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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1914)
Gold Hill Jackson Co. G ra o ta a f N a tu ra l H t i o u r r t i o f S o a th .rn O r . gon n On b .a u h fu l H u /t ii R iu .r O n . C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r . t u n it y R o g u . R i v . r V a t l.y , u i h . r . I h . a p p l. g a in . J f a m . VOL. 16 ----- ■' <»<>!,i) m i x , .JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1914 .......m u / n l , r p o n u a n i ¿n, i v i 4 xtq $r WEST WOULD SAVE STATE $150,000 IN TAXES NEWS FROM OUR e NATIONAL CAPITAL | Recommends Abolishment Des JOHN J. M'GOVERN ert Land Board, Engineer and Other Superfluities Senate Ratifies Renewal of J re a tie s With Eight Na tions for Five Years. Washington General arbitration traatlaa ratified by I tin asnato renew c l for five years agreements with Great Britain, Japan, Italy. Spain. Nor way. Sweden, Portugal and Swltser- land, and marked the first atnp In the policy of President Wlloon. The treaties, briefly, provide for reference to The Hague tribunal of legal differences and questions relat ing to the Interpretation of other ox- lstlng treaties which cannot bo settled by diplomacy. No matter affecting the vital Inter | ^ b t s , Independencv or honor of (be | contracting powers Is Included In the scope of these treat lea and all dis putee Involving the Interests of third John J. M'Oavern, the New Jersey parties also are excluded. judge whose success In curing boys of Although the majority for the rati the cigarette habit has attracted wide fication of the treaties was ov< rwbeliu attention. Ing and the amendment to exempt by more a two-thirds' vole. Senators who urge repeal of the tolls exemp- tleu provision Insist that theso votes are not significant of the attitude of the senate on (he tolls Issue. CONSOLIDATEALLTHESE WITH STATE LAND BOARD Ralem, Fab 2 6 .-4 inventor ttV-t has subm itted a p ia n to the d.-eert and board, stale cngln.-r and water .oar. , consoidttl. lb. In us lh< state land board and «ave»l6O,H0o biennially ,<> tax payers. He shown wltal the eoat has been from no appropriation in Bail to »193,840 in 1013. It also shows that no appropria tions hail la-en marie until the nffirc of slate engineer was created in 1906, at . which limo an uppropriatl ...non was made, the engineer's -alary l.-hig A apodal annual appropriation of not to exceed »11,760,000 should be allowed to corer the expense attached. Got of this appropriation the board to employ a man fitted for such work, say at a salary of »21,000, who shall devote all of his time to the job. MISS ALICE PAUL OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Lived Six Months W ith Broken Neck. Pendleton.—After living for more than six months with a broken neck, I Frank Dunton, Canyon City stockman, died in this city. Dunton, while watch- . ing some children playing In his barn, endeavored to show them som-- tricks I on a trapeze. He fell to the floor, striking on his head, and fracturing the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Since then he has h?en entirely paralyzed. AtxUinh Ui« office of the «tale ragineer The work of the said office should be turned over to the «ate water board. The ^ ¡.i | k>a„ | should be given power to ap- point a n-gistrar of water titles at a salary 8unday Closing is Intent. Salem.—'») prohibit the conduct of business and gainful amusements on Sunday Is the object of a measure to Miss Alice Paul, head of the Suffra be initiated at the next election by I appropriated for the salary and expemses cxim - hmi - s •, . , , . , ' gists' Congressional Union, which la the Washington County Christian En would perform the clerical and other du deavor Union. The bill was approved I of the office and for hydrographic ties now sopfssw-d to 1» performed by the trying to secure action by Congreaa. as to form by Secretary of State Ol maps. In 1907 the appropriation was state engineer (except that be shall not cott. $16,000. In 1909 the desert land board become a member o f the state water Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad _________________ ______ _ stores. The measure exempts drug was created withsuiarios of $3lMZI each and board). Company ail the tide and overflowed lands physicians’ shops, undertakers, livery the engineer’s salary was raised to $30110. The members of the state water hoard on the Alsea, Siletz and Yaquina Bays, stables, butchers and bakers. The total appropriation that year was At the same session I introduced a bill I ___________________ $14 000, and to this wen- added certain should be required to devote all of their appropriating »100,000 to pay the Indian Long Lost Diamond In Chicken’s Crop. time to the duties of the office. It was I fees which were S|»-nt by the engineer’s H ar veterans* rlaiins, due for the use and Clatskanie.