Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1914)
o « I I V ' J (Golt) H ill Gold Hill G r e a te e t N a t u r a l H t i o u n t t o f S o u th e r n O r e g o n it On b e a u t if u l R o g u e R iv e r VOL 17 Jackson Co. O n e C o m m u n ity o t O p p o r t u n i t y - R o g u e R iv e r V a lle y , w h e r e th e a p p le g a m e d f a m e GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 23,1914 Grants Pass vs. Gold Mill-Local Diamond Sunday IRRIGATION DISTRICT FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY LANDS Rogue River Public Service Cor poration Plans Big Project Gold Hill Plant Also to Water Thirsty Valley Land R. A. BOOTH HOW WE WILL CELEBRATE <<COMETHING for the folks who stay at home”, will be the keynote of Gold Hill’s observation of the Glorious Fourth; for it is with this purpose in view that a decision to celebrate in modest fashion has been reached. Over $200 has been suhecribed for the purpose of constructing a permanent dancing pavilion, to be owned by the band, upon the railroad land south of the tracks. The big outdoor hall will receive it# initiation on the national holiday. A brief program of sports and contest will be pre pared, together with other attractions, and liberal purses awarded for these. The home folks will take a “day off” and spend it happily and comfortably at home—minus crowds, accidents, cannon crackers, and fakirs. Country folks have promised to come in and “picnic” under the cool green of the shade trees. Conclusion of Uie age-old Golden Drift legal eontroveny last week, affecting over STATE PRIMARIES REVEAL TICKETS EOR NOVEMBER Smith Leads Democracy; Withy- comb is Republican Choice mas county. John A. Jeffrey «f Multnomah coao- ty waa the only democratic candidate for attorney general and received th® Representative. Second D is tric t— N. nomination w ithout opposition. ■ In n o tt. pee - i‘f?.r*!înU,,ve> Thlrd Ofetrtct-Æ. N. Mrs. Mary Scott, of Sheridan defeat McArthur G o ve rn o r— ------- J a m « « W it h y com b«. governo ed Ira G. Nelson for the democratic r e * a a r — « r— — T h • o m s « — II. -- K ay. nomination for treasurer of Yamhill ju a tlc e s Hu prence C o u rt H e n r y a r r t « _ . T h o m a s B ean, U a w re n c e “V T . * H _____ county, and to opgpse her the repub M c B rid e . C h a rles L . M c N a r y licans placed Alice L. Adams In nom A tto r n e y -G e n e r a l— G e o ife M . B ro w n. U u p e rtn te n d e n t P u b lic In s tr u c tio n — J. ination. Miss Adams defeated three A . C n u rc h lll 1 S ta te E n g in e e r— Jo h n H . L e w is. i opponents, all men. L a b o r C o m m iss io n e r— O. P. H o ff. K a llro a d C o m m is s io n e r— F r a n k J M il - ’ p - Iioff 18 nominated for labor ter commissioner, Frank J. M'ller for rail , S u p e rin te n d e n t W a t e r D iv is io n Xo. 1— I J a m e s T . C hln nock. road commissioner, John H. Lewis foi S u p e rin te n d e n t W a t e r D iv is io n No. 2— G eorge T C ochran. state engineer and Relph E. Williams D e m o c ra tic N om inees. for national committeeman on the re M em b e? N a tio n a l C o m m itte e — H . M. publican ticket. E e te rly . U n ite d S ta te s fis n u lo r— G eorge E On the democratic ticket H. M. Es- C h a m b e rla in . tckR*HP^ : , neT t ' V*- F ,n ,‘ » '• « r » c t - F r W.e r . terly is the chosen national commit candTrial*<:«n t‘‘ ,IV * ’ 8esond D is tric t— No ' teeman. It Is probable th at Safneel Evfflli' R e p re s e n ta tiv e , T h ir d D is tr ic t— A . F . F I egel. Klamath Falls, has received the dem G o v e rn o r— C. J. S m ith . J u s tic e S u p re m e C o u rt— W illia m G a l- ! ocratic nomination for congress in the low a t an d W illia m R am sey. second d istric t A tto r n e y -G e n e r a l— Jo h n A . J e ffr e y R ep u b lic an N o m in a te . N a tio n a l C o m m