Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1914)
C he G o l d H ill N e w s ood * Overdrafts iS t UmK wed CBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD H IIX , JACKSON COUNTY, ,i - m n ------ OREGON. ry Ben H . Lam pm nn Entered at th»- Gold Hill po-t.'ttiee for trnn-mi- sionjhrough the maila aa second-class matter SATURDAY, MARCH. 28,1914 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SIGNS O f HUM ANITY OF THE MOST auspicious portents of the century, so O NE dreadf ally born to the rattle of arms and the slaughter of — i B. M. L. = Pau st Evening I“»n, the Gnat Foot, lightly sle, ping where the ehaken rushes shiver, in the cool «nil quiet fon-st by the softly singing river, fell the number shadows creeping as t*ie litten liny was dying—wakened mute ly to the eorruw of a stricken creature crying. On the lonely musing mountein every creating Hr stood higher, from thi flooded sunset rising gold and glorious with Hie; danced the moth Show the ed dy where the silver trout were lying— Pan, the Goat Foot, by the river heard a stricken ctMttore crying. Wild folk always, sorely smitten, seek the hid,leil Goat Foot, lying by the softly singing river as the litten day is dying; cub or fawn or cougar kitten, wounded doe or savage mother, « e k the music of the rushes, seek the Goat Foot and none oilier. Mortal eye had lca|<ed to see him as he left the shaken rushes, stalking wild an.l all nnrw thly in the eerie evening hushes; mortal eye had softened to him as lie sought his stricken creature— l’an, the Goat Foot, stepping lightly, pity on each shaggy feature. Cub or fawn or cougar kitten, low the Goat Foot bent above it, in the willows by llie river, bent to minister and love it; comforting his creature, smitten—as the somber shadows creeping on the louely purple mountain left a single Hana* in keeping. Sweet the music was that ev ening—wild and clear and trebly trembl ing—jv t none knew, who heard the mea sure, ’twas the pipes of Pan dissembling; oft entreating, oft repeating, wild and sweet and soft as sighing—Pan. the Goat Foot, piping comfort as the litten day was dying. mortals, is the refusal of English army officers to participate in the bloody coercion of Ulster. The Jovian finality of military decrees in that revered and battle tried institution, the British army, has been called to question and routed in confusion. Men may not drive men to shed blood—unless the quarrel be just, and even then the sane and sensible course is arbitration. The world at large will care little for the political aspect of the difficulty wherein these officers staked commission and ca reer against what they conceived to be folly and fratricide. But it will remember the efficacy of the military strike. Ulstermen and Englishmen are close of kin, that is tru e —but the fellow ship of the enlightened nations of the globe is grown so cosmo politan in aspect, that a similar relationship exists in everything but name. War for politics or commerce, war by right of might for the oppression of the weak, war for aggrandizement and territory— these evils were but transitory’ and are now in the last phase. None but the brute beasts slay the fellows of their pack. Man is the only animal who decks himself for slaughter and immor talizes murder in verse. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON European armies are weakening to the sedition of new ideas in the ranks—socialistic in character and encompassing all hu Stockholders of the Drain Cannery manity in their fraternity. In tim e—and the season is c lo se - and Growers' association met and com toilers will rebel against turning the bayonet toward toilers, of pleted a permanent organisation. ficers will spurn the tawdry glory of leading men to death. It Oregon granges will meet In their annual three days’ business session will all be easy of accomplishment—as uneventful and free from in Monmouth May 19 to 21, Inclusive. reprisal as the mutiny of the English officers in Ulster. Preparations are being made for a There is an old argument to the effect that the young blood conference of the Intercollegiate Pro- hioitlon association In connection with of every nation shall cool in the ranks, or effervesce, if it must, the annual oratorical contest to be to the plopping of missels and the sweep of the charge. It is held at Pacific College April 10. this sort of bosh, still exampled in the alluring tropical back An aggregate of 91600 was paid la as the result of indictments