Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1914)
A U T O M O B IL E (& G AS ENGINE REPAIRING residing within the State «>( Oregon, the addn«ss hereafter mentioned —NEFF 4 MEALEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff Mislfool National Bank Btiikllng, Medford, Oregon. 6-19 In tin« Circuit Court of the State of Or« Serial No. gon, for the County of Jackson. Mineral S u rvey No. "41 R. II. Moore, Plaintiff A Specialist in this work, NOTH'K OF APPUCATION FOR vs, as well as any detail of * MINERAL PATENT John 8, Smith and Phoebe M. Ikktim. Summons for PuM kation in fo re Calked States I .and OfTl«-* General Blacksmithing, etc. and also all other persons or parti«» 9 0« D rops ) closure of Tax lien Roseburg, Oregon, Ju u e 5. 1*14 Fctr Infants and Children. unknown, claiming any right, title, in Mineral Application No. OD4S1. In Th« Circuit Court ol the State of tensg, lien or estate in the pmperty de NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Oregon, •eribad in the application Herein, B la c k s m it h Guy D. Kenney, whose poatofftce ad For Jackson County. Defendants dress is No. 331 West Broadway Flora A. Kelsey, Plaintiff, vs. A. 0 . Cow Portland, Oregon, has made applies itig, and also all other persona or parties tion for patent, as sole owner there To John & Smith and Ifftoebe M. De- unknown claiming any right, till«, ALCOHOL 3 PCM t'KNT.11 of, to r the lode mining claim called kutn, and also all other persons or par estate, lien or interest in tbs real estate Avegeiabli Prrpar»(«n£rAi the Blanche Lode Mining Claim, sit ties unknown claiming any right, title, deacribed in the Application herein, s M t o M it e lW a n d Krai1 uated In the Blackwell (Unorgan Interest, lien or estate« in tlie pmperty de- IM sndaut. bugila« iiuaadu uailKw&tf Miners, I can sharp lied) mining district, Jackson coun scribed in the Application herein, the To A. C. Coning, and also sll other ty, sta te of Oregon, with surface above named defendant«: en, repair or make persons or parties unknown claiming any I nfants / c huhkin ground 300 feet In width on each IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF right, title, «stale, lien or interest in the tools, and guarantee Promote s Digevrttinfhrttfil side of said lode, and which ia more OREGON: real estate described in the Application my work to stand fully described as to metes and herein, the above named defendant, ik’s s and Rraflonfalni wKw You and each of you are hereby notifl- the racket; try me O pimu .Morphine nor Uneni bounds by th e official plat of su r e«t that R. H . Moore Is the holder of Cer IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF N ot N arcotic , and be shown vey. Mineral Survey No. "41, now tificate of Delinquency numbered 1633, OREGON: You are hereby notified on file in th is office, and by the field issued on the 6th «lay of May, 1914, by that Flora A. Keleey, the holder ol A d u n it i notes of survey thereof, also on file tlie Tax Collector of tin« County of Jack Certificate ol Delinquency numbered 76 herein, which field notes of survey son. State of Oregon, upon the real prop issued ou tbe 7th day of March, 1910, B l a c k s m ih If Ê* • described th e boundries and extent erty assented to you, of which you are by tlie Tax Oollector ol tbe County ol of said mining claim on th e surface, the owner, situated in said County and Jackson, State of Oregou, for the with m agnetic variation at IS de State, and particularly bounded and de amount of Five and eighty one-hun "<M0 dredths Dollars, the same lieitig the grees 45 m inutes E., as follows, to- scribed as follows, to-wit: wit: W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. Is'ta 2, 4, 5 of Block ", and le ts 9, It), am ount then due and delinquent for Aperteci Rrnwiiy forComf^» Beginning at corner No. 1, where t io n , Sour StoBarti.UUrrtwj 11 ol Block 1, of die City of Gold Hill tax«>8 fot the year 1908 together with GENERAL PRACTITIONER Wonusfoiivulsioiis.l'rvtnsk the northw est corner of Sectiou 24. according to the recorded plat tliereof penalty, interest and coats thereon upon G old H ill , O regon . luías and Loss o r SLEEP. In Township 06 South, of Rauge 3 for the amounts set opposite the «leacrip the real property assessed to you, of ncStwik siÿianirr Of West of th e W illam ette Meridian, tions of said kits below, the same being which y«>u are the owner os appears of bears N. 53 degrees 52 m inutes W the reapective amounts then due and de record, situated iu said County and A. E. KELLOGG 633.5 feet. Thence S. 28 degrees linquent for tax«» for the year 1910 to State, and particularly bounded