Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, August 08, 1914, Image 2

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    ß h e G o l d H i l l N e w s Near Neighbors
---------------------- ... ■ ■ . ■ OREGON, BY
-----n-.----------- - —
B en
H. L am pm nn
Miss Mamie Clark of Medford i
tilt* guest of Mi*- IL rtllu Woolier
Kn'->i\*<l it
i ! h -
Golii Hill postoftiiv for tr.-uwiiibciion through the tiutil» i
«cond-cbas matter
Miss Mildred Myers of fMM Hil
is spending her summer vaeaQyn «
the Schaumburg home.
Mr. mid Mrs. Ftulev and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence from Medford called
at the Woolverton home Stfminy a f t­
Herbert Mathews, principal of tin
schools of Alsea, Or is spending a
part of his vacation at the Rosalia
Coming to Gold Hill!
Will arrive In a few days- C A M P I N G A N D H U N T I N G S E A S * O N - a n d
when you are making preparations for the trip remember that we are headquarters tor
the best of supplies. It is u pleasure torus to fit you out with an order of nice fresh
Groceries suitable for the occasion. We here offer a few suggestions that may help
you in determining what is necessary to take along lor the few days' recreation
3 lb can German-Amer. Coffee $ 1.00
Best Cane Sugar
. 1.00
25 lb. sack Crown Flour
- .85
10 lb. sack Olympic P C Flour
- .50
4 pounds small red beans
- .• .25
10 lb. sack best fine Salt
- .25
1 sack M J B Rice
- .25
1 pail Tea Garden Maple Syrup - .68
5 lb. pail Swift’s Lard
1 roll Valley Pride butter
- .05
1 roll Ashland Gold M dal -
- .05
1 Sw ift’s Premium Hum. alxiut - 3.00
12 cans baby Carnation M ilk
- .00
Spuds and Onions
. .75
2 oz. can Schillings bln« k Pepper .10
1 large can Roya* 1 Baking powder• 1.00
Brought forward
1 quart sour Pickles
1 10-oz. can ri|»e Olives -
1 large bottle Catsup
3 cans S P Tomatoes
0 cans good Corn
3 large cans Pineapple
Black Diamond Matches -
4 dozen fresh eggs -
3 pkgs. Kellogg’s Corn Flukes
4 bottles Grape Juice
2 cukes Crystal White Soap
1 cake Peroxide Essex
3 lbs. Tillamook Cheese
2 lbs. dry jieaches
3 11», fancy dry Prunes
Mrs. Clark and little son of Med­
HE FUTILITY of armies and armament as arguments for
ford returned t* their home Saturday
world peace is illustrated in turmoil-torn Europe, Cursed a fte r spending a week at the River
by the inordinate ambition of princes, weighted by the heaviest Bend ranch.
war tax of all time, her nations have taken up the sword in the
Mrs, George Cronenhurg and two
name of “patriotism.” The bickerings of a half century, the sons of Brandon, Or., friends of P ro­
fessor Reddy, were guests for a few
racial jealousies of decades, are to be arbitrated on the field days
at the Roaalis ranch.
All new and novel toys of slaughter—giant guns that pierce
Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Woolverton and
armor plate at ten miles, swift planes to drop destruction on Mrss Bertha heard “Oman, the Tent-
helpless towns and hapless troops, tested explosives and projec maker,’ at Medford Saturday even­
tiles at last to be proven on human flesh—these will contribute ing and were very much pleased.
Mrs. Abide Champlain and Fred
to the gavety of the ghastly drama Europe is staging.
Champlain returned io their home in
What comfort may be found in this saddening spectacle— Chicago Monday after spending a fee
with Charles Chamnlain and
at the very outset of the twentieth century? Europe’s night­ weeks
F o p v .trd cd
mare is upon her—the dreaded dream of years. From the frenzy
Richard S". : ' ■! - • ,
di; - the
of this hour, from the madness that impelled an always increas­ week with relatives near Ro^ebtirz
One of out •wall-wool RED HUNTING SHIRTS - $2.50
ing preparation for conflict—inevitable by reason of that very and will probably return loaded with I
Stay two weeks, have a • ■! ti ne, kill three, (no more), come home—buy a new lot
preparation—the continent of arts and sciences will awaken in venison, as the chief object in going
was deer.
of groceries an< I
nappy for another year.
