Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, October 03, 1914, Image 1

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a l O regon
Banana Ora
Gold Hill
G r a a ta .t N a tu r a l H r t o r t c n
•Z Sa
ttk a r n O r . gon i t
k a a u ita ! R a g ù . R iv a t
he « à B ill
Jackson Co.
O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r-
tu n ity -R o g u a R iv t r V a l l a y ,
o h m tk a ap p ia g a in .d fa m a
V O L 17
Fred Hollister Wakes
Valley to Real Issues
Titanic Struggle Still
Rages on Battle Line
Makes Many Friends by Plain
Statei lent of Facts; Gold
Aeroplanes Pester Paris by
Mill Receives Visit
Promiscuous Bomb Drop­
ping; Two Victims
In ten t • |ion hla whirlwind cam ­
paign thai will retire W. 0. Ilawley
Pari». A battle of extraordinary
from politics, P ied H ollister, demo
:severity Is raging at the western end
c ra tlr nominee for representative In
■ of the Anglo-French and German bat-
con ureas from this district, conferred
, tie line In the region of Noyon, 66
with .lacksoii county voters the la tte r
miles to the north of Paris, where the
p art of last week. Mr. H ollister was
French were striving to outflank Gen­
accompanied by W. J. Must, of
eral von Kluck's reinforced army.
M arshfield, secretary of the central
Hand-to-hand fighting between the
com m ittee
Late S aturday afternoon
allies' left and the Germans’ right was
tile party reached Gold HUI, where
reported by the military authorities
th e prospective congressm an met
many old friends and Incidentally
Germany had dashed its first and
made a few new ones.
second lines of reserves against the
Mr. H ollister expressed him self as
I Franco-British front. It was stated,
Nomine« lor Congress
and General Joffre was heavily rein­
gratifiiil si the evidence of strati);
forcing the allies.
enpport, regardless of party, which
On the eastern end of the fighting
h as been everywhere extended to him, ‘Man With a Punch,” Says
line the French officially admit that
and added th a t nothing has tra n s­
Influential Ashland Paper
their line has been forced back by the
pired to shake his faith In a Novem­
Germans across the river Meuse near
ber victory.
St. Mihiei, a point about 20 miles to
"A t every place I visited," he said (From Ashland Tidings, id Kept. ¡Kith)
the south of the French fortress of
"I have been accorded courteous
Frederick H ollister, candidate for
treatm en t, and hundreds of republi­ congress ‘a gulnst Hawley, was tn A sh-
The general opinion Is that the bat­
cans have promised me th e ir aupjiort. laud today looking afte r hla candi­
of the German armies now fighting tle has reached the most critical as
T here seems to be a feeling over the dacy, H ollister Is a man with the
well as the most violent phase and
against the allies In France.
sta te th a t Hawley has failed to de­ punch a successful business man
that the Issue cannot be delayed tnuch
liver the goods, and the peoplo are a result g e tte r- a happy co n trast to
now looking for a man who will pro- Congressman Hawley, whose greatest
Paris.—Four bombs were dropped
The losses of the last few days on
ti-ct O ng. id ' s Interest in il^ United recommendation is th at during all
on the city from a German aeroplane both sides are said to exceed all other
Slater. If elected, that Is what I pro­ his years In eongseaa bo has failed
Sunday. One missile, exploding in engagements of the war. Stories have
pose to do."
to deliver o n e 'a ln g la benefit to bis
Avenue du Trocadero at the corner of reached here from Belgium th at the
Prom inent am ong the planks which district. Hawley has consistently
Rue Freyoinet. blew the head from Germans, unable to bury their dead
com prise Fred H ollister's very sub­ .draw n his salary and voted against
the shoulders of a man who was on the field, have sent the bodies be­
sta n tia l platform are articles of ex­ resolutions to reduce congressional
standing on the corner with his daugh­ hind the army by trainload in order
ceptional Interest and worth to every mileage. In fact, about the only ac­
ter, and crippled the child. The other to avoid epidemics.
| section of Oregon H itherto neglected tivity the record shows on the part
bombs did little damage.
