Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1914)
S P E C IA L Hurry Day will Hell rolls of best uptodute Music, 6 pieces in roll, put up fo r 60 centH, 3 piece« in roll, 25 cents. Each one of these pieces of music will sell in Portland for 25 cents or 6 for $1.00. IS D AYS ONLY Commencing, Saturday, May 2d if you want to buy a Piano now is your chance. I have fourteen pianos and I can tx»at anybody on prices. Why don’t you patronize your bandmaster when he has always delivered the goods, and it is to your benefit? HARRY DAY Local News Notes S p r in g & S u m m e r G o o d s • • • • Consisting of the LaCest» St»yles and Lowest Prices ever offered to the Ladies o f Gold Hill Repplette in different shades Crepe Pintelle in different shades Windsor Crepe Epingle Crepe Messaline Silk in all shades l-adies’ House Dresses, $1.50 to $.3 Children’s Dresses $1.25 Ladies’ House Apron 50c Figured I^awns 8c to 15c per yd. Full line Gents’ Furnishing goods Our line of Ladies’ Shoes for Spring and Summer will soon a r rive. They consist of the Tango, Suede, and Velvet, varied shades. Our line of Gingham speaks for quality—this you all know, as our reputation is well known in this line. See our new line of Spring Hats which will be on display this com ing week. MUSICAL DEALER FOR HALE—400, (KW or 1000 acres it. a compact l*>dy, nearly level and nearly all tinder iiig li state of cultivation, Uniat Q uart* ami placer location notices Ht proposition lo r colonization in lire »tele H ie News otllee, of Oregon. No Is-lter la id for fru it, grain F. W. Do Ige transacted buslm-i-a nt or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Sub- tlra n ts Pass Thursday. irrigated, every to acres la choice. W ell George M itchell, of Medford, registered located and only ft mile« from It. R. Ma llon. For particulars cull upon o r write, at the Cantwell Wednesday. R-emember we carry a first class line o f Groceries M erritt & C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e 0 . S. Redfield writes lire insurance t h a t 1 —C. M. RitnrrKur, Agent. There arc some line holm-steads now insures, beat o f companies- -m ore than 30 PO LITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS yeurs ex|s-rience. I ( Eaeti Paid Advertising Matte r ) Mrs. John Cu'iieron is spending the opeit for settlement in eastern Oregon (¡•Mid rich m il, some timber, and doe* On a stieky diam ond in a drizzling week at Ashland w ith her sister, Mrs. trot require irrigatio n. W rite Y ork B. rain, tin- local team deieaUsl tin- in v in c i for Sheriff I.ynu Purdin. Conway, Portland, Oregon. Three year* ble» from Tali-iit in a elever game of hull 1 hereby announce myself as a candi Big B ill Hanley, progressive candidate o il! , i ... i * *'• s - »»rveyor and thnlicrtnun. Send Sunday rfte rno on last, in thia city. I'n tU date for tiie Republican nom ination for lor tin- I'. H, *"r l»rge map and fu ll Inatructioiia tía- i III in n in g t iie i tailors led, when a I Sheriff, at the oriuiary election of May the city Wednesday. —A. K. K ar iia r t , Mini inform ation i.y which you can locate three'bagger I.y Dots Kddings w ith three) Ifttb, 1914. For Sale: Hay rake and mower, for yourself oil an e x a p tio n a ily good, free men on I mur - h t»r .tight up the ta lly. By Rogue River, Oregon. mer nearly new. Both to first oiler of . homestead near small town and railroad. a tw o base h it M ille r scored Eddiugs and , (Paid advertisement) »io. ('a il at News office. tine hundred and tifty spruce young tiie game was tied, ft to 0. In tin* next Jack O 'H a ra motored down from Cen maii-o * ware-men, w id e r chargv o f h half Talent scored once, and tiie home j for Sheriff. tral Point Wednesday for a brief visit ; chief gun icr, passed through tile city on boys row to the occasion w itii two «--ores. | I hereby announce myself as Kepubli- w ith son-in-law M. 1). Bowers. ) No. 11 Monday, enroute to Bremerton, H ith e rto this season the Tal.