Gold Hill Jackson Co, G ra a ta a t N a tu r a l K t i o u r c i l a f S a u l barn O ra gun n O n b a a a lifu l N ag u a N lva r O n e C o m m u n it y o t O p p o r * t u n it y - R o g u e R iv e r V a lle y , u i h t r t th e a p p le g a in e d f a m e NO. 8 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON^ SATURDAY, JU N E 27,1914 VOL 17 MEDFORD MAVERICKS MEET REVERSE ON LOCAL FIELD CHARLES J. SMITH, DEMOCRATIC , 4. , CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR GOLD HILL MUST EXHIBIT AT THE M INING CONGRESS ............. .....................................................■— GOLD HILL WINS 11 TO 12 Game Gains Fame as Bearing Battle; Cameron Clan Plays J. J. H ill Is Doctor of Laws. 8L Paul, Minn.—James J. H ill was honored with the degree of doctor of laws by Macalester college at the commencement ex ere I :ea of the col­ Baseball Star Arrsatsd. Detroit, Mich.—Tyrua Cobb, base­ ball hero and outfielder of the Tigers, was arrested for drawing a revolver on » butcher who, Cobb declares, bad Insulted his wife. AT ASHLAND JULY 9 AND 1 0 Imperative That District be Re­ presented by Fine Specimen lege. Display of Resources at Pass Tomorrow Foreman of Jury Becomes Butte Miners Secede From Any number of thrill* for tlie fans Western Federation; Form «bounded In the Medf ird-Gold Hill game, as stag»*! on the local diamond Iasi Own Local Organization Sunday afteriusui, when the visitors drew the short end of a 12 to It soon. Feat­ llutte, Mont.— Secedera from the ures of the game were to frequent and various to permit of special men lion, but Western Feedratlon of Miners have Ua< number of heroes who gained first launched an Independent miners' un­ liase by backstopping the twirling sphere ion, rejecting peace overtures of Pres­ with their craniums, entitle* Il Pi go I ident Moyer amt associates and elect down In league annals as tlie greatest tng as temporary president M. Mc­ » “ beaning'’ contest of the season. The Donald. A mass meeting was attended by casualties of three hours base latll made a mere Mexican battle tame by comparison. | 5000 miners. The report of the exec­ Manager Cameron's d a n were up ami utive committee, in whose hands had at their op|sinenta from tlie first crack of been left the drafting of the insurg­ tlu- bat, and at tlie close of the fifth app­ ents' policy, waa adopted without arently hail tlie game cinched by a score change. No official recognition was taken of of Dto 2. lsical fan* were congratulating President one another when tlie usually placid sixth the Western Federation. furnished variety to spare. An unfort­ Moyer had no representatives present unate error or two, some fiue sticking by to offer compromise and his apparent tlie visitors, and tlie inning chsasl with advances in asking for the resignation Medford one run pi tlie good. In the of all local miners' union officials did eighth Medford tallied once, and the not wlu even consideration from the home teatn twice, tying the score. Ex­ insurgents. Unofficially it was declared that the citement ran high when the visitors went pi l>ai in tlie ninth, tint the puzzlers of secedera' reasons for not accepting Iswh and excellent anpport In the fit-id udvancos from the federation officials reUnsl them without a scon*. Chatley was determined opposition to the na­ lined, first of the Cameron clan to list, tional as well as local officers and a thumped one on the hose, ami wa* sub­ strong dealre not to be affiliated with sequently hr«sight in by b-sh’s two base uny uatlotal organisation. h it, winning the game. With the exception of the brain atomi in the sixth the Gold Hill boy* played in splendid foria, hitting the Medford erack twirler with merriment ami frequency. “ Blackie” the old man of right field, i slummed nut a home run, and ambled hi Deputy warden Riley llammersly with time pi spare. l.<**li pitched in line form, though apparently fighting at times, nrriMtcii three game law violators on up­ notaliiy in tls< sixth, against the lame- per Evan* creek, a short distance alsive ness which kept him out of the game a Battle Creek, Tuesday loranoou. Wm. Hillis, Mark Neathamer, and John week ago. Neathamer, all well known and prosper­ AB. R. H. p. E. Medford— 1 0 ous ranchers ol Evans valley were tlie Coleman 3d___ _ ........6 0 0 poacbcri, taken in the act of dressing a Allen r f ................ ........1 0 0 0 0 fine four-point buck. 4 1 4 1 Harper 2d......... ........3 Tlie Evans creek country is Wanton 1) 0 0 0 Coffeen cf . . . . . . . ___ 0 llammersly’« particular beat, and law 1 2 o 0 ___3 Anile If- I violations in tills well stocked game last- Hopkins 1st........ . . . 3 1 1 0 1 | ness are noticeably infrequent, laud 1 1 1 1 Hciiarltnan ef, 3d ........4 week the wanlen left his Willow Elat Marshall c ------- . . . . 6 1 0 9 0 1 camp for an excursion into the Umpqua*, Button rf, 2 d .... . . . . A 1 2 0 1 accompanied by Charley Young, of Med­ 1 1 0 1 Emerick ss__. . . .....A ford. Ills temporary alwenev afforded 1 0 Caster p ............. . 4 1 I an opportunity apparently long waited — — — — for by tlie poachers. On Monday he re­ 9 24 6 38 It turned to Willow Elat, crossing the All. R. H. P. B. range from the north. Tuesday morn­ Gold Hill— 2 1 2 0 Bisekington r f ... ........4 ing lie rode down tlie Evans creek trail. 4 1 2 0 1 At a point alsive Battle creek, the actions Upton If Editings c ......... ........ 4 3 1 9 0 o f liis mount convinced him that game 1 of some sort was at no great distance Miks 3d ............ . . . . 6 2 2 I 1 2 10 1 from the trail. A search discovered Miller 1st---------- ........6 0 0 2 1 bloodstain*, and careful tracking led Williams 2d------ ___ 4 . . . 2 1 0 1 1 the warden a few score yards into the Mushier ss 2 0 1 0 timber, where he found the carcass of Porter c f.______ ........a 3 2 0 1 0 the buck hanging froui a limb. Reed ef — ........ Lenh p . . ......... . . ........6 0 3 1 0 Witli a view to securing information — — — — as to regent visitors up the creek, he set AA 12 11 27 8 j out for tlie Bybce place, and enroute met M'OKE BY INNING* | the party of three who informed him Medford— , that they were going up the creek for a too 018 010—11 pleasure trip. At the ranch lie learned Hits lilt) Ò1 « 8 1 — 0 that tlie Xeuthumcrs and Hillis had pass­ ed tlint way the day previous. Retracing Gold H ill- 2113 040 021 —12 his steps, accompanied by a witness. Runs H its ............................ 112 120 031—11 Warden Hammersly executed a tlank movement and m i prised all three busi.d SI M 8 .IK Y H om erun, IliackiugPin. Two base hits in getting tlie tiuck ready to take out. Tliis is the second apprehension credit­ Harper, Antic, Sutton, Emerick, Caster, Upton, Is-sli, 2. Struck out, by Caster, ed to tlie Willow Elat warden within tlie 7; Lesli, 7. Base on balls, otr Caster, ft; week. At Canyonville, while returning oil- Lesli, 1. Hit by pltclier, by Is-sli, from the Umpqua expedition, lie arrest­ Harper 2; Hopkins, 2; llcnaeliiian; by ed and convicted a poacher named Wahl CaaP-r, Black ingtnn, Mosliier, Porter, upon a similar ehaige. Warden Captures 3 Killers of Deer Dr. C. J. Smith, democratic candidate for Governor, resides tn Portland, where he la well known aa a physician and successful business man. He was a member of the State Senate from 1902-1910, and stood close to Governor Chamberlain. He baa alao beep a member of the State Board of Health and the Board of Higher Curricula. Dr. Smith spent his early.yeara on an Ohio farm. He has been a resi­ dent of Oregon since 1891. By those wrto "know him he la said to he an Indefatigable worker and a close student of public affaire. He baa twice traveled to Europe to study foreign government at first hand. Southern Oregon Shortstories N ewt Brevities o f the Week From Rogue Valley Cities Within a very short time it will lie pos­ sible for unto* to reach Crater Lake—as the «now is going off rapidly—and the tourist season of tlie scenic wonder will tie on in greater volume than ever. Three yeggs, burglarizing the Talent p wtollice, were routed by tlie town mar­ shal early Wednesdsy morning, escaping without stamp*. Six shots were exchang­ ed in tlie battle of the law with tlie loot­ ers. Under provision of the recently enact­ ed county fair hill, Jackson county par­ ticipate* to tlu* extent of $18411.90 in tlu* revenues derived. Tlie fund must be used for a county fair, land products show, livestock exhibit, etc. The postponed date of the Scenic Boosters congress at Klamath Falls has been set for July 3—witli an ensuing two days of festivity in addition to the im­ mediate business of persuading tlie tour­ ist toward southern Oregon scenery. Known af tin* Man of Silence of the Siskiyous, Henry Wright was found dead in liis cabin near Elliott creek, Monday morning. Educated, kindly, hut aloof from tlie world, he lived a hermit'« life in die Siskiyou mountains for twenty-five year*. Wright wa* 76 years old, and liis former career a closed chapter. Tlie youth who dandled tlie reptiles at Medford’s recent street carnival, was nipped liy tlie gila monster, tlu* closing eve of tlu* snow. Raging in delirium he was taken to the Sacred Heart, where doctors discovered