Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1914)
Gold Hill G r * u l« a f N a tu r a l H r t o u r c r i o f S o u lk r r n O r . gon I I O n b .u u t if u l H ag a» N iva r he (Solò H iü VOL 17 Jackson Co. O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o i- t u n i t y - R o g a . K m ir V a ll.y , •»baro (A a ap p ia n o m a ti f a m . GOLD HILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 4,1914 NO. 9 It Takes Years, Tears, and Toil to Make a Town—but the Knocker is a Natural Accident’ ' - - ------------- ' GRANTS PASS SPECIALISTS OPERATE ON HOME TEAM P. M. WARBURG T C. S. OSBORNE ’ RURKEYPILE MINE AGAIN TO YIELD GOLDEN SECRET CAMERON CLAN HUMBLED BY SAD SCORE OF 14 TO 4 WELL KNOWN PROPERTY TO INSTALL TWO-STAMP MILL Team Takes Third Place in League by Defeat; Miller’s Hitting Quartet of Local Mining Men Bond Property Which Has Pro- is Feature, but With Poor Pitching the Balloon Arises duced $75 ,00 0; Will Reopen by Middle of Month 'Twaa h «ml Mini su I n I uim I hall-score of Blue Sky Law Inveetlgated. New Course Is Planned.. The Purkeypile mine, five mile» south athletes whirl) returned from like I mihc - Muleta.—Corporation (’oinm'sdoner 8t. Johns.—The school directors are of this city in tlie vicinity of the Red Oak hall precinct of Grunt* I*«**, w\ere they Wiitaon Inis gone to Atlantic City to considering the question of installing ami tlie Ktibii properties, has been bond came to grid in a lop-sidio battle, Iasi attend a convention of bank supcrtn- a commercial course In tbe St. Johns ed for >1,000 by a recently formed part Sunday afternoon. When the »cure wax tendenta. He aald tbe purpose of bla school*, to include typewriting, sten nership. Tlie men who will make the mentioned, both Ian* and fanners *|*>ke trip la to obtain Information regarding ography, penmanship, orthography and Pnrkeypile produce om-e more, are: reverently a* of a departed hope. And the blue aky lawa in caae It la dealred kindred subject*. Night sessions may J. E Bedford, G. A. Richter, Elmer well they might, for the official tally of to amend the Oregon law. Mr. Wataon be held. Higinbothan, and W. F. Teeples, ah of that aud Munday afternoon wax II to 4. | aald lie fuvored a law providing the practical experience and ability to make tirant* l'a** oracle* of the «aine iiioif$«tly ! maximum protection to Inventora, with St. Helens to H ave M ilitia . admit ihateven the lone <|uarl<-i of wore.- minimum red tap* and aa little Inter- St. Helens.—SL Helens is to have a go of the property, which is known a* a gixxl one. a company of the Oregon National wonld not have lawn allowed, hail the ferunce with legitimate corporate bust The property consists of two claims, Guard. Mayor Mueller and Attorney Joaephine county fielder* not engaged In ueaa aa poaalble. White are in communication with Gov tlie ‘‘Hattie -Ann” and the “ Rattlesnake” an argument a* to their w»|sictlvo right* : . ernor West and Lieutenant H en n ea and was opened up in 1903. For tlie past in a high fly. S h eriff Capturea Fleher. I’hulo 0 by Parh lira« sel, of Corvallis. In regard to forming four years it has been inactive, but in the Here at home It is understood that* linker.—Ed Flaher, alleged anaallant P. M. W arburg, tne New York bank few year» of actual operation it is estima the organisation. Grant* I' mnm would have leil like lam I* of ex Mayor Henry Stewart of Cop- C. S. Oaborne, ex-Oovamor of Mich er, v/ho was named a m em ber of the ted to have produced at least $75,000. to the slaughter-shed had Lesli been in perflelil, who waa »hot near hla home igan, who ia aeeklng the nomination Ore ranging from $20 to >500 in value« Sheep to Go East. the hoi. That veteran, however, wa* waa captured near Wallowa lake, In a Federal Reserve Eoard. for United Statea Senator. Baker.—Flock masters in the vicin per ton has lx*n taken from the vein— »till unlit from tin* effect* of a twisted mountain fastness, by Sheriff Ed ♦ ------------------------------------------------------ ♦ ity of Baker are preparing to ship a and the average is distinctly high grade. shoulder muscle, unit the young phenom Hand, who had been conatantly on hie The pertners have ordered a two-stamp large number of sheep within the next who operated in hi* »toad wa* a real trail alnce the ahootlng occurred. mill, and expect to be in readiness tor few weeks. Most of the shipments story hook for thorn- bright Imys, the Doctors attending Stewart, whom will be east and will consist of lambs operation by the middle of the month. enemy. Unnerved by the one-ayllable , Flaher ia alleged to have »hot. say he Power will be supplied by gas engine. News Brevities of the Week From Rogue River Valley Cities and wethers. action of tlH-ir twirler, and »weltering in will recover. 