Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1914)
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : Flour — Flour 4 Your favorite brandH of flour at the following prices, Olym pic . . . Snow D rift - - - $1.40 1.40 per sack '* ** Pride o f Washington 1.25 This is a hard wheat flour. A reduction in lota of 10 sacks or more. Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store I II. C.’ KAEDEL, Proprietor S p r in g ' & S u m m e r G o o d s» . C onsisting o f the L abesb S ty le s and L ow est Prices ev er offered to the Ladies o f Gold Hill Repplette in different shades Crepe Finfelle in different shades Windsor Crepe Epingle Crepe Messaline Silk in ail shades Ladies’ House Dresses, $1.50 to $3 Children’s Dresses $1.25 Ladies’ House Apron 50c Figured Lawns 8c to 15c per yd. Full line Gents’ Furnishing goods Our line of Ladies’ Shoes for Spring and Summer will soon a r rive. They consist of the Tango, Suede, and Velvet, varied shades. Our line of Gingham speaks for quality—this you all know, as our reputation is well known in this line. See our new line of Spring Hats which will be on display this com ing week. Phone 1 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : riiiiiiiuiiiiiiiini Rem em ber w e carry a first class line o f Groceries A s,s-einl bargain ill the way of a gis«|, well.built si v eil pHim dwelling, and larg lot. Best of garden land, well located, m ust I»’ «old. For particular« eall’upoii You read il—take it—The News. —C. S. K koviki . u . Mr«, W. II. Stickle viaited G rants WOOD EG If S A LE :—I have both l ’ass Monday. Try a II, »r P oint «tow , UMWV’r, o r an chunk and stove-wood in any q u a n tity di’slred, also can furnish good m anzan- Iron. John Kelucy, ugtoil. it« ; delivered at your door. Ix*ave orders W. II Handle, <>( Grant« P mjm , rvgi«- lx*«ve orders for woo I at the New» priotor of the Hash livery, of Medford, a tlh e Ncwsolliee, —W. I.. V aw Hot ik .\. t«*n*«| nt iIw ImU'l l.y , lliee. otic of tin* most m cdernly equipped and Colonel 0 . S. Redfield, Gold H ill’s In Q tiuriz amt placer location notices at Mr«. M. 1!. Rico visited her motlier, o|«-rated livery establishm ents in the defatigable real estater and comm unity Mr« E. J. M cIntyre, for several hour« state. W hile the political field which lie T in' News ollie,*. enthusiast, curried news of the ” ls*«t little Saturday. Mr«. Rice, w hohas beenEspee j lias entered ic not w ithout opposing as J,« . II Iterleks, of A shland, was in tow n’’ to Medford Tuesday and tran sact agent at Si«kiyoii during tlie pact winter pirants, Mr. W alker’» apparent genius thl« city W ednesday. ed oilier business of less im portance while wa» n*ccnt!y transferred Io a telegraph j for m aking new friends ami his lasting II. P. Ilo-d was in (¡rani« I’tuw b e there. («ipularity with the old one« «hould fur- trick at tb<* A«lilaud station. tween (min« W ednesday. : Dan E. Servey, chief engineer for the 1 nidi a vigorous and interesting oppo (' L. H uh nlierry closed a deal tlie first Mr». I*'. Zuna visited at Medford and const ruction company, nnd Win. Elmer, sition to the other contenders for the A shland the fore part of the Week. chem ist for th e same company, left W ed of the week in which he dispenses of fifty nomination. He was accompanied by acre» of liis Hartline Creek ranch to Charles Tub, also of Mwlford, upon his L I* H arrington, state organiser of In nesday evening upon a two day’s business visit pi Roacburg. Mr. Elm er will also Edward F'eno and sister, of fd alii. The visit to tliis city. dustrial fair», »pent Sunday in thia city. laud transfered lies upon the east side of Lss-nl exile» of (lie Buckeye »late will visit with Ids family in Portland before the «(ream and is uuiniprov<«l. Mr. returning. attend their annual reunion at Ohio pay for Sheriff. Eiene is now