re grounds of our own recruiting posters, that sends the boys to fines turned by the grand Jury at Pendleton the ranks. Granting that they want action, there is a simple against gamblers and those who per enough manner in which to secure it without reverting to the mitted games In their places of busi ness. savage. Senator Lane haa received tele Let the immense machinery of military organization be de grams from fishermen and commer voted to the practical sciences—to the battle against swamp cial bodies of Portland and Astoria, lands, to flinging a highway of steel into the wilderness, to re urging him to have the Fish Commis sion steamer Albatross sent to Alas claiming the arid wastes of the desert, to serving science ant kan waters next summer. the nation out-of-doors. Such a procedure would lessen the en The Southern Paclfio company has listment, restricting it to a service of strong and able men, and paid into the county treasurer of county 981,882 In taxes. Bal would lighten the burden of tremendous taxation while adding Jackson ance due of 970,000 will not be paid immensly to the prosperity of the nation. Ip such a service until land grant matters have been adjusted. there would be real distinction. only Oregon claim In the omni The world is not quite ready for this transition—but nearly bus The claims bill was stricken out by the so. Perhaps it will be as well to wait until Mexco flights out senate committee, leaving Oregon her folly, until the fleets clash on the Channel, before giving without representation. It was the the high sign for a universal cessation of hostilities. For there claim ot John E. Buller of Lane coun ty. is money in war—the armorers, the powder princes, and the The last refuge of the -canvaae back scheming concessionists might all tell you so, if they would— duck In Oregon—Wapato lake at Oaa- and the investment is not entirely wiped out in the vein-fluid of ton—is to be drained and Oregon's hunters will get few convass the dupes who march to glory “when the drums begin to roll.” duck back ducks in the future. Arrange People in the News President w usoh s personal rsprssen tative in Mexico, and several other Minneapolis capitalists, of the Alaska Whaling company, organised two years ago by Captain Otto Sverdrup the Norwegian explorer. it would be better to leave the pres ent anti-trust statute unchanged than to risk losing the advantages gained through yean of Judicial interpreta tion, in the opinion of William H. Taft, as expressed in his closing lac ture before the law school ef the Uni versity of Minnesota. John G. Bowman resigned as presi dent of the state university of Iowa. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Is recovering slowly from the effects of a fall on the White House floor two weeks ago. E. A. Sullivan, a prominent attorney of Louisiana, wants 960,000 for the de struction of his beard. The trimmings were cut off by opponents during an election fight President Huerta at Mexico City agreed to let the United States em bassy receive arms and ammunition consigned to it by the Washington Brief News of the Week government for use In case of an anti- Three dreadnaught battleships are forelgn uprising. Unless his health improves soon. provided for In the naval program of . United States Charge ¿'Affaires Nel Greece. The National Woman's Suffrage as son O'Shaughnessy states he would re sign and return to the United States. sociation has asked President Wilson His physicians said he was in danger to establish ’.he tin t Saturday in May of each year as "Women’s Indepen of complete nervous collapse. Robert Lansing of New York was dence Day.” The feminist movement In Chicago chosen by President Wilson to suc ceed John Bassett Mooore as counsel progressed another step when eight lor for the state department, and Cone club-women were appointed deputy as Johnson of Texas was selected for sessors. Evidence Is being taken at Chicago state department solicitor, succeeding In the government’s anti-trust suit Joseph W. Folk. A defense of’ insanity*will”be~the against the Quaker Oats company and only one Interposed to account for the Great Western Cereal company. Con actions of Mrs. Edith Edna Hawley, I spiracy to control the oat meal busi the Portland, Ore. woman who con ness Is set forth. fessed the attempt to cause the death ' A mackerel trust Is in process of of her husband, three step-children formation In Sweden, according to and a neighbor woman, by sending New York