C>f>e G o l d H i l l N e w s l’t BI.HHEl EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD llll.l,. JACKSON COUNTY, --------------OREGON, BY -■----------------- ■----------- r- ... i Overdrafts S ecured & U nset '» m l B. M. I . Ill«’ N eighbor'« G ill B en H. L am pm an She never said nuthin* to me, 1 never »«¡«I nuihin* to her—just Hie flash ol an eye as we both «idled by, on the path wlien> the violets were. In the lane where tlie violets were, by the trail lli.it SATURDAY, MARCH. 7,1914 h ails down to Ute town—there 1 nottred S CR1PTI0N $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE the hue >f the very same blue in her eyes fori’ the lashes bent down A robin hopped out of the brash ami Hew to the W H O PA YS THE R O YA LTY? laurel tree, amt he «ang a sweet song In the hush—hut she never said untliin' to LANS for the development of Alaska’s enormous coal supply met now being considered in Washington, and embodied in an 1 never said nothin* to her, she never said nuihin* to me hut I blundered administration measure which is almost surely destined to be­ along with my heart in a song—now who come law, evidence but a light regard for that sorriest individ­ in the deuce could she be? On the |>ath where the violets were I looked (or our ual in American economics—“the ultimate consumer.” brindle that day—and I got the laugh While the acreage is limited to 2,560 acres of coal land, and when I drove home the call anil left the other apparently proper measures are invoked against the pos­ old milker astray. Her eyes an-the very- blue as the flrsl timid violets were; sibility of monopolistic control, the feasibility of a binding same hut what doe« that matter to you—I nev­ “gentleman’s agreement” of financiers in the leasing and opera­ er said nuthin* to her! tion of this great national fuel bunker is readily to be seen. To She never said nuihin* Io ute. I ia>ver assume that private individuals and small corporations will lease said nuthin’ to h«'r—but she giggled, I'll as I stared at her there on the the tract piece-meal, each according to the limitations of the pro­ swear, path where the violets were. The trail posed measure, and engage in a competition beneficial to the turns ilown to the spring, then over the d I kib w that I noted the coal buying public and ruinous to themselves is to assume the hill robin's full-throated song at the close of ridiculuous. day. I know that her eyes are (lowers, Even were the Alaskan fields successfully safeguarded from the color that violeta be—and, gee! hut the form as well as the semblance of monopoly, the fact remains l ’tu counting the hours till she shall say somethin' to me! Eiuervtl nt the GoM H ill pontotfhv for tmn^ini^ton.through the maita aa &econop|e, their genius, tlieir ▼ ▼ brain, and their lirawn. We ts-lleve in tlieir liiiiit*«ty, their integrity and dependability. We believe that nothing can stand in the way ol tlieir commercial advanei tiu-lit and pruaperity, E BELIEVE that what Are tinned " t i l l i t - of hnsiue«« dr- ▼ ▼ preaalon" ure hut |ierlod» id preparation for greater and more pronounced eommereial »ueix’aans. ■ W a t A’ Nil WE BELIEVE that In our eounlry are Is-lng worked nut great problems, the wdutinn of which will l»> for tlie hrnedt of all mankind. THE GOLD HILL it BANK D. H. M ILLER ---------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ---------------- Hardware Stove» Tin, Graniti’ and Alinnlmun Ware Garden Tonte Haying ami Ht-nding Tuoi» Builder«* Material» and Tool» ItooHng Building l*ai«-r l’aiuta Oli» Vartilnhea ltru»he« (ila»« Croi keryware luirge Asaortment <>f Queoitaware A» linea line alni aseortmeut <>( ri F in h in $ i T a c k l e •« llu-n-¡i in thè eoimty Catturatigli» ftitlt y Gnu« Atiimunitinil i'Iek» 'hovvla Minerà’ Supplii’« l'owder, Fuse and Capa Ba«e Ball« and .diti«, and Bat». My Stock i» complete in every line and my prlce» are righi R c i n e m b e r t h è p l a c e t o p u r c h s i e t h e t e C o o d e in D. H. M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig'H t” ifi Announcing Our Spring M illin ery A splendid line o f carefully selected, distinctive STYLES A t our new shop in the Myers Building W E D O N 'T CO M E E V E R Y TU E S D A Y W E R E HERE EVERY DAY In addition to the last word in Millinery we offer Dainty Muslin Underwear to return, and bring his brother, after Lace Trimmed and Embroidered Waists an absence of six months. TAX RECEIPT IS ORDERED United States immigration author! Court Rules on Uncontested S u m s A rt Goods and Novelties ties have ordered deported Mrs. Sado Due From Railways. McDaniels, wife of an American phy Olympia, Wash.