Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1914)
E L E C T R IC IRO NS $ 2 .5 0 500 New guaranteed General Electric Irons T h e Ladle« In this Tow n are S im ply Going W ild over H arm ony H nir Beaut,fier. And no w .in .^ r/lu v au se th e hair lustrous, soft am i silky we believe th ere’s nothing else - an d we sell about all the various hair preparations made— th a t any w here near comes up to H arm ony H air Beautifier. i •nA«d i i Bny °Ke .of in th i* »<’« n who use it— she 11 tell you she loves it. J u s t look a t her hair, and y o u ’ll come to us and get some yourself. S P E C IA L E X C H A N G E O FFER For $2.00 and an old iron, any make—Sad Iron or El ectric, we will sell you one of these new Electric Irons. \\ e will prepay postage to any address in Jackson and Josephine Counties. HARMOf HAIR BEAUTIFIER CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 y 216 West Main Street hrushw i.. HOT E A T S FOR COLD D A Y S •• Harmony Shampoo Hot Chili Hot Coffee Hot Tamales, Saturdays Hot Drinks Hot Lunches Served at all times B u n t e ’s C h o c o la t e s - T o b a c c o s , E tc . Both arc guaranteed to please you. or your money kick. These Stage Beauties Endorse Thom A T T U R N E R ’S r x : t e i ' ässässä * ETHEL BARRYMORE els T e reR G U M N S tYork Gold Hill Livery LAURETTR TAYUiR h'tW o' ijy Heart Th“ ‘*r N” York- "A i ork. I.ycoum, N ,„ ■»rt Theater, New N,w Y* A . K“ tatafci “** 1eaü“,ri‘'" »°w ¡-urtog H m Vid Star to "Potarh and ParlmuMat,“ G. M . CUiau rhiuter, N e» Y o r k . C l only at the moro thar. 70C0 ■1 NATALIE ATT LOUISE DRESSER Darling & Hodges r Store«. Our» 1» the R salJ S;Cre In thia Town Proprietors M. D. B o w e r s Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade gold h il l , ore . A ll G et t h e Best W EGO WE HAVE EAITH IN THIS STOMACH REMEDY A Stupenduous Civil War drama V A U D E V IL L E The O w l Male Q uartette Chas. Gilmore, 1st bass I Ross Bailey, 2nd bass Harold Offins, 1st ten or Ernest Fry, 2nd tenor In new songs and good new up-to-date Comedy. Everybody come and see these Grants Pass boys, guaranteed to “make good” in this appearance. Adm ission - 10 and 2 0 cents The Band B oys g iv e one o f their popular Dances a fte r the S h ow e v e r y Saturday n ig h t, tickets 50c. W E CHANGE program every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Special program Sunday nights. Two shows, 7:30 and 8:30. become interested anti Secretary Gar rison called upon General Blias at El Paso for information. A U T O M O B IL E G AS ENGINE REPAIRING A woman customer said to us the oilier lay, Say, you ought to tell everyone in town about Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. I ARM AMERICANS IN MEXICO would myself if I could.” That set us to stablish the Fact That Texas Guns and Ammunition Are Shipped thinking. So many people have used A Specialist in this work, them and have so enthusiastically sound To Mexican Capital, Rancher Was Killed by as well as any detail of ed their praises both to ns and their Vera Cruz, Mex.—Following the re General Blacksmithing, etc. friends, that we had an idea you all knew Mexican Federáis. cent dispatch from this city to the about them. But, in chance that some of British and German citizens In Mexi you who suffer from indigestion, heart Laredo, Tex.—A party of Americans co City of machine guns and squnds of burn, dyspepsia or some other stomach who secretly crossed Into Mexico dur trained gunners, arrangements have B la c k s m ith complaint, don’t know about them—we ing the night brought to the American been made to place In the hands of all are writing this. side the mutilated body of Clements Americans capable of hearing arms They contain Bismuth and Pepsin, two Vergara, Texas rancher, and estab weapons for self-defense In the event of tile greatest digestive aids known to lished the fact of his execution after of an uprising in the Mexican capital. medical science. They soothe and com he was seized by Mexican federal«. A shipment of 1000 rifles and a fort the stomach, promote the secretion W. P. CHISHOLM, M I). The invaders were not opposed, ae- large amount of ammunition arrived of gastric juice, help to quickly digest the compllshing their search without ths here recently from the United States. GENERAL PRACTITIONER j food and convert it into rich, red blood, slightest violence, taking the body The shipment, was made with the G old H ill , O regon . i anti improve the action of the bowels from a grave In Hidalgo Cemetery al concurrence of the Mexican govern- j We believe