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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1914)
óZ>e G o l d H i l l N e w s Overdrafts B. tl. t . ?l RUSHED AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, BY EVERY SATURDAY - 1*1 PS IS PUPS Was a kiddie, th at I knew, w hack ed a puppy with a »tick (III It whim- ) pered In th e corner and It cried— cried— cried; now It w asn't that he - Gold Hill )w*totlitv for iransndseiion through the uutila aa En»'' “tl at h u rt It. hut he made th a t puppy sick, mwiid-class matter ) for he pained It» feelings till It al- — ' - ■ - = j m oil died! Was a kiddle, th a t I knew, bumped a puppy on th e head. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1914 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f°re he tied a tin-can te rro r to It» . n v a w r r *?nd ~®n d— en d ‘. now th a t puppy SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN A1 AINVt.i humped In horror till 'twa» alm ost .. ........... ............................—....................... . ■■■ • < dead, but what grieved It moatly was Ben H . Lam pm an HOW ABOUT HAWLEY? ' ° ‘ ' 1 Was a kiddie, th a t I knew, took a j | puppy to his hl» heart, and be roi romped _ . e . • j i | F A PRIX ATE person or business firm retained an employee !and r„velled with it tin it bow- - wow- fo r e ig h t ev en tfu l y e a rs —y ears chock-full of o p p ortunity fo r wowed; now it hustled »tick» to an unstinted display o f keeping th e tru s t and e a rn in g th e salary; please him, for th a t pup was aw ful if the em ployee proved lax and listless, a sfiiftless farm hand or sm art, and the fact th a t someone loved It may It very, very proud! inefficient clerk; if th e p riv a te person o r firm w ere norm al and W as a kiddle, th a t I knew, took a j possessed o? fundam ental se n se —would n ’t th ey tie a can to th e puppy for a walk and they found one I hundred wonders In a mile— mile— aforesaid lax, listless, inefficient and sh iftless w age-taker? mile; now they understood each o th e r . They would! for th a t pup could alm ost talk, and j \\ hile the jan g le of tom ato tin s died in distance th e only he knew a thing or tw enty—M should ! smile! ______ question raised would be why they had n ’t done it sooner. Now the puppy th at was whacked | This is th e hypothetical case of H aw ley—congressm an from by the kiddle with the stick, alw ays) th e F irst D istrict of O regon fo r e ig h t w asted years. It is sus moped around In te rro r, looking ceptible of proof a t th e N ovem ber election. T he people <rf t h i s ! *sIub—«lub— -glub; while th e puppy __ . . . . — _ - . 1 f L a ♦ W a a lla f ln il b n n n - n K a n /I u s ta te are H aw ley’s employers, He has tricked, trifled and be- , hB‘ WBB ‘M’" ed knew B hBndy’ dandy A » A >• 1 trick — b ut you cannot teach a puppy trayed them by non-perform ance o f th e tru s t imposed. He is and in stru ct It with a club! Now th e m oral of th is story doesn't m a t th e inefficient w age-taker. Hawley has not th e courage of th e freebooter, nor is politic ter, not a mite, if a fellow doesn't try ) 1» for a while— while— while: for the al piracy his f o r te —he would be b ut a poor sw ashbuckler in any pup th a t's w orth hl» tren ch er Isn't com pany. He is not really wicked, th erefo re, but he is woefully ju s t quite rig h t, till he learns to weak. The record of his eig h t y ears in C ongress is as un ev en t fetch and carry for a »mile! Lance & Company will take especial pleasure in showing you the authoritative styles and fashionable woolens from A. E. Anderson & Company Tailors Chicago The selections for the Fall and Winter Season are unusally attractive and offer you a wide range from which to m ake your choice o f a suit or overcoat. ful and m onotonous as it was un p ro d u ctiv e o f results to the sta te which sent him there. He i . a poor business proposition f c ~ u sh Q, a Do. Nu|hing, ] fo r Oregon. In th e heyday of Canonism th e H onorable Haw ley was the (Editorial Ashland Tidings, Sept. 28th) PltOCKF.DIMLS OF CITY C o t \ ( ' l l . J l J Í Q j i R ’lF G í O ’ Í N jL f H t n l i R ; sim ple prim rose of U ncle Jo e ’s congressional garden. He was Hawley is one of the few relics of Gold Hill, Oregon, Sept. 7, 1914. alw ays th ere ; unostentatious, it is tru e , but dependable. The Cannonism left in the lower branch Council met In reg u lar session. roll call records evidence his w illingness to be trim m ed fo r any of th e American congress. He is still Mayor Morelock presiding. Members living in th e past. He has not yet bouquet th a t Big Business deem ed sw eet of scent. So Hawley been aroused to the g reat fact th a t present: B. A. Adams, C. 8. Red field, Ga. A. P atrick, R. D. Cameron drew dew n th e salary, copped th e f a t m ileage, and dream ed th a t w estern states have quit sending rep and Chas. Kelt. Absent: Mrs. C. J. he was m ade fo r th e jo b —as th e job was ap p aren tly created fo r resentatives to congress merely to Truax. A m otion carried to adjourn follow o ut the d ictates of the east. him. A t th a t tim e Haw ley was a t least of some service to some The west, com prising th a t territo ry till $ o'clock p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 8. J. B. R. MORELOCK. one or som ething. from the g reat Mississippi basin to Mayor. th e Pacific, has grown gradually in B. G. HARDING, Tim es have changed. im portance and power so th a t It Is The public is no longer drearily despondent over affairs a t now only necessary th a t men of abil City Recorder. Gold Hill, Oregon, Sept. 8. 