AUTOMOBILE ©. GAS ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m it h J ust a word! Miners, I can sharp­ en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work tc stand the racket; try me and be shown C. F. C A R T E R B la c k s m it h Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG G OLD H IL L . OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director C om plete line of burial robe«, ■■askets. etc. FUNERAL CAR JBBce P h o n e: Home, 9—M ; Residence Phone, Home 4—K ; Pacific -US-Main DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST OAS XUXtXISTEBED R IA LTO B U ILD IN G , M EDFORD OVER 6 5 YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E ------- T rade M arks D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . JnTone sending a sketrh and de**ript ion m ay «kly ascertain c a r op . ù .. . •. r a .i n i l ion is probably patentable. Com m unirà, £ I * strict Ijr m ntìdentl»!. HANDBOOK on Patent« i I . m «sat tree. Oldest a a e n tr f«,rseem ingtm tenta. Patents taken tbrouah M unn Jfc Co. receive XRriat m u m , w ith o u t chant». In the I Scientific American. ' t handsomely inu«trsfed weekly. lA ru e s tc tr- astaimn *«f anyseientlflc In um ai. Term s. >3 a • i r : f«»ur mm.tha, XL gold by ail newsdealers. BUNN i Co.3s«B ZZ, r».d»a, New York Branch o c ™ . BIS T W axhtoziun. D. C. Tackle For the Gamey Trout o f the finest Fishing Stream on the Coast We have it Flies Rods Leaders Lines Lures ‘ ! With other hot weather fortifier« Soda« in ull flavor« MRS. ABIGAIL SCOTT DUNIWAY ISSUES AN G?UN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC Tt h a t been brought to my a tten tio n th at the A nti Saloon League, fol­ low ing the sam e tactics it has followed in every cam paign heretofore, is try in g to besm irch thia organ izatio n and to carry on a vicious cam paign of u n tru th s. No nam e seem s to be to o good to be dragged into the mud by them I have reliable inform ation th at a statem en t has been made to the A nti-Saloon League and to the C om m ittee of O ne H undred by Mrs. Cora C T albott, form er secretary of the Taxpayers* and W age-Earners* League, th at she was brought into this work by me under the im pression that it was a W om en s Suffrage m ovem ent, and her duties would be those of a physician while 1 made, speeches th ro u g h o u t th e state I also understand th at Mrs. T albott m akes the statem en t that funds have been collected w ith­ o u t authority, and in some way th e B rew ers’ A ssociation has been collect­ ing these funds. T hese tw o statem en ts are ab solutely untrue. The collec­ tion o f funds was authorized by me as p resid en t, and the secretary was ord ered to have a letter sent out in connection with this work I under­ stan d th at Mrs. T alb o tt, in this p urported letter, in the hands of the A nti- S aloon League and the C om m ittee of O ne H undred, states th at she o b ­ jected to the raising of funds under her sig n ature as secretary. How did the good lady think the work of this league was to be carried on? W hy did sh e think Mr. B ortztueyer, cashier of the Scandinavian-A m erican Bank, was appointed treasu rer of this league? Did she think we w ould ask the brew ­ ers to put up the m oney surrep titio u sly ? If so, she reckoned w ithout her host. I have alw ays fought in the open, and now in my HOth year, and probably in my last cam paign, 1 do not intend to change the principles I have alw ays fought for, nor d epart from my h o n esty of purpose in advo­ cacy o f equal rig h is for all the people—by no m eans excluding women, for w hose in terests I have spent my life to obtain the ballot. My chief con­ cern in th eir behalf has alw ays been to secure for them their economic in­ dependence. as m arried m o th ers w ithin the hom e, which alone will enable any w om an to quit the business of m arrying in ebriates o r raising drunkards. T h e m oneys collected are in the hands of T reasu rer B ortzm eyer, and all th o se who have donated have received a letter acknow ledging receipt thereof. Any one so desiring may inquire from o u r tre a su re r as to w h ether th e m oney has been put in his hands, and 1 am quite sure he will adv b e them of