V Gold Hill C m lll N tltitl K u m m i o f 5 a « « h o rn O r ig o n II On h o o u lifu l H o g u i H ivor VOL 17 (Culi ¿lid Jackson Co. O n t C o m m u n it y oZ O p p o r - I m i t y - R o g i/t R t v t r V a U ty , w h i r l t k i a p p io g a t n o d f a m i NO. £9 GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914 Allied Attack Fails; Germans Regain Lost Ground Russians Report Victories in Prussia Japan Declares War and Beseiges Port o f Tsing-Tau Parle.—• The French war office In- of Longwy, lias defeated and forced bark the French army. The other army under the Bavarian Crown Prince Rupprecht, which, hr already reported won a victory In Ixirralne In pursuing the defeated enemy, baa reached a line from Lunevllle to Hla mont. ADMIRAL VON TIRPITZ) ][ GENERAL JOFFRE Bar Fish From Jack- son County W aters Impressive Final Rites Over Remains of Plus X. Rome.—The entombment of the late Pope Plus X took place Saturday ev­ ening at sunset. The great basilica of St. Peter’s was In semi-darkness. A flickering light came from the perpet­ ually burning tapers about the shrine of the apostles and the candles In tbe chapel, where the catafalque stood. Those who witnessed the ceremony numbering about 1000, came by spe- ' clal Invitation and Included the diplo­ matic representatives accredited to the Holy 8ee. the prelates and mem- ' bers of the Roman aristocracy. The procession formed In the chapel of tbe Blessed Sacrament, where for hours the body of the Pope lay In state. The catafalque waa surmount­ ed by the triple crown and the body of the Pope was clad in the pontifical robes and surrounded by the emblems of hla sacred office. During the course General Joffre, commander-ln-chlef of the day many thousands of persons Admiral Von Tlrpltx, head of the of the French Army, who w ill direct passed by the bier. German navy department, who w ill be The tomb of the late pontm la on land operations against the Germans. eh1 » ., -.1 ’ Ket»er. the right at the entrance to the sub­ terranean chapel close to that of sev­ eral other Popes. Hatchery Men Play Old Game With Fish Racks (George Putnam, In Medford Mall Tribune.) lztndon.—A dispatch from St. Pe­ aued the following: Notwithstanding promises made "The French and Kugllah. the plan tersburg, says that the first great bat­ last year by Superintendent Henry of attack havlug failed, owing to un­ tle In the Fast Prussian theater of O'Malley of the United States bureau foreseen difficulties, have retired on operations has been fought and won of hatcheries to the contrary, racks by the Russians, who gained a com­ the covering positions. are being installed at the Ament dam plete victory after six days of deeper- 'West of the Meuse, the Kngllsh to prevent the use of the fishways array on our left was attacked by’ the , «ghtlng. The correspondent con and hold the salmon for egg-taktng tlnues Germans, but behaved admirably, purposes. The steelhead are als> "The battle front extended nearly 30 bolding Its ground with traditional held, as well as chinook and silver- miles on both sides of the main rail­ steadfastness. side salmon. As a result no salmon way line running from Kydtkuhnen, a "The Freuch assumed the offensive or trout can hereafter get above the with two corps. An African brigade town on the Russian border, west­ dam, which means an end to fishing ward The fighting began when the In the front line, carried away by their for the season for Jackson county. Russians attacked tbe Herman first eagerness, were received by a galling The egg-taking operations are In fire. They did not give an Inch, but, division, which had delivered several charge of the new superintendent of unsuccessful assaults on Kydtkuhnen. counter-attacked by the Prussian state hatcheries, C. P. Henkel, who i ’ U to lu twine, guard, they were obliged retire, The forces on both sides were grad states that as a newcomer he is fol­ Inflicting enor •»cr«*"*'*- The Hermans finally only, however, after lowing the recommendation of Mr. salan guard guard os had Giree army corps engaged One moua losses. The Prussian _ O'Malley. Sid Howell, who has sev­ peclally suffered heavily. a™” f corP» had been hurriedly called eral times been convicted for viola­ "Bast of the Meuse our troops ad fr”n’ Lyck. Two Danish Ships Sunk. tion of the fishing laws as a notor­ wanned a ero ., an extremely difficult ¿ X a ^ a t t e m " “^ I News Brevities of the Week From Rogue River Valley Cities London.