Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1914)
D e lig h t f u l N e w p o r t “ Tried «n,I True’* 1« the »Id ntUaltb- outing resort, with a wealth of natural »«•m r ,. healthful drive», a »plendhl la at ii, anil numerous nearby point« of ' • IntenMt: l.fghriiiii»«, Devil’« I ’unrlihowl, Heal Rock, etc. Spetial lo w Hound Trip I t r o W .v k rn d Taras to All Point», and Sunday {«(union Tarts from Albany and Corvallis • • • • C onsisting o f the L a t e s t S ty le s and L ow est Prices ev er offered to the Ladies o f Gold Hill v ia th e V, r ¿p Repplette in different shades Crepe Pintelle in different shades Windsor Crepe Epingle Crepe Messaline Silk in all shades Ladies’ House Dresses, $1.50 to $3 Children’s Dresses $1.25 \ W» / S U N S ET | OG 01. No SHASTA | ROUTES The T>position Lina 1915 Ladies’ House Apron 50c Figured Lawns 8c to 15c per yd. Full line Gents’ Furnishing goods Our line of Ladies’ Shoes for Spring and Summer will soon a r rive. They consist of the Tango, Suede, and Velvet, varied shades. Our line of Gingham speaks for quality this you all know, as our reputation is well known in thia line. See our new line of Spring Hats which will be on display this com ing week. D o u b le D a ily T r a in * bsivu Alliany, d u lly ....................................................... a ................... 7 30 A h'ave Albany, daily except Sunday ................................................1:00 |>. I«tave Corvallis, dally............................................ ...........................HdlOA. lata vo Cor valli», dally exoept S u n d ay..., ................................... I :tt* I*. Rem em ber w e carry a first class line o f Groceries M M. M M Connections made at Albany and Corvallis with 8. Peruin». M erritt & C o m p a n y G e n e ra l M e r c h a n d is e Special Excursion Train will leave Newport every Sunday evening at <1:00 p. in., arrive Corvallis 10:15; Allwny 10:45 GOOD NSftlNG STHTAMS ALONG TM{ C. A t. At Eik City, Morrison, Toledo, and along tlie Yaquina river, also on the Itreitciibusb and Hantiani rivers on the East End. 1‘a'ronlzc home Industry—smoke Mt. Pitt and Gov. Job taon cigar». «'.H o nV a'c “ „ K T 0 " 1<,CBl ' “’’ I ° r ” ew L ib P ill, keep .tom - tro, frr m H 7 "‘an> ,tCelhead J " ' 1’ » » • ' »««' kidney, |„ healthy condi- roi, from heir favorite r if f le , on tlon. Rid the body of poiaou and waste, John M. Scolt, Gpnerdl Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon t ie Rogue, the season having appar- Improv« yoor complexion by Husuing e n t y started In earnest, with a good the liver and kidneys. ’-I got more re run of large fat fl»h. The ea rlier i lief from one box ol Dr. King’sNew Life portion of the run usually passes oa Pills than any medicine 1 ever tried ,” Leave o rd o n fur wikk I at the New» to the upper river without pausing, »ay. C. E, Hatfield, ol Chicago, I II . 2fo ollice. and so It Is that the first month of at your druggist. fishing Is never really at Its best near ____ - -______ ____ ________ _ German American Coffee, 3 pound can Gold H ill. But from the present time Try a Hot l’oint theau warm day». SI.00 at Lanee A Company, on till late fall the sliver beauties For instance—a Ivertiae ! The condition of W. E. Thompson, w ill be taken In abundance at anv Leave order» for «rood a t-th e New» who bee hem «erioualy ill, i» much lui- point on the river near this city office. proved at the present time. Dowden’s Falls and the old Hardy Rest fruit sugar,|5.35 at Lance A Com- TOR SALE—Dis* Eastman K<slak, sixe dam are favorite objective points for puny. by 4 li, in al>»«liitely first class con local sports, but numerous other and Buy your Ranch Bacon at Lance A dition , price reasonable, John Kelsey. nearer riffles may be fished with I have purchased a barber Company. equal or better success. The present shop in Gold Hill with the Tlie Implies* Aid will again serve ice run of steelhead trout Is comprised A. <’. C. am i other standard Ging cream and sherlier* at the .Myers’ bldg., intention of staying by the of unusually large fish, few have been ham» »re always 12 H cents |>er yard ibis ufferiioon and evening, Saturday job and the town. taken under six pounds In weight, «1 M e rritt A (Vtmpany'a, ibe Ifith. and many exceed ten pounds. Mlag Nina Sharp, of Portland, is FOR R E N T — Good aix-room house, Your patronage is solicited almost completely furnished; good visiting with Mrs E. T. Simmons and for any tonsorial service. garden ground. Apply to A. E will remain for two months. Greece paid the United States »12,- If I don’t please—tell me Kellogg. Gold H ill. Oregon. 