H ill N e w s Overdrafts B. M .l. I T «O L D 11II.L. JACKSON tYH’NTY. i;o N , BY’ ,,i i»wwi L am pm an Ih» Old Mine Midway on the m ountain rivistiti t trail to the old mille guvs, bordered »1 .»ml inuiijutnit:« gleam in (he golden dawn, yottng tir» crowd to tlie pathw ay— Ian the .In.- ii crew In gene. CnniiiK SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1914 above th e valley, »hat trail the burrow» k n m » lu ll they eniried tlolir lit the Ja- SUBSCRIPTION $150 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE sin» itt ’31; climbing the purple i, uttiit- ain, Into shadows Uirne—into the 'noli enol beauty of lasting e w unit morn, A WORD ABOUT TODAY Quartz in the snail mouth irtiwilil.nl. V angle of lutsli »ml vine, wlterv the »»ill a n l hunts in the drowsy h >ur»i here yO D A Y . Saturday the 19th, is Fair Day in Gold Hill. This lu » in ihe site of th eir cabin, tilt* » a - the _ papi r has been printed and issued in advance of the regu Jasons' mine—given no» to the «ilemv lar publication date in order that the premium list and program and strange, shy flower». W hen' is tlie dream eyed Dane and should reach subscribers in time. the lad from the Ozark mountain», mil« Gold Hill never does things by halves, nor three-fourths, nor of the »earch in the golden, olden day»? any other fraction. When its citizens approach the nroplem of Rest them —they »leep at last hy »oft and entertaining 2.500 guests of the city they leave nothing undone shimmering fountain»; neeki r ami svnreh forgotten, lost trail ami hlaae. Qu el to provide for the entertainment and pleasure o f each of the above the valley the old dim trail many. This is the spirit which has been evidenced throughout leads down, bordered w ith rose and lilac the preparations for the second annual Industrial Fair. It has and long still hours, down from the mine of tile Jaso n s into the d ll'l of made success certain. No half-shamed apology accompanies town—dow n from the dream s of wire the invitation to attend. The entertainm ent provided will stackers ami shy strange fiower». Y oung stand upon its merits, and be carried out with a happy zeal that m en say their prospect never held pay, the rules; old men, warm ill the Mill, is somehow lacking in the festal affairs of more pretentious by men who followed the gleam, speak o f ihe early 50'»—wisdom not learned In sell I- hamlets. th a t hid in tlie m i.ttaiu je t The key note of the day is hospitality. There are no nickle I —saying - the Jasons' dream. Mvoiid-vlass m atter catch-traps, fake shows, and garrulous grafters. They have j"a,t been warn« «! away, dismissed to operate in other fields. Every feature on the program, with one exception, is freely tendered for your profit and pleasure. The salmon bake will be a revel- BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON a ion to holiday a p p e tite s-jt will be free to all. Vaudeville ird annual i n C ouuty lair program, river pageant, street features, sports—these make no will The he th held In Com i oil O ctober 1, claim upon your purse. The day and the fullness thereof is 2 and 3. T he second annual Benton County yours. F a ir Is to be held at C orvallis Septera The impcrtance of the Industrial Fair is self evident. It her 1718 19. welds the community for a time to a common purpose, and in C. K. Sullivan, an a tte n d a n t of the spires public sp irit It encourages horticulture, gardening, sta te in san e asylum , w as a rre ste d for assau ltin g th re e patien ts, and wus grain growing, and every phase of valley industry. It heralds fined $50. to other places the resources and possibilities of the home dis Seven p rom inent A lbany women are trict, and encourages investment and homeseekers. Not the Included In th e list of Judge» and clerks for th e coming election in No least of its accomplishments is that of making friends. vem ber and th e city election in De Be in Gold Hill today. It’s a small town which does not cem ber. falsify the census figures, but relies on community spirit to es A hop d ry e r owned by C am pbell & W alker, on th e P. E. & E. line, be tablish it a rung or two higher in public estimation. And it’s tw een Eugene and S pringfield, was destroyed by fire w ith an estim ated very much alive. t N o . 131 report of t h e . C O N D IT IO N o — r — T H E G O L D H IL L B A N K A t G o l d H i l l il» « H e S t a t e o f O r e g o n , a t « H e c l o s e o f b u s i n e s s S e p t . 