Gold Hill G r a a fit N atural R n o u tca i a t Southam Oragan tt On baautiful Nagua Rivar ®he (Sotó ÎWU VOL. 16 fWO Jackson Co. O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r- tu n it y --N ag ua M a a r V a lla y , urhara I ha ap p ia ga ru ad fa i GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2,1914 NO. 52 THREE COUNTIES UNITE TO ATTRACT TOURISTS TOWARD SCENIC SOUTH KLAMATH, JACKSON, AND JOSEPHINE DELEGATES MEET P r o c l a m a t io n C ï æ a n -U p D a y GRANTS PASS BONDS ARE VALID IS FINAL DECISION PLAN TO JOIN IN BOOST FOR SOUTHERN SCENERY Convention at Medford Tues­ day Pledges Union for Wider Fame GENERAL FUNSTON HEREAS: It is the civic duty of each and every citizen to reflect a proper home pride, by main­ taining residence and business premises in a cleanly and attractive condition; and C ap i RUSH SUPREME COURT HOLDS RAILROAD ISSUE LEGAL $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 Won fcr Crescent City Road Thru Pluck of \V HEREAS: The accumulations of rubbish, the ill-kept yards and alleys, the uncut weeds, that will gather and grow throughout the season, are both unsightly and unsanitary; and Pass People Delegate« from Jaokaon, JiMcphinu, Salem, Ore., April 29.—In an opinion •m l Klamath counties, and the hamlets by Justice McBride, in regard to a suit to thereof aa well aa the more pretentious enjoin the city of Grants Paas from con­ HEREAS: By common effort this condition may citiee, carried entliuaiamn shoulder high structing a railr.jad for ten mites beyond be remedied, and the beauty, attraction, and com­ in Medford Tueaday afternoon and awoke the city limit«, the supreme court today munity value of our city be greatly enhanced; the welkin for llte aeenic Ix-utititw and ad­ held that th ^ te t of 1913, authorizing cit­ vantage« of aouthern Oregon. ies and town* to construct railroads be­ HEREORE, I, as Mayor of the City of Gold Hill, do I t waa a great day for the triumvirate yond the cihr limits, is constitutional. hereby designate and set apart for the common of counties, for everyone proaent, and ee- Also, that tfc amendment* to the city welfare of the city, ix-cially for the ubiquitous candidate«, charter of Gg*nts Pass, authorizing da- who circulated freely and tiermiaeively issuance of hCnds for that puspew, an: S aturday , M ay 0 th , 1014, among the assembled enthusiast«. valid and properly paused. Also, that a 0111 Hanley, w h o falnUy reoemhloa a s C u B A W - V i» D a y , contract with J. F. Reddy whereby lie is Bryan, but repudiate« Ute «iinilarity by granted an option to lea-e na purchase seeking Oat progressive nomination for and earnestly urge all citizens to their duty in this re- Ha* road under certain condition« is not «citator, waa "among those present". sjiect. Rubbish piles and refuse, gathered along alleys a violation of section 9, article V I of the Judge Henry 1,. Benson, pink, precise, and streets, will upon th at day be cared for ai a hauled state constitution, which forbids any nin- and Quaker-like, represented Klamath Captain Ruth, of the battleship nielpol corporation to become a stock­ away at the expense of the city. and Ina candidacy for the supremo bench Florida, who commanded the Bailors holder or loan its credit to or aid in any "with iin|Mtrtlal vigor and an nocawional Dated May 1st, 1914. Brigadier General Frederick Fun- and marines at the capture of Vera private corporation, joint stock company witticism that made the younger act re­ eton, who w ill command the flret de­ Cruz. or association. The city «as upheld np- S ig ned — member him a« tile beat Iteiovod peda­ tachment of troope landed at Vera on every point raised by the complaint. gogue of the old day« in Josephine. Cruz. Justice Ramsey dissented. J. B. R. MORELOCK, There were other*, and the hunting j [BEAL] Mayor of Gold Hill, waa good for all, but the iettte of the day | U D v : f a n overahadowed «11 else. and tin - candidal**'' lv H 2 A I V C lll M I v l C K t l Sustaining of the Grants p««, bond is­ even <«*caaionally forgot theiuaelve« in th. a a h l «• sue by the supreme court effectually re­ euthu-laam for tin* prolific natural bean-1 A g F P C S 1 0 i V lC C I I S t C moves (be last obstacle in i I k * pathway of tie« oi the aouthern country. W ashington.