Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, August 29, 1914, Image 2

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G o ld
H ill
N ew s
-_____OREGOX, BY
Overdrafts ""K2 i-
U. M
. t.
Get Ready for War
a fc-^
B en H. L om pm an
F a st« r th a n th e flig h t of te a r 1
had tied th e sallow year, down a
lan e of so n g s an d sin g in g , dow n »
si st tin- Got«! Hill |sMt«rtiix< f«r iranmniiwiniijiI trough the mails as
path of m erry day«; I, w ho n e a r
each m o rn in g risin g w ith a melody
su rp risin g , glim p sed at len g th the
n ig h tsh a d e ' bloakning by th e p a rtlu i
of th e ways. I .|u g h te r fotw w ed high
au d clea r, m irth an d m usic d riftin g
n ear, on th e w inds of tim e assem bled,
SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ith th e scen t of roses s tirre d tin t
= «
n f - ’j
» 'lii K ij J
iove th e fatty, (low ing as a tu n e to
tie d o u tg o in g , sped th e sw eet an t
sim ple th rillin g of a sin g le singing
bird. Such a sw eet an d atm ple th in g
. ,
, as th e fays an d fa irie s sing, by th<>
< < |T IS with profound regret . reads the imperial rescript of brookB of youth ro rg o tten . in som e
the Japanese Emperor, “that we, in spite of our anient morning of the M ay —tike a » liv e n
devotion to the cause of peace, are thus compelled to declare
u p liftin g to th e rntttng fleece
d riftin g , w h ere th e sw allow s flee and
war . . . and while we are still in mourning for our imper­ follow In th e g am e of harkaw ny.
By laying in supplies bought at Lance & Co.’s
for the winter. Prices on goods on hand before
the present great advance will not affect you as
long as goods last. Don’t wait for it will cost
you money to do so!
100 Remnants at* less than cost—all grades, sizes
and pr ces. A few Shoes left at Bargain Prices
We Invite You Men
ial mother.”’
v ,
Slept th e la u g h te r on th e wind,
With this brief apology the cherry kingdom enters the san k th e stn g tn g fa r behind, down
vicious vortex of warring nations. Many mothers of the com- ‘he iau e i fled in folly w her* ui<
mon stock of Japan will mourn their honorable sons ere Tsing-
vv"rs ,*u7’ue' “ ** re*‘ed j‘"
. th e clover, w ith th e su n lig h t sp rin k led
Tau falls and the recompense, should the allies prevail against ox,,r thro(1Kh the sofl sus,.i,t[,-.
Germany, will be the practical command of the Pacific.
b ran ch es of th e new ly blossom * i
Yet it is difficult to conceive, in the event that G?rman arms >ew‘ l‘"s,er f,ed 1 ,han my rei-.
gain even a temporary ascendency, how Japan can avoid actual
participation in the conflict on European soil. While it is true
that the island empire has pledget! itself to confine its hostilities
te the Orient, yet the success of the Kaiser’s grey-clad columns
in Europe will be attended with deep significance and grave dan-
ger for Japan.
The German heart is bitter against the little brown man.
who has espoused a quarrel not his own. And the German arm,
should it dispose of the allied opposition, will rest but a moment
before it falls heavily upon the Japanese. Such is the hazard the
Mikado took, when he penned the document of regrets for war
and his lamented mother. Japan has taken a course that places
her very national existence in jeopardy. Events, too probable
to be overlooked, may speed her troop ships to the ports of
Germany will unleash the Turk. Barbarians, thinly veneer­
ed by modernism, will vie with civilized Christian comrades in all
the atrocities of ultra-modem conflict In France, in Germany,
andin Westminster crumble the bones of crusaders. These, fired
by faith and idealistic purpose, once drove the infidel with double
edged battle swords. The pagan war cry should turn them in
their tombs.