1 2 t h . 1 Q 14 R e to u r c c * Liabilitie* $32,672.1« Loans and discounts 840.74 Bonds and w arrants - - Stocks and other securities - 2,800.00 F urniture anil fixtures Due from banks nor reserve ban ks 740.66 k» 2.604.41 app 117.15 Checks and other cash items Cash on hand - - - ■ 5,458.00 1,656.10 E x p e n s e s .............................. 103.01 Gold Dust . . . . $10,000.00 Capital stock paid in 1,639.32 Undivided profits - - - Due to banks and bankers - - 234.1« Individual deposits subject to 31,786.53 cheek - - - - - - Demand certificates of deposits 2,900.00 77.72 Cashier’s cheeks outstanding - 3,255.10 Time certificates of deposit Total $46,992.70 - - STATE GF OREGON) C ounty o r J ackson J Total - - - - - $40,992.70 ' I. Lynn W. Sm ith, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statenu nt is true to the best of my knowledge and ln-lief. LYNX W. SM ITH , Cashier. Correct—Attest: H D. R eed , R. H. M oore , Directors. ’ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Sept., 1914. C. S. R ED FIELD . Notary Public. L ow F ares TO T H E Oregon State Fair F a i r G r o u n d s , S a le m Sept. 28th to Oct. 3d th e SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will have in effect from all stations, Main Line and Branches R E D U C E D R O U N D T R IP F A R E S SALE DATES Sept. 24th to Get. 3d Final Return Limit Get. "th A ll Trains Direct to Fair Grounds Full particulars as to fares, tiain schedules, etc. from nearest Agent. John M. Scoti, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon T h e tw o R e lia b le B r e a d M aK ers CROWN and PURE-WHITE During the Industrial Fair, September 18-19, we will give to anyone buying 10 sacks of either of these reliable brands of Flour < O n e 4 9 lb . »SacR F r e e Anyone buying 5 sacks we will give one 24 lb. sack free; with 1000 lbs. we will give 100 lbs. We also invito your attention during the Fair to our dry-goods department where you will find bargains in various lines, as Shoes Hals Caps Dress Patterns Men’s Suits Mu<kin«iws Bring us Butter, Eggs, Spuds, Cabbage, Wheat L a n c e Q. Co. P ortland, com puter, In connection w ith the valuation of railw ay» by the In te rsta te com m erce com m ission. W. G. C arroll, Junior engineer Corp» of Engineer». U. 8. A., rep o rts to Ma jo r Morrow In c h arg e of operation» In th e first O regon d istrict, th a t during A ugust activ e w ork w as conducted on th e south Jetty a t N ehalem Bay, and 135 teet of new tram w ay w as built, w hile 7900 to n s of rock w as dumped. T he R otary club of P ortland has Joined.the cam paign ag ain st billboards loss of $12,500. and signs on th e Colum bia highway. A conference of governors, sta te of A com m ittee w as appointed to go over ficials and Im m igration com m issioners th e road, locate place» w here sign» of W ashington. M ontana. Idaho. U tah would m ost likely be placed and and Oregon will be held le P ortland, pledge property ow ners In w riting not N ovem ber 26 and 27. to perm it th e erection of ad v ertisin g E stim ates m ade by th e s ta te forest « signs. ry d ep artm en t fix th e fire dam age to | A nnouncem ent has been m ade by green lim b er during th e season at ap : Lhe governor’s office that E. G. Hop- proxim ately $6000 and to legging son, supervising engineer for the re- equipm ent a t $40,000. i clam ntlon service in this state, will "N ot guilty " was th e verdict of the ; soon file a report w ith the secretary Jury a t B aker in th e trial of “S cotty” j of th e in terio r relativ e to feasibility Cosgrove, charged w ith th e killing of j of the extension of the t'um alo Irri- W illiam C arroll, his m ining partn er, j nation project through federal and in th e ir cabin n ear Bourne, la st spring. s ta te aid. D istrict A ttorney L. A. L iljequlst, C om prehensive exhibits re p re se n t of Coquille, has started a thorough In ing all of the educational in te re sts of v estigation of the recent robbery a t th e public schools and the sta te In E m pire, w hen five men asserted they stitu tio n s will be shown th is y ear at w ere held up and robbed of nearly th e s ta te fair. T he old pavilion has $1000. been set aside by th e sta te fa ir board Dr. W. H. Lytle, se c re ta ry of the for the exhibits, and nearly all of the s ta te livestock and san itary board, has space has