased them since Ju n e 30. w here th e rival armh-a hud dug them county hns 101 schools and em ploys "Judging from the figures in my selves in. Many entrenched positions 233 teachers. T h ere are 6806 children R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n possession,'' said Mr. S argent, "it does w ere taken and I ( taken successfully of school age In th e county. not ap p ear th a t th e charges m ade by in furious hand-to-hand encounters in “ T h e C ity S h o p ” Five bodies of nine w ashed ashore For the Gamey Trout S ecretary McAdoo ag ain st national which the bayonet w as used with a t Newport and G ardiner from the banks in certain d istric ts apply to tbe deadly effect. o f the finest Fishing ste a m e r F rancis H. L eggett have been Oregon sta te banks to any extent. Out ------ - , , ....... Between the Oise and Solssons the i !' i ll i f i e i l .Hill a r ra n g e m e n ts a r e being Stream on the Coast of 162 in stitu tio n s 93. in sp ite of the G erm an a tta c k w as delayed, but when made for th e ir final disposition In tb e circu it c o u rt of t i e s la te of unfavorable conditions prevailing, the lull cepsed the cannonading and The Modoc Point Irrigation project. O regon, for Jack so n county, have extended tiielr lines of cred its; sm all arm s fire w as doubly terrific. which will Irrigate about 6500 acres of Jo h n P ates, p la in tiff, vs, H anna M. 40 have been obliged to reduce th eir Following th eir splendidly courageous land In the K lam ath Indian reserve- B ates, d efen d an t. loans on account of a sh rin k ag e In de­ resistan ce for days of the determ ined tion, will he fully com pleted this fall, To H anna M. P ates, th e nhove posits. and only 29 have failed to In­ and valiant c h arg es of F rench and according to P roject E ngineer H. W. lialnP(1 ¿«fondant. crease th e ir loans with a correspond- B ritish infantry, supported by an in I,it‘ck8' In th e nam e of th e s ta te of Oregon, ing increase in deposits, a m ajority of cessan t rain of shells from the big A train load of ca ttle was ditched ,,,,, a re hcreby r„ q u | n .d , 0 B„ „ ellr a n J which have fully m et th e legitim ate guns stripped from the P aris defenses, on the S um pter Valley railw ay, n ear alll)W„ r , he com pIalnt „ le d a g a in s t dem ands of th e ir custom ers." the Invaders attem p ted a so rtie In ‘he 7 ’” ,re WP7 ” 5 c a ,th ’ you In th e Shove e n title d co u rt and „ . , , force a t a point north of Solssons hut In the w recked cars, and ail mlracu- „„„„„ . cause, on o r before six w eogs from C itizens Rout Safe C rackers. w ere repelled w ith heavy losses. lously escaped Injury except one wh ch , .. , , . . , , . th e d a te of th e first pub (cation being Albany.— Fired upon a fte r they had . ■ „ , . . „ . A situation rivaling in gravity th a t bad a leg broken. Ex-President, Soldier, Explorer . , . .. I on Hi® 2<1 day of O ctober. 1914, th e blown off th e o u ter door of a safe, on the French left w as reported along A verdict of m anslaughter w as re- I,. ,, , , and one of the most remark­ ....... „ ¡tim e prescribed In th e o rd e r of pub- turned by the Jury In the Sprague mur- able leaders in the United th ree men who attem p ted to rob the the Meuse, w here the G erm ans, who der trial at Baker. H enry S p r n g u * ,lc'‘t ° n re o ,\ . m erchandise sto re of Dennis & Me- have been d irectin g the attack on the States, is a strong champion of LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT K ercher a t C raw fordsville w ere forced F rench fo rts betw een Verdun and Toul was Indicted for m urder in th e first I Anrt >»“ a ™ »’“ ''eby n o tified th a t f» " to a p p ear and a n sw er said and Home Rule. He has never to flee w ithout obtaining any booty. In a determ ined offensive m ovem en' degree for killing D. V amngama, a 'f .c o m p la in t, for w ant th e re o f p la in tiff raised his voice in behalf of T he robbers had not yet pen etrated have succeeded in crossing to th e w est Japanese, living in Baker. A second suit to restrain the s ta te I * ,U ap ,,l) t0 1,10 c o u rt ,o r ‘,,e re ,,e f statewide prohibition, and so to the money d raw ers when a num ber bank of the Meuse n ear St. Mlhlel. of men w ere a ttra c te d to th e scene by | M ost of the enem y w ere d iiv en back raiirond com m ission from executing ' dem anded In th e coniplnlnt, to -w lt: he has suffered attacks from Orys Gain in Kentucky. th e explosion and opened fire with , to the left bank a fte r furious fighting Its o rd e r recently m ade to increase < F o r n d ecree of said c o u rt ab so ­ radical and hysterical prohibi­ rifles Louisville. Ky.—N ine of 12 K en­ and shotguns. th e ' from the heights, in which the artll the p assenger fares of the U nited R ail­ lutely nnd forever dissolving tionists. As between a man of tucky counties in which local option j lery and rapid fire guns played havoc w ays Com pany betw een L innton and . bonds of m atrim o n y ex istin g bcfw eon Theodore Roosevelt's ability elections w ere held voted “dry,” ac- Sheridan H as Cannery. I p la in tiff and d efen d an t, a n d th a t i with th e solid G erm an m asses, but Portland, w as filed a t Salem. and standing and those who eording to unofficial retu rn s. Coun­ Sheridan.