HENRY W ARD B E E C H E R — l ’ulplt o rato r an d editor. Horn ia tc h fie ld Conn.. Ju n e 24. 1813: died B ro o k ly n , M arch 8.1887 G raduated at Amherst and a t t e r w a rd studied under his fath er a t lain« Theo­ logical sem i­ nary. C o n - gregatloual p asto r a t L aw rence­ burg and Indianapolis, lad., and la Plym outh church. Brooklyn. Connected w ith an anti-slavery (taper In C incinnati, ed ito r for tw o years o f th e Independent. New York, and for nine years of the C hristian Union. New York. Made political speeches to many cam paigns, lectured ex ­ tensively an d w rote m any books. P erhaps the most popular lec tu re r of his day. D uring the civil w ar spoke In E ngland In favor of the Union and modified public sentim ent. A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Professional Cards ~ W . P. CHISHOLM . M. 1). GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL. OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Com plete line ol burial robes, easketa. etc. FU N E R A L CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M ; Residence Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 40-Main DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS A D M IX IS T K R K D RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD 3 SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS FOR PEACE President Wilson Formally Ac­ cepts Good Offices of Brazil. Argentina and Chile. STRIKERS BATTLE WITH MINE CUAROS THE HALL OF FAME. f HENRY W a A d D s S w W o O r R t T h H T henry W LONGFELLOW A m erican poet, |H>rliM|w the most popular of all poets h e rs a u d abroad dur- lUB h u c#' 1 / reer. l l o r u P o rtla n d . M e. li* '7: 111 ‘‘ ,l C a m t> r I d ge. Mass.. March 24. 1882 Was g raduated from Bowdotu college j. In 1825. P rofessor of modern languages a t Bowdotu 1825-30 I’rofesaor of m odem languages and belles-let I res a t H arvard 1830-54. P ublished m any vol­ um es of poems, beginning In 1830 w ith "Voices of tb s N ight." Among his most noted long poems a re "T he Bong of H ia­ w ath a." "E vangeline" and “T he C ourtship of M llesStanillsh " Ills sh o rter lyrics, such as "A Psalui of Life," "T he C hildren's H our,” "T he B ridge" and 'T h e Day Is Done," a re widely known. W alsenburg. Col.—A b attle began betw een strik e rs and m ine guards when strik e rs attack ed the McNally ooal m ine of th e Colorado Fuel 4 Iron com pany, th ree-q u arters of a mile w est of W alsenburg. S heriff Je ff F a rr reported th at seven men had been killed. All of the reported dead, he said, w ere mine guards W ithin 10 m in u tes a fte r the first shots w ere fired every place In th e city from w hich the b attle could be aeen waa crow ded w ith people with field glaaaea. The m arching and coun­ ter-m arching of th e strik e rs and gu ard s looked like moving pictures. W ithin a few m inutes a fte r the opening of the shooting, men could be seen com ing down the hogback be hind th e McNally m ine and entering th e cam p houses. The men had hard ly reached the main p art of th e cam p when two autom obiles, bearing the su p erin ten d en t and his family, dashed from the mine grounds, w ith bullets kicking d ust around th e wheela. The » ♦♦ ex -» ♦ e autom obiles pulled up at a doctor's office and Miss M argaret Gregory was taken in. She w as th e first to be ills « L I 1 aw wounded. A s trik e r had shot through th e door of th e su p erin ten d e n t’s house Just as they w ere ready to leave. A w atch pinned to Miss G regory's d ress de­ flected th e bullet and It tore through Rear-Admiral Badger Orders h er arm . American Non-Combatants u I. ICE, C R E A M T H A T IlS! w »"- ’ w w - . ... —n w » « » nyn » »» s i » m W ith other hot weather fortifiers Sodas in all flavors Lunches Served at all times B u n t e 'a C h o c o l a t e * - T o b a c c o s , E tc . A T T U R N E R ’S Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty o f any class of trade AU Get t»he Best ...J UNUER MARTIAL LAW W EG O M ilitia Must Be F irst to Enlist. to Leave on Steamer. W ashlngton.—T he w ar d epartm ent W ashington.