A U T O M O B IL E Q . G A S ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. B la c k s m ith J A FEW TIM ELY SUGGESTIONS: Beach Springs and Mountain Resorts You doubtless want to go somewhere to get away for a while from the steady grind. Let us help you. Excursions test From June 1st to September :Wth low round trip ticket* will be sold from all points on the 8. P, one way through California or via l ’ortland. ust a word! Newport, Yaquina Bay: For rest, pleasure or recreation ami outdoor life try this old sea- Bide ontiiig blai'e. The hert of everything—camp«, cottagea, ho­ tel»— at moderate coat. Miners, I can sharp­ en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown Tillamook County Beaches; A new playground, only a short run from Portland. Mountain forest, fishing stream» or beach in endless variety and infinite charm. Rose Festival: C. F. C A R T E R B la c k s m ith Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM? M. D. GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A, E. KELLOGG From Ju n e » to 12 Portland will don holiday attire, and supply entertainm ent unique, historical and interesting. Fun on land and water you cannot afford to miss. Springs and Mountain Resorts: Hot Springs, Mineral Springs and Mountain Resorts for fishing, hunting or "far from the madding crowds" are to be found in abundance along the Sontliern Pacific. Our New Outing Booklets: "Vacation Days." "Newport" and ‘‘Tillamook County Reaches” are jnst off the prvss, full of timely suggestions as to where and how you can lest spend your vacation. They are free for toe asking. Drop us a postal card or call on our nearest Agent. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent GOLD HILL. OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Portland, Oregon Complete line of burial robes, casket», etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Phone, Home 2— K ; Pacific 40-Main DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST W EGO GAB A D X IX IB T K R K D RIA LTO B U ILD IN G , M EDFORD (S a tu r d a y ’s P r o g r a m D. W . B A G S H A W A tto r n e y -a t-L a w “On Secret S ervice”, E vents o f the Labe Civil W ar J a c K s o n v ille , O r e g o n All lc(nil business attended to prom ptly and carefully In two Reels OVER 65 YEARS E X P E R IE N C E T rade M arks D esigns C O PYRIG HTS A c . „„oZ .?" * ■ s t w e h and dMCrlptlnn m a , Quickly ascertain oitr opirtuiu free wnetber an invention la probably pMMitahla. CommonUM». HANDBOOK on Patent« •e n t ire«. Oldest agency for securing patents, f ’.-ttenta taken tbrouwli Munn A Co. receive •pwfctf «ofU /, wit hout charge, in th e rwte,T« Scientific 7f mcrican. A handaom eir tttn«r»o- ( w .p k l,. Tarraat cir­ culation o f any «cienilBc Journal, Term s S3 a imr.:aia?ri ‘ ,L 8" “ W a d n c .d e a l e r a M Branch UNN Off.ce. & Co.3 C4Br«-«’ New York SB F ¿L. W u h in j “ " D . C. Tackle For the Gamey Trout o f the finest Fishing Stream on the Coast We have it Flies Rods Leaders Lines Lures The BoN- ToN “Bedelia’s Busy D ay” “ Nature’s H istory” “ Pathe W eek ly” “The Heiress” D a n c e a f t e r t h e (S h o w M o n d a y ’s P r o g r a m 5 Reels Selected from Friday’s and Saburday’s Programs R em em ber our regular w eek ly sh o w nights are Friday, Saturday, and M onday only; special p ictu res and vaudeville occasionally during the w eek 5 R e e ls E a c h E v e n in g ' 2 Hours o f A m u sem en t Prices - - 15 KIK|.I>, A j^'llt* doned his HomeMteaii E ntry; IN T H E JU ST IC E ’S COURT F o li You a r e , tlie n -fo r e -, further notified; («OLD H IIX D ISTK K