H v "U don’t Use lh |. p.t,«T don't bor­ row It Remember i l i .'Gold Hill Fair—Hep-| tcmla-r I h and 10 Ht-ltnul reopens Monday. For Sale: 77 ac r.» <-n ,!• nnty Itornl | | you don't like this p*|a‘r (lidi11 I h n ' within 24 mile« of Gold Hill, about 50 row It mid. r e u l t l v . i l n i l i . g o o d bind, flue spring Pa'ronlae home Industry—•»Bioko Ml wlib h could l«‘ piped to ln>u«e slid latrn, Pill and Gov. Job ison «l^tor«. solin' fruit trees, an Itk-al dairy ranch, I ’I m ii w ii exhlldl lor the Gobi llilt In for i,nick «ab‘ for only if.AU per acre, For dostriol Fair, September 18 «ml 1». particulars call or address, R .d,bid. For Sale—Good driving pony, "lib G"l I Hill, Oregon Intggy practically new; will be sold at bargain. Inquire »1 News off|<«>. Deputy game warden Riley Ham F urnished cotta»» ot lour room«, ineraly came down from Willow Flat with screened porch, (or rent a t I to Sunday and attended th e venison b ar­ becue at Riddle the following day, per m onth.— Mre, W. P. Chtsholtn. Dave Avery, ol Engine, 1» at present w here he met and conferred wltn visiting blx iti >tbor and brother« In this chief game warden Evans, Wm. L, Finley, and o th e r notable« In th e «tats city. service. Also, say« the warden, the ' Mrs. C. A. Pet«r»on and Mr». Je»»le barbecue was a huge success. He McClendon were vl»ltor« with Grant« returned to hla post on upper Evans Local News Notes Pa«« friend« Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. Fred Held el, and sous Chart«» and Frank, returned to Rose- bura Tuesday. They were summoned to this city by the death of Mr. Rel- del'a mother. W INTER C O A T S Splendid Line o f Ladies' Fall and W in t e r C o a ts n o w on display a t creek Wednesday, Ml»« L aura Belle Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Clarke, was wedded to Clyde W. W alker at Jack­ sonville Wednesday forenoon— steal­ ing a com plete march upon their T J O 'H ara, of Central Point, ac- many friend» who hud anticipated com,•»tiled by hl« wmlrlaw, M I). Bow­ the happy event. Roth young people G en eral e n of rid“ city, left on Thtir«d»y evening are of thia city and The News wlshea M e r c h a n d is e for Pendleton, win-re they will »|«ind to Join In th e ahower of good will and several day» upon Mr, O’Hara'« l«>namta good wlshea which greeted tho union. They will mako th eir home In thfa wheat ranch. Harry En«lgn, formerly manager of city, have rented mid furnished a tfui Sleepy Hollow rum'll, hut for more coxy cottage on 4th avenue. than a year pa«t Intent ii|mn bu»lnc«» While driving Io Gold Hill from his elsewhere, arrived on Thiirwlay Pi in- 8 itn« Valley ranch last Saturday, Wm. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. b |» t i (In - p r o , «Tty, In which he i» largely 11 Myer»met w ith disaster w lien a passing advanced their left wing without en­ 0438 Department of the Interior’ U.8. Land Inter, «ted. auto frightened his team from the gradi ergetic opposition by the German», several engagement« on the , at Roseburg, Oregon, Septeuil»-r 2, Alvin Guldl. formerly boas carpen­ overturning tin- rig containing Ids gn. st. I " n give assistance. Learn­ tlona. a new offensive movement of lo c|ajui the land above des- or alfalfa anywhere. Very clu-ap. Suh ing the facts be returned to Gold Hill on 20 army corp« toward Berlin. Icribed, before AV. H. Canon, U.S. Coin- Look at*our WELLINGTON dishes, irrigated, every P* acre« 1« choice. Well Thursday to make hi« apologies to Mr The Galiciau operations can have mhwiooer, at bis office, at Medford, Ore- now displayed in our window. 15 little Influence on event« In France, ; on , ll(J 12lh (lay of October, 1914. located and only 5 mill* from II. R. "ta- Myer». per cent off for a short time only. lion. For particular« cal, upon or write, Almost 28 years ago, on A ugust 16, which are subject to serious German I claim ant names as witnerees: disarrangem ent only as Russia gets —C. 8. Itv.iiriKUi, Agent. Jatnes Fredcnburg, of Gold Hill, Or. 1886, to be exact. 8. T. Hodge« and a Our new ROSEBUD assorted, to W 8 nacku». of P ortland, m anu­ party of young merry m akers vlatted close to Berlin. The Slav now Is no j William Eddington, of Gold Hill, Or. close, out at A B S O L U T E L Y fac tu re r of th e fam ous tro u t file, C rater I-akc, scaled th e sum m it o-i nearer the German capital than he ' Curtis Miller, of Sams Valley, Or.J was at the outbreak of hostilities. His i WHOLESALE prices. Come in and Jose ih F. Cox, of Sams Valley, Or. and holder of many record» for fly W izard Island, and defied tim e with —J. M. U iton , Register. casting, «pent Sunday on the Itogue the record of th eir visit, chiseled In | first movement was violently thrust 1 be your own judge. n ear Gold Hill. Mr. Hackua took tho rock by a m em ber of tho party, ) back In the lake district of Allenstetn 1 The Germans are being strongly re­ th ree fine steelhead of good weight. who chanced to he an engraver. L a st, . , Notice to Creditors _ , , ... „ nforced In eastern Prussia and it 1« Sunday Mr. Hodge« and Ids wife, ai . . . . ,__ _________ . FOR SALE— Eighty a n- Improved certain that the Russians will meet by Miss Nina Sharpe and farm within two miles of Gold lllll, all companled Nattac ¡is hereby given, that AV. G. ... . . .. , i with a strenuous resistance before Wm. B ackert, motored to th e Lake. good land, along the Pacific Highway, . . ..I.u ’hev succeed in clearing the roads to Myers, tlic ondcreigticd. lias been ap- hull*' and barn and some fruit. $100 per Mr. Hodges was curious to revisit | _ Berlin. pnlnted administrator of the estate of acre.’ Term" t cash, very easv term» Wlxard Island for evidences of tho In eastern Galicia the Austrians I.nla A. Myers deceased, by the County and long time for the balance a t 6 percent, trip m ade a q u arte r century ago have suffered disaster alm ost on the Conrtjof Jackson County, Oregon, and Again he scaled th e rocks, and found consbli r this choice, scale of that which overwhelmed Mc­ all persons having claims against said ihe nam es to be half ob literated by —0. S. Redfield, Mahon 44 years ago. The Russians estate, are ls-reby notified to present the ' G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r ic e s * Of th e original tiobl Hill, Oregon. tim e and w eather. . . . . . . also defeated the Austrians between same duly verified to the undersigned „„„ ch()lni an(1 forced them t0 administrator, at his residence at Gold Mr». J. H. Beeman returned on party of 18. the following were «k- Hill, Oregon, or at the law office of II. Tuesday from a th ree week’s vlsli clperable: Maggie Linn, Abbie Ross retreat south. with her daughter, Mrs. George Lane ' Minnie Ross. Anna Shipley. Tom The Russian capture of Lemberg is I.. DeArmond at Medlord, Jackson , at Aumsville. Her son. Horton, who Ross, E. R. Resm es, F ran k Linn, R. declared to be of first Importance and County, Oregon, on or Is-fore the expir­ E. Davis. C. W. P atterson and Sam Petrograd (St. Petersburg) declares ation of six months from tiie date of i s I ho spent the la tte r part of vacation at the home of hlH sister, returned on Hodge«. lit has rendered the Austrian army in first publication of this notice. You can raise some crops every year and all crons some years without Date of first publication is August ¡Galicia of no further m ilitary value. th e Saturday previous. irrigation. X Bnt if yon want to raise all cropsevery year you should irrigate. 1, 1914. IR Is known that the military opera Tho m anagem ent of the Industrial The value of any crop any year can be increased 50 to 500 per cent by ir­ BRIEF WAR NEWS AV. <;. M yers , jtlons In that region have been over- • Administrator. rigation. F air to lie held on Saturday next, ! whelming in their magnitude. Along No Important engagement is report­ If yon have water supply from well, creek or stream, we can supply you especially urge« th a t property owner« ' the entire front of 250 miles probably with electric power for pumping. On receipt of information card we will be and burlness men spruce up their ed between the forces of the Allies Some bargains in small tracts of land ' 1,800,000 men were engaged. Around pleased to make you estimate of cost. prem ises for the occasion and add the and the Germans during the past Lemberg the Austrians had 200,000 suitable lor garden, chicken or dairy week. The Germans continued to general decoration of the city by p er­ Number of acres desired to h rigate....................................................................... force their way toward Parts, the al­ tnen and perhaps 500 pieces of artil­ purpose", ranging in si»1 from two to sonal effort. Total lift in feet from water level of well or stream to higheat point of land fifty acres, close in and conveniently lo­ lery. Lemberg is a Junction point of lied sm ites falling back, fighting rear The stork left a bright and husky gnard engagements. eight railroads and contained great cated for market and schools. If you are to irrigate..................................... ........................................................................... baby boy a t the home of Mr. and Mrs The French government, In order to quantities of military stores. Russian looking-for small place for any purpose Number of feet of pipe required............................................................................ George Briggs early Sunday morning. avoid the possibility of being bottled officials declare their victory has put call upon or address, —C. 8, Redfield, Number of feet of ditch or flume required.......................................................... On Tuesday evening the patron bird up tn Parts, was removed to Bordeaux. out of action a quarter of Austria's Gold Hill, Oregon. W ater supply (well or stream) and name of stream ......................................... of babies evidently recalled another The honors of the week are Ger­ first line troops. engagem ent In Gold lllll, when Mr. many’s for the spectacular march of S ig n ed ....................................................................................................................... and Mrs Henry B ritt welcomed tho her right wing to the environs of Postotfitejaddress.................................................................................................... New York.