Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1914)
G o ld H ill N e w s M BUSH EI» EVERY = S aturday at gold hill , = JACKSON COUNTY ORHOOX. BY Eu’;»re«l it i!ie Gold Hill portofJiee for tr.nisiiiis'i«ii¡tlirouith tlxfim uls an second-class m atter SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1914 $1.50 PER ANNUM 4 Knave w ed B. M. I . B e n H. L a m p m a n SUBSCRIPTION Overdrafts( IN ADVANCE SHAME OF COLORADO’S COAL FIELD ROCKEFELLER, true whelp from the thin loins of Y OUNG his preying sire, spoke characteristically of “dividends Sailor Billy O, I says to Sailor Billy, saya 1—"Billy, w hat’» the m atter, ain ’t you iusi as mm It a t home lien» as you would lie on the water? W hore they a in ’t no storut alih In« from the wastes oí uii<l-P. o' ie, and they ain ’t no Itanpic «drifting on the barga and cliffs terrific? C an 't v u he r the Jerseys lowing from the upper paatui f cloverj can ’t you hear the carden grow ing—-can't yon sense the peace all ovet? There’a a lasa lives by the enutsing, whe e tlte maples shade the river, in the breext- her h air is tossing till the sunbeam s dam e and shiver. Might a m an—1 asks yoe, Billy—when the fields an* fair and sp rin t ing. might a man as is not silly, go to seek her, singing—singing'* fo rty men off P .'in t o ’ Pity, forty hale and able »ca nten, never more shall sing a ditty." never I watch the sunrise gleam in’. .Must a man go down in vessels—Sailor Billy, tell me truly—when» t h e riven ocean wrestle» aud tlte storm king rides unruly? There’s a cottage by tlte er»»sshig, wltere tlte crim son rose is ram bling—yon should see her tresses tossing—Billy, w hat’s the use oí gambling?” new goods-new styles right prices W e invibe you to come and look over our new goods; we have employed an experienced Dry Goods man and put him in charge o f that de partment, and we assure you thab he will bake pleasure in showing you bhrough the line. when faced with the brutal facts of the Colorado coal strike. Confronted by a condition that humiliates America and shames civilization, the chap who recently wanted to save working girls from prostitution by an analysis of motive—as keen and critical New Royal Worcester Corset«, New Shoes—Colonial, Mary as a vivisectionist’s —quoted dividends and refused to arbitrate. values from . . . . Janes, tun, dull black, spec’l Conditions which drive men to rise in rebellion against their New Wash Goods, Crepes, Ginghams, Ratine—in beautiful shudes wage-n asters, also drive daughters of the rebellious to that very etc., - - - - i5c an(j at per yard fate from which Junior declaimed his desire to save them. Con O, he says to me, says Billy—Sailor dition rnd result are as inseparable as the sire and son are from Billy front the ocean—"M ate, it a in ’t Just arrived —B. V. D. and Forosknit Union Suits, the boodle of their practical career as economic pirates. myself as drives me, and it a in 't no |«vssiitg for Men and Boys . . . . When the Rockefellers have solved the cause of strikes— notion; them as ever seen the g*isten of We have a broken line of Ladies’ and tlte morning on the water, them as fid s Sugar $4.80 and $5 per sack, Coffee which they have no apparent desire to do—they will also read the sea-breexe kiasin’, knows th a t storms ¡ Children’s Shoes, while they last at 20c lb., Pearl Oil 20c gallon the riddle of why many girls go wrong. Both are protests—or -hall never m atter. Mate, you've never ! largely so—against economic conditions at once unnatural and wen the beaches, or the little Hying fish es, where the dream ing ocean reaches to ! intolerable. the lamis of idle wishes; never,seen tlte ! The blackened and blood-smirched history of the Colorado sunshine dropping op tffe stran d s th e sea •areas -s, or you w ouldn't talk of stopping, i coal strike is old stuff in American industrial annals. Again we and you wouldn’t speak of tresses, have staged the inevitable tragedy of wronged workers and and woo her by the crossing—w hat Mre Phone 8L pursey plutocrats. Militiamen, boys of the common soil and 1 tsses to a rover who hits seen their curls «tossing all the world across and otarr? the people, have given their lives to the defence of a system that Them as went at Point o’ Pity heard the has outlawed itself by the violation of all codes of justice and pvt ted tigging ¡Singing, hear the breakers fair dealing. From the lean rifles of the state they have issued, shout a ditty, saw tlte gaunt, grey cliffs upspringing. Might a m an. my m ate, 1 p arty to be held in not stones—but bullets, for bread. wonder, seek a cleaner place for sleeping, and 6. If there is a reason for the hideous menace of I.