-nt team eun candidate for nom ination for sheriff of in our organization. We aim to fill orders as wanted, Mrs. I .abans of Spokane, arrived on j W ashington, wla-re they have been o r have Is-ateu all comers. ' Jackson County, subject to the decision with the best grades of lumber to be obtained. See Wednesday and is the guest o f her daugh dered to jo in tiie cruiser St. Ixaiis, now , of tlw- voter« ut the prim ary election of ter, Mrs. Titos. F. K elly, ot Sams Valley. fittin g out for servin'. The boys an- re General Carranza o f the Mexican May 15, 1914. —A. W . W a lk e r , us for prices on building material. M edford, Oregon, Mrs. (leorge l-aiin arrived on Sunday cent graduates o f tin- (ederal tra in in g rebels Informs President Wilson that ' ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED from Aum sville, summoned by tiie serious school a t San Franeiaco. W ith heads the United State« has no right to In ----------------------- Ulin-Ms of tier grandm otlicr, Mrs. J. IV. thrust from tin- ear windows they made vade Mexico In order to settle griev- j for Sheriff themselves |«>pular w ith tiie natives, after ances with Huerta, whose leadership llnyes. and a u th o rity la not recognized by the .1. F. Ilitts o n , chief of police of Med- the fashion of jai-kies, by a running tin- Mrs. Floyd Kddings was tiie guest of oo nstltutionaliata. He in vite s the lord, announces his candidacy for the j \ Mrs. It. E. Sm ith at Tolo on Tuesday, of facetious comment. T h e ir ship w ill be also visiting w itii Central Point friends ordered to Mexican waters in the event Am erican bluejackets to evacuate the democratic nom ination f o r she riff o f - th a t mediation is prolonged o r proves u n ground already occupied. President Jackson county at the prim aries May 1ft. | i t afti-ruiHin. successful. Wllaon refuses to yield to the de- I t Paid Advertisement) The condition of Mrs. .1. W. Hayes, Pi«' Kelsey's long contemplated two- mnnda of General Carranza for an who lias been eritieally ill for tiie past evacuation of Mexican land captured f >rt night, is is-lieved to be slightly im storey structure on Ute corner of ftth street For County Treasurer at Vera Cruz, and reiterates his policy and ftth avenue is nt length well under proved at tiie present time. I hereby announce m y w lf as a candi way, w ith a busy crew of carpenters toward Huerta and he Mexican peo Some s|M*i-ial bargains in stock, grain date for the office of connty treasurer, m aking great progress. Tin» building is ple. and fru it ranches, both large and small, on tiie republican ticket, to be voted on to Is- of brick ami stone construction, i t w ill pay you well to ms - me la-fore pur ut the com ing prim ary election on May w ith veneered brie« p a rtition ppsts. ami Coos Line is Rushed. chasing —C. S. ltKt>riKi.n. the 15th, 1914. two s tu n ts In height. I t w ill Is- parti-m Marshfield.—The construction work A big supply of fresh meat always on hand. H arry I.. Cox, of Saius Valley, forsome ed in to biisiue-s apartments 2ft x ftO feet, I have always delivered the goods and tim e a patient at tiie Medford hospital, three of tls-se faring upon ftth avenue, on the VVillumette-Paciflc railroad, be w ill doso again if «fleeted. We carry the best of creamery butter. was taken to the state sanitarium nt Sal and one npon ftth street, w ith warcr-suiis tween Marshfield and the Tenmile I ganrantee: lakes, a distance of 17 m iles. Is pro em fo r tulyereular treatm ent Thursday. 1. To account strictly for all money. in the rear. M r. Kelsey states that if All kinds of fresh fish in season. gressing as fust ns lubor can hasten 2. To*jM-rfonn the duties of the office 1'1,-ase take vo tir voting coupons for suitable tenants an- secured, tin- various I IL Hauser & Houser, the contractors. according to law-. Queen of tiie It « • Festival, clipped from rooms may Is- merged in to l.irgsr ones if ' have all but three miles and a half of I am not Jeon nectcd w itii any bank. tin- Portland pa|s-ra, to S P. agent W. so desired. T I m - front w ill lie of plat? A ll hanks w ill be treated alike, w ith no II. Speer or W illa rd B ritt, u n til A p ril Hi. glass, dis ply recessed for the staircase to i the right-of-way cleared and it Is ex- j pected the force of about 600 men will special favors. President lx-igli H u n t and Engineer the up|s-r storey. Rooms aggregating 30 be doubled soon. — F r eii L . Cot.vio. Proprietors Dan E. Servey left on Monday evening ’0 f«s-t w ill her Is- reserved l>y the I Paid A dvertisem ent) for Portland, where