300 ton of ore is now upon the dump, the tropic » uii of tin- »and lot, the team Can of Salmon Found in Halibut. and the property is so developed that Carranza's Secretary Avera General ably HUp|*>rted hi* effort* with eight Disputed Land Taxed. George Wisxlin, of Medford, is under Newport.—M. Wachsmtth, master of much excellent rock is easily at hand. Real Cauae of S trife W ith V illa . error*. Seven were given pu»*e» Pi first I Oregon City.—Property, valued at arn-*t charged with stealing >5o from the Washington.—Alfredo Breceda, pri the halibut fishing launch Sea Dog, There are three tunnels, from 70 to 300 by tin- cautious Cooper who ha* »inee A1.14H.RKO, In dispute between tbe fed secret treasure trove of hi» employer, a feet in depth. returned to whence lie came. Curiously eral government and the Oregon ft a saloon-keeper. He wa» hound over to vate secretary of General Carranza, discovered a large-sized salmon can Reopening the Purkeypilt* mine is sig ' containing some salmon in the atom- leader of the revolutionist forces In enough, Ida addre»» is Itiddle. allfnr'ila railway company la to be the grand jury in the earn of >500. nificant of the spirit that will in time Mexico, issued a statement here, j ach of a halibut. There are always several ruaaons why a put on the tax rolls of Clackamas bring the Gold Ilili district and southern Witli the mineral »pring» project xule- charging that General Filipe Angeles hull game can imly lx- won by one team county and, unies* içi Injunction I* □airy Buainess Shows Increase. Oregon to the fore in the mining industry, at a time, hut the fuel ihm Leah wua out Issued an attempt will be made to col ly under way, tlie titeleaa trojans of Ash had stirred up the recent contention Union.—The dairy business shows a «I the guinc, alni that Johnny Welch, lect the taxes. T ill* statement w : ib land enlerpri*e an- promoting a pickle between Carrañas and General Villa I big increase this season over last and as many similar ventures await the en tin- star pitcher <>I the state 11', worked 1 made by J. E. Jack, county assessor. factory, claiming that southern Oregon, and that Angeles was in reality an j two companies are laying out about terprise of men willing to work for success. and more particularly the territory ad agent of General Huerta. «uh Grant* Pass, shoulil servi' a» expían-1 I $6000 per month for butter fat. jacent to Ashland, ia the natural home Ureeeda’s statement, Issued after a iltlon of tlie recent disaster w hich retinal of the pickle. twig conference with Luis Cabrera, telili Hill to lllinl |«>sitioll ill the league Armed Men Gucrd Etc’.s of But1- 111 lour times a! hill Miller rvginU?n*d ; Butte, Mo-.t.— Deis.ring to save their The Tnleiit-Axhlund unit of tin- paved one of General Carranza's representa cue two-bagger ami two single H. property against attacks from mobs, Pacific highway will I»- let to the lowest tives here, who is earnestly working merchants cf Dctte have placed aricc I R 1! K " , bidder, witli permiasion to hid np-n any for participation of the constitution guards in their stores. 7 • K1 hard surface material — bitliuliihie, as- alists in an informal peace conference Gold Hill - - - 4 7 1 ! Hated a» the third largest kiln for cem pliall. watranite, concrete, etc. The with delegates to the Niagara Falls Grant* Pass • - - 14 THE MARKET? Portland.—Railroad commissions of Cmqs-r and Eliding«; Weld » and Wil- ! ent manufacture in the world, pi weigh Central Point section will lx- finished next mediation conference, admits a breach 1,200,000 pound* when installed, in three week, at u coat of $1.50 per square yanl. in the constitutionalist ranks that Oregon and Washington which control soil. Portland. probably cannot be healed unless me- all public utilities in the two states, section« aggregating 200 feet In length, 10 Standing Wheat—Club, SSc; bluestem, 89c; Grants Pa** fishermen announce un in dlatldn should succeed. feet in diameter, ami roomy enough for a began a joint conference here to as red Russian. c. Won crease in the prevailing run of Chinook Pet. dinner parly or the tango, the principal 3 .<’417 Hay—Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $13. salmon, which until the post week had Physician Says Effects of M alaria May certain how the basic telephone rates Medford ..................... « ’ mechanical item of (lie Beaver Portland in the two states are determined and J .AftO i Butter—Creamery, 27c. been n-niurkahly light. Friday night Grants Pass 5 Be Perm anent. cement plant arrived in this city on Sat why the relations between various 5 .500 Eggs—Ranch, 21c. of last week the fleet of 15 boats brought Gold Hill _______ 5 Oyster Bay. N. Y.