ltte e - R a lp h E. W lllla m a . U n ite d S t* te e H en ato r— R A . __ Booth. K l r , t D is tr ic t——W? 1 ,600 acre* of land, the huge Ament dnm ami pumping plant, him effectually re moved the laid olsrtarle to the practical irrigation of Joaephlne anil Jack »on comi ty land». Coder the ferine id the agn*<- ment the newly organized Rogue Hirer Public Service corporation become» »ole Gold Hill freely admits that the celebration isn’t owner of the itninenw ly valuable Ament going to be m u c h -is not, ia fact, intended to be. But property—hitherto nlmiMt entirely unde- 11 a good time and an exhibition of patriotic spirit are voloped, or iu aoch faahioii a» to bring diwosllt upon tile enterprise. essentials to July 4th, they w y both be found in the One id the immediate and moat bene city by the Rogue. ficial reanlta nt the concluded euit will ho the cHtnhliahiueut ul a Jnxephiiic county irrigation district at least !W x 17 tuiiea in area, and embracing ikottaanda id acre» of rich and unwatered (arming land* be ,o r T re a s u re r. S u p e rin tween the Applegate river to the south, te n d e n t P u b lic In s tru c tio n . E n g in e e r. L a bo r C om m issioner, R a ilro a d C o m m iss io n and a point approximately reaching to e r o r W a t e r C o m m iss io n e rs.) Three Pine» o n t h e north. A cam paign ia now la-fng carried on by the Portland.—Dr. Wlthycombe, repub- . Combined Commencement egcrciww of lexpn-miun. R. A. Booth, who will oppose the eitirena nt Josephine, intcrcMted ill the lican nominee for governor, owes his i tiie high school and ,-luhlI. grade ela-ncs ' Various musical and vocal »timbers, greater development of their county, present United 8tatee Senator from ». re held at the (I,s-ra House Thursday excellent, combined to make an ex- nomination : to counties outside of to weare tlie requisite demand of land Oregon, George E. Chamberlain, had |eycnlng tqmna stage beautifully decor- .Optionally good program, which the.W e Multnomah. In Multnomah county, owner* aflisited by tlie propoard improve no opposition for the Republican nom* Moser polled strongest of all, but oth ited uitli b-rn», cut flowers and the class j ( kunmencetnent addremof Attorney H. F. County Clerk Gardner has completed ment, that a special election may he call- , Ination at the primaries. e r portions of the state flocked to the 1, ' . Mulkey, ot Medford, b ro u g h tto aw ell- e<l early in July (or the creation id the Wlthycombe banner, and cut down, the official count of ballots cast at the Hcv. A (««.lei deilvef.«l the Invocation rofmdetl cHmax. .Mr. Mulkey’» remark» then passed his lead. primary election Friday. A total of iW A |dtine irigotIon district, T h e va»t ( in a maimerto stir the d.» |» »t sentiment- shifted from the to oratorical iieni-fit« to bo derived by horticnlturiata While, on the republican ticket. Dr. votes were cast, 2345 r publican» vot:n<-, <d the graduates and the large audience, light» »liicli mark him a.« a public and rancher» when tlie never (ailing Wlthycombe carried a m ajority of the 1230 democrats and 90 progrt »«¡vet— I l.inlleld Hunt, for tlie eighth grade da««. »|»-aker of genuine ability and vigor, and Hogue lend* itself to the iluraty ground, counties, each of the leading candi about 35 per cent of the registered vote. .lehvenid • comprehensive oration upon he wo» enthusiastically applanded. Fol- tlie lftieralily of the atal? law» in aul*io- dates was favored with cne or more. The official count slightly increases unof 'I ngiias ring in tlie i'acillc liarlsir»,’’ lowing the pres.