lug a total of 21,454 square miles, ol 22.3 per cent of the state The plan to take the cadet regiment ■“------! — ... - OREGON. BY ------------- -------- ‘ „ I he Salmon Kun of the Oregon Agricultural college Io B en H. L am pm an the Panama-Pacific exposition In Snu-ll o l rain In the air. tang of l l r dis Francisco In 1915. received the unant •w a ▼!< B E I II \ l< in o u r n m n tr y Th«« I ' l i l h . l SI alt t o f \iiw r » Entered at tin Gold H ill postortiee tor tratistiiim iou through the m ail* i (am sea, and the o,a>u rivet them —raring inous approval of the college council, ▼ ▼ lea. o lit-licvo In her CniiH tlhilloti, In r law , her 111- aocond-daa* mat ter ceaselessly; »mother o f foam and song after the committee appointed to hail rtthutiniiN, mid the prittcipIcH for which «he vtand«. Wt* lirU rvit hi (be bidden boulder liea—(lie river die the matter reported favoruhiy oti het ilie in Nevurv. We lu lic w In her vmm I leaoiire«*, SATURDAY, FE R 28,1914 go.1 ia strong un.ler (lie A p ril skiiw. Was the propoaltlon. her glial you, more, her wonderful ccrtainttoa. it Ids m ail d ia l Aashed, silver against (In Representative Sinnott has intro SU BSCRIPTION $L60 PER ANNUM IN ADVANC niiat, where (be flung current crashed h l l . l l ’ X I. in th e A m e ric a n pintpl««, lln I r geuiua, (heir duced a bill which allows entrymen ▼ ▼ brain, and their brawn. We believe in ib«ir huiMwty, rough aa a Titan s fist—there where th. to divide Into two periods the five lln ir integrity mi«) tlepeiitiahilily We believe that nothing can rock jo ta o n t, stubborn against die swirl, CONCERNING CANDIDATES months of each year which they are utaiid in lit«« way <>f the ir eoinnutreial advanceineiil and pro««peHtv» Hinging tb.' foam about as hoidens flaunt allowed to spend away from their a curl? Flash of the A p ril aim (ben h l‘ I l i . \ I d ia l what are term«««! "tim e * of buxine** de- homesteads. This would enable them t^MlTH THE OPEN SEASON for candidates now on, the cas where die waters gleam, brave comes die to take advantage of work in the log ▼ ▼ p n w itin »re but iieriud* of pn parali >n for greater and wore pronounced commercial MtieccflM«*. ’ ’ ual citizen should constitute himself—or, excuse us, her salmon run, breasting the stream. These ging camps in the winter and tn liar am (be river Ionia, fearless ami free, pass- a M> \\ I BI I l , . \ E dial in our eoim lry are lielng worked self—the argus-eyed warden of the official future. The gentle iug by fall and folds up from die sea. vest fields In summer. On a platform Indorsing statewide out grt»at prohiema, the M u d o n of which w ill I n « for Hie man with the bland smile and the dulcet voice may be a grant Sweet as the life to diem, ’ round litem prohibition, ex Governor T. T. Geer Ix'iieih of all m ankind. and over (be waters make strife for them has announced his candidacy for the little campaigner, but the populace at large is mostly concernet when» the mists hover; bright eye mid in his inherent or acquired abilities to transact the public busi ail- e rn in s ll, thia is die path for d ie m , republican nomination for governor. He is the 14th gubernatorial candidate ness when once elected. He must be viewed as the prospective sw ift rush mid flashing scale— flood has in the field. E ig h t republicans, four disburser of public funds, and the interpreter of policies which no wrath for them. Ela h of die A pril democrats, one progressive and one sun, silver against die spume—this is die Independent, are now seeking the nom have everything to do with the general welfare and prosperity. salmon run— river make room ! Room Inatlon for governor. Frequently the aspirant for office combines both the vote win h>r the overlords leaping against the sun. Secretary of State Olcott announces ning personality with real worth—quite as frequently he posses s il king die m ating fords—this is the sal that, according to the reports received i mon run! by him, the republicans constitute ses the latter—and all too commonly he can not candidly lay Smell of rain in the air. A p ril over the 61.04 per cent of the total registered claim to ary qualification save the itch for office. The public world, ami the open river there—ceam- voters, the democrats 25.36, the Pro payroll should not be considered or permitted to be the pension lemly hu rle d ; freshet and m ountain snow gresslves 3.64. prohibitionists 3.62, so roll for failures. Sentiment has little place in the transaction hu rrying down to die ma—shouting or cialists 2.56 and miscellaneous 3.79, low, wild w id i tile A pril glee. The total registration to date Is 53,. of public affairs and deserves less. Candidates