Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
If you d o n 't llac tlda pa,x>r d o n 't b o r Local News Notes |1 row it. School Monday. If you don’t Hk« ahi» paper don't Inn- row It. W lw e—the Fair—I«* there. Hold Hill, H cptemlier Ik mill IV. 1‘a'runlae home Imliwiry—«moke Mi l*lll mid Gov. J«li moil cigar«. l> rry IliillH-rt went to tin- parental lutllll' «1 Auburn, (’«Ilf., on Tbiirwlny. It H. Moore »«« a builueea vlaltur (¡rant» Pa»» Wednesday. Coroner A. E K w II obk * •» 1» Mud- ford Tueaday, conduetlna the H»r- dan Inquest. el |{e tiic itd x r til»- Gold Hill Fair -Kep- 1 tem her Ik atid III. For Sale, —Second hand piano, good value, price > B » l. M r- A. 1‘ Kellogg and Master X ia -I ! an* the wei k cud giu-xta of Medford Irlenda. For Sale: 77 acn-s on ('--nitty Road w ithin Hi mill - id Gold Hill, about fit1 miller cultivation, g«»al laud, fine spring which could he piped to house and barn, ’ «■nW fruit trees, an ld"ul dairy ra n c h ,! for quick sale for only $50 |» r acre. For particulars cull or addn-m, C. 4. Ih.lllcld, r W INTER FURS We have ordered a large line o f fine Furs, due to arrive October I. In variety and quality th e finest in Southern Oregon. Gold Hill, Oregon. 1-algh H unt, president of the Hunt i uldi'iieu, aoulbweat of the elty, which he E ngineering com pany, retu rn ed on | Saturday last from an extended bual-1 h«a leased (or a year. peas visit to San Francisco. He was i For Kale—Good driving pony, with buggy practically new-, will lie aold at Joined In this city on Wednesday by I Carl lutnhart, of Frisco, both d ep art bargain. Inquire at New» office. Geer acnaon opened again Tuesday, ing th a t evening for a trip to eaat- September 1st, according to the procla ern cities. R usticating a t Willow Flat agreed m a tio n iaaueil by G overnor Weat. F urnlahed cottage of four room a, with hint, aaya A. J. T Sm ith, who with screened porch, for ren t at ,1 0 retu rn ed from th a t sylvan beauty spot on Friday last. D uring the last per mouth Mr». W. P. Chisholm. th ree m onths Mr. Smith has been In F o i l S A L E — Gnu E uaim an Kodak, »lx** hiding from th e hot w eather— at j -,l» by I ’*, in ulwolutely Ural d a m con- W arden Itlloy Ham inorsly'a camp on j dhli'ii, price rea«. .liable. John Kelsey. upper Evans. Charley Young. Medford'a profes H orace Jones whose a rt work In sional sportsm an, paid his old Irlenda In thia city a vialt the first of the , Foots Creek raanzanlta has ut- j tr a d e d wide spread atten tio n I week. throughout the state, la reported to train robbers, were sentenced to serve NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mra. George Neuber returned to be seriously III at bis home In th a t i 13 years In the Oregon state peniten 0430 h er home ut Jacksonville on Haturda d istrict. Mr. Jones recently retu rn ed : tiary. Stoner and Meadors, together D epartm ent of the Interior* U .8. Land lust, afte r visiting her daughter. Mra. i from P ortland, w here ho endeavored with Charles Manning, held up O.-W. Otliee at Row Imrg, Oregon, Septem ber 2, H arry Portor. R. il N. I rain No. 5 near Meacham, 1014. to recuperate Ills fulling health. J. C. Burch, president of the Beaver i F o il SALE—mat tine fa m in g acres In July 2. Notice is hereby given th at H arry P ortland Cement company, »a« In | a o m p a e t Issly, nearly level s lid nearly • Lewi» Cox, ot Sam» Valley, Oregon, who, Gold 11)11 Saturday, returning to ull under high state of cultivation. Servians Invade Austria. on August 21, 100k, made Homestead P o rtland the following day. No la tte r la id for fruit, grain j Salonika.—One hundred und twenty- E ntry Serial N o.0438 for the S4 of KWJ<, Scorer of Gold HUI people, young or alfalfa anyw Is-re. Very cheap. Sub-j five thousand Servian troop« were In N W ',' of BEAi and NEt< of SW>4 of and old, alteuded the IJarnuin 4i irrigai, d, every 10 acre» is choice. Well j vading Austria, It was announced In Section IS. Township 35 S, Range 2 W. Bailey circus at Medford last Sntur hs-ated and only 5 miles from It. It. sta-1 u dlsputch received from Nish. Large W illam ette M eridian, ha» filed notice of day, and all were delighted with the thin. For parti. ulars call u | m iii or write, i numbers of Austrian Slavs were said inb-ntion to make Final Five-year Proof, to be rising to help them. —C. S. |{Rtn-iKu>, Agent. big show. to establish claim to the land above des Pete Meyers, the urbane and de cribed, before W. H. Canon, U .8. Com Mr. and Mrs. Luke Jennings and France to Raise New Army. missioner, at his office, a t Medford, Ore-1 Mrs C. A. Peterson, accompanied I. pendable, resum ed his clerical duties I-ondon.