—The first unit of S heri­ m any of th e invaders succeeded in T he governm ent surveying party, | p la in tiff ho decreed to he tho ow ner are the paid emissaries of pro­ tie s voting “d ry ” w ere Carroll, .Mont­ I f th e follow ing described real pro- fessional propagandists, the dan's packing and fruit eannfhg estab ­ gaining a foothold In the low hills. which Is conducting s sta te line exam- io gomery, Meson, Bell. Boone. Clark, lishm ent w as dedicated by th e S heri­ T here w as a lull In th e fighting in Inatlon between Oregon and Cnllfor- I | |ierty s itu a te d in Jack so n county, O re­ voters of Oregon will not be Shelby, Bourbon and Scott. The elec­ slow in passing upon the wis­ dan F ru itg ro w ers’ association, and 250 Galicia, while the R ussians perfected niii, have com pleted th eir work In the gon, to-w lt: tion leaves 14 of 120 counties in th e All of block No. 9, and lots No. 1, dom and credibility of the farm ers and th eir fam ilies gathered th e ir plan for the investing of Przem- Waldo country and gone south through •ta te “w et.” In the big w arehouse to rejoice over i syl, which now is cut off from all A shland to strik e e a st along the line 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, 9, 10. 1] and witnesses. the event. 12, In block No. 23 In D ekum 's Ad­ contrnurdc • ” - •’•h the n itrid e world, In pursuance of th e ir work. W orld’s Series to S ta rt O ctober 9. dition to th e city of Geld H ill, as de­ S ta te Highw ay C om m issioner Bowl- Chicago.—P lay in th e series for the by hns announced th at six m iles of a lin eated on official m ap on file In w orld’s baseball cham pionship will be­ link of the Pacific Highway, which Is th e re c o rd e r's office of said county. gin O ctober 9, it w as officially an ­ being constructed from the C alifornia T his siim tpona Is p u blished u n d er nounced by P resident B. B. Johnson, W ith new building*, better equip­ lino to Ashland, has been accepted by and by v irtu e of an o rd e r m ade by ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad­ of th e A m erican League, and m em bers ditions to its faculty, the University the state. T here a re seven more miles J ¡in. F. M. C alkins, Judge of th e nhove of th e N ational B aseball commission. of Oregon w ill begin its th irty-n in th under process of construction and e n titled co u rt, on the 26th day of year Tuesday, September 15. which will be com pleted In th e near S eptem ber 19 14, th e first publication Special training for Business, Jour­ Bishop Spalding Killed. nalism, Law Medicine, Teaching, Li- future. S alt L ake City.— Bishop F. 8. Spald Io com m ence on th e 3d day o f O cto­ W PhvZi ? T r k ' Architecture, tW cliV ’ ical T r a in in g 4M Fine Arts. T»vo hundred delegates from 73 o r­ ber, 1911, and th e last pub licatio n to fng, head of th e Episcopal C hurch in 1« , 'rgest and strongest departments ganizations com posing tho Oregon lie m ade on th e 14tli day of N ovem ­ U tah, w as in stan tly killed h ere when I f of liberal education. L ib ra ry o f m ore than ! l , » M volum e«, tw o F ederation of W om en's Clubs will ber, 1914, an autom obile In w hich he was riding • » 'r r d l d gym nasium *, eleven buildings fn lly equipped N ew tlM .e M A d m in is tra tio n J m eet In Eugene O ctober 12, 13, 14 and stru c k a cu rb and overturned. D ated Sept. 2«. 1914. i i i i l l d i t i g m course of ronatruc*)lon 15 to form ulate n num ber of bills F u liio n Free D o rm ito rie s for men and MULKEY &. C H ER RY . lo r w o m en Expenses low est R ussian Occupy Przem ysl. which the women of Oregon expect A tto rn ey s for P la in tiff, M edford, O re. W r it« fo r catalog and illustrated b o o k le t. I Addressing R egistrar L ondon.—T he Rus sians occupied to bring beforo tho sta te legislature UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Paid Advertisement th e g re a te r p a rt of th e city of Przem next year. T his will be the 14th a n ­ f u o i n i oncooia Taxpayers and Wage E arners’ League For Sale—Good driving pony, with ysl, C allcla, acco rd in g to a messagf nual convention of this organization. of Oregon. Portland, Ore. buggy praeliciilly new; will Is- sold at GOLD H IL L . OREGON Uniform Road D ragging Urged. La G rande.—G ranges of Union coun­ ty have sta rte d a m ovem ent to get uniform dragging of county roads by the K ing d rag system . T he county- court has purchased m any drags. The granges believe th at they can educate every farm er who has land abutting a highw ay to get Into the m ovem ent and d rag hia own piece of road a t the co rrect tim e, w ith th e resu .t that the bad road question will largely have been solved. D a r lin g H odges II WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT T he city shop ... Sciiittific American. MUNN & Co.3Mßroi‘i“’ New York Tackle We have it Flies Rods Leaders Lines Lures THEODORE ROOSEVELT The BoN-ToN With these three National Leaders agreed on the issue ot Prohibition, isn't it wis­ dom to toiiow their course? T WOr eater OregorC Register and Vote from Vienna. bargain. L'L&kWk 'ariani Inquire at News office.