— P resid en t W ilson a n ­ nounced he had accepted an offer m ade it plain th at In raising a volun Vera Cruz.—D efinite Instructions from Brazil. A rgentina and Chile to teer arm y for service ag ain st Mexico from R ear-A dm iral Badger, com m and p reference will be given the organized use th eir good offices in an a tte m p t m ilitia of th e various s ta te s and that e r In chief of the A tlantic fleet, to all to bring about a peaceful and friendly A m erican non-com batants to leave settlem en t of th e difficulty betw een In no sta te will Independent volunteer Vera Crux by th e ste a m e r Mexico, organizations be received until the th e U nited S û te s and Mexico. T rade M ark * resources of the m ilitia of the state have been posted at the consulate and D e sig n s The offer was form ally subm itted o th er places, and Vera Cruz Is under have been exhausted. C o p y r ig h t s 4 c . by th e th ree South A m erican envoys Anyone -ending a sketch end deecrlptlon may m artial law. R ear Adm iral F letcher, qnlckly u r e r ta u i our opinion free whether an to S ecretary Bryan. Invention m probably paieiitahl«. Comm unlot. com m anding the A m erican naval* agency for securing patent*. Coincidentally w ith th e acceptance GERMANS HELP AMERICANS forces on shore having Issued a pro­ Patent* taken through Munn X Co. receive •periaf notice, w ithout charge, in the of th e offer of m ediation, ad m in istra­ clam ation to this effect. M exicans at Tam pico Cry "D eath to tion officials announced th ere would Adm iral F letch er determ ined th ere G ringoes," “Viva H uerta.” be no cessation of p rep aratio n s by th e should be no m ore quibbling with the A handsomely lllnstraled weekly. I.sreest H r- G alveston.—R efugees from Mexico eolation o f any scientific Journal. Term s S3 a arm y and navy for fu tu re em ergencies Mexican officials regarding form s of »¿'.r. . ! a ? r « , L ‘>»‘*1 by ail n e .s d a a ia n . arriv in g h ere brought fresh sto ries of and no orders would be issued to the 1 governm ent. U ntil fu rth e r notice, the sudden flight, of privation and insult naval forces now a t V era Crux o r th e , resid en ts will be judged by m ilitary Branch O ftce. 625 F ££», W ashington, D. C. to th e A m erican flag. Many of the j law. A large num ber of local M exican I ships a t sea changing original plans. refugees w ere nearly destitute*, with No fu rth er steps, how ever, to obtain children in th e ir arm s. officials have reported th eir willing. ' rep aratio n for th e indignities which ness to resum e th eir d uties ns officers j The sto ry o t the anti-A m erican riot gave rise to the p resen t situ atio n will under the supervision of the Ameri- j In Tam pico, when G erm an officers and cans. , be attem p ted w hile th e effort is being steam ers w ent to th e rescue of the m ade to bring about a settlem en t W ith all cerem ony, th e firing of n j A m ericans and escorted 20 women through diplomacy. salu te and d ress parade, the A m erican I and children aboard th e G erm an cru is­ flag was raised Monday over the divi­ The success of th e first steps e r D resden, was told by refugees. Of­ ! tow ard m ediation, th e prom pt accept- sion h ead q u arters of Rear-A dm iral ficers of the b attlesh ip C onnecticut F rank F. F letcher. O ver the custom ­ 1 ance by th e U nited S tates, and th e said, but for this assistance, th ere house th e flag has been flying since announcem ent of th e Spanish am bas­ would have been bloodshed. th e landing of the A m erican forces, sador th a t H uerta had accepted th e A fter dark crow ds sw arm ed the 1 ten d er of good offices, produced a but th ere had been no cerem ony indi­ plaza, w here fierce speeches w ere cating the form al occupation of Vera feeling of distinct hope, which was m ade and p arades formed. "Viva Crux. reflected, not only in adm in istratio n I q u arters, but in congress as well, H u erta" and "Death to th e G ringoes" T he m ore friendly attitu d e display­ cried the crowd. S tones w ere throw n w here “w ar talk " gave way to a sp irit and windows sm ashed. Then It w as ' ed In