—By order of the sician living in the orient. The wo­ man arrived in this country and was Thurston county court the 30 Wash stopped while on her way to Independ ington counties In which the North­ M ESD AM ES K E LS E Y & ' A V E R Y ern Pacific and Great Northern oper­ ence, Or. Additional time has been given de­ ate must accept approximately $2,500,- linquents In which to pay for recln 000 In uncontested railroad taxes, leav­ mation work in the Klamath district ing $203,000 taxes to be contested. The action of the court ends a situa­ There are 40 delinquents, some of whom claim exemption because their tion that threatened to result In the lands are not fit for farming on sc financial embarrassment of the state T h e • N a tio n a l . W e e k ly and a majority of the counties through count of poor drainage. F ir s t T im e One of the largest reclamation proj­ tying up all railroad taxes. The coun­ ects in northern Lake county is under ties were unwilling to accept partial i n C lu b s way with the draining of Summer lake payment, fearing they might Jeopard­ U n t i l th is y es r ize their chances of collecting later and utilizing the flow of Ana river, C o llltr’i haa tieen sold st $ 5 .5 0 . N o w which maintains the body of water at the portion contested. At the court hearing the railroad representatives th e pries is $ 2 .5 0 a general level by turning the stream snd w ehave secured flow Into Isrigatlon canals to supply were placed in the position of asking a concession w here­ .th e court to force the counties to ac­ the land on the east side of the valley. by w e can offer it cept $2,600,000 railroad money, while at a s till fu rth e r Reports having been made that red uction in con­ number of druggists In the state are the counties resisted. The terras of nection w ith thia “bootlegging,” Governor West states the order specify, however, that by p u b lic a tio n . accepting payment the counties lose that he has called a meeting of the no rights. Special 'Offer to O ur Readers state board of pharmacy for April 1 to provide rules for revoking the li­ Recognizing the great demand for Collier’s at the new price, wehave made arrangement* to Big Cslebratlon Planned. cense of any druggist found guilty ol «»Her it and our own publication each one year The Dalles.—The Dalles Rodeo, the for the price of Collier ’» alone. This is a limited violating the liquor laws. offer and must be taken advantageof promptly. Governor West has appointed Jo wild west show which was inaugurat­ seph N. Teal to intervene for the state ed here last fall with such great suc­ W hat You Get in C o llie r’s of Oregon in the case of the federal cess, will be staged July 2, 3 and 4 Collier t is the one big. independent, fearless government to dissolve the Southern this year, making It include a cele­ weekly of the whole country. Not only is it the good citizen a h a n d b o o k but it is oho a Pacific and Central Pacific railroads. bration of Independence day. magazine for the whole family Among the The Rodeo was held last year com thing* that a year's subscription gives arei The appointment carries no salary and was made upon request of the blned with the county fair. The farm­ 1OOO Editorials 6 0 0 News Photos transportation committee of the Port ers objected to the wild west show 2 8 0 Short A rtic le s In connection with the fair, contend 150 Short Stories land chamber of commerce. 1 0 0 Illu s tra te d F ea tu re * 2 C o m p lete Novels Representative Lafferty has intro Ing that |t detracted from the exhibits "Sampson’« Spray” , the old reliable and other features. So It has been duced a bill making it unlawful fot Both tor oolv lime-sulphur »olutlon, standard quality, Collier’s . , . $2.50 any. senator or reptegentatlvo to ac decided to bold the county fair in the , full measure. Order from H. D. Kis- The News fall and tile Rodeo In July. . 1.50 inattn, Grant« IL- Ore. ‘11-4 THE LADIES' SHOP C o llie r’s Spend a pleas­ Colliers ant evening at O 'V The BoN-ToN $2,50 J