Respectfully yours,
the sackcloth of death and debt and the ashes of her proud
Mary and Louise Deyo, cn route
from II Io, Hawaiian Islands, to New
The socialists are right in saying that the workers of hum­ ork, stopped a few days nt the Ro- I
They are girlhood friends oi i
anity have no quarrel, that their cause is common. The men zalis.
Miss .Harper when living in New I
who will slay each other upon the battle-grounds of Europe York.
will be brothers in all but race. Fellow workers, fellow farm ­ Mrs. I. II. Porter has a very neat
ers, fellow artisans; blinded by so-called patriotism or coerced little canning outfit installed at her
home and is prepared to do all kinds given Senutor l.nne by Aaststant e> v-
by conscription—driven to death in the quarrel of princes.
of canning. This is c great ’. oon to rotary Breckenridge.
Men who are tiring of titles and the stupid theory of her- Riverside people, ns they can so Ray Carroll will be sentenced to life
iditary right, will be more than ever wearied when the present readily dispose of all surplus vege­ Imprisonment for the murder of John
Zoller, marshal of Gervais, a Jury In
tables and fruit.
struggle is fought to a finish, whatever its conclusion may be.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Coe came the circuit court having found him
The most complete line of Fishing Tackle in the Rogue
The kings are preparing the way for their own retirement. down from Portland Sunday and guilty of murder In the second degree
River Valley
They are hastening the inevitable republics, the popular repud spent the week on their Cozy Nook at his third trial.
That loganberry Juice, made from
iation of war, and the welding of the common weal of their
R O D S Split Bamboo $1 F F I K S English wound fly
many of their Riverside friends, and the Oregon loganberry, la going to
fighting men—the workers.
and up; also steel rods
hooks, best on market
all hope to welcome them soon as
By Ben H. Lampman
y brow be calm and heart be high ;
M y lips to futile curses dumb —
W hen I go forth to die !
The grated door shall outward swing once more,
And I shall cross the checkerd twilight of my cell,
W ith hollow footfalls on the iron floor
A mockery of farewell.
Yon narrow trail, where hopeless feet have trod
From cot to narrow wall, and back again,
There Sorrow paced beneath the writhing rod,
And cried aloud in pain.
There, on the promenade of sleepless pain,
First learned I knew the preachings of remorse—
And backward looked upon myself again,
As one looks on a corse.
I saw the simple flowers of childhood strown
By sunless alleys in the city slums;
Each tender impulse trampled and o’erthrow n—
The tutorage of bums.
A harlotry that waited not for night
Was mother to the pallid puny child —
Where Sin was Virtue, Madness was Delight,
And shameful Sorrow smiled!
I saw the years go by in carnival
Of sodden days and nights of lecherous fire,
Where the poor painted * Madame was “la belle” —
And love but lewd desire.
I know what sickened madness surged about,
What flames writhed ’round the leering soul, that time
The thin trembling needled arm grew stout . . .
For larger crime.
They call it Crime, who paw the tomes of Law,
Crime for the noose and twirling foot and free;
Let call it what they will, cant each wise saw—
It is release to me!
While gain is oozed from out the haunts of shame,
Is crushed from livid flesh and rotting bone,
Say what they will —I expiate the blame—
But sinned not all alone.
This is the latest kindness that you bring
To me, my Masters of the Purple G ow n-
Leave to seek peace upon the swaying string—
Leave to lie down.
So grant that this first manliness be mine,
My brow be calm and heart be.high;
As one for whom his star at length does shine—
When I go forth to die!
grape Juice aa a beverage, Is the opin­
ion of F. A. Breck. who has organised
the Breck Fruit Juice company.