—Following the an- tlie new road to Crescent City, __ and _____ en- At a meeting held in the afternoon, nouncement tb it H uerta has granted thu.-iasm L, at a high pitch in the Jose- ■delegate« from tla* three countie« forum- Washington,—Formal acceptance by permlssion to all Americans to leave phine county capital. lan d plan« for the work of developing the H uerta government of the offer : Mexico City, Secretary Bryan said At three different election« the voters mid advertising thu aeenic attraction« of ° r Argentina, Brazil and Chile to u«e j that, so far as authentic information of tlie city rallied behind the $30t>,not) all, and arranged for another misting t o ! u ,,ir g“”'1 oHIcea to bring about an " | was concerned, he knew of no Ameri- bond proposal, displaying a n iiity ^ co rn - la* held at Klamath Kalla early iu June. ' amicable settlem ent of the difficulty Two years ago tlie Catholic chapel car, throughont the old south. These four can cltiM n having been killed In the inanity spirit that should J n il .rUuka* AiJnct upon prividea for llu* I between the United State« and Mexico •'‘t. Antliony, pulleAreMo tin local rifling t h e lA ltle tt» o f" afiWRoVaffoi, in win-- ‘ C»PR*> o r ehrewhere in the- M eiicau .’(Ufto-k.-w asjwritig'¡Wtnil carrying out of puidicity work through | WHB cabled to Spnni*h Ambassador one April afternoon and remained for ning converts and spreading tlie faith I republic within the last few days. feet* in the procedure of election ___ were t h e various commercial orgonizations, Ritmo here by Portillo y Roja«, for­ the week, suuimonipg large attendances I hat is logically destined to attain larger Through the efforts of the British em- twice discovered, necessitating the placing and the following n-prcmnlalivee were eign m inister In the H uerta cabinet. to the evening lecture« and rallying tla- proportions and a greater soo|x- of usefull- hassy here and the British legation in the question again before tlie citizens, accordingly appointed: No conditions are Imposed tti the local parishioners to their devotions. At nee.« within a very few years. The S t. I Mexico City, the impression th at Mex- Following tile third election tlie friendly F. E. Watann, of Attblond; G. I.. Ho­ offer of good office», consequently the that time tlie St. Anthony was captained Antliony will tour the coast until late , lcans were detained at Vera Crux had suit to determine the right of the city bart, ol Gram» Pass; J. W. Hicinen, of reply from Mexico City was not ex­ by Fr. Hrimen«y, and I he young clergy- fall, when it is expected to be ordered ' been removed. ' to sanction such an Mane was taken to the Klamath: C. 8. Kcddeld, of Gold Hill; pected to deal w-lth conditions which man won many admirers in the city both East. In this city the car will remain J Advices received through the B rit-: court*, and it is the happy termination rtf W. K. Kahler, of Central Point; and Ben will be reached when the peacemakers hj his brilliancy of discourse and his j until Monday ur Tuesday of next week. *®b embassy told of the completion of (bat suit which today means ranch tor Michlon, of Medford. Tim«) members of formulate their plans and make nuily friendliness. p r Kane warmly commended the pros- arrangem ents for the safe departure Grants l ’as* and a great deal for all of ■each organization will beciexwn to act «a known how they propose to use the Today the St. Anthony is again on the ; pects of erecting a Catholic cliapvl in ' o i Americans from Mexico City, while southern Oregcn. director* of the permaneut organization. good offices which have beca accept­ siding, after two years of rambling