—About elgi.t months State's "Equity" In Power Recognized. Id le rs rwelved Tuesday from County I. Itlie. In 1911 this depart iin-nt had grown brought to light a short time ago that loss of horses in the Indian war« of Orc- ago Mrs. Robert Bryant lost a dia- " Assertion of the power of the feder Judge F. I.. Ton Velle state that $4<W,- j somc-wliat, the appropriations running while drawing a salary from the state, a gon, a debt contracted by the Oregon Ter- mond setting out of a ring. Long member of the state wat r board wax em. al government under the constitution OtO. 10 road bond money was deposited ■ up Pi »106,000. ployed as a local attorney by (lai p , R. & ritury and standing unpaid for over fifty search for the missing gem proved un- In 1913 this made another stride and to control the building of all water last week in the Continental National i*- 'VlUpfiOjf, and that '».e wid official1 y< are. This bill passed the House but availing. A few days ago, ou the oc- power projects, but recognition of the hank of Chicago to lbs credit u( Jackso'i , went down into the pnhl|c purse for $193,- was killed in the Senate, but a similar bill casion of her husband's birthday, as ' 600 as follows: was traveling on a pass. equities therein of the states of the county, and the balance of the $5<X),0 in ) '----- a ------- -------- became a law in the session of 1013. ' she ----------------- was preparing fowl ‘ for dinner, union—this Is the cardinal principle will Is- mdd as soon us the county bus Desert ¡and board, $10,(XX*; state water I Under the proposed plan, the expense- In 1908, upon my own motion and at she found the lost stone in the crop for the two years, 1916-16, would be as In the conservation policy of the Wit- redeemed »114,000 in warrants, probably hoard, »40,000; state- engineer’s office: tny own cost, I commenced suits against of the fowl. administration so far ns It affects l«y April I. As soon as Judge Ton Velle' standing appropriation, »30,000; special follows: tlie M ells Fargo and Pacific Express Com navigable streams of the country. returns, the latter part of the week, the surveys, $13,300; topographic and hy State lupsl ixtard (Carey act projects), panies! uf Ougou iut *. rodue« i,<o ni ,-x- Regatta Plana Started. J Secretary Garrison, of the war de money will Is- distributed as deposits drographic limps, »46,000; co-o|x-rative *7,600; state water board, »32,500; regis press rates. Both these suits were decid Astoria.—A mass meeting of busi partment. Is the author of the plan, among Jackson county hanks, on the Htirvcy , $60,000; CXdilo invcMti nation , t e r o f water titles, $10,000, total, ed in favor of the shippers, and a reduc ness men and citizens generally is to *60,000. which has been Indorsed by President understai.iliiig that they co-operate in $16,000; total, $193,K00. tion of twenty per cent was made in the be held on the evening of March 3, placing county warrants al par. 1 he KDwninr’ti prnpowHl plan for con* Wilson and the cabinet. This would mean a saving of $143,000 Oregon rates. when a committee will be sele- 1 to '«olidation and n'duction of expenau in aa t *|s-r.ill.>i) of the r<a k-crushing plant 1 Secretary Garrison, with President over the appropriation tor 1913-14. If it During my term as Registe r of the 1-and take charge of the 19th annual regat Wilson s approval, will ask for author al Gold llay by the c iinty began Mon follow«: is thought advisable to make some ap Abolish deflert land boanl: Carvy act propriation for special surveys, $60,000 Office I worked for the revision of th e ' ta. This meeting will also fix the Izntion to Issue permits for the con thly crushing r.a-k for the granitoid stir public land laws in the interests of the struction of water power projects, with fuce of tlii- Central Point road. ( oitcrctt inatterM, the work of »aid board, should could be so appropriated and a saving of bona fide Homesteaders who were seeking date for the water carnival, but it is generally understood that July 2, 3, !<• turned over to the state land hoard. mixers nnd other machinery is Is ing us the stipulation that they be Issued $93,000 still be made. to settle the wild lands of Oregon. 1 p re-; and 4 will be selected. only to concerns Incorporated ns pub «•milled and it Is t X|sa-|ed that another pared and had introduced in the Senate | lic utilities under state laws and so week will see actual paving hi progress. and Houseof the United States a bill pro- ! Party Lines Only Test. State Highway Engineer Bowlhy, win restricted that control by monopolistic viding for an annual six months leave of < Salem.—Attorney General Crawford- corporations will be Impossible. To is hen- to attend the grand jury prolx*, absence, for the purpose of giving the in an opinion, holds that a qualified protect the rights of slates, revenues states that satisfactory progress is Is-ing homesteader an opportunity to earn won- I elector was not limited in signing the made ex« pt in six-ui-ing the right of way accruing will go to states, and not to ey wi’.fi which to lire on while improving petition of one candidate for an office, the federal government. This sug this side of Ashland. 'Ila-city council of his homestead, and to allow those who but may sign petitions of all candi Ashland agreed to condemn the right of gestion Is expected Io heal the breach had children of school age an opportunity dates if they are members of the party existing between ndvocates of states' way through the Hillings farm, but have to send them to school. This resulted in with which he affiliates. now refused to proceed. This will force rights and national control of the nnt the five months leave of absence law. tin- county to hring condemnation pro- A 3 resources of the country. If elected I shall stand squarely and WOULD CONSOLIDATE BOARDS Roseburg, Ore., Feb. 23. 