—Floating mines, planted ious poacher, has been placed In country and made a courageous attack hlnneti. wnen tne Hermans auempieo by the German squadron in the North charge as foreman. — ...——----- - when they emerged from (he woods, to turn the Russian right flank. Mrs. Brown and daughter, Mias sea. have claimed two vessels. The The action of the bureau has Grants Pass finds the cost of Its but were obliged to fall back after a Though the attack here was conduct- Thelma were horrified witnesses of Danish steamers Maryland and Bro- nd with the utmost vigor, the attempt aroused widespread indignation municipally constructed railroad to stiff fight south of the river Semols. the tragedy. Scores of people gath­ berg. plying from Copenhagen over among Jackson county fishermen was frustrated by the bravery and Wlldervtlle to be >93.635. "On order of General Joffre. our ered around the dead man. man? British North sea routes, struck mines whose constant agitation forced the Mrs. L. E. Enyart, of Medford, barely missing the live wire. Jack troops and the British troops with­ stubbornnesa of the Russian troops on and sunk. this wing. The Russians took the op­ armed with a small caliber rifle, building of the fishways at the dam drew to the covering positions Dent who was close to Mr. Brown portunity offered by the concentration ; --------------------------- — so that fish could reach the upper killed a Siskiyou buck which dressed when be fell yelled fire ana ran up "Our losses are heavy; It would be Darius Miller It Dead. river. A protest has been wired premature to enumerate them. It of Germans to the northward to direct I . 160 pounds. the street thua drawing the attention Chicago.—Darius Miller, president genalor chamberlain, who Is on the ta vigorous assault on their center, would be equally so to enumerate The first carload of Bartlett peer« <>( the eager crowd. Mr. Cole, a broth- of the Chicago. Burlington A Quincy senate fisheries committee, and a de­ those of tbe Germans, who suffered whereby they captured many guns. shipped from Grants Pass this sea- er-tn-law of Mr. Brown in an attempt railroad, died at Glacier Park, Mont., Reports from the Austrian-Servian termined campaign launched to stop so heavily that they were obliged to son, sold in the Chicago market at to save his life was burned on the after undergoing an operation for ap racking on the lower river once for abandon their counter attacks and es­ : boundary any that the Servians have <200 per box— a premium of 25 thumb and fingers. pendicltis. He had been touring the a)1 tablish themselves In fresh position In won a battle on the Drlna, which mill cents over the regular sales. Realizing the impossibility of res-| park wjtj, his wife in apparently good ‘ tary experts consider highly probable Although efforts to take chinook Lorraine." Two Italian railway laborers were cuing Brown until the live wire was health when he was taken ill. as the Servians have a comparatively salmon eggs on the lower river have arrested near Ashland by Warden cut the people became Impatient an J Tokio.—The Emperor of Japan de small army but one which lias passed Hubbard, on the charge of hunting jelled for an electrician. Superintend- Risk Insurance Bill May be Law Be- proved failures for many jears, the ! through two y.iars’ actual war and I bureau renews Its efforts every year dared war against Germuny, The Im . . . without licenses. They were con- ent Stoddard and Foreman Lober o f ! fore End W'* k pedal rescript officially Inaugurates therefore has the advantage of veter- still Last year the racks at Woodville vlcted and fined. the power company appeared and cut , Washington.—War in urope and gave way and the work was lost. boetllltlee In the Far Ea.t a . a result > * '- ««htlng against amateur«, fir ., b n , » . , « . the f „ „ or »» ■“>« ’— v However, silversides were taken at of Germany's failure to reply to the ,h , . « k ,„llo. or T l„ r l,h . .rm ot O ro .n . . . , prono.o. to bold 1. I . . . . . I o . German Indemnity High. war , Ament dam and not a silverside Japanese ultimatum. which the burned i Initely. Commerce, London.—The German demand for Signs here Indicate that four na- ¡Indemnity from Brussels and Liege, Ashland. It Is presumed that the to *he bone and his back has stricken, is tbe principal subject reached Jackson county, When released no tract of I with which congress is concerned. Two years ago the Chinooks were Hons may combine to rout a«’™ *»* I |40000 frora the first city and woods were ignited by lightning. A Mach- life remained.