across, (his c i t y , where parishioners of that the French am bassador gave th e Btate | Notwithstanding these vexatious deiaya Fully thru« hundred gueat« aat down to ed. Ute .’ontiueiit, carrying the gospel on church are now (orct-d to content tfiem- departm ent a message he had recelv-, the city has made good progress in con­ the banquet hoard at the Hotel Medford Pressure from Germany, O rest Bri­ wiasls. Fr. Hennessy has Ix-en transfer- selves with an occasional visit from tlie ed from the French legation stating ’ struction; the grade to Wildervilk , in in the evening, where V. E. Gate«, presi­ tain and Franco udvlalng H uerta to n d to duly elsewherr, and the travelling Medford clergy, or to utteud in the larger that while there had been some a n ti-, tbc Applegate valley, being already c- m- dent of I I k - Medford d u b and of Ford nccept the first steps toward media­ elia|>el is now lindt : the direction of Fk city—bolli matters of inecavenietire. American m anifestations In the Mexi-; 1‘Ivted and ready for the, ties, fame, presided in a manner na easy and tion and the approving attitu d e of William J. Kano—« plendid type of the Messrs. Keeler Bros., Denver bond buy« On behalf of tbv Extension Society, Fr. can capital, order now prevailed. duent aa the purring of one of Ida famous Latin American countries to the set­ eiulnisiastic young priesthood. Aside Kar.e assured the local parishioners that Refugees were reported safe at I er8> have contracted for the purchase of ear* on an upgrade which, oa everyone tlement of th e controversy by Pan- from the regular service« of die church, . k'idO would bo advanced to assist in de­ Tampico, Puerto Mexico and other j *be issue, aud the submitting of the queS- knows, could n o t I»* improved upon. American diplomacy emphasized the lla* evenings are devoted to lectures which : fraying llu* expenses of building. From east coast points, with arrangem ents f*®*1 f t the legality of the iane to the Will U. Steel, sii | h riim nik'ii, of (.’rater world-wide Influences which are work­ ably consider |1 k > aooial and economic as- a purely business standpoint alone, tlx* under way to get them to Galveston. court was preliminary to the acceptance hike national park, waa the first. «|x*akcr ing to bring about peace. of the bonds by the buyers*. The decision ;a*ct« of the present day, Hnd which » siablishment oi a chapel where Catholic of the evening, urging the e-iahl¡aliment Mexico City Fed on Weird “News.” of tlie supreme court now dears U k * way N either Ambussudor Risno nor the any and all are uordiaily invited to at­ rviee* were regularly conducted would of a national parka bureau, tin* removal peace envoys would make public the tend. Under tla» supervision of the Cath­ mean much to the city. It would offer a Vera Cruz.—Tha newspapers of the to immediate action, making tlie bonds of such control from polities, and tin» co­ text of the H uerta acceptance. It was olic Extension Soriuty, the St. Antliony new induce nent to settlement which now capital are reported to be publishing available for delivery, and assttrea tbe re- operation ot the three counties for llm at­ said, however, that Señor Rojas re­ and its sister ears of the travelling chapel as>ks for location elsewhere, regardless of stories to the effect th at the Ameri­ • sumption of work upon tb** road w about traction and entertainment of increased plied briefly, accepting the offer and service are self-sustaining, and no gratn- th o superior material advantages that can forces at Vera Cruz are slaughter­ , lortber delay. tourist traffic. thanking the South American plenipo­ ites or offerings are solicited at the tiK*et- Gold Hill and its splendid tributary terri­ ing women and children, and the pa­ O. H. Blanchard, of Grant« Pass, spoke tentiaries and the Spanish am bassa­ ings. tory have to present. Although the con­ pers call on Mexicans in Mexico City W ant Men to Call Own Recall. briefly of the significance to noutheru Or­ dor for their good offices, with a refer­ A similar clta|>cl ear is now doing ser­ gregation is small at present its growth, to retaliate in a sim ilar manner. Eugene.