in the city and will iinmed- Mr. unit Mrs. W illiam Welch an* in ially«et al«mt clearing the land and other lu Ashland thia afternoon. W. W. T ruax ha« been uoufhxl of hla the city at prew-nt as the guests of Mrs. wise im proving the property. I hereby announce myself as Republi «election by the county court as chair- W elch’» sister, Mrs. II I). Betts. Mr. can candidate for nom ination for sheriff of Mr». Anna Harrow, who for a num ber Welch is the «on of the pioneer ,>ostmas m an of the election l«iard for this city. Jack so n County, subject to thi* decision ter of Aabeatoa, J. B. Welch, and is well of years ha« resided in this city with her of the voters at tin* prim ary election of Hili Kinney, Saui» Valley'» alfalla e x 'laughter, 'h r- W. L. t ’liilders, departed known pi many local people. May 15, 1»M. —A W. W alker , porter, went to (¡rant* 1‘ umh Monday u p on Monday afternoon for W estm inster, Medford, Oregon. H arry Hay. the piano dealer, has rent- o n husiuess matter», rcturuiuK that after California, when* she will be the guest (Paid Advertisement) ad the Myers' building and will move Ids noon. of her «on for an indefinite period. Mrs. Mr. ami Mr«. J . 11. Cochran, of M ed large line of pianos to the new quarters, Harrow is S2 year» of age, hu t set fortli where In* will also carry a complete line ford motored to Gold Hill Sunday, and upon her journey unaccompanied and were gitesl» of Mr. and Ml». W. K. of musical m erchandise. A ear load «1 ip witli all tin* enthusiasm of youth. m enl of pianoa {«expected to arrive before Thompson. March 15. Elsewtien* in thi» isstn* appears the call I.ot.ier^i laz--I a *»«l. of Evans Creek, for a citiaens* mass meeting, to he held at The Itexull store, Bowers' Pharm acy, was in ihi« city the lira! of the week p u r the Wego theater Monday evening follow chasing «upplie« and reui-wiug acquaint will give each patron of tin- Wego every ing tlie performance, at K:3ll, for th e ptir- Tuesday Bight one p a ck a g e of Ih-xall ance with m auy friend». Bellingham, Wash.— When three ' cla wing gum. For every 81.00 Worth of p(«<* of considering the revision ot the Mr». K. If. Ruifa, of V ina, C alif., a r good« parcliased at hi« »tore Mr. Bowers present chai ter, o r am endm ents thereto. passengers on Great Northern passen rived on Monday evening, and wilt viait ger train No. 358, bound for Vancou I will give his patrons one ad m ittance tick City attorney I’. J . Neff will lie present at the ranch hotue of h er ai»ter, Mr». 1*. [ ver, B. C., undertook to resist one ot ■ Io outline the alterations considertsl ne et to the W ego, J. Schaum burg for the present cessary, nnd a general expression o t a trio of holdups who entered the day Mr. and Mr», (¡rant Moore returned ! Fred and Floyd Eddings, local linemen ptitJic judgm ent in the im portant m atter coach when the train was running along the edge of the bay nine miles on Thur«day from Eugene, where they j for tin* California-Oregon Power com were guest« of friend» and relatives during pany, are employed at tlie Gold Ray a representative attendance of citizens Is* south of here, the robber pulled an plant th is w w k, where the voltage cap a present, as it is im portant th at tin* ideas au tom atic pistol and sh o t the week previous. the men city is l»*ing Increased from 2,000 tet 3,400. and wishes of the oombined citizenship j dead in th e ir tracks, "!)