| A dispatch to the P etit Parisien
as entirely beneath th e notice of Con­ of Hawley during his Incumbency was
It is believed th at the first bomb from Amsterdam says violent fighting
gressm an Hawley, they somehow ••lis­ tils keen opposition to a congression­
dropped was Intended for the wireless lias occurred betw een the Germans
station or the tower, or possibly for and Belgians at Schooten, four miles
ien darn good!" us one of the raw re­ al resolution reducing the mileage
(Courtesy of Portland Oregonian)
of congressm en to the actual travel­
the nearby buildings containing army east of Antwerp; at Termonde, 16
c ru its observed. Here they are:
f —F lo a t o f F o r ty -N in e in P a ra d e ; 2 - P o t a t o Po lo Team s in
stores. It landed in Avenue du Tro­ miles east of Ghent, and at Hofstande,
H ollister, of Coos liny and Southern ing expenses from th eir districts to
cadero, not far from the tower, and 18 miles east of Ghent. In the latter
L iv e ly 5 c rim m a g e ; 3 - W in n in g F lo a t o f S ch o ol P a ra d e
Oregon, Is for the Im m ediate and W ashington. When Hint resolution
the explosion was heard for many locality the heavy German artillery
com plete im provem ent of all const came up he threw several active and
; vehement fits against It, nnd so
became stuck In the mud and the Ger­
harbors, and waterways of Oregon
The houses in the vicinity were bad­ mans were obliged to retire before
prompt and so persistent was his ac­ PR IZt WINNERS ÍN ADULT DEPARTMENT AT LOCAL FAIR
For Federal appropriations to be
ly damaged, many of the walls crack­ the attacks of the Belgians.
tivity that it alm ost aroused a hope
used In building good roads, w ater­
F irst Prize
the requests of both pupils nnd teach­ ing and windows being shattered. The
among his constituents th a t he had
It Is confirmed, says the dispatch,
ways and harbors. Such ap p ro p ria­
Mrs. 8. Hodges, Elam Gall, Geo. ers for assistance in m aking th e par­ I bomb struck only a block from the that the Germans are fortifying Liege.
at last got enough aw ake to accom­
tions to be com m ensurate In am ount
plish one thing ut least.
tint, as Holcomb. Mrs. E. F. Nicholson, Mrs. ade exhibits so attractiv e and Success­ ! American Embassy a t No. 5 Rue de
and to be based upon the valuation
Chaillot where Ambassador Myron T. Germans Cress Meuse South Verdun.
soon ns the resolution was side­ W. M. Stevens, G. W. Hayes, I. H. ful.
o f governm ent properties In Oregon.
Herrick, who did not accompany the
tracked Hawley fell hack Into his P orter, M. R. Fredenburg, Mrs, J. I,
Berlin.—It was officially announced
Almost one-half of the state Is owned lethargic swoon and has not since Chandler, M. Earlw lne, B. E. F re­
government to Bordeaux, still makes th at the Germans have crossed the
by the governm ent. At present O re­ given evidence of life, except through denburg, Mrs. C. C. G ilchrist, Mrs. Elisha Ray Answers Last Call his home.
Meuse river south of Verdun, and that»
gon receives no revenue from this his private secretary In w riting C. A. Calhoun, Mrs. J. Rodgers. Mrs.
In the wake of the bomb fluttered the Bavarian army has occupied the
pro party.
a German flag. At the sound of the outer works of the fortress Camp des
spoony political letters to Oregon Maud Stickle, Mrs. F. A. Palm er, Mrs. Elisha Ray, best known of the elder pn.
For a radical change In the home- constituents In the hope of rem inding Fred Ilolt, D. H. Slead. Mrs. M. A. lieetors and argonauts of Gold Hill, pass- explosion the proaooaders In that sec­ Remains, which forms a part of the
’ stead laws, favoring the settler and
them th a t he was still anxious for Dietrich, Mrs. R. E. Robbins, R. E. ed awav at his home in this city Wednes­ tion first rushed for shelter, and then, i St. Mihiei fortifications. It was front
offering Inducem ents to the prospec­ another term .
Robbins, N. J. Smith. H. Van H oven­ day morning, ileath oecnring at an as the airship moved on, they hurried the latter point that It became possi-
eaily hour. Throughout the past year to the scene of the havoc.
tive settler, Under the present law
, ble to string the pontoons and permit
Two things are certain : Hawley burg, 8, A. Van Hovenburg, J. B.