-ntation of diplomas, the riziuglong time l»>ud» at low rale of in- Umatilla, the form er home county of ficial pluaralties previously published, 1 ut R. R. V. le a g u e Ratings -honing a thorough technical familiarity Ivnedictlon l.y Hev. Cosiet concloded tlie tereat, and the alwolute feasibility ni Dr. Smith, the dem ocratic nominee for does not change results. ! W1,h u "- "abject. m u Commencement Following are the results of the contes- the plan, will doubtless »o commend the Medford governor, and Wasco, the home of • Tile problem of the Unemployed,” O f the high school graduating class the irrigation p.ojvct that it will carry by a <>ruiit.» l'a» i Judge Bennett, who ran second, both ted nominations for the more important an oration by Viola Myer», of the high following am memlier»: KiehardO. Moro- offices: Tal.ut largu majority. school graduating da»», was delivered lock, Howland L. Miller. William C. gave handsome m ajorities for their Republican 1 Of particular interest to Gold Hill and (ini,I HUI candidates. The other counties Willi rare eloquence, deep f,»ling, and Kdwy, and Mi»» Viola Myers From National committeeman — Acker» n tile city'» tributary diatrieta, will la- the throughout the state divided between -iv'.ndi.l human understanding of HH« the eighth grade the following Undents 10ti0. Willian s 972. glad tiding* id irrigation (or thia lo Sunday's Games the two. gn-ate»l of economic problem». , will enter l.igh school next term Vir- Congiessuian— Hawley 1581, Jones 045. cality within a short time. Altho plan» Although George M. Brown lost Grants Pa«.», 7: Gold Hill, Rlvhard M o n , al»,. ,,f tlie high ginia Ha<dd, Clarence Cook, -Margaret Governor—Brownell 135, Carter 31«, to thi» effect are yet in a formative »tate, J Medford, 0; Talent, 2. Multnomah county to Frank S. Grant .»ell.»»! graduates, chose tlie chi«« motto. F. Chisholm, Cora B. Harvey, Linlield Crawford 458, Dimick 108, Geer it 1» nnder«ti»|d that the Hogue River W hither tlie fate» Call,” as tlie subject Hunt, Audrey Britt, Ida Johnson, Alva by approxim ately 4000, the outside John 183, Moser 292, Withycomhe 504. Public Service corporation h.i» already vote more than offset Mr. G rant's gain W illi it« »tar »till in tlie dcs.»’iidency, of a splendid ethical oration and In Id the Cook, Dorothy Smith, Velma Davidson, Attorney general—Brown 1128, McFar- caused a survey of tlie district, on Imth but tin- flgiitiug «pirit of the club unim audience iu admiration lij the cicanicss F.«ta Davidson, Pauline Olsen, Iris Gritlig. and Mr. Brown is nominated by a rin351, G rant 289, Johnson 14«, Loid aides ol the river, extending from th e ! paired, tlie Gold Hill team returned on plurality of 4500 to 6000. William P. ot hi« delivery and the Sincerity of lifs 283. Ensuing is the program a»given: Blackwell west to the county line, and Lord is third and J. J. Johnson fourth. Sunday afteni.ion from Grant* Has«, ac Music - - . Representative— Mealey 11(10, St ne ” On the Chapel Steps” embracing the various creek valleys as Progressives Select Gill for Governor. 923, Wagner 1402. companied l.y a discnnHolatc emort of Double Quartette Well. It is estimated that over 10.000 local fan«. The game possessed all the With but a few precincts uncounted, Invocation County commissioner— Madden KkM, acres ot ,lack»on county »oil, much of it Hvv. A. Coalet el ui'-nt« of exdteuieiit, indiiding fret.' the result of the contest over the pro Smith 1059. \ ’i» ‘a l S olo With Violin Obligato tributary to Gold Hill, will I n - hcncflllcd hilling and sensational plays, lait the gressive nomination for governor County clerk—Gardner 2171. Audrey Britt ami Homer Adams iu this manner. hom e guard Jacked that indefinable some show s 780 votes for F. M. Gill and 468 Oration County recorder—Florey 2lt!0. “ Engineering In the Pacific Harbors” Although olllcial» of the company have thing that win« game«. Fitch Snyder for McMahan. The defeat of th e lat Sheriff—Earhart 3 9 1 , Singler 1343, Linfield Hunt not made public their many development wear» the »ucond finger of bis right hand te r has caused