— After hearing urday last. Freight charges upon the big ill 3,000 pound» of dressed fish. Kogii- his physician’s decree that he must classes and qualities of service vary 0 .-UM) Talent ....... ............. 4 rotary kiln and it* mechanism, is a mete Seattle. river Chinixik is selling for H cents per either take a prolonged rest or Incur In larger end smaller communities. trifle of $15,000 from Iola, Kansas, to pound—to the wholesalers. Wheat—Bluestem, 89c; club, 86c; The commissioners announced their the danger of permanent ill health, Medford Alvo Murdered Gold Hill, Oregon. investigation would result In the for red Russian, 85c. Mark Finney, widely known through Theodore Roosevelt made plans to mulation of a plan of grouping and Mislford, June 29.—Talent, with Dru- Everylxxly, including even the chronic Hay—Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, hot, tin- otil National league pitcher in groin-lice, wa» disposed to make glad ac out the valley, is in durance at. Jackson conduct tbe fall campaign, so far as classification of rates and services $14 per ton. tin- box, defeated Medford lien- yesterday claim to the long delayed arrival of tin ville Iwcause his thirst kept liitn awake possible, from Sagamore Hili. Butter—Creamery, 26c. that will be based on economic equal by a score of 15 to 5. machinery, which lias lx>en enroute for nights. Made desperate liy tid* belated j Colonel Roosevelt is said to be suf ity throughout the two states. A ten l im n - Ilian tlin»- monili«. Officers of tin aggravation it was tin- custom of Murk to j fering chiefly from the effects of ma- tative plan for arriving at such results I hint Engineering company wen-equally purloin Ila- key» to Brown’» ,»-pillar bar laria, contracted in South America, was’ submitted by the Pacific Tele well pleased with the prospect of immed ami set ’em up to himself. Which The physician wild if he did not shake phone and Telegraph company. iate progress, until they discovered the practice led Io detection and repentance. this off he might never recover his It was expected that the readjust i full strength. sections to have lx»-n loaded wrong end ment would bring about a uniform foremost, with neither turntable nor wyr schedule of rates in Seattle. Portland, National Capital Brevities. Oregon Prohibition Petition is Filed. Zacatecas.—Aguas Calientes, capital at hand to remedy tin- mistake. Con Tacoma and Spokane, while secondary Salem. Or.—A petition which estab Cambridge, Mass.—Eighteen per sequently the luigi- cylinder«, ponderous Vote on the 20 year reclamation ex communities would receive a rate of the state of the same name, has sons, including Charles S. Mellen, for and unw ieldy uh any leviathan, an- ix ing tension bill which has been presented - lishes a new record for number of schedule that agrees for the same been evacuated by the fédérais, ac mer president of the New York, New reversed at tile cement yards witli much to the house by committee, is expect signatures secured, for the initiation services rendered. cording to information reaching Vil of a state constitutional prohibition Haven A Hartford and the Boston 41 lalxir and many blessing*. la’s headquarters. Owing to this, his ed this week. Maine Railroad Company; Frederick Co-operative dairies, mutual fire in- amendment, was filed with Secretary Although everything is in n-*diness for Investigation will be made in tbe plan of campaign has been changed C. Moseley, of F, S. Moseley & Co., (lie placing of tlie kiln, it will lx- some surance companies and like concerns of State Olcott Monday. The petition senate of the report that senate sta and the troops of the division are re Boston brokers, and the investment time—perhaps ltd days—before it is eq must pay the income tax according to contains 35,032 names, signatures hav tionery and government officials fig turning to Torreon. committees of two savings bank* of uipped, adjusted and limai with lire n ruling of the United States supreme ing been obtained In every county In ured in the promotion of gold mine* Late reports show that the losses of the state. this city, were Indict«*! by the Middle brick. the fédérais were much greater than in North Carolina. court. at first supposed. While final figures sex county grand Jury on various Engineer Han Servey, who made u Astrology' is a superstition and the The Interstate commerce commis charges In connection with the finan business visit to Portland last week, com Specialists are wondering at the moon and planets have no influence have not been obtained. It is known ces of the Humpden Hallroad from pieteli arrangements while there for the sion has ordered reparation of the fentB of