It Is practically Impossible to prove- ! 1« a dead one. He Is not a result Stevens, Mrs. J. B. Stevens. Mrs. Mae Mr. Ray had been gradually declining
j the crossing of the Meuse after a fort­
; and for some months past had been con
up on a homestead.
$2,000,000 Left Suffrage.
night of the hardest sort of fighting.
getter. H ollister is a live one. Ore­ Avery, Mrs. Allen Lewis, Mrs. Jack fined to Ids bed.
New York.—The residue of the es­ It is said that a large part of the Ba­
For the building of a m erchant gon hangs on to the w estern border Sm ith, Mrs. C. N. Shaver, J. E. Bolt,
I ntil several years ago lie was actively tate of the late Baroness De Bazus, varian army Is already cn the west
marine that will Is' a world power in i of the United S tates, far away from Mrs. Eddlngs. Mrs. C. H. Price. Mabel
engaged in his profession of mining, and formerly Mrs. Frank Leslie, has been bank of the Meuse, and that the army
Influential base a t the best. W ith Scott. Mrs. W. Crlss.
was counted by many to lie the most ex­ bequeathed to the cause of woman of the crown prince is moving south
For th e opening up for settlem ent a dead one In congress the district
S econ d P rize
pert pocket hunter in all southern Ore­ suffrage, it was learned. The estate from Montfaucon to effect a Junction
of a large am ount of the present for­ will continue to get what she has
J. W. Hayes, Mrs. C. C. Gilchrist, gon. Many finds of large value are
with it.
est reserves. Oregon was made for ; been getting since Hawley has been Mrs. C. A. Calhoun, Mrs. J, Rodgers. credited to him, and it was his greatest has been estimated at $2,000,000.
O regonians, and Its reserves should : asleep on the job absolutely noth­ C. D. W olverton, Mrs. Maud Stickle, trial to lie no longer able to contiuue^th«
Boom it Discouraged.
Kaiser’s Fifth Son III.
oe utilized for th e direct benefit o f ¡ ing persistently and aggressively Mrs. G. B. T urner, E. B. Day, Mrs. work which leal him to the hills.
Washington.—At the direction of
London.—Prince Oscar, Emperor
th e people.
nothing nothing first, last and all M. A. Dietrich, Mrs. F. Zana, Mrs.
Elisha Kay was bom on August
President Wilson. Secretary Tumulty William's fifth son, has been obliged
For more business and less politics. the time. And Oregon has enough of Jack Smith, Mrs. B urt Adams.
lo .’i, near I’rairie dll Cliivn, Wisconsin. wrote a letter to New Jersey demo- because of heart sickness, to enter a
From all of which It will be seen , that kind. Tills district should have
At the age of three he moved witli ids craf „ ..eclinUg to have them indorse hospital, according to a telegram from
T h ird P rize
th a t Fred H ollister, If elected, will | a live one In congress. The Tidings
-Mrs. C. A. Calhoun, Jam es Burns, parents to Clayton county, Iowa, where th e.R esid en t for a second term.
have a full-sized m an's Job cut out Is In favor of having It from a re­ Mrs. J. B. Stevens. Mrs. E. Sutton, they resided until 1870. They then
French Bring New Force Up West
for him. However, the sentim ent Is ' publican congressm an If possible, but Mrs. D. H utson, C. H. Price.
moved to Republic county, Kansas.
Bank of Meuse.
Facts About Vessels Sunk by German
general that (he F irst D istrict Is for- [ have It we must.
On Christmas Day, 1871, ha was mar­
W inners In P arade
Submarine Are Reported.
tú n a te In possessing one candidate ¡ H ollister has dem onstrated in this
ried to Mias Sarali Bodine, and in’ lS'S
R ural Schools
ment on the situation In N orthern
London.—The facts concerning the
for Congress who does not fear the Í campaign th a t he is very much alive
moved to Washington, where they resid­
F irst, D istrict 17, Mlsg K atherine
t u \ \ and whose reputation of energy, : He shows his fam iliarity with the
ed until 18X1. In that year they came to France was received from the head­ sinking of the British cruisers Abou-
teacher; Second, D istrict 61,
quarters of the German general staff: ! klr, Hogue and Creasy by a German
ability, and achievem ent sub stan ­ needs of this district. Wo are firm-I
Jackson county, where the family lias
“The enemy are using their rail­ submarine or submarines in the North
tially barks his promise.