—According to reports from gon, on the I2th day of October, 1014. It. Cardwell on a m otoring trip to with .Merritt A Company the first of London, France has formed a new d a iffia n t names as witnesses: C rater Lake Sunday, returning the the week, afte r a sum m er s|w-nt In Jam es Fredrnburg, of Gold H ill, Or. vatlonlng. Clinton W alker, who held army of a quarter of a million men following day. to take the offensive against the Ger William Eddington, of Gold Hill, Or. .Miss Edna Proctor, teacher of the the position during the absence of Mr. man right. Cnrtis Miller, of Sams Valley, Or. 1 Meyers, will resum e his studies with th ird and fourth grades, arrived on Jose ih F. Cox, of Sams Valley, Or. Bunday, having spent ' the sum m er the opening of school. Germ an 8am oa is T aken By English. —J. M. I'lTok, Regb-ter, A fter an absence of over a year. vacation aa the guest of her parent» London.—The official Information Mrs. M. II. Rice Is again Southern P a bureau announces that Apia, a seaport at Lindsay, Cal. Notice to C reditors Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cardwell and cific agent at thia xtatlon, and as- of Upolu. Samoan Islands, and capital Mra. F rank Adams, who were guests suftoed charge of the local office last ' of the German part of the group, has of L. ft Cardwell for the fortnight, Saturday. H er retu rn to tho post j surrendered to the HrUiGh. Notice Jis liert-by given, th a t W. G. m otored back to K lam ath Falls via which she filled so capably for tnanv j Myers, the nndersixned. lias been ap- years 1« warmly welcomed by locul j White Cabbage Grown. C rater Lake Sunday. i [s.inted adm inistrator of the estate of Citizens, Relief Agent C. P. Easley. | Gold Hill.-—Enoch M. 8mlth, the Lola A. Myers deceased, by the County D im - Hudson returned nil Wednesday who has been In charge since t h e ; Burbank of southern Oregon, has per (< iirt*of Jackson G iunty, Oregon, and from Fort Kluuuitb, Wh<re be bus been tra n sfe r of Agent W. II. Speer to j fected a snow-white cabbage. By a ull persons having claims against said employed In a butcher shop i he past sum m er lie was accompanied by Joe Voue. .Merlin, left for P ortland Saturday process of selective culture, the Gold ' estate, an- hereby notified to present tho a former resident of Gold Hill, who will evening, lie expects to be assigned I HUI gardener has been working along same duly verified to the undersigned Ito a permanent position elsew here. I this line for several years. adm inistrator, at Ids resilience at Gold vl-lt h-re, z Trunk Avery ho* niov d to Itehlel re- L .Mr and .Mrs. W. L. Spayd* de purled W ednesday m orning for W ash in g to n . where they will make their fu tu re home. For th e past two y ears Mr. Spnvde has been a Sams Valley rancher. , M r . und Mrs. Leigh Hunt and chil dren motored to C rater Lake Sunday, retu rn in g late th a t evening. Al though t lit» long trip was made In one day. they spent several hours at the famous scenic w onderland. George E. Sanders, president of the Rogue River Public Hervlce cor poration, and Francis M. F auvre. as sistan t tre a su re r, motored to Gold Hill from G rants Pass W ednesday, and Inspected the com pany’s property n ea r th is city. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Miller r e tu rn ed on F riday from Newport and Nye Beach, where they listened to the sad sea waves and spent tw o delight ful weeks. Henry says th a t clam bakes are the social furore by the ocean Just now. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Luthy re turned to Salem, where Mr. L uthy Is principal of schools, on W ednesday of th is week. They have made th eir sum m er home on a Sardine Creek hom estead an<l will retu rn with the close of th e term . Word was received by the local I. O. O F. lodge of the death of John H um phreys, which occurred at a Portland iio«-ltnl W ednesday of this week, lie was well known in this city, when- he resided until lour nr five years ago. and was lor a number of years chief of police. George laiwrence, S. W. Lawrence, and Ix-ster Lawrence, were in Gold Hill T hursday ns guests of Mr. and Mrs. E T. Simmons. The two former gentlemen are brothers-in-law of our Ed. They are upon a motoring trip which lias included a lour of eastern Oregon and a visit to C rater Lake, and left (or their Portland hom e yesterday. FOR SAI.E— Righty Here Improved Farm within two miles of Gold Hill, all good land, along the Pacific Highway, house ami ham and some fruit. $100 |s -r acre. Terms I cash, very easy terms Hnd long time for the halanec at. <1 percent, eonsider tldschoice. —0. K. Redfield, Gobi Hill, Oregon. Ì M ILITIA ORDERED TO BUTTE Governor Mobilizes State's Force For Service at Butte Mines. Helena, Mont.—Governor Stew art ordered the Immediate mobilization of the entire state militia, consisting of ten companies, as a result of the re newal at Ilutle of factional troubles among the miners. Governor St-w art also telegraphed Senators Walsh and Evans asking their aid In having federal troops from Vancouver barracks brought into the sta te and held In readiness In the event the state m nttia was not able to cope with the situation. Butte.—Miners openly threatened to lay t^e town in ashes If either state or federal troops attem pted to enter Butte. Oue of the leaders of the min ers declared that they do not intend to fight, but would wreak vengeance upon the business men for having been instrum ental In bringing soldiers to Hutto. May Tax Soft Drinks. W ashington.—A stam p tnx on soft drinks, as well as beer and patent medicines, Is contemplated by mem bers of the house ways and means committee which Is preparing an em er gency from an Internal revenue bill to offset treasury losses due to curtail ment of Imports. Another suggestion is a stam p tax of 5 or 10 per cent on railroad tickets and admission to the aters, baseball parks and other llcens ed amusements. It is estimated that from >50,000.000 to >80,000,000 could be raised In that way. M erritt &, C o m p a n y Fish Go By Canal. Astoria.—Practically all the canned salmon from the Pacific coast destlu- sd for the eastern seaboard Is being shipped this year by way of the Pana ma canal instead of by rati. The ocean rate is 40 cents cheaper than the rail rate for every 100 pounds. GERMAN CRUELTY i3 DENIED Hill, Oregon, or ut the law otliee of II. I,. IXAninuid nt Medford, Jackson I County. On gon, on or before the expir ation of six m onths from the date of first publication of this notice. Date of first publication is August I, l’d4. W. G. M vers , Administrator. Borne bargains in small tracts STEVENS A ustrians Defeated in Russian Poland. Rome.—The Messagero publishes a telegram from Sofia. Bulgaria, which says the Austrians have suffered an Irreparable defeat at Zamoste, in Rus sian Poland. 50 miles southeast of Lublin. Germans Reported Defeated In Somme London.—An Antwerp dispatch to the R euter company says: "It Is reported here that General * Alleged Tracy Aid Pardoned. Salem, Or.—Announcing th at he Pau has won a brilliant victory over was convinced the man was a victim 50,000 Germans near Peronnes, in the of outraged public opinion and Inno departm ent of Somme.” cent of the crime with which he was During the past week the whole charged, Governor West conditionally force of the German arm y was thrown pardoned Charles Monte, serving a against the allied troops and a des life sentence on conviction of having perate effort made to break through furnished H arry Tracy and Dnvld the Franco-British lines. The offen Merrill, outlaws, guns and ammuni sive movements of the allies were aban tion to slay guards and escape from doned and defensive strategy adopted the penitentiary. In an effort to delay aa much as pos -j,. Our S h