th e cap ital tow ards foreigners of conciliation. in thq last day or tw o w as in a m eas­ th at C aptain Von K ohler, of the Ger- ' ure explained when it w as learned W’h ite house officials let it be man cru iser Dresden, sent a terse 1 from refugees th at rebel supporters known th a t they w ere earn estly de­ note to G eneral Z aragosa, in com m and , sirous of aiding the South A m erican ! in Mexico City had taken steps to of the port of Tampico, th at if he did chnnge public opinion. diplom ats in every way possible and not stop th e rioting th a t "I will see th a t no announcem ents as to points They circulated handbills calling to it personally th a t it is stopped." th a t would be insisted upon by the upon the people to protect A m ericans United S U fes would be made, or any- and denouncing H uerta as the cause th in g else done, at th is tim e, w hich I WILSON APPEALS TO OILMAN of the landing of th e A m erican naval m ight em b arrass th e ir efforts. Rockefeller Asked to End S trike forces a t V era Cruz and also as the a u th o r of fnlse and Inflam m atory T roubles in Colorado. For ilson has statem en ts published in Mexico City. Birds Come Back. , W ashington.— — —----- P resid en t W ..„u,, K lam ath Falls.—Not in m any y ears j raade 11 Personal appeal to John R E P U B L IC A N .. ________D. I a t the Ll nn w» ber of . t g __ eese . • in th > e Klam- ... I ft If - lz a * fn I lot- 4 to am V . _ — X. . . . a settle­ GENERAL VILLA FRIENDLY has num R f ockefeller bring about a th cou n try been as large as now, m ent of th e Colorado coal strik e and Rebel C om m ander Anxious to P lacate | when the big gam e birds a re retu rn in g end th e violence which has cost a His A m erican Friends. j for nesting. All day and all night. score of lives and large pro perty loss. LI Paso, Tex.—T he International Give this Job to a man The financier, who owns a large pari 1 political situ atio n cleared g reatly as th e honks of flocks a re to be heard, who will reduce Taxes I as th e birds wend th e ir way tow ard of the m ines affected by the strike, affecting the sta tu s of the rebel gov­ and cut down expenses ! upper K lam ath lake, and steam b o at in response to a telegram from the ernm ent and th at of the United S tates I f you bad an in te m t in a private bushes* ; men say th a t th e lake is literally alive presid en t, declared he bad turned over when G eneral Francisco Villa, who a r ­ O R IG IN A L W H IT E S L AVE you would want it conducted <„, business w ith them . his in te re sts in Colorado to his son, rived a t Ju arez repeated his declare pniM*iples. You have an inters« in the John D. R ockefeller, Jr., whom he tion th a t he would not be draw n Into affairs of rh.s Slate. The State o f Oregon is a business m ititu tio n run for the benefit CAVALRY SURVEY IS MADE would ask to co-operate with Chalr- a w ar with the U nited S tates, p articu ­ Of the people in it who, in a certain »cnne ------- — , m an F oster, of th e house com m ittee J larly a s th a t would serve only to draw are stockholders in its business interests, A fter C onference W ith O fficials Lieu- ! on m ines and mining. T he pre ddent th e H uerta ch estn u ts out of the fire. te n a n t H ennessey T alks of P roject. ' sen t F o ste r to New York to talk with Villa said th a t C arran za's note had FAXES M U ST BE R E D U C E D ’ P ortland. — Pendleton, K lam ath the younger Rockefeller. been m isunderstood and th a t th e first Falls, Medford, and possibly B aker d ir ec t fro m A fter a conference it wa3 said word chief w as ns friendly as he was to will be am ong th e O regon tow ns a t had been received from R epresenta­ the U nited S tates. which cavalry troops will be organiz­ tive F o ster in New York th a t John D. ed for th e regim ent projected by L ieu­ R ockefeller, Jr., had flatly rejected all Polk F air is U nder Way. te n an t P. J. H ennessey, U. S. A., who I offers of arb itra tio n w ith the mine M onmouth.