000,000 for the battleships Mississippi Dtesmiakcr—Kx|tcrienccd and rapable, and Idaho. why. 15 PEW ICITERS— All makes, sold, with work guarantw-d, b rio» reasonable. Gold Hill Meat Market For fold' r» describing Newport aa an outing plat» call on nearaat agent. A big supply of freshjmeat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of fresh fish in season. Local News Notes Woodcock & Blacked Proprietors B a r b e r in g ' Mrs. W. Thom, residence, at the late rented, and r. paired. Also a full line of Win. Sniilli bouse. carbon (tapers, ribbons ami typewriter Mlsa I.ctsey Hodges Is the guest of p a p e rs -T Y P E W R IT E R EXCH ANG E, Miss Pearl Nowels, at the latter's Medford, Oregon. Mrs. F D. Schrump entertained at home near Glendale, the present Idge and luncheon Wednesday Wednesday .<■ week. bridge at I France'a loan of »161,000.000 a three aud a half per cent was subscribed by people of F'rance 40 times over. The four new dreadnoughts ordered but >et "0' nnmed * n* b,‘ known aa Arlzon“ ’ California. Idaho aud Missis sippi. Laundry service in connec tion. R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n ternoon. Those present were: Mrs. ‘T h e C i t y S h o p ” Georgia and South Carolina were Burch, Mrs. Stewle, Mrs. H unt. Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Smith, the Misses Catlier- once In a tropical climate according ¡Ine and Claire Baker, and Mlsa Dor to the statement of the geological sur vey department of the government. othy Smith. Ralph Darling and Eber Davis, pro The First National Bank of Union- Splendid ore has been struck on visioned and equipped for a week's town, Pa., is said to have declared a : two veins of the old Bowden mine vacation In the mountains, left Tues lrl in v a r ia b ly he . . . U U I . U of U< 700 l u v per J ,V I cent v e n t to t o Its n s stock S IO C K - " J*<l’ O I < W x » I I lin B I j in y o u th . « h h o o u u lit jin the Blackwell district by Jim U dividend d ire c te d Io — — ----------- T day for upper T rail. holders In order to dodge the new cur- j foT m, Mrs M. D Bowers and daughter i ’ Davis T ’.'" H° ' b ’ • ln’ 2* ln rency law. , he ’• ‘ •P«b»e -FrcgjdentC W Elio t. Helen returned Wednesday from C a n - * * * “ ? ’ On? >’«•»«*"« f r ° m ” ° to * 2 ‘ Six persons killed and property This Is the Mission of tha *r ' ‘ ° th<"' fro,n 1 ,0 to , 1 0 '' tra l Point, where thev visited M r- ' ' | “ F urther development work w ill b9 damage of hundreds of thousands of Bowers' parents. dollars wns the toll of cloudbursts and continued. W. H. Speer, form er Espee agent el-ctrlcal stores in the Lebanon val- Forty-slxth School tear Opens I C E C R E A M . - « *e «ant more lely and anthracite regions of Penn- S E P T E M B E R |8 th . IQI4 nt this station and now In charge for the company at M erlin, visited with ol your Ice Cream buslneas, and wc will sylvanla. | Write for illustrated ion pa2» Book make you prices so you can afroni to eat local friends on Sunday last. American men who profess to fol let, ’T he life C areer .” and dT 'oi Cats more ol It. We will fix you tip galion low fashion’s decree will wear suits , log containing lull infurmariun Mrs. E. P. Tucker, accompanied by 1 gallon, ami up, so you can carry of the English, or form fitting, models her daughter, of lies Moines, will a r D tg trt A tiR lC U L r ilR F home, and packet! to hold up for 5 or « this fall and winter, according to the Agronomy, Animal Husbandry. Dairy Hus rive Sunday to visit her son, chemist hours. Any amount for parties. Come standards approved at the opening bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Tucker of the cement plant. Agriculture for leachers FORESTRY. ; ami see us about It, ut—T u r n e r * session of the National Association of L ogging E ngineering , home E co G. D Mosier, the Eugene ball play-1 q „ b .r ,ii,„ r. er who served with the local team as . ,, , e »and and danc- Manufacturing Clothiers and Design nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, ahort-stop through the past ^ n . ! K h m .H ° " Ot " ‘* ers’ convention. ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining left on Thursday for Weed, where he “ re reqU’”,,e,, ‘ ® Estimates mat the total wheat crop Ceramics. C ommerce pharmacy has secured employment. £ » an’ ° " ’V would approach the billion-bushel industrial arts ¡at their earliest convenience. Cashier mark— 930,000,000 bushels, to be more i If'ofaiutna! Counts- Agriculture, Dairy George Mardon and Jack Ralls, Lynn Smith, of the Gold HUI bank nearly exact—and be the greatest : Ing, Home Makers’ Course. Industrial who recently made a fine clean-up, w ill receive the payments, which ire wheat crop ever grown were given j Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. nt the Fairview , the Ray company’« urgently needed to free the pavilion out by the department of agriculture. ' ScArw/e/ .V aiir—Piano, String, Band Foots creek quartz mining