—A writ of mandamus ask­ egon in the construction of the Crescent ence to "the real spirit of solidarity Other stories printed by the news­ were the chapel once established, would vice in tie.* middle west, while two motor ing the circuit court to compel Wil­ City road, and th e eventual triumph of between peoples of a same race." he «retain—»tul th ? growth and prosper­ papers say th at France, Germany, liam Smeed, chairman, W. H. Wood, chapel cars are travelling the countryside Ida city over dlffieullie«. Pledging the co- ity of the community correspondingly so. Great Britain and Spain had declared member of the school board, and TV. J. o,«•ration of Grama I’aaa and Josephine war against the United States. King, clerk of the W alterville school in tin* forcing of a wider appreciation of ami this pinnacle of his peroration was "scenery ul home", I k * concluded by ex­ Anti-Home Rulere Get 70,000 Rifles. district, in this county, to call a spe­ Crater latke, which h e referred to as Belfast.—Outwitting the authorities, cial election for the recall of Smeed tending all invitation to aaaiat ill rvlehra- "that wonderful hole In the ground where ting Josephine Caves hay on June Ifttlt. who hnd prohibited arm s Importation and Wood, has been filed. The recall brand new water 1« manufaetnrod.’’ That Klamath waa wholly committed, into Ireland, It was learned that anti­ was invoked upon these men some Ijist of the speakers, hut |«>rhaps first to the program found expression in the home rulers succeeded In landing 70,- tim e ago, but they refused to call the election. In their official capacity eloquent assurances of Judge Henry I,. in forceful eloquence, was George M. Hy­ More than a score o* happy holiday A Bri«ooc, Fnperinteudcnt of Ashland 000 rifles and distributed them among they were the only ones who could the U lster Orangemen. Benson, w h o maintained that Crater land, of Portland, director of exploita­ pedagogs, members of the Jackson and PnMie Schools; C. Harlow Pratt, High call such an election, and it Is In this h ik e wits one o f the "wonders of the tion for the Oregon commission to tile Josephine County Schoolmasters’ Club as­ School, Medford; J. M. Grossly, High American Consul Thrown Into Jail. unsettled state th at the m atter has World’’, and ita beauty Ix-longx not alone Panama fair. Mr. Hyland made a rous­ sembled in this city on Saturday last for School, Medford; G, TV. Ager, Talent; Washington.—United States Consul remained. The trouble is over the to Klamath or Jackson, but to the uni­ ing np|H*al to the state pride of Oregon for their regular quarterly meeting. The G. TV. Milam, Ashland; P. H. Daily, a truly r'presentatlvu exhibit in 11)15, verse. • mts ting was held at the high school build­ Medfortl; J. Percy Welle, Jacksonville; General Phillip C. Hanna, at Monte­ employment of a teacher and his sal­ rey, reported to Secretary Bryan that ary, about which some of the patrons Professor Vining, o f Ashland, took a citing the fact that, while money was ing and upon the spneious and Ix-atltifnl C. R. Bowman, Medford; A. J. Hanhy, he had been humiliated and placed in of the sqhool complained. flowery little trip into more ethical ami ms'disl, generous amt loyal service would lawn. In the forenoon the tnenilers con­ Medford; M. B, Ashcraft, Central Point; jail by Mexicans on April 22. He was Idealistic realms, uml curried ills auditor* also pass current and 1«* appreciated. As vened in business session, and listened A. R. Chase, Rural Supervisor, Medford; kept behind the bars until released I Registration for State is 179,718, with him. The Professor talked blank individuals, he imide thcplea th n tO h - with appreciation anil attention to the H. TV. Ager, Phoenix; A. K. Mickey, giinian« should measure up to tin* stand­ verse with a southern Oregon application, very line program prepared by their fel- Central Point; I,. TV. Tnrnhull, Grants two days later by the constitutional-' Salem.