for nomination laughing W as it a water maid, poised in the misty 899. of which 32.899 are republican*, — ---------- - H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r --------------- in either party should be considered by the constituency as care rout, gleaming against the shade there 13,669 are democrats, 1961 are pro fully and as scrupulously as the private individual would search where the rock juts out? Midway across gressives, 1852 are prohibitionists, die .stream, dashing a moment tlicre— 1374 are racialists and 2044 come un the recommendations of a prospective employee. From the op sp irit or spume o r dream , up from die der the miscellaneous classification. Hardware Stoves Tin, G ranite and Alum inum Ware Garden T.siU position of the nominees will evolve the official. He should be river s lair? Known is die tra il to them, Announcement has been made that Haying u ii .1 Heading T i h .I h Builders’ .Materials and Tisila Roofing as go »d an official, as trust-worthy, competent, and energetic, as shallow and smother call w ithout fail to approximately 45.000 acres of land ad Budding 1 iijh 'I I aiuta Itila \ arnisties Brushes Glass Crts-kerywaru an unflagging zeal in his selection can determine him. It is dis them— “ Welcome, O h ro th e r!” O w ru n d Jacent to Flora, Long Creek. Monu past die fall, thia is die way for them, ment. Beech Creek. Pilot Rock. Enter lairge Assortment o l Quecnawure Aa tine a Iita' and assortment ol tinctly up to the voter, to the individual, to made a wise effec A p ril has joined die call, flood is but prise and Baker, have iieen set apart F is h in g T a c h le tive choice and to maintain it at the polls. Pending the not dis play for them. lo w shall die river croon for homesteading. This Is classed as a» tia re is in the county Cullaruiign* Cutley tiim a Aliilutiniliou 1‘li ks tant day when the commission form of government becomes far trout the beaches, far from die Hooded semi arid land and will be subject to dune and the blue reaches— wlieu w itli the enlarged homestead act. This land riiovela Miners’ Supplica Powder, Fila, -a n d Capa Base Balia and practically nation-wide, the selection by the electorate of a squad die last grey fall roaring behind them, will be ready to be filed upon on aud ■dills, and Bats. My Stock is ro m p in e in every line and my price* arc rig ht of competent minor officials from the host of clamoring incom shallow and ford that ta ll m ating shall after March 9. aud the applicant for R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h m o t h e « * G o o d , la tin,! them. Flash of tile A p ril sun, silver the land will have the right to file cn petents, is a public duty which commences with the first appear against the spume—this is the salmon run 320 acres If he is an original entry- ance of the hand shaking species. —river make roo m ! Room for the over- man. If he already holds 160 acres of lords leaping against the sun, seeking the this kind of land he Is entitled to In m ating fords— this is the salmon ru n ! crease his holdings io 320 ucres. That PLAN TOR THE RELIEF OE UNEMPLOYED is he may file on 160 acres additional If he has a pending entry on which he has not made final proof. If he has T H E PROPOSED initiative amendment to the state constitu- BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON made entry and final proof on 160 ■ tion, offered by W. S. U’Ren as a solution of the employ acres of seml-arld land, his right la ment problem for enforcedly idle Oregon wage-workers, certain Rural free delivery route will be es exhausted and he cannot make another o» ly has much to recommend it in that it places no additional bur tablished May 1 at Vale to serve 120 entry for further holdings. families. den upon an already over-taxed state, but levys for the purpose Scarcity of sheep haa caused J. H. People in the News upon the unearned and inherited fortunes. By placing an in Christensen of Crook county some dif Monroe Ward, aged nine, ot Spin heritance tax upon all estates appraised at $50,000 or over, ficulty in stocking his ranges. U'Ren would raise funds providing employment for “every citi Eighty-two of the eighty-four nation nerstown. Pa., died aa result of a banks of Oregon have applied for small worm getting in his ear and de zen of Oregon who needs the work” ; declaring the right of the al membership in the federal reserve stroying the boy's optic nerve. Total blindness occurred before the boy state’s unemployed “to honorable employment on demand in the system. died. state service building and maintaining permanent roads. Oregon lumber will bo used in the of Butte have been warned The wage for