<« " V ioiuau, old tim e Gold llillitr Tin* work is under ati|M*rvtaion of C. W. may I«* given expriwsion and considcra- ! T he robbers got on th e train a t Bur- and always uclcoiui* viait or to thu city, M artin, the com pany’s construction sup- tton. * llngton. S h o rtly before the train was down from Ashland on Tin «day and inp'taliint. F. E. Calloway, win. stteceisled L. I’, i reuehed Sam ish the holdups stepped Wedm-rday fraternizing with local folk«. W. J. Stanley, well known in this vic- Brown as m anager of the Big Miles lum-1 *Dto the ’ istibuIe between the sm okei Ron S ai jc —A pen of tlio ro u g ld in a i If. ini v aud throughout the county as a l«*r yards in this city, has tendered Ids and Bni1 the ,h ° day ^ a j coach coacb and a n d tied handker I. I ted pullet», now laying; also a cock J a c k » « county pioneer, pro»|M«*tor and chiefs about their faces. th a t coat E'.tJtl; ail for fllll.Ot). Apply to I iiedugwg, visited with friends in tliis city resignation to the company and exjiects I t« he relieved sometime during th e com- j One o f them then entered the day II. Slavin, F<«*a Creek, Oregon. during the present week. For a num ber ing week. Mr. Calloway is as yet unde coach and walked through It to the M ii . i . ixkiiv :—L. M. W ittorff will have of year« past Mr. Stanley has m ade hi cided as to w hether lie will accept a prof rear door. A second one stepped in on diaplay at L aser dt C om pany’« a «well residents* in tin* northern part of tlie atah: fered position in southern California, or ' side the front end of the coach while line of Millinery, Coat« a n d Suit», Tues- I,. I*. H arrington, field organixer <i return to his form er home in Portland. the third one remained on the vegtl d a y , Mareli 3rd, and the following Tues school in dustrial fairs, accom panied by It is currently rum ored th at h e will be bule platform. d ay of each week. county au|ierintcndi*nt Percy G. Wells sueroriod by H arry Porter, of Central j The robber who walked the length B o m :— To Mr. and Mr«. A. A. H im - and district eupervieora Peterson and Point, who a t one time acted as relief of the coach started to lock the rear mel, of Myrtle Creek, on Thursday, Feb Casts, visited the various schools in this d u rin g the tem porary alisem r of former | door, when the three men who were killed, who were seated In the ex- ruary llllli, a daughter. Mr». Iliininel locality W ednesday and T hursday, and agent, L. P. Blown. trme rear seats, grappled with him wuh .form erly Mi»» Grace K yan, of tliis addresand the pupil» upon the aecearfty N ext Friday evening, March 8th, the and were shot. of early ¡preparation for n ex t fall .city. Junior-Senior elarees of the Gold Hill exhibits. Or. W. 1*. Chisholm and family are high school, will preaent th e d a s s coiiks ly German Marines Land in Mexico. FOR HALE— 100, dOO or llKMI acres in dram a entitled, “ A Scrap of Paper, or now occupying the Masterson residence Vera Cruz.—The commander of the a n 5th avenue N orth, having removed a compact body, nearly level and nearly the Adventures of a Lore L etter.” Tlie from the South »ide on Tuesday of the all under high state of cultivation, flnem privileged few who have witnessed r e - ' German cruiser Dresden shipped to propositi,« dor colonisation in (hi* < -te hearsals are confirmed enthusiasts, and I the German legation in Mexico city present, wwk. of Oregon. Sfo better la*td for fruit, grain predict tlie coating pn«lurti,in to lx* the two machine guns and 40,000 rounds Ralph H ubbard lias been dischargisl of ammunition. , from the Gold llill hospital, a niuiarkab- or nlhtlfa anyw here. Very cheap. Sul greatest home talent success of reien t irrigated, e w ry 40 acres is choice. Well years. The playlet will be given at the ly flourishing convalescent, after a fort night'» ilineHH. He will be able to .resume located and .mly 6 miles from R. R. stu o|s*ra house, aud will ad m it for the very HIB Offers »30,000 For Train Robbers. Seattle.