—Secretary of S tate Olcott announced Monday that the total reg­ 1st» when they captured the city. and deeply Ipipreaaed upon the apprecia­ ard set by tin* Creator in the magnificent loyr-workers, largely upon technical lines. Pass; H. Isaacs, Medford; E. It. PeV'r- istration as reported to him by the tive listeners the Ucceesity of not alto­ and inspiring scenery of tin* “ mother of At noon all deserted the building for son, Rural Supervisor, Medfotd; Burt A. county clerks wt*s 179,716. There are To Chamita Baker Cases. gether forgetting the spiritual solace of Pacific states ” the lawn where a bountiful luncheon of Baker.—The case against all city f only four days remaining on which to Inter«;«*rsed throughout t h * evening baked Chinook salmon, salad, Coffee, and Adams, Gold Hill; B. G. Harding, Gold our sis’tde grand ur in the material ad­ Hill; R. V. Dunham, Medford; U. 8, officials of Coppert'leld, indicted fol­ register for the primary, and, unless vantages of It« exploitation, I'poli e n- were the double quartet selections by flxin’s was served to tha guest* of the dis­ Collins, Supt. of Medford Schools; ami lowing the crusade by Governor West, there is a big increase on these days, eluaioli lie was roundly applauded, hut Medford youths, which were much ap­ trict. Jot* Hicks, who practices practical D. It. Schafer, University of Oregon. will be dismissed, District Attorney the total will not be more than 200,000 preciated. But tla* hit of the evening, the talk shifted to a na re material basis plumbing, but is at his l>est when attired Superintendent Adams, o f the hx-al Godwin has announced, following the or about 40,000 more than It was In when Bill Hanley, lie of the senatorial in this respect, was the solo ami encore In white cap and apron, was responsible aeltools, is to txt felicitated npon the »ue- acquittal of Mayor William Stew art 1912, when the women were not en­ sighing*. arose ami 1» anted ami tidy upon of William Vawter, an eighteen-ycar old for tlie savory viands that sharpened the who Warbles entraneiugly In a clear rich zest of each appetite' until even Professor eess of the Club’s first meeting in Gold on a charge of violating liquor laws, titled to vote and the population of the gallery. Hill, which was voted by evety member the state was considerably smaller. Il was gem rally conceded that Bill baritone. Isaacs cried quit.«, with the ileelaration to have Iteen a revelation in good times by a Jury In five minutes. Attending (rein this city, under escort that that was "some feed." After lun­ made a hit *cv* ral of ill in to I k * accu­ and hospitality. Wheat—Bluestem, 98c; club, 92c; Alleged Murderer Held. rate; ami the banquet hall rang with of Ralph Darling mid S. T. Hodges, in cheon the majority of tlie |xirty visited Marshfield.—Jam es Ferrari, accused red Russian, 90c. their Ford ears, was the following party: liught* r aa lie wove In Infiiespnn tho the cement plant before depot ting on tlx* Hay—Timothy, »17 per ton; alfalfa, tale that ilia pr* dec*«*or wrought In fili­ C. S. Redfield, H. D. Reed, George 11. afternoon train. Found:—Gentleman's initial ting, with of killing John Kelly at Henryville, $14 per ton. was indicted by the Coos county grand gree. He cavorted from the Columbia Patrick, I’rof. Hurt A. Adams, i)r. R. C. Those in attendance were*. Felix E. inscription. Owner may call at jewelry Eggs—22c. jury at Coquille for fjrst-degree mur «outhward. gaining impetus all the way, Kelsey, and Ben H. Lamptnan. Moore, Principal of Ashland H. B.; Gao. store, prove property, and pay charges. der. Butter—Creamery, 28c. w qp Bryan Declares No Yankees are Slain CATHOLIC CHAPEL CAR, THE "ST. ANTHONY,” IS AGAIN ON SIDING SCHOOLMASTES CLUB FIND LATCH STRING OUT UPON VISIT TO CITY