receipt of th eir donation. If there is any one w ho has paid their m oney into this o rganization under m isapprehension as donation for c a rry ­ ing on this w ork, this league will be only too glad to refund it. It is indeed stran g e th at M k T alb o tt th o u g h t this was a Suffrage move m ent when she w ent to th** P o rtlan d H otel, engaged the dining-room for o u r fir< luncheon for o rganization and arran g ed for the paym ent of this luncheon, and w ent so far as to get speakers to express their views against Prohibition. T he real break betw een Mrs. T alb o tt and m yself was caused when I found out th at she had gone to th e B rew ers’ A ssociation and told them she could be o f good service to them in connection w ith this league, and asked and received a salary from the B rew ers’ A ssociation on the ground that she was p u ttin g in her tim e and needed the m oney. O n the 26th of A ugust a m eeting was held betw een Mrs. T alb o tt and m yself for the p u r p o s e of get ting m atters straig h ten ed out before startin g the general organizati .n At this m eeting a statem en t was signed by m yself as president and Mrs. T a l­ bo tt as secretary th at the two letters sent out by m yself, as well as the let te r sen t out by the publicity d ep artm en t, were approved. T his statem ent ended with the sentence: "A fter discussing g enerally the affairs of th* league, the officers ratified all w ork th at had been done up to date by the publicity bureau and officers of the association.” 1 have lived in this state for 60 years, du rin g all of which tim e I have toiled and w orked for the people of my state, and 1 am willing to leave it to th e public to decide as to w hether I would lend m yself in any way to any o rg an izatio n or any act th at could be construed as anything but honorable E very one in this state know s Mrs. Duniway and her family. I wish further to say th at, if the occasion arises and I deem it n ecessary to go fu rth er into this m a tter, 1 will he glad to publish some additional facts in these sam e papers n t necessary to publish now, and will m eet the conditions as they arise. If the A nti-Saloon le a g u e , by it, paid foreign a g itato rs o r C om m it­ tee of O n e H undred, think they can becloud this issue by try in g to drag into the m ud my nam e o r o thers, they are very much m istaken. I expect to carry this work on to the conclusion of this cam paign, and then allow the people to judge as to w hether we will control o u r own affairs jn the Sta^e of O reg o n or allow the paid ag itato rs of the E ast to show us w hat to do. (Signed) Lunches Served at ail times B u n te *» C h o c o la te « - T o b a c c o » , E tc . A T T U R N E R ’S G old Hill I TheTGreat er Ore<$orC W ith new buildings, better equip­ ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad- d-’trana to its faculty, the U niversity of Oregon w ill begin its th irty-n in th year Tuesday, September 15. Special training for Busineu. Jour nafitm, Law Medicine, T e ach ire I i brary W ort, Archltenure Physical Training Jf? Fine Art». Coughed for Three Years A • rron»*«t department* •‘I am a lover of y o u r god-end to bn- of liberal education. L ib ra ry of m ore than volum es, «wq w aoity an d /e ie n c e . Y our m edicine, Dr. «»U n did ly m s u lu fiM , eleven butM lng» fo lly Sinw’s New Discovery, cured my congh equipped N ew > IC«,»-J« A-looiiaialratloc B u lM irg in course o f < on»tru<3 ion >f titre * years stan d in g ,” says Jennie T u itio n Free D o rm ito rie s fo r men and fo r w o m an F.apenaea lo w ear D euim ing, of New Dover, Ohio. Have W r ite fo r catalog and iiiuetzeted b o o k )« , i Addressing R rg ie tra r you an annoying cough? Is it stubborn UNIVERSITY Of OREGON »nJ won’t yield to tre a tm e n t? G et a 50c EUG ENE OREGON :mft o of Dr. K in g ’s New D isc.v ery to- IM r b a t it did for Je n n ie Flem m ing ¡t w ill do for you, no m a tte r bow stu b ­ born or c h ro n ic a cough m aybe. Itsto p s FOR HALE— Eighty acre improved FOR MALE—MX) line funning acres in * cough and «tops th ro a t arid lung farm within two miles of Gold Hill, all a com pact laxly, nearly level and nearly trouble Relief or money back. 