S aturday, S eptem ber 19. is th e date
set for th e third an n u al Hood River
county In d u strial School Fair. T«n
E ugene S. C othrean, of P ortland, in d u strial clubs have been organised
has been appointed inspector of the in th e various school d istric ts of the
geological survey serv ice a t a salary county and keen riv alry will exist
am ong th e boys for th e trip th a t la
of $1500.
The speech of A. L. Mills, presid en t offered by th e C om m ercial club to th e
of th e F irst N ational bank, m ade at tw o boys scoring th e highest in any
P ortlan d A ugust 14, w as ordered tw o projects proposed by th e sta te su­
prin ted by the sen ate as a public doc­ p erin ten d en t of instruction. T he suc­
cessful youths will be en tertain ed in
um ent.
Saicm by th e sta te fair association.
stn„,,, vear ,o
the bird, just
h1row,/ ”R> *h; rp
h eard . At th e p a rtin g of th e ways
at th e end o f n ig h ts aud days, w here
L ance
wirl aMl,
b u t th e bird is alw ays sing
Celebration September 7.
Unique En tertain m en t O ffered by Rod
and Qun Club as Annual Event in
Douglas County Town— People of
State C ordially Invited.
D eer a re num erous and grow large
and fat in th e m ountains of Douglas
county. Riddle Is the gatew ay to the
best d eer hu n tin g in th e civilized
world, and p ractically every resident
is an a rd en t sportsm an. W hile other
cities thro u g h o u t th e sta te m ake an
annual celebration of roses, straw b er­
ries. ch erries, rough riding or w hat­
ever featu re of th eir resources they
wish to im press upon the world, it re ­
m ained for Riddle, through her strong
Examination Tablets
Fountain Pens
Pencils, all colors
Pens and Penholders
Inks, all colors
Drawing Materials
in use in the schools
in this vicinity
Unquestionably This is the Store Where You Get Good Service and Save Money
Raincoats and Hats Free
Tin- boy or girl le tiirn iiig by Di-eemlsrr 1st the largest
numls-r of front covers taken from tin- Ih-xall Store
Scl, .,|
ri> • will receive an Eton R aintatand Hat— TREE
M. D. Bowers
A4Î h 5**>*Î*<*<* V i v ‘ v <
►❖ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ¿ ♦ w v w
Mod & Oun Club, to conçoive unit ea-
tabliah as an annual event, a Free
Veniaou Barbecue, and to oiake a
celebration of feature* a ttra r tlv e to
sportatuen, when m onster fat burka,
barbecued to a queen's taste, are
served generously and free to all who
wish to come and partake, and eujoy
a venison feast the like of which is
unheard of and practically Im possible
to duplicate anyw here else.
T he date for thia yeur'a barbecue,
which la the second in history, has
been set for Monday, Sept. 7th, which
is Labor Day and a legal holiday, and
R iddle's Rod & Qun F lub and h e r citi­
zens In general, cordially extend an
Invitation to everyone to be present
and feast on venison, which Is free
Ten Monster Bucks Roasted For
Doing our buying in combination with 7,000 other leading druggists, we are able
to buy more cheaply than other druggists or stationers can, and thus can, and do, sell
more cheaply. Besides this, our stock is varied and complete. We can supply all your
child’s needs.
S ch o o l B ooks
C o.
ing—pilgrim, list!
*R& ho JUL> Store
And all
To look over our new line of Dress Patterns consisting of
Serges, assorted colors, Tartan Plaids, Wool Crepes, etc.
We will gladly Welcome
you Ladies
a y ear to spend ttn
d ro w sin g w h ere th e forest faw ns a n ­
School Supplies
Blank Books
Composition Books
Note Books
Pencil Tablets
Practice Tablets
Drawing Tablets
Theme Tablets
Spelling Tablets
We also have our new Fall line of Men’s MACKINAWS
and Pendleton Rebes, just the real thing for Winter
t0 ,he ni,|gk.L
j Your Youngsters Will Save Enough t o Pay for *
Pencils, and more, if They Buy Their
To come and let us show you our line of new ready made Suits. We feel sure that
we can please you for these goods are right and the price reasonable: $ 1 0 - 1 2 . >15*
Gold Hill
to all.
