Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 19, 1914, Image 4

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repairing ;
A Specialist in th is work,
as well as any d etail of
G eneral B lacksm ithing, etc.
Bleeding Kansas
Still Bleeds!
W ith o th er hot w eath er fortifiera
Sodas in all flavors
Lunches Served a t all tim es
B u n t e ’s C h o c o l a t e « - T o b a c c o « , E tc .
B la c K s m it H
ust a word!
Miners, I can sharp­
en, repair or make
tools, and guarantee
my work to stand
the racket; try me
and be shown
C. F. C A R T E R
B la c k s m ith
A T T U R N E R ’S
A steady stream of m oney—the life-blood of a state
—pours from “ model prohibition” Kansas
into License states!
A u to L iv e r y
T h e T o p e k a S ta te J o u r n a l , a s u p p o r t e r o f P r o h ib itio n , o n J u ly
8, 1913, p u b lis h e d t h e s t a t e m e n t t h a t a p p r o x i m a t e ly
F a s t D r iv in g T e a m »
F eed
in C o n n e c t io n
1,500,000 Q U ARTS GF LIQUOR
were legally shipped into the state o f Kansas each year.
E HAVE added to our general livery business
two com pletely equipped 6-passenger to u ring
e a rs —to m eet increases! dem and fo r service. Com­
m ercial travelers, outers, h u n ters, anglers, to u rists
bound fo r m arvelous C ra te r l a tk e - will find th a t we
know th e roads, th e co u n try , and how to please.
Kansas got no revenue—ether states yoè the money!
Professional Cards
W. P. CH ISHO LM , M. D.
G old H ill , O regon .
E m balm er and F u n eral
D irector
Com plete line ol burini robe«,
rask ets. etc.
Office Phone: Home, S»—M; Residence
Phone, H o m e * -K ; Pacific 46-Nlaiii
D. W . B A G SH A W
A tto r n e y -a t-L a w
Ja c k s o n v ille , O rego n
AU legal business attended to
prom ptly and carefully
Should we place Oregon near the bottom with Kansas?
Prohibit.onlsts like to talk about
Kansas. T h ey say 1« has been
dry lor M years and has made
a record.
Has It? K an sas P ro h ib itio n io
w h a t oent C arrie N a tio n o n tho
w a rp a th w ith her h a teh et. It
was in Topeka, K an sas, th a t
Mrs. N a tio n o p e n 'd h er hums
to r th e w ives o t men who p o t
d ru n k on K a n sa s P ro h ib itio n
Yet Prohibitionists tell us that as
the capital city of dry Kansas,
T o p ek a Is a model.
Rev. R obert G ordon, pastor of the
First Baptist C hurch, T o p ek s,
w ho has been a Prohibitionist
all his life, said from his pulpit:
••There a re 1 4 0 jo in ts in Topeka
w here in to x ica tin g liq u o r is
so ld ."
T o prove It, he went out and bought
a keg of beer, tw o cases of bot­
tled beer, a suitcase full of w his­
key, and all th e gin and w ine he
couid carry.
That is w h a t ik e P ro h iS iticn ists
them selves te ll us ab o u t Kansu*.
Dry Kansas ranks 32nd in per
capita bank resources.
Dry Kansas ranks 43rd in per
capita savings bank deposits.
Dry Kansas has more inmates
in her prisons in proportion to
population than 24 other states.
Dry Kansas has a greater pro­
portion of juoenüc delinquents
than 26 other states.
Dry Kansas has a greater pro­
portion of feeble-minded than
31 other states.
Dry Kansas has a greater pro­
portion of homicides annually
than 22 other states.
(F leu rai from I ’. S. G u sit« , I rtleral or
other U K k U l
G overnm ent s ta tis tic s sh ow th a t
D ry K a n s a s has th e lo w est
church enrollm ent of Ibc North
C entral States. Only 2 8 .4 p e r
cen t e f h tr popu lation Is e n ­
rolled as church mem bership.
W isconsin, a wet state In the North
C entral group, has a church roll
ot 4 4 .3 p e r cent.
Dry Kansas buys great quantities of
Bitters and H ome Remedies,
G overnm ent repoiIs ahow these
nostrums contain an average o f
33 to 4 0 p er cen t alcohol.