them to he the best remedy most within sight of the Texas border. ment, but every effort was made to | j made lor indigestion and dyspepsia. We The seizure was divested of possibly prevent the facts gaining publicity. , certainly wouldn't offer them to * yon en -- grave H .. , . , , aspects OKCVIU 1 in 11 Iiiirtriiaiioiiai international compll- compii The arms and ammunition chests wer A. E. KELLOGG t.rel, at our nsk unless we felt sure the, | cations by reason of the fact that the carefully divested of all marks Indi would do you a lot of good. If Rexall party was virtually making use of per cating the character of their contents. GOLD H ILL. OliFGON Dyspepsia Tablets do not relieve your in mission granted officially by Mexican Embalmer and Funeral digestion, cheek th e heartburn, and federal authorities several day« ago. make it possible for you to eat what you Director Vergara wa« shot twice through the WANT COMPENSATION ACT like whenever yon like, come and get head and once through the neck, hi« Complete line of burial robes, yonr money. caskets, etc. skull was crushed a« by a blow from Many Who Had Decided Otherwise Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rex a rifle butt and the charred finger« of FU NEÄ AL CAR Change Mind« at Time Is Near. all Stores, and in this town only at onr the left hand Indicated that he had I Salem—A number of employers. Office Phone: Home, 0 - M ; ItesMonw store. Three sizes, 28c, 50c and $1.00.— been tortured before being put to Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 4«-.Mai 11 who had filed with the state Industrial M. D. Bowe.s, Gold Hill, Or. death. | accident commission notices of their Vergara left his ranch near Balafox, election not to come under the pro- Administrator’s Final Notice Texas, Friday, February 13, and ' vision of the workmen's compensation crossed the river into Mexico on a law, are now sending In requests to DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE In the Matter of the Estate! message from three federal soldier» have such notices withdrawn and de- DENTIST of John Mellert, peceased f that Captain Apolonio Rodriguez, of i daring their Intentions to take advan GAS A D M IN IS T E R E D The administrator of the above estate the ___ Hidalgo r___„ garrison, wished to settle tage of the benefits offered by the law having filed his final statement of account j for 11 horses. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD according to F. W. Hinsdale, secretary liereby gives notice to all who may lx; of the commission. Washington.—Two departments of . A A A A * concerned that a final hearing will be Mr. Hinsdale says this change In ’ 'OVER SB YEARS' had on .Monday, the 13th day ot April, the United States government are en opinion among employers is due to the 1»14, at 10:00 a. in., at the Court House, gaged in seeking Information as to educational work being done by the circumstances under which the body Jacksonville, Oregon. of Clemente Vergara was found early members of the commission and the —Loins M ei . i . krt , Sunday on the American side of the Inspectors. Ho said that letters from Administrator. Rto Grande. employers withdrawing their former A telegram to the state department notices were being received In prac T r a d ì M arks Notice thereof shall be given by puhli- from American Consul Garrett at Nue tically every mall. The insurance fen- D is io n s | cation in the Gold Hill News for four turs of the law will become effective C 3 R V R I0 H T « A c . Mexico, informed the e de- de- July , i vo Laredo, m exico, in fo rm e d th A n Y o n A N<*l) d lr i|| a Nke t eh n in i f ie « n r ii 1 ■ — — - 1. conseeutive publications from .late, here- partment that the body had been found I of. oitimnnlea. and that details would be reported by OB I ’alttiita By order o, palante. Senator Reed, of Missouri, intro mail. The slow process did not satis •H¿«t sïtto.'wïi hOTtXr«jnnifeC'0' —How. F. L. T oc V ei . lk , fy Secretary Bryan, who promptly tel duced a bill which would authorize the | County Judge. egraphed the consul to make his re creation of a commission to acquire! for the government by purchase or j Date of first publication, tlie 14th day of port by telegraph. March, 1914. 45.4« Meanwhile the war department has condemnation the home of Thomas ' Jefferson at Monticello, Va. S a tu r d a y e v e , M a rch 14, 1914 Three Reels o f M otion Pictures “ 101 Bison” Feature Films “W A R ”, in 3 parts GROSS BOUNDARY TO RECOVER MAN'S BODY CHARLES KELL Professional Cards P atents .Scientific JHiiciicait.