Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 12, 1914, Image 2

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G o ld
H ill
N ew s
Vas reared
Overdrafts I Secured
B. H. I .
? ( B L lsU E D
B en
i Ì k - itali]
H. L am pm nn
Hill | ‘o*i<-tticv for transmission through tlie inaila a»
secoixl-clawi matter
SATURDAY, SEPT. 12. 1914
-------- - -
T h is la th e creed he gave to m<
th a t m an o f little w o rth , e re he s o
hta face to a n o th e r place a n d sou gin
th e en d s o f e a rth . •‘K id ," he spake
th e e a rth is Jake, an d strip e d w ith
c o u n tless ntlles, so m e o f th em lies
I th ro u g h th e lan d o f aigha an d som e
Tj th ro u g h th e vale o f sm iles. Joy I*
f<»r » >nan to g re e t, b u t sorrow
_____ ' bear» a s to n e - an d th is Is th e rig h t of
“ a stric k e n pal , , . to never be
ditched alpnel
“ F a te Is at best a sorry jest, a n l
maybe your pal goes lame, but ho
gives a smile to the lim ping mile-
I the sltnueagun is game! Then la the
tim e to Quote a rhym e and crack him
^George Putnam, in Mail-Tribune)
(H E E D O’ T H E 1«) l i t
tii(^ - ’o u p e t i t -”
< rown Best Patent Flour
is beyond question the best family flour offered for sale in
this market.
Ii is milled from selected wheat of the finest quality avail­
able with the beat and most modern machinery that can be
It is UNIFORM IN QUALITY and specially made to suit
the requirements of the family trade.
It is UNBLEACHED and free from adulteration of any kind.
» ▼ This query was propounded to R. A. Booth, candidate
Every sack is GUARANTEED by the Crown Mills and If the
of the Portland Oregonian for United States senator, by the Al- ,* Jpst or three> when you halt 10 r*”
buyers are dissatisfied for any reason the flour can be re­
¡a t n o o n 's b eh est b e n e a th th e d u s t”
turned and full purchase price will be returned without
bany Democrat,
; tree. Slack your strid e to your part-
After months of deliberation, Mr. Booth has issued a 10,000- «»««•’• «‘d»>. «•*« him a boost on the
word explanation of how he got the wealth that constitutes his *rade- for th e guy who n its when
: his p artn er quits Is th e so rriest thing
qualification for public office.
’ <a©e „ j a j , . -
“The story of my life” is the prosaic recital of the fru g al,' Thl, ,, the creea he gave t0 rae,
thrifty youth with acquisitive faculties making the most of op- th at man of little w o rth , e re he »lung
portunity. constantly adding to savings, investing wisely and his pack and hit th e tra c k to seek th e I
enlarging the field of operations as wealth accum ulated-the X u lk e /L u t the ««m e t a T i X » '! . . '
tale of the village Rockefeller.
, ru le s— an d th e b to a d w hite » tr e a t
Mr. Booth in explaining how the Booth-Kellv Lumber com- tliro,n:h “ human freak u never|
pany acquire 1 its vast timber holdings, denies that property was ag a whUe
shalt ls lh„ wW,„
secured by fraud or that he as manager was party to any fraud- th e creed l ow n for th is u th e rigi
to !
ulent transactions. A case, however, is pending in the federal ° f » « trte k e n frien d
supreme court which flatly contradicts Mr. Booth’s assertions.
never dltcho-d a,°“®'
Suit was brought to cancel five land patents to timber land
owned by the Booth-Kelly company on the ground that they BRIEF NEW S OF OREGON
had been obtained by fraud. The federal circuit court of ap­
peals held that the timber lands had been fraudulently secured, S andy now has a com plete electric
lig h tin g s y s t.m .
and ordered the patents cancelled.
A firem en's touraam ent was held at
The entries were made by Ethel LaRaut and Lucy LaRaut, St. John» .Monday.
tre a su re r, and know n and
sisters-in-law of Mr. Booth; Stephen LaRaut, Booth’s brother- P ru n e h a rv e st Is in full sw ing In th roughout e a ste rn O regon us “U ncle
in-law; LaRaut’s wife, Alice LaRaut and Edward Jordan, an th e M yrtle C reek section.
G eorge." celebrated his 90th birthday
employee of the Booth-Kelly company, who confessed that he
comp!in). are con.idering the a t P endleton T hursday.
and surgeons from ull
had made the filing upon an understanding that the company erection of a »75,000 dock in Portland, p a P rts hysicians
of O regon will g a th e r In P o rt­
would pay filing expenses and pay him a bonus of $100 for turn- A Perm»n‘“nt dairym en'» organtia- land T h u rsd ay and Friday to nttend
ing over the land.
D airy m en ', association, w as form ed at th e annual m eeting of th e O regon
S ta te M edical association.
Mr. Booth asserts that he was actuated by the commend- Union,
Baron von H orst, who was arrested
able purpose of aiding poor relations and that the transactions Eour new fore8t ftr*“ have been ** in E ngland as a G erm an spy. Is well
know n to som e of th e leading hop
we.e Within the law.
th e uppe r w ill a n e tt e riv er, w ithin the
grow ers of Independence, w here he
Federal Judge Gilbert, in his decision, cancelled the claims ®a6t few da)*
w as In terested in the hop Industry.