Fifteen thousand boxes of peaches
In the vicinity of Eugene and Junction
City Is the estimate placed on thia
crop by Dr. 11. F. McCornack, field
agent for the Eugene Frutigrowers'
association, who has spent a week
estimating the crop.
The United States department of
agriculture has set apart >11,000 for
extension work In agriculture and*
home economics In Oregon during the
next year. This amount may be In­
creased to 115,000. This allowance Is
please m addition to the >10,000 appropriated
when j to Oregon under the Smith-Lever bill,
According to census reports recelv-
| e<l by State Superintendent of Public
I>ermaiient residents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Alden and the
Misses Marv and Ruth Wallace re­
turned Monday evening from a de­
lightful trip to Crater luke. They
left Saturday morning by auto and
reached the lake that evening, stop­
ping at all the points of interest. Re­
turning', they» came by way of Fort
Klamath, Klamatb Falls and Ash­
land. A party of seventeen front
\ ancouver visited the lake the same
day. They will also travel through
Yellowstone park, making the whole
trip by auto. Tent accommodations
at the lake did not seem to
-urae members o f the party
they were expecting a suite o f
at the hotel with private bath.
A p o rch p a r ty given by the R ecre-
ntion club a t the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. B. Alden Saturday evening
wag a decided success. It was given
in honor of the many friends back
among us just nt this time. Ice
cream and cake were served and most
of the evening spent in a good social
way. The following were present
from Medford: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cook.
Others attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Champlain, Mrs. W. A. Elliott.
Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Swacker, Mr. and
Mrs. W. 8. Coe of Portland. Mr. and
Mrs. L. T. Miller, Misses Marv Wal
lace, Ruth Wallace, Lyndall Jacobs,
Mildred Myers and Alice H arper;
Messrs. Baker, Geo. Jacobs, Bob
Cook, Herbert Mathews, F. E. Wahl
and Mr. Wahl, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. I).
II. Stem), Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Porter,
Mr. and Mrs. Schaumburg.
The postoffice department haa re­
bel tided the order discontinuing the
poatofflce at Dlaaton, Lane county.
Leaders of the republican, demo­
cratic and progressive parties in Ore­
gon have agreed to leave the prohibi­
tion issue out of the campaign.
Action of the postal department in
rejecting tenders for carrying mails
in rural sections is resented by the
Coquille commercial club.
Big meeting representatives of all
commercial interests In Portland and
Columbia river basin was heard at
Portland to unite In campaign for
rivers and harbors bill.
Refund will be ordered by the Ore­
gon railroad commission to a passen­
ger who was made to pay more for
himself and mother-in-law than for
himself and wife.
There will be no delay In getting
action on the deed to the locks at
Oregon City, according to Information
Instruction C hurchill th e school popu-
Our fine new line of Tulip Enamel
Ware has arrived. We have every­
thing for the kitchen in this splendid assortment.
E n am el W are
tH u t W e a r s
If you are going to need a harness
this summer come in and get our
prices before going elsewhere. We now have one set in
stock, fo ra sample. Come in and look at them. $ 4 7 . 5 0
takes them, although they are selling all over the country
for $50.00.
H a rn ess
The regular 75c garden hoe now 50. Guaranteed garden
hose 12c per ft, A few hand cultivators left, at $1 euch
D. H. M IL L E R ’S
Iation of Tlllnmook, Harney, Coos,
Yamhill, Wtfllowa, Baker and Clatsop
' G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r ic e s *
counties increased during the year
while in Hood River and Wasco coun­
ties It slightly decreased.
Figures prepared by Corporation against R t i.