A n a ly sis o f a fa vo rite "nerve
ton ic" sh o n rd tw o g ra in s o f
opium an d 75 p e r cent o f grain
alcohol to each fluid ounce.
T h e S h o rtest W ay
T h e L ea st C o st
T h e B est G u id e s
One trial and our Livery Service m a k e s |frie n d s--try it!
D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s
G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N
Patent m edicines are ulways popu
lar in dry states; above is tire
Do you, as a lo y a l Oregonian,
w a n t Io see yo u r s ta te h eld up
like th is to the n ation 's »corn?
Records cf C ounty Clerks, Express Companies and Railroads in Kansas
show that Kai . s consum es just as much liquor under Prohibition as
it uid w hen it had legally licensed saloons. T he state now gets no
public revenue freni this liquor. T h e “ blind-pig” and the “ boot-legger”
have taken the pL.ce of the regulated saloon and ply their illicit trade
in alleys and under cover of darkness.
Defeat of Prohibition will not change the present Home Rule or Local Option Law
building to Fingili. Long A Co., of
Springfield, for $3185.
E vaporator at Hood R lv ,r.
Hood River.—The Hood R iver Vine­
gar com pany, th at uow m anufacture«
j about 100 carload» of cider and vine
; gar each year, will erect a largo apple
i evaporating p lant In connection with
i the vinegar factory. It 1» expected to
! build the evaporator w ith enough ca­
pacity to cure for all th e apple» of th e
cooking and <’ grades a s well us the
I regular cider apple».
T rade M a r k s
D esigns
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
A n y o n e te n d in g a s k e tc h and dee*T iptlon m ay
q u ic k ly a s c e rta in o u r o p in io n fre e w h e th e r an
IiiT e iitirm is p ro b a b ly p * i «»»table. ('« nnu unlca.
tb .’ i« ■‘t r ic tlr « ' n ttd e n tla l. HAND390K on P a tguta
te n t free. (»Meet agency f o r se c u rin g p a te n ts .
P a te n ts ta k e n th ro u g h M u n n Jt Co. re c e iv e
gprrltit nofUe, w ith o u t charge. In th e
(Paid Advertisement—Tsxpsyen »od Wage Earner.' League, fo r (land, Oregon)
Scientific American.
A han d so m e ly Illu s tra te d w e ekly. la r g e s t d r -
r u la tio ti o f a n y s elentlB c Jou rn a l. T e rm s . |3 a
r e a r : fo u r m o n th s , >L £ u k l by a ll newsdealers.
& Co.33*“ ” New York
B runch O ft ce, 625 F S t , W a s h in g to n . D . G
For th s G am ey T rout
o f the fin e st F ishing
S trea m on the C oast
We have it
The BoN-ToN
Coughed for Three Years
“ I ain a lover of y o u r godsend to h u ­
m anity andjscience. Y our m edicine, l)r .
K ing's New Discovery, cu red my cough
o f th re e years stan d in g .” says Je n n a
F lem m ln g , of New Dover, Ohio. Have
you an annoying cough? Is it stubborn
and won’t yield :o tre a tm e n t? G et a 60c
liottle of Dr. K in g ’s New Discovery te-
d ay r W h at it did for Je n n ie Flsm m 'nu
it will do for you, no m a tte r how stu b ­
born o r ch ro n ic a c rug h may be. I t sto p •
a cougti and «tops th ro a t ami lun.
tro u b le . Relief or money hack. 59c a d
»1.00, a t your druggist.
B uckien ’s A rnica Salve for Pim ple-.
Fool the flies by ordering a new screen
iloor from the large stock of the Big
Pines L um ber com pany.
TWGrealer 0 re<go\\’
W ith new buildings, better equip­
ment. enlarged grounds, and m any ad­
ditions to its faculty, the U niversity
oi Oregon w ill begin its th irty -n in th
year 1 uesday, September IS.
Special training for Business, Jour­
nalism, Law , Medicine, Teaching, U -
brary W o rk, Music, Architecture,
Physical Training and Fine Arts.