liis tirecarions con­ dition to Is* mainly due to two pints of Medford snake-bite remedy. He has since recovered—but no information is at “ Health Sunday” In Philadelphia. Philadelphia. — "Health Sunday” hand as to the condition of tlie gila mon­ was observed In more than 50 ster. Reed. Passed ball, Marshall, wild pitch, Caster. Umpire*, Beeman, Clapp, Far­ rar. Time of gMine, 2 hours, 40 minutes. Tlie Cameron elan go to Grant* Pas* next Sunday, where they have high hope* churches In this city when prominent of humbling tlie stalwart swatters of the medical men from all sections Of the oountry addressed the congregations Josephine county capital. $250,000 Option la Taken. on the fundamental principles of pub­ lic health. North Bend.—John II. Smith's black Judge Beneon Is Tied W ith McNary. sand holdings on South Inlet, 12 mllea j Salem, Or.— According to official from this city, have been optioned to returns received by Secretary of a syndicate of local men and others State Olcott Justice Charles L. Mc­ for 20 day* for n sum around $250,000. Nary and Judge Henry L. Benson, of Demonstrations and showings have Klamath Falls, nre now tied for the been made which Indicate the deposits supreme court, nomination on the re­ are rich In gold. publican ticket. The Gold Hill district should have an adequate representation of mineral re- Inquest on Death of Girl , source» displayed at the South -rn Oregon Mining Congress, to be belli at Ashland, I .Inly 9th and 10th. Mining men of tlie Toronto.—The inquest over the locality, as well as every public spirited death of Mary Mash, killed by being | citizen of this city, should not fail of eff­ run down by a reckless motorist, came ort in making a display of *peimens th at to dramatic termination by the arrest will property represent the unequalled of John B. Whaley, foreman of the mineral resonrses of the real mining dis­ jury investigating the case, on the trict of southern Oregon. Data concern­ charge of having killed the girl. ing the prospects and properties shonld Whaley was traced by a piece of ) be compiled and a committee appointed broken glass picked up on the scene ' to sMtume cliarge of the Gold Hill exbib* which fitted perfectly the broken 1 it at Ashland. The brief time interven­ headlight on his automobile. The ing makes it imperative that the p.epar- foreman waa taken from the Jury box atory work commence at once. to the prisoner's bar. The program as prepared will furnish After the accident Whaley drove on a wealth ot information to all who attend, at great speed and escaped detection, and embraces in its scope every detail of it la alleged. On leaving the garage the mining industry applicable to south­ he waa served with a summons to act ern Oregon. Practical mining men and on the coroner’s Jury and was elected practical prospectors will vie with college foreman. professors and well known technical au­ thorities in making the program one o f Man Feeding Lions Torn to Pieces. interest, while the citizen* of Ashland Chicago.— Emerson D. T etrich, 26 have amply taken care of the social feat­ years old, a graduate of Cornell uni­ ures of the gathering. versity, was torn to shreds by five Upon the program appears an address, lions, whose cage he had entered to “ Treatment of Ores, Hon Best to Save feed them. They virtually ate him Their Values,” by W. H. Burr, formerly alive. of the Braden mine, near this city, and a discussion of “ The Prospector, His Importance in the Mining Industry,” led by J. H. Beeman, of this city, owner and operator of tlie noted Lucky Bart mine. (»tie feature of the Congress will be the ' discussion of publicity methods intended Delayed sections of tlie giant kiln which to induce the investigation of the south­ will be installed at the local plant of tlie ern Oregon mining field by capital, and Beaver Portland Cement company hive to further tlie deWlopment of the mining at last been located, after reams of mes­ industry generally. X sage* and fathoms of tracers were expend- ed in tlie search. Riverside Ripples Three sections, two of 70 feet, and one of 30, were shipped from tlie foundry at Iola, Kansas, several months ago. Each Mrs. D. H. Slead and daughter, Dor­ was loaded, owing to extreme length and othy, are visiting friends in Ashland this weight, upon two cars. Midway of their week. destination on tlie southern route the cars Miss Vera Jermsta, of Phoenix, is disappeared, and .he subsequent delay spending the week with Miss Bertha of construction occurred. On Monday of Woolverton. this week a response to the last wire in­ ’ Mrs. Fred Wahl