A ccording to a report subm itted to
as fraudulent because the entryman never saw the timber claims no™e„ X ir “ a T X .o T 2 oreXm
overnor W est by the secretary of the
after making their entries, never attempted to dispose of the win open S eptem ber i s and continue G
s ta te gam e and flab com m ission the
claims, although aware of the value of the timber; paid no part untl1 September is.
expenditures of the com m ission from
o r the expenses of filing npon the claims; paid no taxes on the p J Ooodman' aK,’<1- 72, • p,°neer Jan u a ry 1 to A ugust 1 totaled »83.-
claims; that the Booth-Kelly Lumber company paid all the ex- , here. following a long illness. He 257.85.
An election Tuesduy last to te st the
penses of the entries and all taxes and charged these expenses had lived in A storia 25 year».
sen tim en t of th e people w ith regard
St. H elen's Hall, an E piscopal acad- , , 0 ,)On(|lnK (hf> (. „ y of Bun)|( for
an J taxes to itself and not to the entryman.
. ,
em y fo r g irls a t P o rtland, w as gutted 000 for a w ater and sew er system , re ­
M r . B o o t h S explanation of where he got it does not square and alm ost en tirely d estroyed by fire,
sulted In 172 In favor and only 37
with the facts in the case as presented by the United States at a 1088 of about I60-00®- iul|r cov ag ain st the proposition.
A fter track in g the men suspected of
court of appeals, which has clearly set forth the process where- er^ by
m . <
, ,
Tickets to the above point will l»e sold by
robbing tb e safe of the G ardiner Mill
by Mr. Booth got some of it.
the S. P. from all points Glendale to Ash­
com pany of nearly »6000, to Florence,
land inclusive Sept. 17-18-19. Final return
S heriff G eorge Q uine of K oseburg a r ­
rested one of tb e suspects as he was
limit September 20.
W atch for our special posters announcing big
bargains for Fair Day
»S atu rd ay, t h e 1 9 th
L ance
C o.
G o l d H ill
iSept. 1 8 -1 9
about to board a boat bound for Yreku,
C om plaints a re pouring Into G over­
n o r W est’s office th a t th e seines of
fisherm en a re killing thousands of
crab s In th e bays n e a r W aldport, and
th e executive has asked tb e sta te
gam e and fiBh com m ission to m ake an
Mrs. L. E. Shelley was throw n out
of the wagon when tbe h orses dashed
down a g rade on tbe Joh* Day moun­
tain and su stain ed severe injuries,
says a re p o rt from John Day. Guy
D urham , the driver, '_ escaped with
m inor Injuries.
P rofile and topographic m aps show
lng th e w ater pow er possibilities of
the Deachutea and Hood riv ers have
been com pleted by tire s ta te and U nit­
ed S tates geological survey d ep art­
m ents, according to S ta te E ngineer
Jo h n H- Lewis.
Dennis M cCarthy, county cruiser,
who for five y ears has been cruising
th e stan d in g tim b er of Coos county, |
tiled his rep o rt with County A ssessor
T h rift. A ccording to th e sum m ary i
of his rep o rt th e re a re 18.927,856,600
feet of tim b er In Coos oounty.
A petition to divide G rant county
asks th a t seven of the n o rth ern pre-
cin cts of G ran t county be ctlt off to I
form a new county, to be nam ed Wa­
ns, an Indian word, m eaning running
w ater, and used by the Indians to des­
ignate tb e no rth fork of the Jo h n Day
Salem con stitu tio n al law yers say
th a t the universal eight-hour law to
be voted upon by the people a t the
com ing election, even though It should !
be approved, would be held unconstl- :
tutlonal by th e courts. T hey declare j
th a t a clause In It bringing ce rta in !
railw ay em ployes w ithin Its provisions
tresp asses upon an act of congress re
laling to the hours of labor of such
em ployes, and th a t clause, not being
separable from th e rem ain d er of the
bill, would m ake It void In Its antire
♦♦♦ Your Youngsters Will Save Enough t o Pay for *♦*
Pencils, and more, if They Buy Their
S c h o o l » S u p p lies
Doing our buying in combination with 7,000 other leading druggists, we are able
to buy more cheaply than other druggists or stationers can, and thus can, and do, sell
more cheaply. Besides this, our stock is varied and complete. We can supply all your
child’s needs.
Blank Books
Composition Books
Note Books
Pencil Tablets
Practice Tablets
Drawing Tablets
Theme Tablets
Spelling Tablets
And all
the standard O
v ilU U I
Examination Tablets
fountain Pens
Pencils, all colors
Pens and Penholders
Inks, all colors
Drawing Materials
D O O ilS
in use in the schools
in this vicinity
Unquestionably This is the Store Where You Get Good Service and Save Money
Raincoats and Hats Free
The lx>y ot girl leturning by December 1st the largest
num ber of front covers taken from the Kexall Store
School Series will receive an Eton R aincatand Hat—FREE
M. D. Bowers
Gold Hill
Full particulars as to far s, train schedules, etc., from
nearest Agent
Southern Pacific
John M. Scott,
Genera Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Gold Hill Meat Market
A b ig
supply of ¡fresh meat always on hand.
We carry the best of creamery butter.
All kinds of freshj fish in season.
Woodcock & Blackert
Do Nob Throw Away Your
Broken Furniture
Bring it to me and I will show you how I can niagc it as good as new
for from 10 to 20 per cent of value or no pay.
When you want new Furniture let me order it for yon. Let me show
you why I can save you money. It Is liecause I know all about the bus­
I have some of that g<ssl Kami Made Mission Furniture left at bar­
gain prices.
J. N. F O U N T A IN
FVRNis u r e s t o r e
G o l d H ill, O r e g o n