such employment shall be at least sufficient to en construction of the Oregon building at ■ in Women an opinion rendered by County At the San Francisco 1915 fair, transport- | able a citizen to care for and educate his family as desirable cit ed from Oregon mills In Oregon-built torney McCafferty to the commission ers. that their plan to serve tea to izens of Oregon.” By far the greater portion of U’Ren’s critical vessels. A splendid line o f carefully selected, distinctive admirers—with “reverse English” on the admire—rest in af Senator Chamberlain asks that the women entering the court house to register will be a violation of the cor public lands committee be allowed to fluence within that class which will contribute to the welfare of continue its work in order that the rupt practices act. the state that largely created their wealth, if the amendment development of Alaska may not be re President J. M. Hannaford, of the A t our new shop in the M yers Building Northern Pacific, announced that his is once in force. They may confidently be expected to heap cen tarded. company would expend between 24.- sure, ridicule, and contumely, both upon the measure and its Professor C. L Lewis of the Oregon 000,009 and 25,000.000 for betterments, college says fruit men originator. The fact remains, however, that it constitutes a Agricultural should organize to protect the indus equipment, safety devices aud the car notable stride toward that ideal condition of society, which, if try and none but the best grade of rying out of the construction work al ready under way. fruit should be canned or shipped. never attained, at least betters humanity in the striving. That Carl R. Gray has not tendered In addition to the last w o rd in M illinery w e offer A copy of Olney’s Geography, pub his resignation from the official bourd lished about 80 years ago, has been Citizens* Mass Meeting D ainty Muslin U nderw ear Local Women Agree lent to Superintendent of Public In of the Great Northern is the state ment made by Louis W. Hill. It was struction Churchill by William Swish Lace T rim m ed a n d E m broidered W aists reported some time ago that Gray was With Stage Beauties er. of Salem. Notice is hereby given that a to resign to accept the presidency of Representative Sinnott haa introduc citizens’ miss meeting, for the the Boston & Maine railroad. A r t Goods a n d N ovelties ed a Mil for the relief of Joe Davis, Of all women in the world, probably According to the decision of Justice purpose of considering a pro ; those on the stage are most partic ular a Slav, v-ho was injured at the Celilo of the supreme court of New posed revision of the present j about their personal appearance, and es canal. The bill carries an allowance Cohalan York, garnisheelng of salaries of those of «15,040. city charter, will be held in the pecially in the care ot the hair; and when back In their alimony may be permit petitions have been placed ted. Heretofore It has been the rule Wego theatre at 8:30 Monday | such leading stage beauties as Ethel Bar in Twenty M E SD A M E S K E L S E Y AVERY circulation for solicitation of sig to confine the delinquents in the Lud Elsie Ferguson, Natalie Alt, Lou evening, March 2. All citizens rymore, natures demanding the recall of Mayor ise Dresser, Rose Coghlan, Laurette Tay low street Jail until the amounts hava are urged to attend, lor and many others are so enthusiasti H. R. Albee and City Commissioners been removed. about Harmony Hair Beantifier as to R. G. Dieck and W. L. Brewester of -R . C. K elsey , The American ambassador to a for writ? in praise of it, that is certainly evi Portland. elgn country Is above the law of his Mayor. dence Sheep men of Pendleton and vicinity home state, according to a ruling of that it does just what they say it does—that is, beautifies the hair. There are asked by Deputy Supervisor Wil the appellate court, which refused to T h e . N a t i o n a l • W e e k ly The departments of civil engineer are many women right in this town, and ■on of the Clearwater reserve to pas compel James W. Gerard, ambassador F ir st T im e ing In both the Oregon Agricultural men, too, who regard it as indispensable, ture their flocks on the ranges. The to Germany, to return from his post college and the University of Oregon because it makes the hair glossier and grass in the burnt over sections is said to decide an appeal in a case which In C lu b » were ordered eliminated by the board more silky, easier to dress and make stay to be plentiful. came before him while he was a Jus U n t i l th is y e a r of higher curricula. Baker county wool growers antlcl tlce of the supreme court. C o llin 'i ha« been