and GOLD H ILL. OREGON «Tu* C bmtaur C omfa D , 00 m inutes W. 300 feet to the w ester gether with penalty, inte'rest and costs Jescrib«>d as follows, to-w it: L o ta l, 2, Embalmer and Funeral N E W YORK. ly end of lode line, and from which thereon upon said several lots respective aud 3, Block 6, of the original Town, Director now City, of Gold Hill, iu Jackson A t b m o n th * old point the point of discovery bears ly, tsmailing in tlie aggregate 197.88:' Complete line of burial robes, County, Oregon. J 5 D o nes -J 5 C U 8 T S S. 62 degrees 00 m inutes E., 1262 Lot Block 7, Gold Hill, ......86.18 «•aakete. etc. Yon arc further notified that said feet. Thence S. 2$ degrees 00 minu Lot Block 7, Gold H ill,..........6.1!« GikirAiUred umlrrtl* I FUNERAL CAR tes W., 300 feet to corner No. ! Lot Block 7, Gold H i l l , ........ 6.18 Flora A. Kelsey, has paid taxes on said Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Thence S. 62 degrees 00 m inutes E premises for prior or subsequent years, Lot Block 1, Gold H ill,......... 3.14 Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main Exact Copy o f Wrapper. 1500 feet to corner No. 3, which is Lot 10, Block 1, Gold HU(,.........3.10 with the rate of int««rest on said identified w ith the N. W. corner of Lot 11, Block 1, Gold H U I,.............. 3.99 amounts as follows: DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE the Ella lode t unsurveyed). Thence You are further notified that said R.II. Years tax D a U- p»IU Receipt no. Amsunt rate Ini. of N. 28 degrees 00 m inutes E., 300 Moore has paid tax«» on said premises D EN TIST 3! O -5 feet to th e easterly end of lode line, for prior and subsequent years with the o • M * • t and from which the point of dis rate of interest on said amounts as fol GAS ADXtXISTK BK D 1909 3, 7, 10. 22.36 »5.53 .16 lows: covery bears N. 62 degrees 00 min 1919 3, 16, 11. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD 8.28 .15 88M utes W„ 23S feet. Thence N. 28 de On Lot 2, Block 7: 1911 3. 15, 12. 13430 .15 3.60 grees 00 m inutes E., 300 feet to cor 1911 9, 7, 12. 15:190 .15 3.50 D e l. Taa Rec’r S a lt of n er No. 4, which is identical with the Year. 1912 4, 2, 13. 4210 3,50 .16 Yea Po.rf D. W . B A G SH A W Afo Amt. fist. N. E. com e? oi the Ella lode (u n 1912 4, 2,13. 4211 .15 1.40 241 82.66 16 pet. A tto r n e y -a t-L a w surveyed). Thence N. 62 degrees 1908 May 5, 1914 1912 4, 7, 13. .15 ««94 1.40 1909 242 4.49 15 pet. 00 m inutes W., 1500 feet to corner J a c k s o n v ille , O reg o n 1912 9, 10, 13. 10747 3.50 .15 1911 13868 4.04 15 pet. No. 1, th e place of beginning. 1913 5, 5, J 4 7338 9.29 .15 1912 “ 13859 * 4.43 15 pet. There are no conflicting claims, All legal business attended to Said A.C. Cowing as the owner of the " “ 7.Í4I 4.09 15 pet. and the only adjoining claim, is the 1913 promptly and carefully legal title of the above described prop With other hot weuther fortifiers On Lot 4, Block 7: Ella lode (unsurveyed), as is shown erty as the same appears ol record, aud by the plat of survey. Sodas in all flavors 1908 May 5, 1914 241 2.56 15 pet. each of the other persons above namtsl Any and all persons claim ing ad 1909 “ 242 4.50 15 pet. are hereby notified th at Flora A. Kel- OVER 66 YEARS* Lunches Served at ail times “ “ versely th e mining ground, veins, 1911 E X P E R IE N C E 13858 4.0S 15 pet. ! sey will apply to the Circuit Couit of lodes, premises, or any portion theres 1912 “ “ 13869 4.43 15 pit. 1 the County and State aforesaid for a de B u n t e ’s C h o c o l a t e s - T o b a c c o » , E tc . “ of so described, surveyed, platted, 1913 "241 4.09 15 pet. cree foreclosing the lien against the p ro MR and applied for, are hereby notified On Lot 5, Bit>ck 7 : : l<erty altove described, and mentioned th a t unless th eir adverse claims are 1908 May 5, 1914 241 2.56 15 pet. | in said certificate. Anil you are here duly filed according to law, and the j DOB 212 Í..50 15 pet. by summoned to ap)«ear within sixty rade M arks regulations thereunder, w ithin the 1911 13858 4.05 15 pet. ' days after the first publication of this D esigns tim e prescribed by law, with the reg 191 C opyrights 4 c . 13869 4.44 15 pet. ; summons, exclusive of the day of said Anyone sending a sketch and description may ister of the United Stsrtes Land Office | ¡.,¡3 quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an 7:41 4.07 15 pet. ■ first puolication, and defend this action invention is probably patentable. Communlca. at Roseburg, Oregon, they will be tio n sstrlctlyc in a d en llu l HANDBOOK on Pal« or pay the amount due as above show 11, On Lot 9, Block 1 : sent free. Oldest saency for securing patent barred by the provisions of the law Patents taken through M unn A Co. reci together with costs and accrued interest | •wrctof notice w ithout charge, in the 241 1.17 15 pet. aud in case of your failure to do Jso, a i In such cases made and provided. 