they attended the an Doctor as office und hospital quarters. I. A. Taylor of Madras Is trying to nual business meeting of tiie H u n t Eng Riley H am m er-ly, uf W illow Springs find enough acclimated seed corn to Crawford for Governor ineering company. wardenship, tn-kki-d downward w itii the plant 300 acres. His project Is so far A. M. Crawford, present A ttorney Tin- Ladies' A id w ill hold a "M a ple |aiiiies to tins ,-ity Tuesday for tin- m o n th the largest individual venture in corn Sugar Social" next Tuesday, May ftth, at ly provisioning. In tiie clear cold waters so fur undertaken In the Pacific north General, republican candidate h ir G ov- j em or, seeks tiie nom ination upon the tin- church. An approgriatc program is of tlii- le ft I irk ot Evans creek, Warden west. follow ing declaration of principles: Is-ing prepared. A n ’ i t 'l l only cost 10 Hammel-sly deelan-s the tro u t an- la n Representative Hawley Introduced a Tax reform by m aking semi-annual guishing for (lie spring flslienuan and III- an' Io cents to get "sweet” . bill to amend the act to authorize the " H o t Point Week” th is year w ill Is- assortment of enticing Hies. Just before sale of certain lands belonging to In payments w ith ou t interest or p e n a lty: | from May II to lit, when the seven inch departing lie took twenty in a naif hour’ s dians on the Siletz reservation, mak delinquent property to revert to state, : “ Glotrtove’ ’ w ill lie sold for half price, angling, a n d the aroma o f m ountain ing the net proceeds of the laud sales ow ner having the first rig id to redeem. Item Veto Amendment, auth »2..60. Be sure, however, to have your tro u t lirowned in corn-meal ra te d a hun- payable to members of the tribe. o rity in tlu- Governor to veto single see- j gi-n-d wail from tlu* cougar for tw o sec order in la-fore Saturday, the 11th. Oregon timber, the felling of trees, tions or items in legislative bills. tions around, i'ie k in g Ids teeth w itii a —J ohn It. K k is k v , Agent. Direct In itia tiv e Amendment, siinpli- pine sliver, tiie warden whistled in the and their handling in the logging Mrs. 0 . C. G ault arrived from Portland ’logs, tlin -w tin- harness on his ponies, camps will be shown In moving pic , lying tiie introducing of in itia tiv e mea- ! Wednesday afternoon, and spent several and jounced down tiie tra il to gloat over tures at the Panama-Pacific exposi j sures by abolishing the circu latin g of days us tiie guest o th e r grandmother, Mrs. tion. Arrangements for this were j petitions. tiie lesser advantages of the lowland. E. J. M cIntyre. Yesterday she departed made at a meeting of the Oregon ex- j Application of forfeited O. and C. I W. A. Burr, form er superintendent of to visit her mother, Mrs. M . It. Kir-e, vosttion commlsaloa. I Laud G rant lands to b u ild in g good roads ; who has again ls-en transferred to Siski the Braden mine, near tliis city, hut now ■ ihm ughont the state. Intereated in tlu- financing and develop you, where she is Ks|a*c agent. i Liberal support of public schools and | ment of tiie Opp mine near Jacksonville, Indigestion? Can’t Cat? No Appetite? Tiie second Bunday in May is the day colleges; sehisd election under General lias diverged u|«on a |s-t project, w ith the A t r i al m eal of E le c tric B itte rs in - set apart to is: celebrated in honor of result th a t tiie staid old county seat w ill i-renaas your a p p e tite ; stops in eig estio n: Election laws. M other—tin* ta-st m other on i-s rtli—your E ight-honr day, excepting agricultural j soon Is- enlivened liy the gay young cad yon can eat e ve ryth in g . A real spring own. Sunday, May 10th. at tiie m orning ets of a m ilita ry academy. The academy, tonic (or liv e r, kidney and stomach dairying, am! dom es ic pursuits. service of the ha-al M. E. church appro l'cin ia n e iit registration law, saving first o f its kin d in the southern Oregon troubles. Cleanses yo u r whole system priate songs, readings and sermon w ill country, is said by M r. B arr to Is- an as and you (eel fine. E le c tric B itters did cost and b o liie r of constan' registration. I la- given in honor of " M o th e r". Uonsolidati -n • f Boards and Commis- j sured venture, w ith a large enrollm ent more for M r. T. I). Peeble