—L. W. HUI, president of the hi« pwdtion on the school faculty .within tion. For panticulars call upon or write*, nominal charges of 15c, 25c, and 35c, the Great Northern railway, while In S e —c . H. RKDriKLD, Agent. latter charge ls in g for reserved seats— a abort time. attle. announced a reward of 830,000 C. A. Shilling, “ Tom m y” Thompson, which will lx* on sale a t the Bon Ton tial- H arry Harvey is building a bungalow for the a; • rehenslon. dead or alive, upon hi« recently ncquired reaidence lota Mrs. M. T . Strong, representing Wm. ace of sweets. of the bandits who killed three pas Schilling & Company, of G rants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Price «ntertsined just weat of thia city. W hen completed sengers ntnil* Bellingham on the Seat the residence will lie Htiitablc for a small completed a very successful three days’ at d inner Sunday afternoon, covers tle-Vancoir :• train. family, aud will diaplay a “ For K ent’’ sale of ladies’ coats and suits a t Lance A lx*ing laid for seventeen guests. The re Company’s store oa Wednesday evening. past was a novel one, each course and »ign. The .Schilling com pany is successor to R. every dish therein being prepared in Mesdames Mae Avery and If. C. Kelsey L. Coe A Company, of G rants Pass, and Spanish style by the volunteer chef, Geo. were viaitor» at, G ranta I’as« Wednesday, Is consistently adding to the already F. Kelly, who furnished every evidence whore they selected the nifty new line of splendidly established reputation of the of possessing other talents th an those ladies’ millinery which will grace their concern. custom ary to his calling of m ining engin Spring opening a t the Myers’ building Fred E. Taylor and family, of Bakers eer. Curry powder and cayenne were this afternoon. Held, Calif., arrived tlie first of the week lively constituents in the various meats G. B. T urner spent several days in via auto, and will make their temporary hot and Cold—Clean Tub and entrees, and tlie unusual dinner Medford the latter part of last week, a t residence in tliis city. Upon a previous party was a distinct success despite* the tending tlie Golden Jubilee celebration of visit Mr. Taylor tiecame interested in the Spanish titles with which the volunteer the Knights of Pythias, and looking niter Hayes’ Diggings placer mine, two miles lief ushered in each culinary stranger. real estate interests in th at city. upriver, and is reported to have leased A. W. W alker, of Medford, wlto a n Joseph Hcmler, a former resident of the property from tho Kay company, nounces himself as a republican candi- Particular attention to all thia city, hut for the last two years lo with a view to installing m odern equip late for tin* nom ination for sheriff at the cated with hia family at Ettg he, is visit m ent and operating upon a large scaln. FRANK TURNER May primaries, was in this city tlte first ing during tlie present week at the home The property lias produced much wealth Agency Medford Domestic Isiiiiiilry of tlie week interviewing his eonstituency First d<«ir Fust of '1’hone office of hla son in law, Earl Baker, in west in past years, and still possesses a large if old friends, of whom there are many. Gold Hill. area which prospects excellently. Mr. W alker is widely known as the pro- Local News Notes M e r r i t t &. C o m p a n y ROBBER TRIO SHOOT THREE PASSENGERS •G e n e ra l M e r c h a n d is e MANAGER W. H. STICKLE ANNOUNCES THE RETURN OE THE BASCO MUSICAL COMEDY COMP’Y Appearing at the Gold Hill Opera House on SAT. EVE., MCH. 7th PRESENTING An Entirely New and Brilliant Musical Comedy Tabloid TICKETS B A ÌH S ::: R ARBERING:: 50c, 35c and 25c A re You Going to Build a SILO ? If j cu are, don t waste any time, any money until you have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST SILO that has ever been constructed. Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill Gold Hill Meat Market A.big supply of fresh meat always on hand. We carry the best of creamery butter. All kinds of fresh fish in season. Woodcock & Blackert Proprietors T akethenewsoneyear !