G o ld H ill N e w s M BUSH EI» EVERY = S aturday at gold hill , = JACKSON COUNTY ORHOOX. BY Eu’;»re«l it i!ie Gold Hill portofJiee for tr.nisiiiis'i«ii¡tlirouith tlxfim uls an second-class m atter SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1914 $1.50 PER ANNUM 4 Knave w ed B. M. I . B e n H. L a m p m a n SUBSCRIPTION Overdrafts( IN ADVANCE SHAME OF COLORADO’S COAL FIELD ROCKEFELLER, true whelp from the thin loins of Y OUNG his preying sire, spoke characteristically of “dividends Sailor Billy O, I says to Sailor Billy, saya 1—"Billy, w hat’» the m atter, ain ’t you iusi as mm It a t home lien» as you would lie on the water? W hore they a in ’t no storut alih In« from the wastes oí uii f >1/11 Z N I. ’ 4 C< >f SE»4 nf Section 34, No.. I I 0:00 a. m. b o rd er town, opposite Laredo, Texas, p u t up a candidal i of Its own fo’r Jap an ese Allowed to C ross Into U. S. 'T ow nship JOS, Runge 3W ., Willamette No. If (m otor) 11 ¡.04 u. m . is in ruins, d ev astated by dynam ite ! governor or will indorse one of the No. Id Í m otor) 5:07 p. m. W ashington.—T he Jap an ese am b as­ Meridian, bus filed notice of intention to and fire by Mexican federal soldiers, I can d id ates of th e o th er p arties al sador has secured from S ecretary B ry­ mukej Final Thrcc-ycai; Proof, to establish No. Id 5:50 p. m. S o u th b o u n d who began an orgy of d estru ctio n I read y In th e field will be th e m ost an perm ission for the Jap an ese who lainipo tbe land above described,'lie,orc 7 IÔ3 a. m . w hich did not end until they w ere ! Im portant step to be decided a t the a re In Mexico who w ish to leave th a t W. II. Canon, U. S.Commissioner, at. his No. 43 (m otor) No. 13 (flag) Id: IO a. m ’ forced to fl< e i) fere the g uns of th e j s ta te convention of the prohibit n country to find tem porary refuge In "lliee ulj Medford,[Oregon, on tbe iStli No. 45 (m otor) I : 12 p. m ’ American I. rd er ; all el. No. 15 < i:l5 p , m' the U nited S tates. day of May, 1011. I CA LIFO R N IA -O R EG O N POWER COM PANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. S. P. Time Card