been’ taken by th e educa announced th a t the board h as employ tional Interests. ed tw o Inspectors to m ake w ar on V isitors nt th e Oregon S ta te P air sheep scab in M alheur and H arney th is fall will have an opportunity to counties. pleasure c a rs m ade, also 10 trucks W ith th e connecting In of Coal inspect 40 of th e new eat and best C reek to th e city w ater supply, citi w ith a carry in g capacity of 1000 lbs. zens of L a G rande a re now relieved to five toas. T h e s ta te fair board has of any an x iety as to fu tu re w ater decided to se t aside space for auto sh o rtag e unless som e unusually se m obiles in o rd er th a t the m achinery v ere conditions should arise. . ball will be com plete from a plow to R epublican reg istratio n In Multno a heavy duty truck. m ah county has Increased a fraction T h at a sn ak e will «om m it suicide over 21 per cen t over the total regis to escape toTture w as dem onstrated at tratio n In 1912. w hile the dem ocratic reg istratio n has increased over 100 S ilver Lake, when two cats, the prop erty of a hom esteader n ear the lake, p er cen t of w hat it w as In 1912. C orporation C om m issioner W atson herded a big diam ond ra ttle r Into a has req u ested D istrict A ttorney E la n s hill ot red ant». C harging th a t title to the land was of P o rtlan d to im m ediately file Suits ag ain st all textbook corporations acquired by fraud, the governm ent has w hich have not complied w ith the law sta rte d suit through the federal c o u r t; to cancel p a ten t for 640 acres of land relatin g to foreign corporations. John R ossm an was inBtantly killed now owned by S tephen H arrer, a In Jo e Ja c k so n ’s logging cam p above sheep ran ch er of G rant county. C ircuit Ju d g e Kelly sentenced Roy Wi aiding when his thum bs were cau g h t betw een th e drum» of a don C arroll, convicted of killing John Zel key engine. His whole body was ler, m arshal of G ervais, to life im pris onm ent In the penitentiary. Carroll s draw n in and his life crushed out. Since th e recen t rain s have ended atto rn ey s signified th eir intention of the fo rest fires in Linn county, the 18 appealing to th e suprem e court. T h at the E uropean w ar p resen ts a fire guards to g eth er w ith an addition al crew of 20 men have been assigned golden opportunity to O regon to de to th e w ork of m aking new tra ils and velop Its m ineral resources and add co n stru ctin g m ore telephone lines in m illions to the w ealth of th e stute 1» th e belief of C. W. Clapp, a mining the Santlam national forest. The s ta te fish and gam e com m ission man of 30 y ears' experience, who late is notifying th e public th a t the hunt ly cam e to P ortland from Nevada. ing season on C alifornia (valley or The sale of 87,500,000 board feet of little blue) quail w ill rem ain closed tim ber In the C ra te r L ake national this y ear in M ultnom ah, Clackam as, forest has been autliorlzed by the for W ashington, Yamhill, Polk, Marion, este r a t W ashington, D. C. It is e sti Benton, Linn and L ane counties. m ated th a t th e sale will bring over A lexander W. Pool of P o rtlan d has $250,000 into the national treasu ry , been appointed reco rd er; W. F. W hite, 35 per cen t of which will be sp en t lo J. L. Kelly of P o rtland, appointed cally ori roads and school». ch a'. m en, and R ussell W. W atrous, LOW ROUND TRIP F A R E S TO THE Josephine County F a ir TO BE HELD AT M urphy iSept. 2 2 -2 4 Tickets will 1« sold to Grants Pass fram all points Rust burg to Ash- September 21-22-23-24. Final re turn limit September 26, 1914. Full particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc., from nearest Agent S o u t h e r n P a c ific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Poitland, Oregon Gold Hill Meat Market big supply of^fresh meat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of freeh|fish in season. Woodcock & Blackert Proprietors Do Nob Throw Away Your Broken Furniture Bring it to me and I will show you bow I ran make it as good us new for from 1(1 to 20 per cent of value or no pay. When you w ant new Furniture let me order It for you. Let me show you why I can save you money. It is because I know all about the bus iness. I have some of that good Hand Made Mission Furniture left at b a r gain prices. J. N. F O U N T A IN S O U T H .VIDE, ru R N F unE store G o ld M ill, O re g o n I