general surprise, as it Walker 742. Prophecy Kiglitii Grade plan», witii (lie exception of the JoHcphine in a plaster cast, due to a fracture re was believed th a t he would capture Treasurer — Col vig 1268, Cron« miller Clairnw Cook irrigation district, George W. Soransmi, , ceived in a game »top. Ti e score, as the gubernatorial nomination without 994. Violin Solo of Grant» P oms , si-cremry of the cor-I ai»>ve »tail'd, was 7 to 3, with the »hort " * * • • - Selected difficulty. Surveyor«—1851. Homer Adams |>orntion, lias stated emphatically that all end carried home. Sanfield Macdonald received the Oration Coroner—Kellogg 1060, Us-her 1141. "The Problem of tlie Unemployed” obstacles Pi tlie work contemplated have Medford a*»uui<«1 the leaguo lead on progressive nomination for commis Democratic Viola Myer» Isen removed and that a long |>urind of llie same day l.y defeating.Talent on th sioner of labor, 250 voters having Oration National committeeman — Canon 767, active work is o|»-ning up. “ W hither the Fates Call” Medford diamond. Castor, the star w ritten in his name for this position. Easterly 457. Hielihrii Moreloek Two turbine» of 100 h. p. each, con soiitlipaw, pit. lied tlie llrst live Inning«, The vote cast for other names appear l*inn o Solo I . 8. senator—Chamberlain 1147. signed to (told Hill, are now ia Grants J securing a tlve-run lead, and then with ‘ . • • Selected ing on the baKot for this nomihation Agnes D ietrich Congressman—Hollister 562, Meredith Pas«, while a new generator of 1,080 h.p. the game «towed away, gave way to a was as follows: M. E. Miller, 15; O. P. 1 4.37. Commencement Addre»» . . . . b F Mulkey development arrived in this city the flrat relict pitclier. A large crowd ,.f Talent Music Hoff, 18; J. A. Madsen, 49; Fred S. - “ Old School Days” Governor — Bennett 904, Cobb 110, of tlie w e e k . For temporary purposes people were on hand to see tin* game. Bynon, 54. , Double Quartette Manning 11«, Miller 06, Smith 634. alone, and to meet present demands, Prew nution of Diplomas Supreme Court Race Close. Justice supreme court—Galloway 722, these will raise the capacity of the local i Henediction For the four nominations to the su Ramsey Tee 631. st.'iijon to 1,500 h .p .; but thin item of im- j Portland.—That Dr. Janies Withy- preme bench. Justices Bean and Mc I State senator — (W ritten in) T. B. provement does not signify that the com combe, of Corvallis, nnd Dr. C. J. Bride and H arris have substantial | Nichols 115, P. J. Neff 81, H. D. Reed 16 pany have abandon ; their original In-1 Smith, of Portland, wll! he tlie repub Representative — Towne 895. Barkdnll leads over all others. For the other tention of installing a reinforced concrete lican Hnd democratic candidates, re in ' ) 4(1. place the contest is close between I ( written dam at the power site up-river, for the spectively, for governor in the Novem ' Joint representative—(W ritten in ) Gar Judge McNary and Judge Benson. gent rathm of 5,000 additional h.p. and ber election was indicated d early by Within h few wo k« time road district On the democratic ticket two candi nett 41, Purdin 13, Vawter 14. tlie cariying-oiil of the irrigation pro- the flgurea received friiiti th e state nt No. R, which cnmprisc« the Gold Hill tin' present, however, ha« been confined to die present road, wnicli is lieing placed dates for the supreme bench were County commissioner — (W ritten in) grain. It i« locally iind.'isiood that enn- large. territory, will be in better condition Ilian in splendid condition. A heavy till lias It Is probable that Dr. VVItliy com be named without opposition. They are Frank Jordan .50. R. F. Dean 14«, J. C. Htrii.'tlnii w .il; upon the new dam , one ver within “ the memory of die oldest b t s 'ii made mid culvert placed below die William Galloway, Judge cf the Cur- Smith 78. ludi