Besides being unique in respect of
th e d in n er menu, this event Is differ­
en t In o th er ways. T here Is no “g raft"
to It. It Is not a money grabbing
event. The celebration Is for the one
day only. T h ere will lie nothing for
sale on the grounds except probably
Ice cream , soda, etc., and am m unition
for those who wish to p articip ate In
th e shooting event«.
To be brief, the dny's program will
be about as follows:
All day rifle and shotgun shooting,
for cash and m erchandise prizes, and
silver trophy cups.
Rifle shooting,
200 yards off-hand, ordinary hunting
rifles only. T rap shooting under asso­
ciation rule«
D em onstrators from all big am m u
nltion and firearm s firm s will be pres-
e n t to do fancy and expert trick
T he “ Rainbow " fish d istrib u tin g car
of the S tate G ame H Fish Com m ission
will be a t Riddle, open to the Inspec-
tion of th e public.
At m idday the venison feast will be
spread. Ten of th e biggest bucks the
country affords will be barbecued.
Besides th ere will be sliced venison
for those who may wish to fry It for
them selves over cam p fires, and an
enorm ous k e ttle of fam ous venison
"M ulligan Stew ." The club will also
provide bread, coffee, pickles, and Ice-
w ater, 75-gallon tan k s of coffee and
lee w ater will be on tap. T he tables
will have a length of several hundred
feet. In addition to this feast pro-
vlded by th e Gun Club the ladles of
th e com m unity load the tables down
w ith all the good things known to a
Douglas C ounty picnic dinner. It Is
all free.
T h ere will be prize co n tests for bak
ing bread In frying pans over cam p
Hon. George W. Riddle, pioneer of
1851, son of the first s e ttle r n ear R id­
dle, will be o rato r of the day, and
ill speak on pioneer subjects re la t­
ing to game, Indians, etc.
In the evening, W illiam L. Finley,
s ta te gam e d ep artm en t biologist, will
give a free lecture Illustrated by mov­
ing pictures and slides of gam e a n i­
m als, birds and fishes. During the
day he will also m ake m oving pictures
of th e barbecue events.
Im m ediately following the lecture
a grand ball will be opened, continu­
ing all night. The usual charge will
be made for dance tickets.
Round trip fares of one and one-
third. have been granted by the
Southern Pacific Railway on all Its
line?. Get a receipt from your ticket,
agent and have secretary sign c e rti­
ficate on the ground.
The barbecue is to be held In ft
beautiful cedar grove on the banka of
th e river at the edge of town.
T here
7 i dl
? Y
❖ Y
MEDFORD, SEPT. 9 to 1 2th
Big Display Earm Products
Fruits, Vegetables, Stock and
Poultry, Flowers, Culinary and
Household Articles, Fine Arts,
Children’s Articles are assured
by the liberal premiums offered.
Special Exhibit of
500 Products
From one farm by D. M. Lowe of Ashlalid. Thia ex­
hibit will be shown at the San Francisco Exposition.
$ 5 ,0 0 0 Purses - Premiums
$1500 on fruit, the largest offered by one fair in the
state. Free Cold storage for fruit, and vegetables.
Exciting Races
assured by the liberal premiums and the entries. King
Seal, owned by Tom Taylor, and Albia, another fast
local horse will be ih the races.
Get a premium list in your town or send to S. I. Brown,
Secretary, Medford and make an exhibit.
Gold Hill Meat Market
A big supply of fresh ¡meat always on hand.
We carry the best of creamery butter.
All kinds of fresh fish in season.
Woodcock & Blackert
will be no tran sp o rtatio n to pay a fte r
rcnchlnR Riddle. Your big day of In
teresl and enjoym ent Is free a fte r you
arrive. T here may be those who have
never enter) venison. They hnve never
been to the Riddle B arbecue. Those
who attended last y ear had the tim e
of th eir lives. The Riddle Rod a
Gun t'lu b nnd the city bids you com e
on Monday, Septem ber 7, 1914.