—A ctive prep aratio n s is detailed as m ilitary in stru cto r at ! strik ers. have been begun by th e pupils In the ating expenses from year to year ' N o t m any W e ll UP T I the Oregon ., j , - i.ltural colb i;e, C or­ o u r taxes and cut dow n our evil, n s r, C b .cl a r J ’ rc ,lu c e schools of this city and o th er sections vallis. Soldiers Go to Vera Cruz. of southern Polk county for th e a n ­ It is regarded as certain th a t troops, G alveston, Tex.—T w enty hours af- nual school children's Industrial fair | j consisting of about 65 men each, ceuld te r o rd ers to s ta rt for th e front were to be held in D allas next Septem ber, taxevVi r o°U r,eC' “ '" a " Wh° Wl11 Cut d o w " e x p o s e s and reduce | be raised a t each of th ese tow ns, and received from W ashington four regi­ county. Valuable prizes In livestock taxes, o r a politician, as om next G o v e rn o r ? Uh,. , , i a t o th er tow ns in sou th ern , cen tral m ents of Infantry, com prising 3400 | and eastern Oregon. T he Rogue R iver men, carry in g 12 m achine guns, sailed and cash a re on th e list. More than $500 In prizes has been s h o w valley, of which Medford is the center, for Vera Cruz. The brigade will be offered by altru istic citizens of the vertisem ei could possibly provide two o r more com m anded by Brigudier-General troops. A nother m ight he raised at Frederick Funston. M anslaughter is A lexander Verdict. to u g h ed for Three Years Roseburg. tro u b le. Relief or money back. 5()e ant G rants P ass.— William Alexander, a " I h i i i a lover of your godsend to hit- 71,00, a t your druggist, L ieu ten an t H ennessey cam e to P ort­ In the opinion of the ad m inistration 75-year-old prospector, was convicted inanity and science. Your m edicine, Dr. land from Salem, w here he had a officials th e task of financing a w ar Ihiekleii’a Arnica Halve for Pim ples. by a Jury in th e circu it court, of m an­ King’s New Discovery, i-u-ed my cough conference with G overnor W est about w ith Mexico will be com paratively Keep Bowel Movement Regular slaughter. A lexander was charged o f tlile o years standing. ' says Jennie raising the regim ent. H e found th e easy. F or th e p resen t th e cu rren t I»r K lug’s New idle P |||, keep ston,- Leave orders for wood at the News chief executive en th u siastic over the appropriation for the arm y and navy with the m urder of John N orllng and F lem m ing, of New Dover, Ohio Have aeh, liver and kidneys in healthy condi- •ffioe. Idea, even to the point of announcing Is deem ed sufficient. A stam p tax C urtis M asterson In a cabin on S ucker vou an annoying cough? Is it stubborn yon. Rid the body of poison and w aste. creek on Jan u a ry 13, and the present and won’t yield to treatm en t? G et h 50c Regular Christian Science services are his desire to become a m em ber of the and b eer tax could raise $100,000,000 trial was for th e killing of Norllng, ls«ttle of Dr. K ing’s New Discovery to- Im prove your complexion by Huaning organisation a year, It is said, and th ere would be held at the Wego T heater every Sunday he not having yet been on trial for the dayr W hat It did for Jen n ie Flvmming the liver and kidney,. " I got m ore re- no necessity for m aking a special at 11 a. in. A cordial welcome is extend­ killing of M asterson. it will do lo r you, no m a tte r how stub- te from .n o box of Dr. K ing-sN ew Life bond Issue. ed to the public. f ' « ' ’,” horn or c h ro n ica cough m aybe. Itsto p s savs’ i ‘I " Hl‘,>’(in1''’.,llci'1" 1 a cough and stops th ro a t ami lung O VER 8 6 YEARS* E X P E R IE N C E » . A nnouncem ent Beginning n e x t week our Summei Schedule will ta k e effect. Three nights only per week, regularly Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Same amount o f service used as form eily. 5 reels each night. Prices 10 and 15 cents. Scientific American. MUNN & Co.324 S'«"»” New fork s p e c ia l Ä h o w s Spend a pleas­ on Thursdays as occasions offer. ant evening at C o m in g “ David Copperfield” in 5 reels “ Pieces o f Silver” in 5 reels and other new and leading features in 5 and 6 parts JO H N S The BoN- ToN cm T O N IG H T ! TRAFFIC BELASCO’SKr,:" SOULS 6 0 0 People— 700 Scenes SIX BIG REELS 15he W EG O G overnor