1914 W ashington. I t is m aking new and m ore e x a ctin g dem ands of ity and stam ina be sent from here to Council met In adjourned session, w arrant proper recognition. The its legislators. I t is dem anding th a t its rep resen tativ es a t the and was called to order by Mayor “ ME TOO” type of congressmen have capital be m en of vigor and ach iev em en t—openly enlisted fo r not th e force to bring Oregon prop Morelock. Members present: B. A. th e b e tte rm e n t of political, social, and economic conditions. It erly to the fore. Oregon has a tre Adams, R. D. Cameron. G. A. Patrick, Chas. Kell, C. 3. Redfield, and Mrs. is rem aking Congress. In such com pany th e re can be no room for mendous w ater front little developed. C. J. Truax. The m inutes of the prev- th e dw adlers, th e purposeless, th e im itation statesm en, and the Opening of the Panam a canal m akes i lous m eetings were read and ap- it doubly needful th a t the coast h a r ) proved. The following bills were ap w reckage of th e old m achine. bors be properly improved to meet proved and w arrants ordered draw n the new traffic from Europe th a t will T here is no room fo r Hawley. ¡on the tre a su re r for th e ir respective unload at Oregon ports. Only men In eig h t years of service C ongressm an Hawley has succeed of force will secure th e necessary am ounts: H. Price, recorder's salary ed in passing th e sta g g e rin g to tal of five bills. One hundred harbor appropriations. Oregon needs | C. for A ugust .............. 810.00 and seventy of his p et p ro jects died in various u n in te restin g and w ants the goods. Negative men ! Darling & Hodge, hauling 12.25 cannot deliver. In this d istrict this ways. His s ta te suffered th e need of leg islation th a t was never year the republican party put forth | J. M. H utson, salary as m ar November 3, 1914 shal Aug. 1 to Sept. X 63.35 introduced. No single m easure of im portance bears his tra d e a candidate whose record is against Registration Books Re-Opened NOW Ben. H. Lam pm an, publishing m ark. H arbors, w aterw ays, and good roads, w ere m erely term s him— too weak for consideration. proceedings of council ........ 8.15 £ . A D A M S , o r O REG ON C IT Y , leading mss-* to H aw ley—term s th a t m ean t effort fo r which no additional Oregon cannot afford to sacrifice her Sam M. McClendon, 6 Inch "Y ” chant, sags:—"Since Oregon Cltg went drg, great Interest by allow ing party and phone toll ........................ 1.20 com pensation was offered. So f a r as O regon m ay have benefit- fealty to outw eigh common good. business has much Improved. Collections are easier. I have few er had bills. Abolition ted from his ten u re of office, Mr. H aw ley m ig h t fully as well W here th e republican party has R. E. Cook, sharpening and re pairing tools ........................... 4.80 o f the saloon has turned a oast sum d a l/g jo failed, if Indeed th ere be any politi have been th e accredited rep re sen ta tiv e of Missouri. the channels o f trade. Checks that used cal party possible under the Oregon J. E. Davidson, sew er pipe and freig h t ......................... . 1 6 .1 5 He did not, does not, and cann ot m ake good. be cashed In saloons are now cashed In stores.' election law, it is incum bent upon C. U. Newell, work on sewer .. 53.25 The News does not aspire to m ake a case a g ain st Mr. Haw- the electorate to exercise such fran J. E. Bold, work on sew er...... 35.65 Paid Advertluement by Committee of One Hundred l e y _ f or the Congressional Record already contains one. New chise as will resu lt In pu ttin g men F. M. Snyder, work on sewer.. 44.40 7 IM Morgan building. Portland, Oregon forw ard com petent enough, with en and m ere vital blood is needed. ergy enough, and fo re , enough to T. E. Pankey, work on sewer 4 4.40 r Chas. Plenlng, work on sew er 12.50 Opposed to Mr. H aw ley in th e p rese n t congressional cam get for th is d istrict w hat she Is en E. W yatt, work on sew er.......... 44.40 titled to, no m atter in w hat party he paign is a m an who has m ade a signal success, ag ain st odds, of be found, or by w hatever political M errill Betts, work on sewer.. 35.00 his priv ate and public life. T his m an is plain F red H ollister, of appellation his candidacy is known. Roy Bowman, work on sewer.. 31.25 Coos Bay and S o u th ern O regon, th e D em ocratic nom inee for Oregon should adopt the slogan, Alva W alker, work on sewer.. 