Largest and strongest departments
of liberal education.
sell them , turning th e < sh Into t
church tre asu ry to be applied on tin
m in islcr's salary.
N orthw est D elegates at P ortland Meet
and Indorse Recom m endations.
P ortland.— A cen tral organization oi
a cooperative c h a ra e a te r for the by
L ib r a r y o f m o r e (b a n SS.SSS v o lu m e « , t w o
product» Industry in th e northw est is
• p le e d id g y m n s s lu o » « e le v e n b u ild in g « f e l l y
e q u 'p p e d
N e w
| IH . S M
A d o D io U t r iliu n
now assured. It< pr- se n ta ttv e s from
B u ild in g in f o u r « o l c o n s t r u A io n
T u i t i o n F re e
D o r m it o r ie s fo r m e n en d
practically all of the fruit and vege­
fo r w o m « n
E x p e n s e « lo w e s t
W r i t e f o r c s ta lo g an d illu s t r a t e d b o o f c lt t ,
table producing d is 'rie ts of W ashing­
A d I r e M in g R e g is tr a r
ton, Oregon. Idaho and M ontana, to­
E U G E N I. O R E G O N
g eth er with repr<. ".Hives of a m a­
jority of the cAnnerle and ev ap o rat­
ors in operation In those states, at a
m eeting held In the P ortland Coinmi r
ditlon. P eu d u ra w as on a hunting clal Club room s, indoi i d, w ithout a
trip in th e C am as valley d istrict, w ith d issenting vote, the plan of the by­
som e com panions, when one night, be­ products com m ittee appointed by the
com ing 111, he aro se from his bed and last N ational Apple show.
T he final report of the com m ittee
w andered into th e woods. H is com ­
panions search ed for him all night, w as In effect th a t regularly appointed
delegates should m eet In Spokane d u r­
Events Occurring Throughout and found him som e tim e the n ext clay ing th e N ational Apple show th is fall,
in a serious condition, due to expos­
and a t th a t tim e should form a cen ­
the State During the Past
tra l organization w hich would a c t in
an advisory capacity to d istric ts se e k ­
Im m igration Will Be Pushed.
ing th e estab lish m en t of plants, ign
Salem .— W ith a view to inducing Im­
ploying ex p erts In th is work, and
Fall Fishing Season On.
w est, th e Salem Com m ercial Club is would P” »*1'1' ’ a com m on selling
A storia.—T he fall fishing season on
agency for all such In stitu tio n s lnclud
the C olum bia riv e r has opened and m aking a rra n g em en ts to launch a le t­ ed In th e association. It would ha< e
fevery can n ery on th e low er river, w ith ter-w ritin g cam paign. T he plan Is to am ong Ils functions th e stan d ard isin g
th e exception of those a t A ltoona and have resid en ts In th e city and s u r­ of th e grade and pack of by-products,
P illa r Rock, will be in o peration, w hile rounding co u n try w rite le tte rs to th e ir and would play un Im portant p a rt In
th e cold sto rag e p lan ts will handle relativ es and friends, describing the estab lish in g the Industry In o th er
fish also, but probably on a lim ited co u n try ’s clim ate, reso u rces and ad­ ways.
vantages, and urging them to v isit this
T he prices w hich a re to be paid for section w ith a view of locating.
C ontracts at U. of 0 . Are Let.
raw fish a re as follow s: S ilversides 2
E ugene.—The c o n tract for the e rec­
Eggs Laid on Sunday Pay P asto r.
c en ts a pound, dog salm on 5 cen ts
tion of th e new ad m in istratio n build­
each, steelh ead s 3 cen ts a pound, tul-
D allas.—T he women of the B aptist ing a t the U niversity of O regon w as
lies and fall Chinooks l ‘/a cen ts a church of th is city h ave Inaugurated le t to th e BoyaJohn-ArnoldWcompaiiy,
a novel plan to a ss ist in th e paym ent of P o rtlan d , for $89,760. T he co n tra c t
of th e p asto r's salary , E ach woman for the rebuilding of the h eatin g sys­
Dem ented as R esult of Exposure.
m em ber of th e church having chick­ tem on th e cam pus w as let to the
R oseburg.— E dw ard P eudura,
an ens will c o n trib u te all th e eggs her K endall H eating com pany of P ortland,
employ of a telephone com pany in hen s lay on Sundays. T h ese will be and th a t for the plum bing In the new
P ortland, is h e re in a dem ented con- tu rn ed over to a com m ittee who will
S ta b le s
B aker P ioneers C elebrate.