property, property from debt Voice Culture. The estimate for corn was 2,868,000,- F .fo te r t B u tio e .. C o t.e e by M a il Free went to the mine Thursday to begin M r. and Mrs. Thos. Ray and fam ily 000 bushels. Addrem T I I K . R G IS T R A R , taking out another run of ore. w ilt depart next week for M ill City, C o rvallis, Oregon Women's rights were recognized to (tw -7 M to » .» ) Mrs. Lula J. Vleson and sister Miss where M r. Ray has secured employ the fullest extant by the National Edu Fay Hughes, of Portland, visited on ment for the season. T heir departure cational Association, which passed Wednesday at the home of their w ill be keenly regretted by many City Controller Samuel W hite ot resolutions Indorsing woman suffrage aunt, Mrs. J. M. Hutson, of this friends In this city and vicinity. Mr. and equal pay for teachers, regardless Louisville, Ky., wus arrested on a city, while returning from a week Ray Is at present councilman from of sex. and allotted five of the ten vice charge of embezzlement following the «pent with K lam ath Falls relatives. Without a discovery of an alleged shortage of the first ward, having served since presidencies to women. »14,600 In the accounts. At a meeting of th e band boys , the election of one year ago. dissenting vote. Dr. David Starr Jor Lumber men were told by S. Wood Tuesday evening, W. C Th m John i-aiae, Paine, m the well-known Sams Sams dan was elected president of the as , . . . . . . ... a 'luiui e weu-Known unanimously elected leader of he ' v# |Ie y r>n ch w wh(} hR(( sociation for the ensuing year. Oak of Boston while at Seattle, that the organization, a position for which mate of , he Sacr<,„ Heart land. Cal., was chosen as the meeting Panama canal would open a new trade on the Atlantic coast and he urged h l. long experience and musical ab.l-1 Mp(, for(, durlng th<j place next year. them to make more of the finished Ity admirably qualify him. turiW(, on Wedne, day M r pa,n; h9g product in the future. I'hiyd "D otta” Eddlngs Joined C. icompletely recovered his health fol- Declaring that women offenders W. M a rtin ’, crew of Callfornla-O re- |ow I„ K the c r lt|ca| operation which should fare in the same manner as gon company electricians and line- WBg found necessary. Governor Cox of Ohio refused to men offenders, Miss l^aura Mlddaugh, men at Glendale Wednesday. An o ut-, -rn.«,.,»«, . . . . . ■ » . . , , Twenty cans of rainbow trout fry call out state troops to guard coal acting police Judge nt Kansas City, door substation of modern type 1« . ,, . . , , were left at this city Wednesday mor- mines because of alleged threats by fined two of her sex »100 and »300 under construction at that place. ,,i„ „ «... -v . . . jnlng by the departm ent s special car strikers to blow up the plants. respectively, for maintaining liquor Deputy warden Riley Hammersly enroute to Medford. The Infant trout James B. Wilson, ex-conductor of nuisances. trekked down from W illo w F la t j were , | berated be]ow thfi WRgon the Baltimore & Ohio railroad was It is announced that George Fred camp Tuesday, appearing at Rogue j brldge. Nono w<,re o r,glnaI, y , ntend awarded »76,000 damages for Injuries Williams, former minister of the rive r the following day as tlie star ed for di gtrlhutlon here, but a wire received while working for the road United States to Greece was piqued witness against the three Evans creek, frora H D Rofld to Btnta warden 63 hours out of 72, by a Jury In Chica because when, on a recent trip to In- deer poachers, who were convicted In nianton on the eve of the car’s de go. restlgate the Albanian situation for Justice W ertz a court. parture, secured the consignment. the president he was not recognized by the International commission. W. a . Haves renewed old times with old timers at Rogue River Wed- oesday afternoon, and attended the poaching trial. THE LIFE CAREER People in the News T h e g u a r a n te e d Iro n W h e n y o u b u y a n E le c tr ic F la t I r o n get o n e t h a t w i l l la . « a l i f e t i m e - ! » - , e c o n o m y N o w $ 2 .0 0 ELE?TeK?C% S EYD; K any K t» f h° H ™ t » Whe" IT HAS NO DRAW BACKS. on o £ Or f « " e £ X Ur ° 'd ir° n fo r5 0 c “ l» r t P a r e n t tired haVe °nly h“ " ' CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Alain Street : ÏG OOD £HEAP T HA\ E a dozen fine hand made Rocking * Chairs. Some fine Library Tables and stands—all hand made. I will sell them cheaply. Come and see them. J. N. FOUNTAIN ■SO U TH S I D E tu r n i aure sto r e G o ld H i l l , O re g o n ) *------------- -------------------------^2 LESI YOU FORGET! Do not forget our Bank Money Orders are cheaper and more convenient than of any other name. No matter where you want to send money we can do it for you That it O ur Business THE GOLD HILL BANK