mile from the city, will e.iinuicnee will have n plurality of about 4000. Dr. inhabitant.” Nor only are the improve County clerk—( Written in)Gardncr29, early in ill. » m iiltie r , when the low wat. r \y it by com be, It is believed, will come ment» wi'lcolncd hy those al home, hut Oxley min.', another till and gradidg at cult Court in Marion county and Judge Sam» Creek, and tills a t the Wilson and William R. Ramsey, now on the su Gallatin 13. up Io Multnomah county with n lead mark i ri'iteheil. variott» completed grade»—notably the Howe plaii's. Recorder—Jacobs 1010. preme bench. That there exist« iu oiilliern Oregon a I over Gus C. Moser of about 10,600 Katies Creek road—have occasioned miicn On Sardine Creek die road is lieing votes. Sheriff— Hittson 605, Summerville 552. tli ld siillh'ieiit fo rtlie i p w Ilion of tw’n ' Primary Notes. iiiplimentiiry compient from transient improveil for one-half mile below die Treasurer—Brown 823. gW'ilt power eonipatiie« is not a debatable ! Dr. C. J. Smith Is nominated hy the autoists and tourist.«. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe was elected Bari mine, partly hy contributed labor. Surveyore-Brown 827. qiii -tion, so far a* the competition loving democrats in all probability by n plur At die present, Hnaduiaxter Jay David Fourteen hundred yards of grading is progressive national committeeman Coroner— ( Written in) Kellogg 28, ilia pi I fiiic is cone a ned. Hui by fer I lie linei I ality between 1000 and 1600. without opposition. son i* operating two crews of men, one „ eloane f 'aiiii-'■ of th u w e irpor.'.l i"li' - ' closest com petitor Is A. 8. Bennett, of upon die Sardine Creek road, and tlie iilicHily completed upon tlie Kanes Creek Marion county republicans nominat Cssher 48. road. Twelve men mid four teams are program i« tlie prop. . a la t i.i I 11 Tim Dalles, who Is second In both larger upon the Sams Valley road, (tf ed their first woman candidate for — —______________ now employed upon the work at hand. Multnomah county and the state out Itile, praeli. al liape, county office, when Mrs. Mildred R. ' divert, from the hitler a survey lias lieeii made that, Mr. David.«Oh is rapidly gaining the side. Hliiindaili'K of the il liver, irri'.:a Democratic lenders in the senate if conformed witli, will give to Jackson reputation of a splendid road builder, Brook led the ticket for county recor- C. N. McArthur has won the repub w a ll r« that Will im in , ii: ol-,- -well ; aligned with the president for repeal county oni' of die tincst scenic drive« iu mid tlie flnisli and honest quality of tlie (lGr- lican nomination for representative in prodlleilnn ■ ili .ie« of the di The proposed Issue of $850,000 road of tolls exemption expect to see the tlie «until country, following and in full niplele.l work am his liest recommend congress In the third district, compris add largely to tlie prosperiiy of view of die river for some miles, then ation. His otlicial term will expire the bonds in Marion county was snowed bill closed by Sunday, but the most ing Multnomah county, by a plurality skirting tlie Im«' of die grund old hills 1st of January, and taxpayers of the dis under by a two to one vote It having i optimistic house leaders do not be- over A. W. Lafferty, the Incumbent, lieve the three trust measures can be dial guard die gateway to Sams Valley. trict will be Unanimous iu requesting his lost in practically every precinct. H ny at home July 4th. that prohnbty will total 210(1 votes. Miss Iva Harrington won the repub passed In less than three weeks. Work upon the Sams Valley road (■ r I'ciippointment. lican nomination for clerk of Clacka 1914 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SET RECORD FOR FUTURE CLASSES Official County Count Completed Home Ball Team Loses Last Game DAVIDSON ROADS MEET APPROVAL