OR SCHO O L CLOTHE RENFREW DEVONSHIRE r CLOTH W INTER C O A T S Splendid Line o f Ladies* Fall and W inber CoaLs now on display a t 3 2 IN C H OUTWEARS GALATEA S U N PROOF AND TUB PR O O F A t L A N C E <fi C O . ’ S For Kale: 77 si res on County Road within 24 miles ol Gold Hill, alsmt .50 under cultivation, gissl land, fine spring which could I»1 pl|wd to house and Iw rn Ktibscrll« (or the N< w». some fruit tree«, an Id*al dairy ranch, I’ntroiilze home 1 titleixtry—«moke Mt for quick sale for only |5n per acre. For I’ltt «ml Gov. Johiiaoti cigar». pnrtieulsrs call or sddn-s», If you don't like lid« paper don’t bor U. K. Redfield, row It. » 9 Gold Hill, Oregon (’barley Young motored down from Rev. ami Mr« E. ('. Richard«, former Medford Thursday, upon I iiih I iicm ». ly of the M. E psrsonage here, hut now Korn, to Mr. ami Mr». F. I). Khrump, of Klamath Falls, stopped oil on Weil on Friday October 2d, a daughter. neaday afternoon to vialt with friendi WAN I CI) Board and room In private upon returning from the Portland con (amity. Addrcaa "M." care ol Gold Hill ference. They were entertained at din ner that evening l>y Mr. and Mrs. 0 . II. Naw*. Mra. II. H. Lampnian, of Hillbilly Price, leaving for their home the follow NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ranch, vlalted with her aon, Ken H. ing day. Mr. Kiehsrda wus again named NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 0438 0431(3 Lam pnian, and family th e d ra t of the as the paator of the Klamath Falls con grcgntlon, at the conference. Department of the Interior’ U.8. I .and Department of the Interior, U. 8. week. Rev. A. O stlet, (or the |«»»t year M Isold tMice at R.w«*borg, Oregon, Kept. Office at Koseburg, Oregon, September 2, Mra. Hendrick» and children, of 1014. California, were gueata at the home E. iMtstor In Ibis city, accepted a call to 15, 11)14. Notice I« hereby given that Harry Jacksonville at the recent Portland con Notice 1« hereby given that Jennie E. of Mr. and Mr«. A. E. Kellogg on ference, slid will leave for the county M.dthy, of Trail, Oregon, who, on De- Lewis C o x , ol S a in s Valley, Oregon, who, Saturday. capital within a abort time. Reverend cctnber 4, 1907, made Homestead Entry on August 21, 1008, made Homestead WANTED— Good ahoata. weighing Wharton of Kogueriver has hecti named No. 14727, Kerial, No. 0439», for the W | Entry Merlai No.0438 for tho 84 of KWJ£, from 75 to 125 pond». Addreaa, as bis anccctMor. The friends of Rev. f SE 4, KW 1-4 of NE 1-4 and NE 1-4 NW'» of K E 'i and NEi$ of 8 W # of ..................................... . . . . . . . . - - — Meadowbrook O rchard Co., Kogue Ciwilet sod Ids estimable bonify w ill re of SW 1-4 of Section 12, Township 34 8., ’flection 18, Township 35 8, Range 2 W. Illver, Oregon. gret their departure, and wi-h them well Range 2 W., Willamatte Meridian, has Willamette Meridian, ha« Med notice ol L. It. Cardwell returned on Monday In tile n w Hi Id. Rev. Wharton w ill filed notice of intention to make Final intention to make Final Five-year Proof, from the I'endleton Hound-Up, which pn-oeli Ids Initial sermon Krimlsy even- Five-year 1‘risif, to establish claim to the to establish claim to the land above des he characterize« aa fully up to Ita ing. land above deacrihed, before W. II. Can cribed, before W. H. Canon, U.K. Com pre»» notice». Senator George Cham berlain Is on, U. K. Commissiniier, at his office, at missioner, at his office, at Medford, Ore District warden Ham L. Kandry «pent taklug action tow ard securing Fed Medford, Oregon, on the 24th day of gon, on the 12th day of October, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: tin- opening day ol the quail m-asou afield eral recom pense for th e Injuries re- October, l«14. James Fredi nburg, of Gold Hill, Or. Claimant names us witnesses; near Gold HUI, in comimny with deputy celved by Mike Womack, while re William Eddington, of Gold Hill, Or. John A. Houston, of Trail, Oregon. cently employed upon the C rater warden Kiley llammer»ly. Curtis Miller, of Sams Valley, Or., John O. Walker, ” ” •’ Lake road. W omack, who waa for John Hitrnehurg motored down from Josedi F. Cox, of Sains Valley, Or. William T. Houston, of Trail, Ore. Medford WedneiMlay and elfectod a Hoe merly of th is city, sustained serious —J. M. U ptom , Register. J. B. Welch, of Asbestos, Ore. Injuries by a prem ature dynam ite ex catch ol large «teelliead trout on the J. M. Upton, Register plosion. A bill will be introduced Kogue near thia city. Notice to Creditors E ngineer F. W. Dodge, of the by the Senator asking th a t a sum NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION Kogue Klver Public Service corpora not yet fixed be appropriated to 04297 tion, went to Grant» l*a«a Tueaday to Womack. Notice is hereby given, that Maude M. Department of the Interior, U.8. Land place an o rler for turb in e barneaa to i -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Badenfeldt Landis, the undersigned, has been ap- returned on Sunday from a fo rt Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 15, pointed administratrix of the estate of be utilised at the local plant. 