reports, and fish dealers In them boxes of candy In which bichlor New York are concerned over the sit uation. America is a heavy buyer of ide of i ercury had been placed. A stir --icement was made a t Seattle Swedish mackerel and the Norway of the i e to the Pacific Sea Products m od net. col.., ’-osed of John T.ind C o m p a r e O u r P r ic e s W ith th o se o f other tow ns; if O. K. let us have a portion o f your business; if for any reason you are dissatisfied with the w ay we trea t you, te ll us and we will gladly make amends Berry Sugar - $5.00 per Sack Fruit ” - - 5.00 *9 9» Dry Gran. ” - - 4.80 99 99 Good Coffee - - 1.00 for 51bs Red Carnation Hard W heat Flour 1.40 per sack New S to ck o f Dry Goods about April 1 s t . We pay 17 cts. in trade for fresh eggs • • L a n c e &, C o . P h on e 8L According to Douglas county nur serymen. about 1600 acres of orchard land will be planted this year In that district. Almost all of thia acreage will be given over to prunes, for In the iagt two years one „„agon's cfopg on some of the farms has brought In --------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r --------------- more cash than the land Is asseaaed for. A county educational rally, to be held In Eugeae on Saturday, May 16. Hardware Stoves Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware Garden Tools and to comprise the final spelling con Haying and Heading Tools Builders' Man-rials am) Tools Rnoflng tests of the year, a school children's Building Paper Paints Oils Varnishes Brushes (ilass Crockeryware parade and an exhibition of the work of the manual training and domestic Large Assortment of Qncemtware As fine a line and assortment of science classes has been announced F is h in g T a c K le by E. J. Moore, county superintendent <s there is in the county Cattaraugus Cutley Guns Ammunition Picks of schools. The Wallamette Valley Prees asso Shovels Miners* Supplies Powder, Fust* and Ca|w Base Balls auil ciation at a meeting In Salem went on Mitts, anil Bats. My Sun k is complete in every line and my prices are right record as being opposed to further R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d s Is legislation that will hamper the de velopment of the state and Indorsed the movement to make Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway the drestern represen tative on the honorary board of wo men to represent the United States at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Practically all the unreserved pub- I He land In Baker county, except that lying In arable valleys, has been des ignated by the secretary of the Inter ior for entry under the enlarged homestead law. Between 900,000 and 1,000,000 acres, mostly In Baker coun ty, together with small tracts In the southern end of Union county, are now Former President Taft began a STOMACH HEALTH subject to entry In 320-acre tracts. series of lectures before the law school If Governor West's plans material OR NO COST TO YOU of the university of Minnesota on ments have been made to drain the ise. the battleship Oregon, after It Monday. Tuesday evening ba was the lake and use the land for farming pur leads the water pageant through the principal speaker at the annual ban Very likely otliers have advised you to Panama Canal at Its opening, will find poses. quet of the Minnesota Bar association use Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, heeanse a harbor in Oregon waters. The gov If the recommendations of Adjutant i held In S t Paul. scores of people in this community believe ernor during his recent visit to Wash General Ftnxer and the commissioned Declaring that be can no longer give them to lw the liest remedy ever made ington, D. C., asked the navy depart officers of every company in the state - ble services to the government for for Dyspepsia and fndigustion. That is ment to substitute the Oregon for the are followed by Governor West, the Boston, which is now bslng used by the money which the position pays, B. what we think, too, because we know Oregon National Guard will hold its the Oregon Naval Militia. While he D. Townsend, special asalataat to the what they have done for otliers and what annua] encampment in 1916 at the received no definite assurance that United States attorney general, has they are made of. We itave so much Panama-Pacific Exposition In San the substitution would be made, he is 1 resigned He has been oonnsoted with faith in them that we urge you to try tliem Francisco. satisfied that It will he agreed to by - the department since 1904 sad haa at our risk. If they don't help you, they handled a number of important cases won’t cost you a cent. If they don’t do When McMinnville College won the the department for the government ail you want tliem to do—it they don’t re- intercollegiate oratorical contest In Al I store your stomach to health and make bany It made the fifth victory that in Liquor Goes Into Bewet. Oldest Elk Dead at 100. , yonr digestion easy—just tell us and we stitution has won in the annual state Albany.