S h e G o ld ?t lil.IM 1FD EVERY H ill N ew s SATURDAY \T GOLD H il l. OREGON, ItY A Overdrafts (Srcurvd Unv,x'ir»«l 8. H. I. T H E FO H EST E IR E . JACKSON COI STY. A p tlla r of flam e on th e c r . i t leaped high, a b lad e u p lifted n gal nA th e n ig h t - th e long fir« stirre d to th e frie n d ly w ord th a t eom ea to th® B en H. Ç am pm an woods with light. "S u n , a re yoh com e a g a in ? ’* niuraanrod th e oak — dow n fro m th e height« a sw irl of —:■■■■______ I «m oke, u u d e r th e dim moon lightly ,>W Hill poslotiicc for trnnMni-*-i.mJhr,»u’h the mails as wx-vittl-class m utter Hung, wrapped the thicket and eloxely clu n g th e d ream in g wood aw oke. SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1914 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN - Byes th a t search th ro u g h th e deeps A E k V A M P I? ° f n ,*h t w ith fe rv o r of fear A L \ A N l f c and flig h t, wing» th a t reat w hen the ___ dew is laid beat an d w h irred In th e d a rk e r sh ad e— th e s tra n g e e a st AS SHERMAN ONCE REMARKED b iased b rig h t. Down f rom the h eig h ts a te r r o r cam e, th e trees trem b led to h e a r Its n a m e — a ta lk in g HE blue pencil of European war censors falls upon the press te r r o r w ildly flu n g , su n lit se rp e n ts dispatch. Thus it is wholly impossiele to receive the exact w ith b lig h tin g to n g u e — It w as the flam e! T truth anent German reverses from Berlin, or of French failures Oak th a t grew w hen th e land was when the message is routed from Paris. Between the two ac- counts the intelligent reader strikes an average that is as near tongue. n r th a t d re a m e d w nen th e the facts as he may approach. A lively and ambitious student brown brave crep t to seize bis m ate of the situation may achieve reputation as a seer by close study wh,le he.r k,n 8l*i»‘ •»><• kn.n 1» of the half truths, whole lies, and thin trickle of actual inform- l° ’he "*? anon that emanates from headquarters or the opposing camps, high the red flam e w rith es an i There are facts, however, which the censors gladly and tlirn" “"d tw,8‘8* “»• beamy ghoulishly per.nit the world to shudder at. These relate to the wl‘h l'aK“u ll8,8~ ,he atrocities committed by the barbarian enemy. Always is the , A ,pniar of on m ,t enemy barbarian-alw ays are his deeds the very jests of hell. ,hv 8ky. there blew « brPlltl! fn,„, Nor should we turn from these because they are of an unpleas- ‘he field» of death the wild fir,’ ant aspect. Torture, rapine, defilement, and slow death are the rush« >i by. Yet 'there arc fiow. t very concomitants of war. Mankind is once more savage, with lY ’ ne? r c" ng so ,we*t1-' *" ,h,',r the lusts of ten million primordial ancestors running in vitriol 5ttken b u m m agic of N atu re, from ' through his veins. The beast that law and civilization have thJ urn. p'uck forth the spring! ciiained within the coward's breast is freed to frolic. ----------- — ----- These things the censors send to us are truths. They are the answer to our proud boast of civilization, the clinching ar- j BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON hour gurnent for armies and armament. They are war. FREEING THE SALMON RUN HE pent-up salmon run, held at Grants Pass for propagative purposes by the bureau of fisheries, has been freed by order from Washington. Screens on the fishways at the Ament dam have removed and the Chinhook are _ now swarming up the • . . . . . _____ o r - river to their natural spawning riffles. Protests from southern Oregon to Senator George E. Chamberlain produced their effect within the week. No other explanation is offered of the wired command which tersely bade the abandonment of the racks The senior senator worked swiftly and to a purpose, and his ser- vice should not lightly be forgotten. By the installing of the racks at Grants Pass, immediately after the closing of the com mercial season, the upper river was to be deprived of the run, both salmon and steelhead. No valid reason exists w'hy the fish should not be taken at Elk creek, where angling will not be in terfered wifh while the majority ol splendid spawning riffles will be occupied as nature intended. T : V/e Invite You Men To come anti w, cun plea.*» you our line of new ready made Suits. We feel sure that se goods ure right and the price reasonable: $ 1 0 - 1 2 . « 1 5 . ve our new Fall line of Men’s MACKINAWS •ton Rubes, just the real thing for Winter e will gladly Welcome you Ladies our new line of Dress Pattern.-; consisting of ted colors, Parian Plaids, Wool Crepes, etc. n e e Q. Co. law. T he ruling does not apply to women, however. T h e Spokane, P ortland & S eattle railroad and T he Dalles. P ortland 4k A storia N avigation com pany volun- | tarlly reduced freight ra te s on w heat betw een T he D alles and A storia. By a tie vote th e s ta te d e sert land board declined to renew tn e co n tract of the N orthw est T ow nsite com pany for the Irrigation of 12,000 a cres on th e Chewaucnn riv er n ear aP lsley. T he Hood R iver C om m ercial club has asked S en ato r C ham berlain to Tbe 8ta‘e railro ad com m ission has j support a bill perm itting sum m er real- j denc-e w ithin o r w ithout fo rest re r"a d e o r J?er denyl"B the appl,ca‘ serves, w ith am endm ent. If necessary, for the m odification of an o rd er es I protecting Bull Run reserve. S c h o o l S u p p lie s at Store X I ❖ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ♦ Y î* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t 100 Remnants a t less than cost-all grades, sizes and pr ces. A few Shoes left at Bargain Prices S ecretary of S tate B ryan has aent m eter rates. T he In te rsta te Com m erce com m is S en ato r C ham berlain a aet of his sion has ord ered a h earin g held in j peace speeches as a testim onial of P o rtlan d S ep teaib er 21 oil minimum appreciation of th e sen ato r's support freig h t ra te s In mixed carlo ad s over ■ of the 18 peace treaties ratified Au- j gust 13. n o rth w estern railroads. T he d ep artm en t of com m erce on re- A ttorney G eneral C raw ford ln an opinion h as stated th a t laundries i quest of S en ato r C ham berlain has rdt- should not be classed under the 10- otm nended the creation of a new Btip- ervising steam b o at Inspection d istrict : on the Pacific coast. E stim ates will be subm itted for this purpose. Deputy U nited S tates A ttorney G en eral Johnson m ade a rep o rt to the de p artm en t of Justice a t W ashington to the effect th a t local re tailers w ere re sponsible for th e advance In prices of foodstuffs. A ttorney Joseph N. Teal of P ortland has consented to go to W ashington at the proper tim e to re p resen t com m er cial In terests of O regon and W ashing ton before congress on behalf of the * riv ers and h arb o rs bill. T he s ta te d ep artm en t has nrknow l- edged receipt from S en ato r Cham ber- lain of p ro tests ag ain st J a p a n ’s e n te r ing th e E uropean conflict. T he de p artm en t has given the m a tte r its at- ' tentlon. Doing our buying in combination with 7,000 other leading druggists, we are able W arning was sounded by G overnor W est th a t unless the s ta te by the to buy more cheaply than other druggists or stationers can, and thus can, and do, sell first of the y ear ties up by c o n tra c t more cheaply. Besides this, our stock is varied and complete. We can supply all your the $450,000 allotted by the secretary child’s needs. V of th e In terio r for co-operative w ork *■** with the s ta te In connection with Blank Books C arey Act projects, the s ta te would Examination Tablets likely lose the appropriation. Composition Books Fountain Pens I U niversity stu d en ts and g rad u ates Note Books Pencils, all colors j of th e s ta te university in P endleton Pencil Tablets Pens and Penholders m et and organized the U niversity Practice Tablets R angers for the purpose of providing Rulers a proper reception for the Eugene peo- i Drawing Tablets Erasers pie who will coine to the Roundup on ' Theme Tablets Inks, all colors th e special tra in bringing th e Radla- ; Spelling Tablets Drawing Materials tors. S enator L ane will introduce a reso And all in use in the schools lution directing the ag ricu ltu ral de the standard in this vicinity p artm en t to rep o rt Operations under th e denatured alcohol act, secured Unquestionably This is the Store Where You Get Good Service and Save Money through his efforts. S enator L ane be lieves th a t S tandard Oil Influences a re opposing the present enforcem ent of th e act. The boy o r girl letu rn iu g by December 1st the largest Indications a re th a t atten d an ce at nurnlier of front covers taken from the Kexall Store the U niversity of Oregon th is year School Series will receive an Elon Raima! and Hal—EREF will break all records. A. R. T lffauy, re g istrar, expects an enrollm ent of 450 freshm en, or 30 per c e n t m ore than last year. H e has prepared for the opening for many years, and says he has seen none as prom ising as this. 7A e I By laying in supplies bought at Lance & Co.’s tor the winter. Prices on goods on hand before the present great advance will not affect you as long as goods last. Don’t wait for it will cost you money to do so! T hree-fourtha of the land of the U m atilla p roject Is desirable fo r Irri g atio n farm in g ; one-fourth is u ndesir able. Indians from th e K lam ath reserv a tion p red ict a mild w inter In cen tral Oregon, basing th e ir forecast on the late nesting of m allard ducks S ixty-three days h a re elapsed since T hia any raln l l ha8 fallen at Albany b e a k s s a o r n n la s h ir e e rn e b r reak all r records since governm ent rain fall records w ere com piled a t this city Y Your Youngsters Will Save Enough t o Pay for 5 Y Y ❖ *: Pencils, and more, if They Buy Their ? T f T Y Y Y Y Y £♦ « Get Ready for War î Y Y Y «School B o o k s Raincoats and Hats Free M. D. Bowers Gold Hill Y Y Y î Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ♦J* JACKSON COUNTY FAIR MEDFORD, SEPT. 9 to 1 2th Big Display Farm Products Fruits, Vegetables, Stork and Poultry, Flowers, Culinary and Household Articles, Fine Arts, Children’s Articles are assured by the liberal premiums offered. Special Exhibit of 500 Products From one farm by D. M. Lowe of Ashlahd. This ex hibit will be shown at the San Francisco Exposition. $ 5 ,0 0 0 Purses - Premiums $1500 on fruit, the largest offered by one fair in the state. Free Cold storage for fruit, and vegetables. Exciting Races assured by the liberal premiums and the entries. King Seal, owned by Tom Taylor, and Albia, another fast local horse will be ih the races. Get a premium list in your town or send to S. I. Brown, “ ___ Secretary, Medford and make an exhibit. FREE ATTRACTIONS DAILY Gold Hill Meat Market A big supply of ¡fresh meat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of freshj fish in season. Woodcock & Blackert Proprietors Wise U p-C ut the Catalog House