in place. Sprinkle a little on yonr hair The Interstate Commerce commie each time before brushing it. Contains no pate better prices for their clip this •old at $5.50. N ow the price i . $2.50 sloo announced that they will give oil; will not change color of hair, nor year than in 1918. Buyers represent and wehave Mcured Brief News of the Week hearings on Senator Lane's resolution darken gray hair. ing the big eastern houses are already a conce«>ion w here to investigate the steel trust freight in the field and offers as high as 16 Wages of 5000 trainmen of the Chi by we rsn offer it To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free rebates, dates of hearings to be an and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This cents a pound have been made. st a »till further cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad reduction in con nounced later. State School Superintendent J. A. aggregating about 2100,000. were In pure liquid shampoo gives an instantane nection w ith this Because he claims Oregon as hie ous rich lather that immediately penetrat Churohlll has been requested by the creased by the boArd of arbitration at p u b lic .tio n . real residence Jale Oronich, serving es to every part of hair and scalp, insur Oregon Panama-Pacific Exposition Chicago. time in federal prison at McNeil’s is ing a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed commission to take charge of the pre New York state paid 2245,000 for Special Offer to O ur Reader* land, denies jurisdiction of any court off just as quickly, the entire operation paration and installation of the Orc conducting the Impeachment proceed R e c o g n in n a the (treat dem and for Collier', at the new price, we have made arran g e m e n ts to outside his own district in matter ol takes only a few moments. Contains no gon educational exhibit at the San ings against ex-Governor Sulzer. Of otter it and <»ur own publicntion each one tear f<*r the price of Collier’, » lone. T h i« i« a lim ited proceedings to forfeit his citizenship thing that can harm the hair; leaves no Francisco fair next year. this sum 2100,000 went to attorneys In «»fter and m ust be taken ad vantage of prom ptly. papers. An initiative bill will be placed in the case. harshness or stickiness. Both preparations come in odd-shaped, circulation In Hood River county with The New York, New Haven & Hart W hat You Get in C o llie r’s in a few days providing for the organl ford railroad has decided, beginning Collier • i« the one big. indepen dent, fearlemi very ornamental bottles, w ith sprinkler Goat Industry Started. w eekly of the whole cou ntry. N o t only iN it the zation of bonded districts for the pur The Dalles.—W. F. Ripley has start | tops. H arm ony H a ir Beantifier, «1.00 pose of Issuing bonds for the install:« March 1. to discontinue the sale of li «•<»d c itiz e n s h a n d b o o k hut it is also n H arm ony Shampoo, -50c. Both guaran m agazine for the whole fam ily. Am ong the quor on its trains throughout the en ed a new industry in this vicinity, that tilings that a year*« subscription gives are; tion of public utilities of every char tire system. of goat-raising. He raises the Tog- teed to satisfy you jn every way ()r yol||. acter. Editorials Holding that the petition for the li 1000 600 genherg gont, which is the mainstay money ba. k. Sold only at the more than New« Photos John H. Lewis, state engineer, has cense election wns invalid the supreme 7,000 Kexall Stores, and in this town on- 250 Short Articles of the cheese industry of Switzerland. 150 Short Stories received from the director of the Unit court of South Dakota has made a ly by ns. _ M D n o,v,,ra Go|,, Or 100 Illustrated Eeaturer. This goat is of the blue-blooded vari ed States geological survey a report ruling that closes the Htiloons of Yank 2 C o m p h iu Novels Sniiie H|Hi-ial bargains in Htnek, g ra in , ety, and with a pedigree. It is more that since June 1 last year, when th ton. Six saloons are affected by th. and fmil ranchen, large und Riunii,« Txrave orders for wood at the New Collier’» . . . . $2.50 / f "r valuable tia n the thoroughbred cov last previous report was made. 81 decision. it w ill pay you well to we me iieforp pur office. PI B U S H E D EVER Y s \T lT U » A Y AT GOLD H IL I . JACKSON COUNTY B. M. I . A P a tr io tic C re e d THE GOLD HILL BANK D. H. M IL L E R D. H. M I L L E R ’S “G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ’ ANNOUNCING OUR S p r in g M illin e r y STYLES ° X YPLAY SAT., FEB. 28th THE LADIES’ SHOP C o llie r’s Spend a pleas Colliers ant evening at The BoN- ToN The News . . 1.50 ' $2.50 chasing —(j. S. K k iiio k i . h .