- ,<>4 !n liw
Nearly a score of those who were
nominated at the May primary have Commissioner Watson for hl« annual Russian cap t ii , «
i. rftil demon­
failed to file their expense accounts report and Just made public show that stration of patriotic cn.buaiaam.
with Secretary of State Olcott, and hla department la the greateat revenue
The Benlttti v.n.- olil-n admfts'the
he has sent notice to all of them that producing arm of the atate govern- | Servian urir.y 1.5« reUieJ before the
their names will not appear on the ment. The department was started Austrian advance on the Bosnian fron­
ballot until they furnish a statement June 3, 1913. and from that time until tier nnil nlons the aouthern bank of
May 31, 1914, the receipts totaled ! tho Ilrtna.
of their expenses.
The drought of the last six weeks >221,149.66. From June 1 to June 30,
Trans-AHuntIc traffic between New
seriously affected the pear crop In the inclualve, the receipts were >69,463.43, i York and Europe is virtually suspend
RogUf river valley. Picking probably making a grand total of receipts for e<l. One hundred and fifty thousand
will begin next week. Experts who the fiscal year ending June 30, >310,- Americana in Europe face the possi­
have looked over the valley fear there 613.09.
bility of being marooned Indefinitely.
Forest rangera on the Umatilla for­
will not be more than 60 per cent of
A German spy caught photograph-
the 1913 harvest. The crop la esti­ est are engaged In erecting
°° j Ing the Portsmouth harbor in England
“fire tower” on the top of Lookout
mated at 400 cars.
and two spies at Southampton have
That Willamette valley products mountain, one of the highest peaks
, been arrested.
will be well represented at the Pana­ In the forest. Owing to the fact that
Financially, Germany Is well pre^
ma-Pacific exposition was assured at only the raw material Io be found In
for war. Within a week the
a meeting of the Willamette Valley the forest was available for building
Exposition association at Salem. Mem­ the tower, Its construction was a dif­ kaiaer will have at hand at least >370,- .
bers reported that much headway had ficult task. It la nearing completion, 000,000 In gold and silver for the vast’V^
been made In their sections toward however, and will be equipped with a expenditures Immediately necessary.
It was reported that Germany and
obtaining exhibits and that the people powerful glass and “fire finder.” A
were deeply Interested In making the man will be on duty constantly and Turkey have arrived at an understand
with the aid of the equipment at his Ing whereby Turkey la to attack Ser
beat showing possible.
Auto streetcars, the first to be In­ command will be able to locate every j vla from the roar' lf ^ Is la true, then
stalled In the west, are to be On oper­ fire within a radius of 76 mile«, al- I t*le Gnlkan nations must come to the
| aid of Servla.
ation In Pendleton before the opening most ns soon aa It la started.
of the Roundup. Two 25-passenger
throughout all of Oreat Britain Is
cars already have been ordered and
most Intense. Anti German demon
are now being built In Portland. When
j strations have already taken place In
received they will run on regular
_ __ _ about the
_ city and to
__ _
The Russian forces have seized a the West End of London. Police quel­
eastern Oregon hospital for the In- Gennan
at Vladivostok,
led a near riot of Frenchmen at the
sane. Streetcar rates will be charged. ' Montenegro haa decided to cast her German embassy. The police have
controlled all demonstrators up to the
Ezra Meeker, of Puyallup, Wash., lot with Servla.
Freneh neroplanes have dropped present, but It Is feared there may be
pioneer of 1652, who has twice crossed
real trouble In the provinces before
the plains by ox team, recently re­ bombs at Nuremberg In Bavaria.
tracing the "Oregon trail,” shipped
The Dominion of Canada has for­ the Germans there can flee the coun­
his ox and prairie schooner from mally offered 50,000 troops to Great try.
The plan of the German e m p e r o r ,/^
Springfield to San Francisco. Mr. Britain.
according to military observers/
Meeker also departed to take a posi­
Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Hol­
tion under the Washington state com land imitate Italy's example by main­ Is to vanquish or attempt to vanquish
France before Russia will be able to
mission at the Pannma exposition. He taining neutrality.
is to exhibit his outfit throughout the
war create serious trouble on her northern
frontier. '
fair and assist in the publicity work