— Medford Sun. from (he Far East. British, Russian1 <10,0(10.000 from the second, is regard crew of fire fighters are combating The bill to establish a bureau of war held at Anient dam. The lower river and French einhusslea are flying the ed here as one of the hardest calami­ the flames. risk insurance in the Treasury De- water is so warm that leaches and Salem Rule May Change killed the fish by Jupunese flag aa symbolic of their ul ties suffered by tbe Belgians a> a io- ------ partment probably will be enacted other parasites October 15th. Is the date set by 8a!em.—A commission managerial j panmeui p this week. The measure has passed thousands before spawning time, liante with the Mikado. Contractor Sweeney for the opening suit of the invasion. form of government for Salem has the senate. The administration de Three years ago a freshet carried Thus far only English regiments of the Siskiyou highway to traffic. been recommended by a commitee ap­ sires this legislation as an additional away the racks— and every year has have Joined the Japanese In preparing London.—According to the Times' I Owing to the near approach of the for onslaught upon Klau-Chau. but the j y en,ce ear-respondent, the official tele- winter rains, no hard surface will be pointed by the mayor and city council inducement to owners of foreign-built recorded a failure in recent season», to make an investigation. The report ships to apply for American registry, i Fish culturists, formerly in the waving Russian and French flags are graph agency in Vienna publishes the applied until next spring. recommends a government by seven taken to Indicate that another mon­ following official notice on the Austro- employ of both government and state. Deputy District Game Warden commissioners, one from each ward, The president favors the bill. archy and the ally republic are likely Servian situation: Following passage of the insurance assert that ample salmon eggs can Saru I.. Sandry has been empowered to be elected at large, and the one re­ to enter the fray. bill the proposal for the Government be taken at Elk creek, if the fish are "On account of the Russian Inter- tjy commission to take charge of Vice-Admiral Tomosburo Kato has vention In the Servian war, Austria it tbe work of installing fish screens ceiving the largest vote to be chair­ I to organize a corporation for the pur- permitted to ascend. They assert been appointed commander-ln-chlef of forced to gaQier all Its forces for the (n | rr|g ai |on and mining ditches man or mayor. chase of ships to engage in trans the warm water below the Ament A city manager would be chosen by the first squadron. Vice-Admiral Su-. principal struggle in the norlhenst. throughout Jh e state. Action will oceanic trade will be earnestly taken dam, particularly In a year of low- the commission. daklchl Kato commander of the sec­ Consequently the attack on Servla is j fjrst bc taken in .iackson county, up in the senate and house. It practi- water like the present, will prove ft- ond squadron and Rear-Admiral Tsu- henceforth looked upon as a punitive cally was agreed that the proposal I tai to the holding of fish and that F ifty-C ent Drop at P ortland. chlya commander of the third squa­ expedition and not ns definite war. should be embodied in a bill giving i the work is as unnecessary as it 1» , Joe Knowles arrived in Grants Portland.—From its record high i’ass last Saturday, having completed dron. the government authority to carry out i useless— a waste of money and a "The decision, therefore, has been • The blocknde of Tslng Tau. the for­ reached to retire from the offensive j his 30 day exile In the Siskiyou for­ price In the local market of $8.05 per the project if necessary. If private calamity to Jackson county anglers, hundred, which it had maintained for tified seaport of Klnu-Chau. has be­ and take up a waiting attitude, mak­ est. Clothed in deer skins and with ---------------------------- capital does not provide vessels, off! several days, cane sugar took a sud- , , gun. British. French and Russian ing n fresh attack when opportunity four week'a grizzled growth of beard, den drop to <7.55. All other grades | d a is agree, it will be absolutely es Rotterdam.