Iv convinced, afte r carefully w atch­ Miss Mabel Scott, teacher; Third, since resided.
in a general attack on the ex­ ' Sea with a loss of nearly 60 officers
Fred H ollister shook hands all ing his campaign, th a t if he Is elected i
He is survived h , his wife and ¡four
'round In Gold Hill. It Is to be pre- j to congress he will be heard from. I teacher. All o th er schools In the children, I. W. Ray, II. A. Ray, Mrs. treme end of the right flank of the i and 1400 men are contained in an ad-
German army.
| miralty statem ent.
sttmed th a t he met a few c itiz en s! He has the force to put tills district j fair district were represented by most F. A. Van Slyke, and Mrs. J. B, Sieb-
attractiv e floats.
“At Bapaume (in Pas de Calais, 14
The reports of Commanders Nichol­
who will not vote for him — certainly where It belongs, nnd w here It must
of the Cressy, and Norton, of the
he met tunny who will. With tin
Funeral Services were conducted at the
D istrict 17, Miss K atherine Foley, j home Thursday afternoon, with a large French division was repulsed by a Hogue, say th at the Abouklr was hit
pnrtlng assurance th a t he would re­ within Ils proper sphere of Influence
spialler German force.
by one torpedo and sank in 35 min­
I concourse of friends in attendance. Tin
visit Jackson county and Gold Bill , : lion the floor of congress.
“In the center of the battle front utes. T hree torpedoes were fired at
. Iloral tributes were Is autiful ami profuse,
The Tidings has come to tho con-
within a fortnight he climbed Into
we have made slight gains.
the Cressy, one of the explosives mlss-
the car. took the wheel, and made Í luslon Hint It will support th e can tily th a n k s tho ru ral school districts and tlie rites of burial were under the
narrowly. She lasted from 35 to
fmspices ,,f the local I. O. 0 F. lodge
th e westward Pacific highway unreel; •lldncy of Frederick H ollister, not on
south of Verdun have withdrawn their 45 minutes. The Hogue was struck
‘ '•count, of Ills politics, but because added to the success of our recent of which Mr. Ray was long a member.
like a best seller.
lire and our artillery Is now engaged twice, 10 to 20 seconds elapsing be­
"T h at there was Fretl H ollister,” t i l l s district needs the kind of repre­ school and in d u strial fair by th eir Interment. Was made at toe beautiful
with forces which the enemy brought tween the torpedoes, and went under
volunteered the Old Tinier, ns he bor- : sentation th a t ho Is cannble of giving, contributions of $2.00 to $5.00 each Rock Point cemetery.
in five minutes.
up on the west bank of the Meuse.
•hat lie promises, nnd thnt his energy I to the premium list. If all the
rowed a chew. "Look at him go!"
"Kamp des Renalns, near St. Mlbiel,
end ability so fnr In tho campaign |
Card of Thanks
which was taken by the Bavarians, Is
would contribute ns generously we
Peace Pacts Ratified.
To tlie many friends who lent sym- one of the barrier forts south of Ver­
Copenhagen.—It. Is reported here Indicate he has the disposition nnd j could offer n much more attractiv e
Washington. — Peace commission
, pathy ami assistance in our bereavement, dun.”
that Germany has already paid to the red blood to deliver.
prem ium list. The d istricts subscrib­
treaties with Great Britain, France
j the deatli of our husband and father, Mr.
grand duchy of Luxem burg 1250,000
ing this yenr were Rock Point, Sar­
If voli don’t like this paper don’t bor­
Elisha Ray, and for tlie floral tributes
ns pnrtlnl com pensation for the dam
W ashington—By a viva voce vote and Spain were ratified by the senate,
dine Creek, Pelton and Pankey.
ami tlie services of (lie singers, we wish the si nate passed the Alaska coal land mat-iiig 25 nations in the series nego­
nge re. ulting from the violation of Its row It.
The local school th an k s all who so
i 11. it had already passed the tiated by the state departm ent which
to extend our sincere and heartfelt lens'ty.
Pill nnd Gov. Johnson cigars.
kindly and generausly responded to thanks,
have been approved by this govern­
—Mrs. E. Ray ami Family. house.