—Russian troops to the advent of a nine pound son. Parts, but strategically, they are emp­ number of 150,000 have passed ; Ixx-ation—Section.................... Tow nslii p ................. Range................................. The Ladies’ Shop will reopen with a ty honors. Germany can do nothing through England and are now at the i splendidly selected line of fall and winter with Parts for the moment. Her main rear of the German army tn France, ’ millinery, cloaks and coats, on Saturday, objective must continue to bo the sep­ according to Vance Thompson, an ■ the 12th. The latest fabrics and designs aration of the opposing forces and American writer who arrived on the in ladies’ coats, from $7 upward. The their envelopment. Red S tar liner Kroonland, which sail- 1 216 West Main Street Phone 168 The week hns seen these envelop­ ed from Liverpool August 28. opening is la id in the Kelsey building, and the ladies of Gold Hill and vicinity ing attem pts tried ngatn imd again, On that day. Mr. Thompson said, he ■ but each tim e the English and French saw detachments of Coasaeks on their i an> cordially urged to in,«p jet the line. Following 1« a list of th e letters have stepped backward before the cir­ way to the Channel portB, and learned t rem aining uncalled for In the Gold cle was completed and the noose has that the British government had sus­ pended the regular train service tn Hill postoffice on Septem ber 15th been pulled In vain. These successes prove not so much order to give the Russians the right of P arties calling for sam e will idease say "ad v ertised ": A rm strong, J. H.; an uncanny ability of Germany to way. He added that he could say from Belt, F rank: Brook, W .; Ball, Lee, crush fortresses at will, as a very reliable authorities that 150,000 Rus­ Oliver, Mr«. Maude: Neville. Mi».i pressing fear of the allied field armies sians had already crosaed the Chan- , F annie; Dr. 8tandley.— H. D. Reed, that If they get too near their own nel and were now probably attacking fortified areas they may he driven In­ the German rear, while It was under­ P. M. side and surrounded. stood that thousands more were on G randm a Rhoten, m other of the The German foroes having failed to their way from Archangel by the Arc­ fam ous elan of pocket hunter«, and envelope the allies, are reported to tic route to England. now com paratively young at 89 yearR, have fallen back before their offens­ Passengers on steamers from Eng took her first autom obile ride with ive tactics on the line from Mnnteuil land recently have reported a move­ Ralph D arling on Sunday. She has le-Haudouin to Verdan, In a dispatch ment of Russian troops through the been living a t th e home of her «on, from Boulogne, in which the French British Islas to the Continent. Al. near Tolo, and Is now the guest commander. General Pau, is given ns of her daughter, Mr«. Boggls, <>► authority that the allies have won a Belgian Town Destroyed. Kane« Creek. victory at Precy Sur Otse, In which London.—An Ostend dispatch to the Uncle Dave Miller, who «ought su r­ the Imperial Guard, under the Crown Reuter Telegram company says: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■»-» -w- s^ » ■ • cease from stom ach trouble and rheu Prince of Germany, Is ulleged to have "The Germans have destroyed the N o rth b o u n d nintlam at the Edgewood, Calif., m in­ been annihilated by a British force. Belgian town of Dlnnnt (15 miles S:o< a.in . The British official bureau says thnt south of Namur) after shooting hun­ No. 14 era l springs last week, returned on 11:04 a. m. ' 44 (motor) Monday to hts home In thl« city. Mr. the plans of ihe French commander- dreds of the male Inhabitants because. No. 5:07 p. m. i No. 4tl (motor) 5:56 p. m. Miller was benefltted, though to no in-chief, General Joffre, are being It is alleged, shots had been fired No. ltl . . . . 1 S o u th b o u n d great extent, by the baths, and In­ steadily carried out, and thnt the al­ from the heights overlooking the city.' 7 :4H a. in. ' No. 43 (motor) tends to lot reat and southern Oregon lies have succeeded In forcing hack 10:10 a. in. : 13 clim ate perfect the cure. He motored In a northeastern direction the Ger­ Patronize home industry—smoke Mt. No. 1:42 p. m. 1 No. 45 (motor) 3:15 p. tn. to the springs with Ed Weston of man forces opposed to them. Parts I’ltt and Gev. Johnsen cigars. No. 15 officially roports that the n lll's have J 1 Medford L M erritt &• C o m p a n y W a n ted More Earthenw are Customers D. H. M IL L E R ’S Irrigation is Crop Insurance CALIFORNIA-OREGONPOWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Our aim in Banking Safety First S. P. Time Card THE GOLD HILL BANK