—For almost three hours. Owosso, Mich.—Daniel O’Connell, will give back your money without a contests and gave It rank next to the D. H. Bodine, sheriff of Linn county, University of Oregon for the largest and A. Austin, chief of police of Al 109, known during the laat few years word or question. Containing Pepsin and Bismuth, two of number of contests won in this asso bany, worked steadily and rapidly as the oldest living member of the Elks, died at his home near bare. the greatest digestive aids known to med ciation. pouring whisky Into the Albany sew ical'science, they sootlie tbe inflamed Active indorsement of the "swat the er, destroying the shipment of 36 British Navy Estimates Grow. stomach lining, help In tho secretion of cigarette” campaign has been made by cases of liquor seized here and order London.—The British naval estim the city council of Seaside. One or ed confiscated because It had been ates for 1914-46 amount to 9267,760.- gastric juice, check heartburn and dis dinance prohibits the sale of tobacco shipped from "wet" to "dry” territory 000, an Increase of 913,700,000 over tress, promote regular bowel action, and make it possible for you to eat whatever to anyone under the age of 18 years without being labelled properly as to last year. you like whenever you like, with the and another provides penalties for contents. comforting assurance that there will be misrepresentations of the age of an The officers removed the corks and Kickspoo Worm Killer fxpels Worms no bad aftereffects. We believe them to applicant for tobacco. turned the bottles upside down In the The cause of your child's ills—the foul, be the best remedy made for dyspepsia 8even counties have availed them catch basins until they were empty, selves of the bill passed at the last when they were repacked In the cases. fetid, offensive breath—the starting up anil indigestion. Sold only at the more with terror and grinding of teeth while than 7,00(1 Rexall Stores, and in this session of the legislature providing for agricultural and horticultural ex About Two-Thirds of Voters Tardy. asleep—t h e sallow complexion —t h a town only at our store. Three sizes, 26c, fiOe and 91.00.—M. D. Bowcis, Gold tension work. The state, under the Salem.—While the registration fig dark circles under the eyes—are all in provisions of the measure, gives an ures of the state were Increased about dications of worms, Kickapoo Worm Hill, Or. amount equal to that appropriated by 30,000 the past fortnight, only about Killer Is what yonr child needs; it ex each county for the work. one-third of the persons expected to pels the worm«, the cause of the "hild's The county court plans to set apart participate In the coming election have unhealthy condition. For the removal N o r th b o u n d a day on which every man and boy In qualified to vote. Secretary of State of seat, stomach and pin worms, Kicka No. 14 • • • 0:00 a. nt. poo Worm Killer gives sure relief. Its Linn county will work the roads. The Olcott reports that the total registra No. 24 (motor) 11:04 a. in. date will be some time in April. Ac tion was 109.731, divided ntnong par laxative effect add* tone to the general No. ill • • • • 6:60 p. m. system. Supplied as a candy confection No. 32 (motor) 6:07 p. nt. cording to plans business of all kinds ties as follows: S o u th b o u n d —children like It Safe and snre relief. 1 will be suspended throughout the Rep-I 1 85,981 ; Democrats, 28,- Guaranteed. Buy a box to-day. Price No. 23 (motor) 7:63 u. nt. county and the efforts of every resi 399; 3546; Prohibition All Ttrngglita or by mall. Kicks-' No. 16 • • • a 3 : 15 p. in. dent, Irrespective of occupation or vo ists, - No. 31 Indian Med. Co. p bila. or St. Lonfs | (motor) 2914, and mis- | p 1:42 p. m. cation, will ho devoted, to load work. cella- 14. D. H. M IL L E R D. H. M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lity g o o d s an d Prices R ig h t ’ S. P. Time Card