—A thorough canvass of vessels of war are taking part In the the eminent artist and “wild man” for the government to buy Americans here shows that the Ger­ presents Itself. also fell off 50 cents. Dealers say sential was professedly glad to regain the movement. ships. mans have been universally courteous "The principal losses by Austria on they have not yet ascertained wheth­ to them. The hardships undergone the hanks of the Drlna are not surpris­ comparative civilization of the Pass. er the federal investigation ordered by W ilson Signs Ship B ill. Klau-Chau Governor Defiant. by citizens of the United States have ing In view of the superiority of the President Wilson is responsible. Washington—The emergency ship­ been due ln all cases to the conditions Tsing-Tau, China -German prepar­ numbers of the enemy." ping bill aethrizing the admission a7 e“ndl7 g '"m” b»izaïlon, the lack of ation on the defense of Tsing-Tau and W idow s’ Pension A ct is Upheld. foreign built ships to American regts- , facU|ties f(jr frave, and at f|rst a re the territory of Klau-l'hau Is com­ « — — slgned _ .1 5 by ««« i president t n I/I n t W Tl1tz/xw : . , Dallas.—Just before adjourning the j I * ”ag Wilson. Nish, Sorvia.—8ervln has issued a plete. The governor of Klau-Chau, striction S u n (la v a fte rn o o n court, directing it to grant a pension Into the future mid are well prepared th e D rln a , c o n s is tin g o f th e fo llo w in g 1 cans, but also to their comfort. Those Butter—Creamery, 31c. Four thousand five hundred prls wh(|e nghtlng flre 01l s „ utli Front ot $40 to Mrs. Maud Ena Zachary. to receive the enemy." hardest hit by the war are American Eggs—Ranch, 26c. oners, 53 guns, eight Howitzers. It« L treet ln Medford, wheu he fell ' students In Germany, who have found W idow Held In Jail. W ireless Dispatch From B erlin T ells caissons, three field ambulances and aga|nHt a n vo wire, was accidental difficulty in getting their usual re Seattle. Prineville.—Mrs. Mollie Scroggins, of German V ictories. n medical column with supplies, 11 and uii , that , ho, neither ,,„i»hor th e C a llfn rn :a -O re - mlttances. Every measure has been the Californta-Ore club. 87c; W heat—Bluestem , !)9c; wife of Mail Contractor A. G. Scrog Washington.—The German embassy fleld kitchens, 15 ammunjtlon, provls goti Power company or the city of taken to help them. h e r e received and made public the Ion nnd telegraph wagons, rnilroad Medford nre ln any way responsible gins, who wns shot down In his home ' red Russian. 85c Hay—Timothy, <16 per ton: nlfalfa, at Paulina on July 31 by Henry L. following wireless message from Ils trains, quantities of equipment, sev­ was the verdict of the jury at the Consul Remains at Tsing-Tau. McDowell, was given her preliminary <13 per ton. eral strong boxes, etc." Foreign Offlqe in Berlin: Washington.—The American consul coroner’s Inquest yesterday afternoon. But' ■ -amery, 31c. hearing and held to the grand jury "Tho French attempt to Invade Up­ at Tsing-Tau, Willis R. Peck, has de It was shown that Mr. Brown fell Eggs --27c. per Alsace has been frustrated by the Fleets Rush to American Registry. against the live wire, probably by without bail. The grand jury will elded to remain through if there is a meet September 8. Washington. -T he United States defenders. In Lorraine the French are siege. Washington made It optional stumbling over a pile of rocks which Artilleryrrrn •. Busy. retiring from the frontier. The Ger steel corporation, tho Standard Oil with him whether he should go or lay close to the spot where ne w»» Roseburg. --Members of the local Cooley Case Before Grand Jury. man people find the Havas French company and the United Fruit com­ electrocuted. company, coast art who have stay. Several Americans of German Marshfield.—The grand jury of Cur- news reports about so-called big pany hade notified the government of Immediately after the man struck been selected to take part 111 the vari- descent also are remaining and among ry count' h is t.ilou up "' r "'JooJg" Ous shooting conipt til s on the state ; them are two or three women, who French progress most amusing and their Intentions to put their fleets un the wire, four doctors were called but tlon of the case of Just us false as some announced In der (he American flag, under the new rifle range at Clackamas are making , will nurse the wounded, Inw extending home registry to for- their aid was of no avail. He raised charged with the murder of John Van 1870. dally preparations for the event«. u ponce In an effort to stand but, soon Pelt 15 years ago. 7” The army north of Metz, under the elgn-built craft. sank down to the ground lifeless. Crown Prince, advancing on both sides ; Southern Oregon’s Shortstories Medford Man is Slain by Live Wire on Sunday Last fa