a child prodigy, Ralphard on weather conditions, declares the that the number of prisoners taken by excess freight payments made on 450 Peters of Boston, who can read the Villa’s troops exceeded 4500. The Bondsville to Springfield. delivery of the stack, to be shipped be shipments of wool from Oregon and most difficult literary productions bulletin of the agricultural depart number of killed was at least close to The indictments against Mellon, fore tlie kiln is installed. ment. other western states pending a hear and pronounce correctly almost every Moseley and Gillett allege conspiracy The treasury department received that figure. Nearly 2000 wounded ing of the cases of the railroad -com word in the English language. He is to Induce the Investment committee of Find Borcen Not G uilty. word from the revenue cutter Bear at fédérais are being cared for by the mission of Oregon and National Wool- the two banks to lend a total of $45,- Eugene.—After a trial that lasted growers' association versus the Ore five years old. Nome that it is not at present possible rebel hospital corps. 000 to the corporation. The latest casualty reports of the six days, the Jury In the ease of An on account of the ice, to rescue the rebels were more than 700 dead and Denials that there was any con drew Kossen, charged with murdering gon Short Line and other ruilronds. crew of the Karluk, refugees on Wran spiracy on their part In the purchase his wife, Edith Bossen, nt their home The amounts of reparation to shin- about 1100 wounded. These figures Patronize home industry—smoke Mt. gell island. of the Hampden notes were made by pa the night of March 20 Iasi, return pers range from* $5 to $1100. The Russian government has been are not complete. Many of Villa’s I'itt. ami Gov. Johnson cigars. Gustavus Goepper, of the board of ed a verdict of no, guilty. The Kos asked, it is said, if George Marye of brigades maintain their special sani East Cambridge Havings Hank, and sens came to Springfield a little over San Francisco would be acceptable to tary service and while reports have Edward R. Cogswell, of the Invest a year ago from Douglas county. Ore the czar for the United States em been made by them none are thought to be complete. ment committee of the Cambridge gon. Evidence In the case was en bassy in St. Petersburg. Havings Hank. Local Properties Ship Clean-Ups That Indicate New Activity tirely circumstantial. Bossen was ac More authority in compelling in cused of administering the poisons come tax dodgers to come to time is Championship S till Held by Johnson. Paris.—"Jack” Johnson still holds W heat Lowest Price In Eleven Years. during the absence of other members That the Gold Hill mining district has taken a new lease on sought by Secretary of the Treasury the heavyweight championship of the Chicago.—Wheat priceH are the low of the household. McAdoo, who would force disclosure production, the past three days’ receipts for shipment at the est since 1903. There has been n of names of stockholders in corpora world. Gold Hill bank attest, as follows: break of 12 cents within five weeks. In a fistic battle at the Velodrome tions and have books made free of Masked Robbers Hold Up 8 Autos. d’Hlver here he easily defeated Frank For the firs, time In recent years Marshfield. — Eight autoniobllos, access. The Braden mine, Ray company, $5,500. the United States Is leading the world loaded with dancers, en route to a Title of transcontinental railroads Moran, of Pittsburg, on points in a 20-round contest. The Fairview, Ralls & Mardon, $500.00. In making low prices for wheat. roadhouse dance, were held up, one to some $700,000,000 worth of petrol after another, between Marshfield and eum land as against other private The Lucky Bart, Kirk & McConiche, $200.00. Chicago.—An ordinance permitting Ten Die From Heat In St. Louis. South Inlet by two to six masked rob claimants was upheld by the supreme the exhibition of certain motion pic Miscellaneous placer receipts, $50.00. St. Louis. -Ten deaths from the ex bers, who stripped the accupants of court in a test suit brought by Ed tures to "adults only” was recommen c.esslve hnii, In 24 hours and 20 pros the autos of all money and jewels and mund Burke of California against the Much development work is being done, several good proper ded by the judiciary committee of tho ♦ rations was the record here. then escaped. ties are to reopen, and a steady gain in production is predicted. Southern Pacific Railroad company. ' city council. I Southern Oregon’s Shortstories Local Kiln is Third Largest in World Will Inquire Into Telephone Rates Mexican Federáis Desert Garrison Mellin Indicted on Conspiracy Charge Gold Hill Mines Make Splendid Showing