Baker. —T he flrat P ioneer day cele­
bration ever held In B aker county w ar
held at H allw ay, In l ’Ino Valley, at a
largely ntt< tided and notable gathering
of plotieer». many of whom cam o to
B aker county In the early 60e, when
(ho lure of gold caused cities of from
5000 to 10,000 to spring up In a day
and to w ither alm ost as quickly.
he c it y
sh o p ...
W h e r e th e B u n ch
get S h aved
Next tu tòihi Hill Restaurant
R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n
“ T h e C i t y 5’h o p
P ro test A gainst A brogation of T re a t­
ies to Be S eparate From Pow ers'
W ashington.—-A m bassador Morgen-
P ortland, Me.— Mayor O akley C.
C urtis, of P ortland, a dem ocrat, w as thau Informed the elate dep artm en t
elected governor of Maine over Gov­ of the ch a ra c te r of the p ro tests mad«
ernor W illiam T. H aines, republican, a t C onstantinople by the various pow­
of W aterville, who w as a candidate ers against the abrogation by T urkey
for a second term , by a m argin of 2700 of ex tra-territo rial rights and other
votes, according to unofficial retu rn s. privileges which she considered re­
T he vote w as 50,179 for H aines and strictio n s on her sovereignty, .As he
58,877 for C urtis. H albert P. G ardner was w ithout Instructions, th e am bas­
of P atten , the progressive candidate, sador did not p articip ate In the pro­
received 17,147 votes.
It is practically certain th at, while
The four Maine rep resen tativ es,
A sher
H inds, John A. P eters and the United S tates will e n te r objec­
F rank E. G uernsey, republicans, and tions to T urkey's course, the negotia­
Daniel J. McGIlllendy, dem ocrat, w ere . tions will he entirely Independent of
re-elected, according to th e sam e re ­ any notes on the subject addressed by
th e pow ers of Europe.
tu rn s
T he re tu rn s show the republican ' T he U nited S ta te s is In a peculiar
vote has doubled since the presiden- i position tow ard the p ro tests m ade by
tlal election of two years ago. The the powers. In view of the desire to
dem ocrats have m ade heavy gains, keep absolutely clear of th e present
w hile the progressives' stren g th shows tangle of European diplom acy, the
A m erican governm ent will conduct Its
a big loss.
At the presidential election two j re p resen tatio n s separately.
years ago, th e T aft electo rs had 26,-
545 voles, those for P resident Wilson 11 C astaw ays of K arluk Are Saved.
Nome, A laska.—E leven survivors of
61,113, and for Colonel R oosevelt 48,-
(he etew of I he K arluk, the R tefansson
exploring ship, arrived here on the
U nited S ta te s revenue c u tte r Bear.
The survivors Include an Eskimo, his
W heat—Club, 95c; bluestem , $1.05; wife and tw o children.
red R ussian, 92c.
M o d ifie d H arbor Bill Is Agreed On.
H ny—Tim othy, $13; alfalfa, $12.
W ashington.—T he modified riv er
B utter —C ream ery, 35c.
and harb o r bill, as agreed on by the
Eggs—R anch, 30c.
sen ate com m erce com m ittee, carries
a cash appropriation of $1,000.000 for
W heat—B luestem , $1.07; club, 95c; the m outh of the Colum bia river nnd
red R ussian, 92c.
I a continuing co n tract authorization of
H ay —-Timothy, $14 per ton; alfalfa, $1,600,000 additional. T his Is n reduc­
$12 per ton.
tion of $2,600,000 in the continuing
H ay--T im othy, $16 per ton; alfalfa, c o n tra c t provision.
All the o th er
$13 per ton.
north w estern Item s rem ain us they
H utter- I'ream ery, 36c.
w ere In the bill when It wna first re­
Eggs -31c.
ported to the senate Ju n e 18.
Subscrile for the News.