-W.-W.-ism, when th e diiges of tlte thunder give him G reek drum a in the original Greek for the anarchial trend toward dark thought aind darker deeds, to tlte sea for keeping? T .iere’s a barque tongue for th e first tim e in th e P a a t'F ris c o lying, with her trailing c ar cific n o rth w est will be played In P o rt for the growth of a fighting Socialism—look for it here! go stowing . . . . them as hears the land May 13 and 14 by the stu d en ts The interposition of federal authority by President Wilson sea gulls crying, must be always going— and faculty of Reed college. T he An ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I X W - i a r -• $ ~ Mil'UUfnmaHMMW;— tigone of Sophocles to th e accom pani came, like Bernardo del Carpio to his wronged sire, too late to going.” m ent of th e special m usic w ritten by The TULIP and the ROYAL; both very medium in price, save life. Though it quieted hostilities, it could not summon M endelssohn Is the dram a selected and of the best grade of ware. We also have in the tin back, through the cold wounds of fratricidal strife, those souls for production. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON churns, from three to six gallons. which went out in hate and bitterness. If a plan approved by th e local school board and th e local dental a s The workers will go back to their jobs, when the treaty of A new straw b erry can n ery is being sociation Is carried out Pendleton will Don’t forget to drop in when you are in need of a washing labor and capital is sullenly confirmed —for workers breed like built a t Hood R iv er and it is expected next y ear Install a free dental clinic machine. We have the BOSS SELF WASHING machine rats in whariage, and families must be fed. It is the Rockefel the p lant will be In o peration in tim e In her public schools for children who which is th? best to be had, at a right price. for th e c are of th is y ear’s crop. t lers, the Morgans, the scions of that system which rides America W ork of rem odeling th e statehouse cannot afford to consult the dentist. T he board will equip an office, and A 10 per c e n t discount on our new Wellington dishes; as the Old Man bestrode Sinbad, who alone may afford not to at Salem is pro g ressin g rapidly and it the local d en tists will don ate th eir come in and see them. We are selling out a quantity of will be com pleted th is sum m er, It is have families—and who are, therefor, providentially blessed with services free of charge on certain expected. days. glassware at less than cost in order to make room on our the earning increment of ten million toilers. H alib u t fishing a t N ew port »promises i T housands of v o te rJ of O regon are shelves for other goods. Now is the time to make a buy. Like the hooligan on the road, but far more luxuriously to be a th riv in g in d u stry th is year. A , debating th e question of th e effect equipped for travelling, the profound gillies who own the coal num ber of P o rtlan d men a re in te re st th at woman suffrage In this s ta te will Take a look at our new garden cultivator, works just like j have upon th e prohibition election mines, the oil fields, the transportation facilities, and all the con ed in boats w hich will he used. a hoe, has five shovels and is recommended by all who Bandon is th e scene of som e acti next fall. Many ta k e the view th a t comitants of necessity to the masses—“don’t know where they’re vity on account of gold being found in • th use them. e women will vote upon this propo going, but they’re on the way!” » paying q u an tities in black sands. sition as th eir husbands and brothers ; do. O thers argue th a t the women will Someone, with voice of brass and lungs of buffalo-leather, W ork is re tu rn in g $3 to $30 a ton. W ith th e stock show but little more . in m any in stan ces tak e upon tbem- should tell them the old nurse’s tale of the Goose and the Golden th an a m onth ahead, Union is m aking i