1908 Mayó, 1914 1909 “ “ 242 2.24 16 pet. decree will lie rendered foreclosing the Notice posted on ground, April 6, 1911 “ 13858 3.91 15 pet. lien of said taxes and costs against the ' 1914. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. culai ion o f any scientlhc V-nrnaL _____ __ 1912 13869 4.43 15 p« t. land and premises above named ; a four all newsd©«: J. M. UPTON, ■ s months, o o | L i u Sold by uyan newsaeaiers. 9113 7341 4.08 15 pet. Register. M Branch UNN Office, £ (¡({»Sed Broadway New This summons is published by order «25 F BL, W ashington, D. C. On Lot 10, Block 1: oi the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge i NOTICE OF CONTEST 1908 M ayó, 1914 241 1.1« 15 pet. of tbe Circuit Court of the State of Or- ' Roseburg, Oregon Ju n e 2. 1914. 1909 “ “ 242 2.24 15 pet. egon for the County of Jackson, ami 1 F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s O. F e e d S t a b l e s To Clarence P. H arris oi Gold Hill, 1911 “ “ 3.91 15 pet. said order was made ami «lated this 5tb Oregon, contestee: in C o n n e c t i o n 1912 “ “ 13859 4.43 15 pet day of May, 1914, and tlie date of the You are hereby notified th a t Ern 1913 “ “ 7341 4.08 15 pet. first publication of this summons is the est Boyd, who gives Gold Hill, Ore On Lot 11, Block 1: Iflth day of May, 1914 HAVE added to our general livery business gon as his postoffice address, did 0:1 All process and papers in this pro ▼ » two completely equipped 5-passenger touring 1908 M ayó, 1914 241 1 18 15 [s t. For the Gamey Trout May 20. 1914, file In this office his ceeding may be served upon the umlei- 1909 “ •« 242 2.27 15 pet. cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com duly corroborated application to con signed residing witliin the State ol Or 1911 o f the finest Fishing 13858 .3.02 15 pet. test and secure the cancellation of egon at the address hereafter mention mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists 1912 ** •' 13859 4.44 15 pet. your hom estead entry No. 05995, Stream on the Coast ed. —N arr A M ralkv bound for marvelous Crater L ake-w ill find that we 1913 7:41 4.08 15 pet. Serial No. 05995 made March 18, Attorneys for Plaintiff, know the roads, the country, and how to please. 1910, for the N’ H of SE% of Medford, Oregon. 8aid John 8, .Smith and Phoefs M Sec. 6. twp. 36 S. range 3 W Willamette Di-kum, as the owners of the legal title Meridian, and as grounds for his con of the above described property (The IN THE JUSTICE’S COURT FOR T h e .S h o r t e s t W a y test he alleges th a t said Clarence P. petson appearing of record to be the GOLD HILL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF H arris has abandoned his said home legal owner thereof being the Gold Hill JACKSON, STATE OF OREGON. T h e L ea st C ost stead for more than th ree years last Development Company, a corporation, H. D. R keo , Plaintiff, ) Civil Action past. which was dissolved on January 20, list«, vs. ) to T h e B e s t G u id e s You are, therefore, fu rth e r noti by proclamation of the Governor oi the J ack H it c iiix n , ) Recover fied th at he said allegations will be State of Oregon pursuant to Section 671« Defendant. ) Money. taken as confessed, and your said Lord's Oregon Laws, and said persons above named being the owners of all the One trial and our Livery Service makes friends--!ry it! entry will be canceled w ithout fu rth er Summons right to be heard, eith er before this stock oi said corporation at the date of office or on appeal, If you fall to file said dissolution and at all times since) To Jack Hutchins, the above named di In this office within tw enty days af and each of the other persons alsive fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF te r the FOURTH publication of this named are hereby further notified that G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N notice, as shown below, your answer, R. I I . Moore will apply to the Circuit OREGON, You are hereby commanded under oath, specifically responding Court of the County and State« aforesaid to appear and answer the plaintiff’s com to these allegations of contest, to for a decree fort-losing tbe lien against plaint against you filed in tin- also’«' <«n- gether will, due proof th a t you have the property above described, and men tilli-d Court ami cause on or h Tore th« oriler of