1914. II D. Keed arriv,«! home on Wednes night's auto trip to C rater Lake and Notice is hereby given that Isabelle Geo.A. Landis, deceased, by the Comity day from a bualne»» trip to I’;»r la d, through K lam ath county. The far Green, formerly Isals-llc Maltby, ’(ij Court of Jackson County, Oregon, and coupled w ill) an exclirdoli pi the I' i i i - famed K lam ath rainbow s sta te s Mr. Trail, Oregon, who, on October 21, 190'. ' all persons having claims against said dletoii Round Up, which lie describes a« Badenfeldt. who Is an ard en t angler, made Homestead Entry No. 14594. Ker- ' estate, an- hereby notified to present the , were really not worth the while of ial, No. IM297, for the X 4 of NW 1-4, J same duly verified to the undersigned a Roman holiday with trimming» Mr». Win. Kinney went to Central any sportsm an who has previously SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 and NW 1-4 of N'E 1-4 | administratrix, at har residence at Gold Hill, Ongon, or hi Ihe office of C. 8. Point on Friday laat, and returned tried conclusions with th e gam iest of, Section 12, Township 34 S, Range tro u t of th e co n tin en t— the Rogue I with her little «on and d aughter who W., Willamette Meridian, l i a s filed notice Redfield at Gold Hill, in Jackson rem ained at the ranch over Sunday. river steelhead. He Is out fishing of intention to make Final Five-year County, Oregon, on or before the expir The children are vl»ltlng grandm oth this afternoon, was yesterday, and Proof, to establish claim to the land ation of six months from the date of will be tom orrow. above described, before W. II. Canon, first publication of this notice. er and attending achool at Central Date of first publication is October From the Coos Bay H arbor, a pa U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Med Point. 6,1914. per published nt North Bend, It Is ford, Oregon, on tin- 24th day o( October, Mr». Richard», of Garden Row, ha» —Maude M. Landis, 1914. a home orchard Justly famous In tht» learned th a t a public meeting was Aihnliiist ratrix. Claimant names as witnesses: held In th a t town one night last week locality for the alse and excellence of John A. Houston, of Trail, Oregon. It« fruit. The Banana apple and a» a sort of love-feast for Fred Hol John O. Walker, of Trail, Oregon. Kotn- bargains In small tracts of land Twenty Ounce Pippin» are her favor lister. Democratic nominee for con William T, Houston, of Trail, Oregon. suitable for garden, chicken or dairy ite varieties, and both bore splendid gress. The meeting was presided J. B. Welch, of Asbestos, Oregon. purjsise«, ranging In slxe from two to over by ihe chairm an of th e county ly thia »eaaon. J. M. Upton, Regester. fitly acres, close in and conveniently lo central Republican com m ittee, and Manager \V. II. Stlekl • In»» Inatailed a all agreed, regardless of political or cated for market and schools. If you are new V75O player piano in the opera home party prejudice, th a t H ollister Is the COUNTY RECXIRDER looking-for small place for any purpose till» w eek The in»trmiiciit is an Adam only candidate worth having. call upon or address, —C. 8. Redfield, Schaaf cabinet grand, »plemlldly toned, I hereby announce myself as the Gold llill, Oregon. Mrs. Elizabeth Llndsley, who left with a handaome mission oak cose. It Democratic candidate for th e office was purchased from the Palmer piano this city some weeks ago to reside of County Recorder, to be voted on with a niece at Tacoma, died on F ri at th e general election on November house at Metlford. Thursday*« sunrise was »stated with s day evening last at St. Joseph's hos 3, 1914. «si vo of shotguns throughout southern pital In th a t city according to ad If elected, I will do my duty as 1 Oregon. The open »('«»on for quail, vices received by friends In this city. have In o th e r responsible positions Accuracy grouse and silver grey squirrels was cel Mrs. Llndsley was a resident of this th a t I have held. and ebrated to such a purpose locilly that city for a num ber of years and has LEE L. JACOBS. many good bags are reported—princip many friends who will sincerely re Penetration (P a id A dvertisem ent) ally ol the prettily plumed little valley gret her death. She was 68 years of distinguish age. E arly this sum m er a serious quail. our The report of accidents for the week Illness, from which she never com J. R. McCoy, who spent several Issued by Labor Commissioner Hoff, m onths laat year In th ia locality, re pletely recovered, m ade her removal shows that two were fatally Injured “High Power” tu rned on Saturday from P orterville, to Tacoma advisable. Interm ent was while nt work and 59 others more or Repeating Calif., nnd announces th a t he will re m ade in a Tacoma cemetery. less seriously hurt. D. Branca was Rifle N o.425 Deputy game warden Riley Hammer- killed In a