selves the responsibility of voting as Egg. For if ever avarice defeated its own ends, it is in Ameri p rep aratio n s to hold th e ann ual event they think best. P resid en t W ilson has been asked to ca, here and now, slaying those enterprises entrusted to capital on a v ast scale. B um per crop of straw b erries is pre sanction the organization In P ortland by the public, while smoothing the way for government owner dicted fo r th e M arion co unty section, of a regim ent of p rospectors and m in ship and a practical socialism. the grow ers seeing no d an g ers ahead ers to tak e th e field in Mexico. T his Those gifts the gods give they may also take back. It is aside from p ossibility of frosts. R ains regim ent would be com posed of men who a re accustom ed to th e outdoor written that the people are destined to regain their birthright have not h u rt blossom s. W hat is said to be a new kind of life, and th e ir ability to give good ac through the blind folly of their beneficiaries. o y ster h as been discovered In the count of them selves, e ith e r in field or $1 to 3 25c $3 25c .50 and $1 $1 & C o. JU S T R E C EIV E D - N E W LINE o f E N A M E L W A R E D. H. M IL L E R ’S “G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig h t ” W E ST IN G H O U SE R um or th a t S ecretary of S tate B ryan would resign because of th e Mexican crisis is denied. E very available fighting ship on he Pacific will be assem bled In w est coast M exican w aters. F ederal soldiers evacuated the g a r rison a t Piedra» N egras on th e Mex ican border, opposite E agle Pass. S eventeen A m ericans killed and about 75 w ounded m arked th e com plete Investm ent of V era Cruz by th e U nited S ta te s forces. T he house, w ithout a dissen tin g vote, passed th e F itzgerald bill ap propriating $500,000 for th e relief of A m ericans in Mexico. M ajor G eneral L eonard W ood will have com plete ch arg e of th e arm y if A m erican troops a re called on to In vade Mexico. Coffins to th e n u m b er of 800 have been loaded onto an arm y tra n sp o rt a t Galveston, for sh ip m en t to Mexico ports. A report from Mexico City to L on don says th a t Jap an ese resid en ts th ere a re m aking d em o n stratio n s in sym pathy w ith th e Mexican cause. T he average ages of th e men In th e fleets now off V era Cruz is 21 years, said R epresen tativ e Hobson, ad d ress ing the house. Foreign rep resen tativ es in th e cap- Ital of Me xico a re prepared for a pos tib ie altreck 1 y th e rabble and most of them ’wear B ritish flags on their T he ititin - s of th e H uerta goverr m ont lu tl • i nited S tates w ere taket TOASTER STOVE reefs off N ew port. T he bivalve is m ountain, under any and all circum la rg e r th an tran sp lan ted e astern v a stances, is th e ir chief claim for recog o v er by th e S panish em bassy when rie ty and resem bles th e Jap an ese nition. C harge A lgara asked for his p assports R epresentative Sfnnott has in tro N o w $ 5 .0 0 product. and left W ashington for Canada. duced a bill conveying to K lam ath In event the p resid en t issu es a call S ecretary B ryan sta te s th a t no evi Falls all th e unsurveyed lands on dences of anti-A m arican feeling or for m ilitia, th e O regon m ilitia will con Lake E w auna for a public park. He c e n tra te and organize for field service Just the appliance you need for hot weather. d em o n stratio n s had been reported has also subm itted to th e com m ittee from Mexican te rrito ry now held by a t C lackam as, u n d er plans arranged on public lands an am endm ent to the You can fry, make toast, boil, or prepare any kind by th e m ilitia division of th e w ar de- i the co n stitu tio n alists. coal land leasing bill, providing th a t of dish you may wish, in your dining room. partm ent. G overnm ent officials received the lessees pay all the s ta te and county The dam age to th e p ru n e crop In a word on high au th o rity th a t H u erta It is nickel finished and looks well on any table. taxes on leaseholds. This, he thinks, delib erately planned th e affro n t to th e rad iu s of 15 m iles from Salem is said will tend to rem ove the objections to GUARANTEED' FOR TWO YEARS. U nited S ta te s In o rd er to bring on to be about $300,000 as re s u lt of re the policy of reserving such lands in