o tg u n Catalog «how« the fantoua line of Stevens Repeaters — Double« —Sin gles. I f you cannot obtain ST E V E N S from your dealer - l e t us know, and we w ill ship direct, ex* pre*i prepaid, upon receipt o f Catalog Price. Not Fire Insurance nor Life Insurance, but QUALITY Insurance. When you buy an article from D. H. Miller you take out an implied free insurance policy which fully protects you as to quality of the article—replacement in case of fail ure. You also have the satisfaction of possessing an article of fine finish, artis tically and scientifically constructed. Why take chances when'you don’t have to? D. M. M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r i c e s ’* Irrigation is Crop Insurance Y oh can rai.«c xonw crops every year and all crons seme years w ithont irrigation. X But if you want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. K The value of any crop any year can be increased .50 to 500 per cent by ir rigation. H. If you have water supply from well, creek or stream , we can supply yon with electric power for pumping. On receipt of information earn! we will be pleased to m ake yon eatmiate of cost. N um ber of acres desired to h rig a te ........................................................... Total lift in fet t from w ater level of well or stn a m to highest point of land to irrigate........................................................................................................................ Num ber of feet of pipe required................ ............................................................. N um ber of feet of ditch or flume required................................... ............. .......... W ater supply (well or stream ) and name of stream ........................................... Signed............................................................................................................... Poatolfi(«Iaddiew.............................................................................................. lo catio n —Section..................... Tow n ship...................Range................................... CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street THE BURNS DETECTIVE AGENCY J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY P .O .B o x 5 0 0 5 , C H IC O P E E F A L L S . M A S S . S. P. Time Card N o r th b o u n d 14 44 (m otor) 46 (m o to r) Ill No. sible wh ; now seems to be an in No. T rain Robbers Sentenced. No. Ivance on Paris. Pendleton. Or.—Clarence Stoner evitable No. 43 (m o to r) Ill 4.5 (m otor) 15 S:.57 a. 11:04 a. •5:07 p. 6:56 p. Ill in. 7:48 a. 10:10«. 1 :12 p. 3:l,5p. in. in. in. in. m, m. S o u th b o u n d J W e a r e in th e I n s u r a n c e B u s in e s s Place your Deposits with a Bank that is Guarded Night and Day by ? No. No. No. No. and Albert Meadors, tho two young land Diplomat Calls Accusation« of Cruelty suitable for garden, chicken or dairy 1 purpose«, ranging in si» - from two to I of German Army Shameful. New Y o rk —Count von Bernstorff, i titty acres, close in and conveniently lo the German ambassador, while here cated for market ami schisJs, if you an* from Washington, Issued the follow : looking-for small place (or any pnrpaee ing statem ent In reference to the al ¡call upon or address, —C. S. Re«liiel<l, leged atrocities of the German army: ¡Gold Hill, Oregon. "The campaign of our enemies charging the German army with cruel ty la absolutely shameful. The tradi tions of the German army are above all attacks In this respect. Nobody The Barrels can regret more than 1 do If women and Lugs of and children have been killed during the fighting. This la. however, un H / avoidable If the civilian population of Double and Single Barrel a country Join In the fighting, as is the case In Belgium, where German shotguns kpecialljr selected steel ~ ITRSB8OT where soldiers have been shot In the back, e t h e r gu n s a r e • Z r N IA R IS T . C a m p e r« where German wounded have been S W I M with guns at any w here near the p rk e and note our RtMUTT througheut mutilated and doctors and nurses shot at." G eneral M e r c h a n d is e THE GOLD HILL BANK I