50c and good land, along the Pacific Highway, all under high state of cultivation, W.OO, a t your druggist. No better la i d for fruit, grain B ucklen’s A rnica Salve for Pim ples. house and b arn and some fruit. »100 per acre. Terms 1 cash, very easv terms or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap, Suh- and long time for the balance a t 0 percent, irrigated, every 40 acres is choice, Well /ool the fliea by ordering a new screen consider this choice. located and only 5 miles from R. R. sta- toor from the large stock of the Big C. S. Redfield, turn. For particulars call upon or write, Pluw L um ber coilrpany. Gold Hill, Oregon. 1 —C. S. R u ifib lo , Ag> nt. I A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s og|(ett was washed overboard the recovery Is expected. holds Im m ediately filled with w ater, the vessel going down like a rock, tho Two Q uarrel; One Dies. K lam ath Falls.— In a quarrel over hatches hnvlug not been put on before p astu rag e of calves,, O tis H ickm an ! leaving port. Two boats w ere launch­ elzed a rifle and sh o t dead his broth- ed from the L eggett, but w ere nt once or-ln-law, Vivian Evans, 25 years old. 1 capsized, th e re being nt one tim e In Peace T alk ia Checked. H ickm an was exonerated by a cor­ plain sight from 26 to 30 persona In W ashington. -P resident W ilson feels oner’s Jury a fte r H ickm an's m other- i the w ater, clinging to w reckage In all i th a t the opportune m om ent for the in-law and wife, the only w itnesses ; direction, but dropping off one by "United S tates governm ent to ex ert Its to t h e ‘'shooting, had testified Mint the ! one. j Influence effectually for peace In Eu shot was fired in self-defense. The known passenger list, furnished rope has not arrived. F o r the p res­ by tho ow ners at Sun Francisco, to­ en t. It w as said, unofficial and lnfor- taled 35. Besides C aptain Maro, the B lackbirds D estroying Grain. trial efforts to persuade the W ashlng- S liver L ake.—Grain stack s and stub- L eggett carried a crew of 24 men. ; ton governm ent to p ress for peace In blc fields of the valley have been cov­ j E urope would be unavailing. ered for a w e e k past w ith clouds of Bank T eller Pays, Fearing Explosion. blackbirds, ap parently driven from the S eattle.—A roughly dressed man en ­ A pp le C rop W ill be L a rg e. Splands by recent heavy snow s and tered the Bunk of C alifornia S aturday I W ashington.— P resent Indications [ cold w eather. The birds a re so nu­ show ing the paying toller a bottle a l­ ’ » re th a t th e com m ercial apple crop m erous th a t unthreshed stack s nt leged to contain n itro g ly cerin , de Of the U nited S toles th is year will be tim es ap p ear to be shrouded In an a n ­ mandetl 82600, which was handed to far in excess of th a t of last year, but im ated me le of black. him, and got aw ay with 81500 of It, jess than th a t of 1912 by several m il­ losing the rem ainder through his Sheepm an It Killed. lion barrels, according to announce­ baste. P ortland.—Benjam in Selling, Sr., ment m ade by the deportm ent of ngrl pioneer sheepm an of the Pacific culture. Plan for »100,000,000 Fund Approved. N orthw est, uncle of Ben Selling, of W ashington.- Tin» bunkera' plan for P ortland, w as struck and Instantly Irish Home Rule Signed. a 8100,000,000 gold fund to m eet A m er­ London. King G eorge signed the killed when he stepped in front of a ican obligations to Europe waa ap ­ hom e rule and Welsh disestablishm ent moving locom otive at, th e N orthrup proved by the federal reserve hoard. bills, making them laws. P arliam ent street crossing of the N orthern Pacific was then pro ,;;ued until O ctober 27. T erm inal com pany's yards here. Abigail Scott Duniway (P aid A d vertisem en t hy T axp ayers’ and W age E arners’ Portland, Oregon) The BoN- ToN M, L nam ler and G. C. Bebrman, of Portland, arrived in th e city Tuesday morning and spent several days hunting “> this vicinity. They are three weeks >ot on a hunting and fidiing trip thru widt-rn Oregon, and are m aking a leisur- y return tlirougli the Rogne river vail Hey. F ttii sets of whiskers a - d a big blue ■tar accompany them. n ICE CREAM TH A T LSI Sitlwertl-e for the News.