the Hon. J. B. It, Morehx'k, FOR HALFz—too, 600 or 1000 ai r«» in served a copy of your answ er on the tinned m said certificate. And yon an «th «lay of July, ««aid date lieing the ex Justice of the at»ovc ««ntitli’il Court, w hich « compact body, nearly level ami nearly Coughed for Three Years hereby summoned to appear within sixty piration of six weeks from thb first «lay or«ler was made and entered of record on ( all under high state of cultivation, finest, “ I am a lover of your godsend to hu said contestant eith er in jierson or «lays afte r the fir-t publication of (bis of the publication of this summons. the 19th «lav of May, 1914, amt which propoeitlon tor colonization in the state« manity andjecience. Your medicine, Dr. by registered mail. AND YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI order requires you to app««ar on <>r h e - \,f Oregon. No lietter la-id for fruit, grain You should sta te in your answ er Summons, exclusive of tbe day of said King’s New Discovery, cured my cough first publication, and defend this actiop FIED, that if you fail to appear and an fore thtt Inst «lay prescribed in this su n- " " of three years standing,” says Jennie the name of the postoffice to which or pay the amount due as above shown, swer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply mons. The «late« of the first, publication , or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Sub- Flemming, of New Dover, Ohio. Have you desire fu rth e r notices to be sent I irrigated, every (0 acres is choice. Well together with costs and accrued interest to the Court for the relief prayed for in of this summons is the 23d «lay of May, you an annoying cough? Is it stubborn to you. located and only 6 miles from R. R. H|a- and in case of your failure to do so, a tin- eomplaint, succinctly stated as fol J. M. UPTON, Register. 1914. and won’t yield to treatm ent? Get a 60c tion. For particulars call upon or write, decree will be rendered foreclosing the lows: ‘ —A. E. K b i . i z x k j , Date of first publication Ju n e 13 Gott le ol Dr. K ing’s New Discovery t->- —0. S. R k p n k m i , Ag« nt. lien of said taxes and costs against the For payment of the sum of Sixty ami 1914. Atteirin-v for I’laintiff, dayr W hat it did tor Jennie Flamming land and premises above named. 15-100 Dollars, due on an expressed con 3-8 Gobi Hill, Oregon. Date of second publication Ju n e 20 it will do for you, no m atter how stnlt* This Summons is published by order of tract, for money lent, anil goods sold born or chronica cough may bt. I t stop- 1914. the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of and delivered to the defendant by the a cough and stops throat and lung Date of th ird publication June 27 N o r th b o u n d Sisithing-Cream-Balm cures catarrh, trouble. Relief or money back. 50c and 1914. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, plaintiff at the special instance and re 14 $1.00, at your druggist, . . . . 8:57 a. ni. for the County of Jackson and said order quest of the defendant in the City of Gold hay-fever, sore-throat, headaidte, pilos, No. 44 (motor) Date of fourth publication July 4 11:04 a. in. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for Pimples. eczema aud all infiamations. By mail, was made and dated this 2nd day of June, 1« (motor) Hill, Or.gon, and interest thereon at- the . 1914. 5:07 p. m. 1« 1914, and the date of the first publication rate of « per cent pw annum from the 60 cents, stamps accepted. Vltro-Vigor ■ . » . 6:66 p. m. S o u th b o u n d of this Summons is the «th day of June 22nd «lay of April, 1914, anil coat and Co. 1200 Clayton st., HanJFranclsoo, Cal. | Fool the flieafby ordering*!! new screen I N o. 43 (motor) Tbe Big Pines Lumber company has a 1914. 7:48 a. in. lishursement of this action. door from the large stock ol the Big new stock of fly-tite, solidly constructed ; N o. 13 • • • « 10:10a. in. All process and papers in this proceed Your home town—trade there. This summons is published in the Gobi 45 Pines Lumber company. 1 No. (motor) 1:42 p. m. screen doors, for sal«- at right prices. ing may be served upon the undersigned I Hill News, at Gold HUI, Oregon, l,y tlu: No. 16 For instance—advertise! 3:15 p. in. CHARLES KELL J ust a word! CASTOR» CASWI The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature C. F. C A R T E R Professional Cards Wise Up—Cut the Catalog House I C E C R E A M T H A T I«S1 P atents A T T U R N E R ’S Scientific American York Tackle ] G o ld H ill [ A u t o L iv e r y <WrE We have it Flies Rods Leaders Lines Lures D a r l i n g <0. H o d g e s The B oN -ToN S. P. Time Card 3