returned Monday fr, m dicated that the shipments had been lo­ Medford, where her husband is working cated at Yuma, Arizona, from which for a couple of weeks. place they proceeded on that day. Twice Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Champlain are en­ during tlie trip cars on which the kiln seetions rested were condemned asfaul y, joying a visit from Mr. Champlain’s and It was necessary to reload upon other mother and brother, who arrived Friday ' from their home in Chicago. cars. Mrs. Horace Jones who has been in Engineer Dan E. Servey, of the H unt construction company, states that the Portland the past few months eamt home shipment may be expected to arrive not Tuesday. Her many friends are glad of later than the first of tlie week, as it I her return. Mr. Jones will remain a few will doubtless come through without de­ weeks longer. lay when transferred to tlie Southern Messrs. Schaumburg, Slead, and Alden, Pacific line. are marketing their berry crop—lilack- At the plant all is in readiness for the berriee, logan berries and red raspberries. installation of the kiln, and although pro­ Haying will soon be on. C. D. Wool­ gress has been considerably retarded by verton is cutting his second crop of al­ the delay much of the preparatory work falfa. is now completed. Several of our young people attended the dance at Rogueriver Saturday night Ex-Mayor of Copperfield Shot Down. , and report a very pleasant time. Those Copperfield, Or.— Believed to be I attending were: A1 Woolverton, George the victim ot men whose enmity he Jacobs, H. Robbins; Misses Lymlali* incurred while he was mayor of Jacobs, Reta Robbins, and Bertha Wool- Defendant; Dramatic Turn T H E M AR KETS Portland. Wheat— Glub, 8Sc; blueatem, 89c; red Russian, 86c. Hay—Timothy, $16; alfalfa. $1$. Butter— Creamery, 27o. Eggs— Ranch, 21c. Seattle. W heat— Bluestem, 89c; red Russian, 85c. club, 86c; Hay—Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton. SAMUEL GOMPERS Cement Kiln Found at Yuma, Arizona Copperfield In the “ wide open” days before Governor West declared mar­ tial law and “closed” the town, Henry M. Stewart was shot by an unknown Samuel Gompera, the famous labor person or persons. > Mr. Stewart was working alone at leader, who is said to be planning a the time repairing a fence on his school teachers' union. farm and the first that was known M yrtle Point.— When an automobile of the shooting was when he stagger­ returning from Marshfield and driven ed into his home bleeding profusely by Joseph Schilling, Jr., overturned from two bullet wounds. The first two miles this side of Coquille, Delos shot penetrated his left hand and Davenport, aged 22, was instantly k ill­ leg. The other shot struck him in ed. The other occupant«, Ivan Rose the abdomen just below the ribs. and Lloyd Jarvis, aa well as Schilling, A physician summoned from Halfway escaped injury. to attend the wounded man gives no hope for his recovery. Excitement Kills Woman. Pendleton.—Oh the eve of her de­ Rocks Are Sold As Lava. parture for the mountains Mrs. Henry Red Bluff, Cal.— Young boys of Red J. Latourelle, sister of George Bnr- veau, proprietor of the Hotel St. Bluff have commercialized the keen George, dropped dead from heart feal- Interest In the volcanic disturbance at Mount Lassen on the part of trav­ nre caused by excitement. elers passing through here by train. They are reported to have sold small Shaniko Wool Is Sold. Shaniko.—About 200,000 pounds of rocks from the Southern Pacific road­ wool were sold here, cleaning up all bed marked "lava" as samples from Wools in this territory for the season. the crater for 10 cents each. i verton. Mrs. Rose Gay took the teachers’ ex­ amination in Jacksonville, and made a week end visit with her friend, Mrs. Mc- Quilken in Ashland. Mrs. Gay will teach in Phoenix the coming year. While her many friends regret to lose her from their midst, they rejoice that she has secured a much better position. Much interest was shown in the annu­ al school meetings of both tlie Foots Creek and Rock Point schools. Nearly all the voters of the Foots Creek district j were present. G. B. Alden was elected the new member of the board, and Mrs. , W. A. Elliott was elected clerk. In Rock Point district, I. H. Porter was reelected member of the board, and Miss Alice Harper reelected clerk. Some special bargains in stock, grain and fruit ranches, both large and small, it will pay you well to see* me before pur­ chasing —C. 8. R eofiki . d . A. P . C. and other standard Glnff* ham s are alw ays 1214 cents |>er yard at M erritt & Company’s.