36.25 “ Not party, b ut resu lts.” T h at is C. D. Stelnhoff, work on sewer 3.75 A big supply of¡fresh m eat alw ays on hand. C ongress from th e F irs t D istrict. good business and th erefo re good D. A. H ottenstein, work on sew er ......................................... 21.25 All th a t Mr. H aw ley lacks in force and in itiative, F red Hol politics. Gauged by th a t standard W e c arry th e best of cream ery b u tter. liste r possesses—coupled w ith a clear u n d e rsta n d in g of O regon’s Mr. Hawley falls utterly. He has E rnest Lym an, work on sew er 10.00 J. F. Rodgers, work on sewer.. 17.50 All kinds of fresh ffish in j season. needs and a sincerity and d eterm in atio n th a t even his ill-w ishers accomplished nothing w orthy the C. 8. D eathrldge, work on sew name of “ resu lt.” If elected It will do not dare to doubt. T he Coos Bay candidate would rep resen t be on hidebound party prejudice, or er .............................................. 17.50 on his good citizenship, for it cannot O regon as th e sta te wishes to be represented. Total .......................................$553.00 come from his good statesm anship. He stands fo r th e im provem ent of harbors and w aterw ays — The goal to be sought is good gov T he recorder reported th a t 33.80 Proprietors NOW. ernm ent generally, and in m atters of had been collected from Im pounding and tu rn ed Into the Petty Cash F o r F ederal appropriations to th is s ta te com m ensurate congressional action advantages for cattle the state. T here are forty-nine states account. cant. The council voted thereon as FOR SALE—000 fine (aiming acres in w ith th e gov ern m en t’s v a st holdings w ithin th e s ta te —NOW. Motion was m ade Redfield and follows: Adams, In this Union, every one of them yes; Cameron, a compact laxly, nearly level anil nearly seconded by Adams th a t th e Sewer F o r b e tte r hom estead law s and lettin g down th e bars to with representatives alert for advan yes; P atrick, yes; Kell, yes; Redfield, all under high state of cultivation. tage, and it goes w ithout saying th at Com m ittee be em powered to complete yes; Mrs. Truax, yes. Tho mayor public lands fo r our own people—NOW. No better la id for fruit, grain those d istricts with weak rep resen ta the sewer on F irst Avenue n o rth to declared the office vacant. or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Snb- Mr. P erry ’s property, 50 feet east of F o r every project and principle th a t appeals to him as best tives fall to get th eir due. T h at Is Mr. T. E. Pankey was then nom i irrlgated, every 40 acnw is choice. Well fo r Oregon and th e n a tio n —and it m ay be here affirmed th a t why the first d istrict of Oregon has F ourth street. Tho motion carried. nated by Mayor Morelock for m ar located and only A miles from It. R. sta A com m ittee was appointed to F red H ollister is closely in touch w ith c u rre n t affairs and th e gained nothing in national advantage study the m a tte r of Improved street shal. A motion carried to reduce the tion. For particulars call upon or write, during the past eight years. Its rep salary of m arshal from $50.00 to —C. S. RKiistiti.o, Agent. sp irit of th e people. resentative Is negative. It takes pos lights and to rep o rt to th e council $25.00, A motion was m ade by th eir decision. The com m ittee was itive and able effo rt to gain advan N o t som etim e in th e vague and visionary fu tu re , but NOW, Adams and seconded by Kell to Im appointed as follows: Adams, Kell, FOR SALE— Eighty acre unproved prove the nom ination of the mayor. is H ollister’s cread. His frien d s have fa ith in him. F aith in tage or hold its own. Under Haw Patrick. farm within two miles of Gold Hill, all ley’s representation this district has The motion carried by the unanim ous Haw ley died of inanition some several years ago. good laud, along the Pacific Highway, A motion carried to authorize a done neither. The Tidings Is for a vote of the council. house and barn and some fruit. $100 per com m ittee to expend $35 for lights change. H ollister Is a man of good H O LLISTER OR H A W L E Y -W H IC H ? A motion to adourn carried. REGISTER TODAY TO VOTE OREGON DRY 332 Gold Hill Meat Market Woodcock & Blacked red blood, of ability, of high culture and individual force, besides beln- a IS ROYAL NIBS, R egent of Hell and D ispenser of D ark good citizen and standing solidly for ness, to th e official co u rt re p o rte r of the M idnight Grid moral principles; ho has a proper iron: “You m a’ -ay fo r us, varlet, th a t we are exceedingly notion of aggressive statesm anship, and th is d istrict cannot do b etter this ■ cith e r w a y — c s ! ” year th an elect him to congress. H for decorations for the city during ,1. B. R. MORELOCK, the In d u strial F a ir on Septem ber 18) Mayor. and 19. Redfield. Adams and P atrick B. G. HARDING. were appointed on the com mittee. City Recorder. A motion was m ade by P atrick and second id by Redfield th a t thr of fice of city m arsliu' I: ' ;’ll i acre. Terms f cash, very easy terms and long time for the balance at II percent, coupler this choice, - (' S. Redfield, A Gold Hill, Oregon. Go li-biii llrst.