w ar with th is country, for th e purpose cen t heavy rains. If th e cold w eather public ow nership. Leave your order for ¡one at the Gold Hill Bank. continues th e loss will be heavier, of unitin g all M exican people. T he se cretary of the tre a su ry In S ecretary D aniels estim ated th a t be say s R obert Paulus, secretary of tbe form s S en ato r C ham berlain th a t In tw een 3000 and 3500 refugees eith er Salem fru it union. form ation gathered from th e d e p a rt R ep resen tativ e H aw ley h as received a re on th e ir way from Mexico o r un- m ents requiring room in the federal by parcel post squared pieces of man- i e r p rotection aw aiting d ep artu re for building at A storia Indicates th a t a I zan ita of b eautiful color from Ashland. th e U nited States. th ree story building having 9000 feet R eports from th e co asts of Mexico T he com m ittee on ag ricu ltu re plans of ground area will he necessary. T he { from A dm irals B adger and H ow ard, giving th e sp eak er a gavel made of cost of such a building, to be brick Phone 168 216 West Main Street respectively, described energ etic ef wood from th e various s ta te s repre f»cf< anfi fire proof throughout, will j fo rts, not only of the navy, but G er sented by its m em bers. H awley was be $250,000. S en ato r C ham berlain will m an and B ritish vessels, to a ss ist ref asked to procure th e m anzanita. introduce a bill providing for th e erec In his In itiativ e petition, which was tion of such a building on tho present ugees in leaving th e trouble-torn re Claimant names as wilnessess: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION filed with th e se cretary of s ta te April site. public. John II. Mnrdon, of Gold Hill, O regor. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 24, W illiam A. C arter, republican can T h e G erm an vessel Y piranga, whose W in . Louis, of Contrai P oint,O r., RFI) I THE MARKETS consignm ent of w ar m unitions for d id ate for governor, estim ates th a t a U, S. Land Office a t Roseburg, O re., John Brown, ” ” ” ” ” H u e rta caused the U nited S tates p er saving of over $500,000 annually will P ortland. April 2, 1014 Eli R. Barker, ” ” ” ” ” em ptorily to seize th e V era Cruz cus- be saved th e tax p ay ers of the state W heat—Club, 92c; bluestem Notice is hereby given lliat George II. 98c; —J. M. U iton , Register. tom s-house. w as ordered back to H am by the abolition of certain boards and red R ussian, 90c, 11 iginluit barn, of C e i i ln t l Point, Ore., If. burg, G erm any, w ithout landing her com m issions and th e consolidation of H ay—T im othy, $16; alfalfa, $13. F. D. No. 1, Who, on Mareli H i. 1(111, o th ers provided f o r in th e petition. cargo. B u tte r—C ream ery, 25c. mail" Homestead. Entry, Serial, No. 07- N o r th b o u n d Nuevo L aredo, th e th riv in g Mexican W hether th e prohibition p arty wili Eggs— Ranch, 19c. 1 t ».‘> f >1/11 Z N I. ’ 4 C< >f SE»4 nf Section 34, No.. I I 0:00 a. m. b o rd er town, opposite Laredo, Texas, p u t up a candidal i of Its own fo’r Jap an ese Allowed to C ross Into U. S. 'T ow nship JOS, Runge 3W ., Willamette No. If (m otor) 11 ¡.04 u. m . is in ruins, d ev astated by dynam ite ! governor or will indorse one of the No. Id Í m otor) 5:07 p. m. W ashington.—T he Jap an ese am b as Meridian, bus filed notice of intention to and fire by Mexican federal soldiers, I can d id ates of th e o th er p arties al sador has secured from S ecretary B ry mukej Final Thrcc-ycai; Proof, to establish No. Id 5:50 p. m. S o u th b o u n d who began an orgy of d estru ctio n I read y In th e field will be th e m ost an perm ission for the Jap an ese who lainipo tbe land above described,'lie,orc 7 IÔ3 a. m . w hich did not end until they w ere ! Im portant step to be decided a t the a re In Mexico who w ish to leave th a t W. II. Canon, U. S.Commissioner, at. his No. 43 (m otor) No. 13 (flag) Id: IO a. m ’ forced to fl< e i) fere the g uns of th e j s ta te convention of the prohibit n country to find tem porary refuge In "lliee ulj Medford,[Oregon, on tbe iStli No. 45 (m otor) I : 12 p. m ’ American I. rd er ; all el. No. 15 < i:l5 p , m' the U nited S tates. day of May, 1011. I CA LIFO R N IA -O R EG O N POWER COM PANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. S. P. Time Card