mine accident at Cornuco main perm anently, having found the List Price $ 2 0 .0 0 »ley is down from the tall timber of Wil Rogue River valley to be Ideally pia, and John Rassman came to his ,.25 .30-30—.32 and .35 suited to his health. Mr. McCoy la a low Flat tills week, displaying a fine death as a result of Injuries sustained caliber» V m Remington Auto-Loading nephew of our own Charley Dungan. head of horns—the first he has found while employed In logging operations Cartridge«. time to take the present season. Af- at Wendllng. Twenty were injured Uncle Jltn Hutson accompanied Fred A Big Game Rifle that ciimpanied by Charley Young, of Med In sawmills, lumber yards or In log Hollister, candidate (or Congress, on an - Makes Good. automobile trip through Douglas county ford, who is frequently at home anywhere ging operations, 13 In railroad work, Sure Fire No Balks No Jaras this week, where owing to Uncle Jim 's In the hills, warden llammersly wound eight In paper mills and the rest In Order fium your Dculvr. wide acquaintance he •performed distin ed the buck, a splendid four-pointer. various lines of activity. Send for ll.indaomrly Illustrated The hunters tracked the animal, which guished service as an official pilot for the As a result of civil service examina Kiflv Catalog No. 11 party. He returned on Wednesday and turned at hay and charged Charley, tions tho following fourth-class post says that the Hollister sentiment in Ilia whose grace and agility alone saved ser masters have been appointed in Ore - J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co ious damage to his trousers if not actual gon: Edwin E. Leslie, Lafayette; P. o I» X -*•.). district is practically overwhelming. Injury to Ills ,s>rson. The warden, with Winnie Banton, London; Ray J. Fox. Chicopee Falls, Mass. T hrifty Ad Grahnm, who la a a well placed shot, rescued him from the Lyons; Foss E. Maple, llarcola; Or gardener of the early Burhank vnrlety sprightly game if ta g a n d th e h tt e k rln A. Kirby, Myrtle Creek; Albert L. has discovered th a t California mel cashed-in. Troutman, North Plains; Herbert II. ons, detected early In (ho year will Pruner, Summit; Brazier C. Small. furnish seed th at, when replnnted In N o r th b o u n d FOR RECORDER Turner: Charles L. Wakeman, Wed- No. 14 Southern Oregon, will provide ex- • • . • 8:57 a. 111. I hereby announce myself sb can derburn: Joseph K. Neal. Buena Vis No. 44 (motor) 11:04 a. in. cellent melons during Septem ber. H e ,(, ldnte on thG Kepubllcan ticket for 411 (motor) 5:07 p. m. has successfully completed tho ex County Recorder. If elected 1 will ta; George T. Smith, Chitwood: C. No. 5:50 p. m. C. Sturtevant, Crow; James F. Stith, No. Iti perim ent and is harvesting six melons ' S o u th b o u n d give my undivided atten tio n to the Kerby; I well T. Turner, Laurel; Ed-i as proof No. 43 (motor) 7:4S h . m. il’ltb , Of the offll war •bnlth, Lowell; Thomas E. No 13 10:10a. tn. OlliHiue, Murphy. t ! No. l-i Election Nov, 7, 39: 4. (motoi i 1 :42 p. ni. .itiUuuey No 15 3:15 p. m. a I Local News Notes L M erritt &, C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e W a n ted More Earthenware Customers Look at our WELLINGTON dishes, now displayed in our window. 15 per cent off for a short time only. Our new ROSEBUD assorted, to close out at A B S O L U T E L Y WHOLESALE prices. Come in and be your own judge. D. H. M IL L E R ’S “ G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r ic e s * Irrigation is Crop Insurance You can raise some crops every year ami all crops some years withont irrigation. X But if you want to raise all eropsevery year you should irrigate. The value of aDj crop any year can be increased 50 to 500 per cent by ir rigation. If yon have water supply from well, creek or stream, we can supply you with electric power for pumping. On receipt of information can! we will be pleased to make you estimate of cost. Number of acres desire-1 to ii rigate.................................................. ................. Total lift in feet from water level of well or stream to hlgheet point of land to irrigate.................................................................................................................. Number of feet of pipe required............................................................................ Number of feet of ditch or flume required.......................................................... Water supply ( well or stream I and name of stream ......................................... Signed........................................................................................................................ I'ostolfiivjsddnss................................................................................ ................. Location—Section.....................Township..................Range................................ CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street Our aim in Banking Safety First S. P. Time Card THE GOLD HILL BANK