s stomach sions for economy. Assistant M ii|a-riiiteiiileiit Hanssen, id already promised. Buildings of tin- for troubles than any m edicine he ever trie d . the Es|aa-, paid an official visit, to this mer Bisters’ School, deserhsl when the (Paid Advertisement) Get a hottie to-day, 50? and »1 0 ) at c ity Wednesday, when lie approved of order removed to Medford, w ill Is- u tiliz Single;- .'or Sheriff. yottr d ru g g ist. the plans to park company property ad ed and an- well adapted to the purpose. In aix-epting the appointment sncceed-i Bucklen's Aroiea Salvefor Eczema. For Commissioner For Treasurer jo in in g the handstand. He also itis|a*rt- These have ulreiidy ls-en leased and w ill ing m y brother for his unexpired term ns I ed the west crossing and ordered a gran soon Is- refilled and altered to the sterner si erliT, I did so (or tin- benefit ot I is I am a candidate for the republican I hereby announce myself as candidate Child cross? Feverish? Sich? ite till (or tin- greater com fort of pedes needs of m ilita ry training, in order that willow and fam ily. Tin- office h is had an nom ination for county cotpmissioner at for tiie democratic nom ination as treasnr- A cross, peevish, listless c h ild , w ith trians, honest and efficient adm inistration. W itii tin- prim ary to b e held May 16th 1914. er, upon the following platform: all w ill Is- in readiness to open for llie coated tongue, pole, doesn’s sleep; eats John Sm uinerville, one of Medford’s Septemlsg P-rin. T h e complete high the same olijeets im l pu:posts in view I If elected I ple-ige myself to stand for an An economical i.nd etliii.-nt adminis -om etim es very lit t le , the n again rav- Iw o democratic candidah-s for the office s liool course w ill Is- ta u g li', students hereby announce myst-lf as a candidate I economical bnsinesslik« adm inistration of tration ; tum nsly; stomach sou r; breath fe tid ; of sheriff, in? ezeil into tow n Wednesday from It) to IS years of age Is-illg most dc- for tin- Republican m m unition at tbe : county affairs, economy in county expen- An even break fo banks; pains in the stom ach, w ith diarrhea ; and greeted the old friends while in iking sireii. The school which Is to Is- known priniaries. May lfttli. | dituros, a dollar ill value for every dollar W arrants t > be i I as fast as funds grind s teeth w hile asleep, and starts up new ones. W hile John does not pretend as the Rogue River Valley M ilita ry Acad- — W. If. SlNiil.EK. expended by tin -'co u n ty, lower taxes, a cum ulate, so o a as s b t- s;..p interest. ith te rro r—all suggests s W orm K ille r i such development and progn-ss only as to have a diamond hitch-on tin- noinina- i my w ill 1« in charge of regular army of (P aid A dvertisem ent) —Sin B rown . -som ething th a t oxaells worm s, and are consistent w itii tin- times. t i in, he ap|s-ars to Is- well eiioiigli,satis- ficers, w ith a rtille ry Lieutenant (). W. (Paid A >v.) alm ost every ch ild has them . K ickapoo II d with tin assuran<s-s of his friends i liisinn, of New Mexico, as commandant, —F rank H. M a i ii ie n . For Sheriff W orm K ille r Is needed. G e ts box to th .it he w ill la- oHi-red up at tiie fall elee- and Captain J. W-, Chisiun, at p n —ent of ( Paid Adv. ) hereby announce my can day. S tart at once. You won’ t have to ' ?y for l i h i , and is correspondingly cheerful. the New Mexico M ilita ry Institute, as coax, as K iokapoo W orm K ille r is a t dem ii-ratie nomination ns sheriff at You read it— take it—The News. II - wai uei inpanied by W. .1. Stanley •cling superintendent. M r. B u rr lia s primaries May 15th. randy confection. K x p e lla th e w-orms, I Your home town— trade there. an old tim e m in ing ion known to con n tiled to officiate us .s-eretary teinpo- eave order.- for at II - T. - avu.i.K. the cause ol y c u r c h ild 's trouble. 26c, rai ily. many hen . For in. truce—advertise! School supervisor E. It. Frierson was in tin- city on official Imsloess Thursday SÌ SERVICE IS PARAMOUNT Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill Gold Hill Meat Market Woodcock & Blackert O • Did You Ever Think of It What? a Good Bank Account! Start it Now With THE GOLD HILL BAN K a’ J'e-ir d-urglft. | (Pa'fi advertisement) office.