T. COUNTY OF Beginning May 1st, the Marks Tailor­ th a t tin- Maid allegationM will be taken as JACKSON, STATE OF OREGON, eonfessid, and your Maid entry will b- ing company, which I represent, will If. D. R eed , Plaintiff, Civil Action canceled w ithout further right to la- make an extra pair of trousers fn-c- with vs. to heard, cither before- this office o r on ap- every suit, cent and p ant., or overcoat J ack H itviiivs , Recover ,M-a', if you fall to file in this office with­ order, providing the original order is for Defendant. Money. in twenty daya after the rot a n t pithlieu- go-Mls priced a t over 812.00 f„r f„|| Mll|, trousers may 1«, ,,f ,h,. wmie same mu- ion of n thia notice, aw aa Phown shown heJou*, below, your E xtra u n 110(10», . . an su e r, under oath, Hf>e« ifie,dly reaimm!-! "Ini’ nr n,,ldp of ilhy <>ther pat- Summons it.tr fa. » k m ,. ................ * h r h i l l t h e l i l l e Ht I I... MU. . . ____ ing to them* allc-gations of contest, togi-th a t the same- price, as the To Jack H utchins, the above nam ed de­ original order. Order now, Is-fore this er with clue proof th at yon have served a fendant: c-xeeptlonal offer is recalled. IN T H E NAME f)F T H E STATE OF copy of your answer on the- said contest­ —I*. Boi c-uirr, Tailor, ant either in person or by registered mail. OREGON, You are* hereby commanded \ on should state in yonr answer tlie to a p p e a ra n d answer the plaintifPs com­ Regular Christian Kc-lenw services, are plaint against you filed in the a h « , n- name of the- jxxtt office t , wliii-h you cl - held at the TheaU r ever»; Siind«tv t it led Court and can».* on or h fore the sire- future: notice« tec Is- sent to you. lit I I a. nt. A c-ordial welcome isextenci- —J. M. I.’iwox, Register. fith day of July, said date being the ex­ c-d to tie- public. Date of first publieation May 28, ) 9 U ; piration of nix week» from the first day sew nd ” " 8o. it,(.|. of tlie publication of this suuimotis, third boothing. C ream -Bain, .-„res catarrh, June ti, 1911; AND YOU ARE HEREBY NOTE fourth Hay-fever, sore-throat, licacla.-lte, pil,-- 18. 1914. I'li'dJ, th a t if you fail to appear and an ­ e e z e m a «„.1 all Inflan.atioiis, By m ail’ swer for want tliereof, plaintiff will apply »»cents, «tamps accept,-,|. Vitro-Vigor to the Court for the relief prayed for in » 0. I2IMI Clayton S„n F r a n ,- is ,C a l tlie com plaint, »uccinctiy stated as fol­ SEÑOR JOSE ROJAS lows : Some m | m - cih I bargains |„ stock, grain For payment of the rain of Sixty and mi-1 mil ram-hes, both large and s,„„|l 15-100 Dollars, due on an expressed con- it will pay you we ll to sc,, me before* p„r- raet, for money lent, and good» »old chasing s> J{E„ H r| • ami delivered to (he defendant by the (ilaintiff, at the »[iccial in.-tauee and re- (uest of the defendant in tlie ( ity of Gold Yonr home town—trade tiiei Hill, Oregon, and in u rest then-on nt the -)'v’ i rate of « |« r cent |«-r annum from th. 22nd day of April, 1914, and cost, and lishurseirient of this action. This stitiitnoiiM 1 m published in tlie Gold Hill News, at Gold Hill, Oregon, by the >rder of the Hon. J. B. R Morclock, Justice of the ahove entitled Court, which irder wa« made ami entered of record on lie I9th .lav of May, 191 I, and which order requires you to appear on or be- Darling' @. H odges V N o rth b o u n d i No. 1 No. Í No. AN II I», 14 44 (m otor) 4,1 (motor) 1 |f) 1 ■ 1 No. - No. No. 1 ! No. »2, (m otor) 13 45 (m otor) 15 S o u th b o u n d , , .* 3:57 a. 11:04 a. 5:07 p. 5:55 p. in. in. m tn. 7: 4H a. 10: In a. 1 - M p. 3:15 p. in. in. tn. in.