1914. «-edings or change tin- route. Represented Polk and Lincoln Counties May Exempt Small Business Concerns J. W. Swis-tw-y, il.c contractor mi the Hundreds of people living in every in tin- legislature three terms. Appoint fearlessly for legislation in the interests of Desert Land Board, State Engineer all the people, for the improvement of our President Wilson Indicated to coll Siskiyou section, states that his first county in tin- first Congressional District and W ater Board May Go. era (hat he desires that the proposed cuinp is wdl under way and he hopes to have never written, telegraphed or asked ed Register of the United States f.and Of- rivers and harbors, for the deepening of Salem.—A movement has been bills dealing with the trust problem he in aha)» to put on men in alxiut a me to lx-eotno a candidate for Congress. floe at Roseburg by President Taft Deeem- the M illamette River that it may lie navi gable from Portland to Eugene at all sea started to initiate a measure at the be so phrased and adapted to the do week. The first camp is at Htinenian. However, believing in the principle that ber 18, 1909, serving four years. While a member of the legislature in sons of the year, for more and better next election to abolish the state des clslons already rendered by the 8u I Ih- will later put in one at Siskiyou and if a man wants anything tile best way to preme court of the United States on also one near Coles or Colostine, where get it is to go out alter it, and not wait 1902, I introduced what was known a« the roads, for the amending of and enacting ert land board, the state water board the Sherman anti trust law that the the heavy risk work Is on the other side for it to come Ho him, and holding t» the car shortage or demurrage bill. It was of our public land laws to conform to and the state engineer's office, and defeated, and in 1907 1 again introdneed present conditions, and for the surveying put the business handled by these efficiency of that statute shall be! of the divide. doctrine that under onr form of govern three departments in charge of one neither Impaired nor complicated, but ment it is no’disgraee to seek an office at it, and being a member of the Committee and classifying of the lands in our forest board, thus effecting a considerable on Railroads, got it incorporated in the reserves, that the vast area of grazingand supplemented. $50.000 appropriation would be made. tla- hands of the people, I then-fore desire Railroad Commission Bill, which became agricultural lands may be opened to set saving to the taxpayers. Mr. Wilson Indicated that serious to say that after due consideration and Governor West states that at the National Capital Brevities. a law. At this same session 1 introduced tlement. consideration has been given In the without any mental reservation or nndm- recent meeting of the Oregon Irriga and secured the passage of a law provid If the Government shall finally win the Application for admission Into the framing of the trust legislation to pro I influence, I have decided to become a tion congress in Portland, delegates visions that would protect small bust | federal reserve hanking system has candidate for Congress on the Republican ing for tlie Directors,’ Parent-Teachers’ suit now pending against the Oregon and from Central Oregon put the proposi tne", ngs. I also at the same session in California Railroad Company, I shall do nets concerns from statutes prohibit i been made by 7107 banks representing ticket at the coming primary election. troduced tli ■ Jones Free Locks Bill, which all in my power to keep these lands from tion up to him and asked for his ap Ing trade arrangements nnd combinn I 40 states. Being a stranger to many ot you, at became a law, appropriating »300,000, being placed in the forest reserves, and proval. He said he favored the move Hearing on new law to regulate tlons. He suggested that It was u dlf the risk of Ix ing called an egotist. I am contingent upon tin- (iovernnrent a p p ^ w ork to tlie end tliat the grazing and ag ment and would give his support to grazing on non-nrable lands will be floult thing to frame an exemption In going to tell you something about myself ,,riati.,g a likesnm, for the building new ricultural lands may be open to settle the proposed measure. He said a I I I o r d e r l l l i l l v o n t l l « V lx > u t i l * I n M r m . . . . , I • i , , 6VW , terms of dollars, and for this reason ; held at Washington March 3. in order that you may !»■ aide to form an large saving would be made by such tj*d not believe It was practicable tc J Tho bill amending the reclamation opinion as to whether I atn as well quali or purchasing the old locks at Oregon ment under tlie homestead laws. a change. City, and the operating of the same free em pt nil linn-; u n d er »B.OOfl.OOO in act permitting settlors 20 years In Having lived forty-three years in Ore fied for the position as other candidates to tlie ixsiple by the Govwrnment. The He declared that the desert land fcltallxatlon from I he inquisitorial stead of 10 in which to pay for water gon, being acquainted with tlie conditions board, as now constituted, is a useless who are seeking the office. , Government having failed to appropriate process of the Interstate trade com was reported favorably by the sénat. in every county of the district and with affair, and the state engineer's office First, in older not to try to deceive any money for that purpose, at the 1909 mission, as had been proposed, but; Irrigation committee. many of tlie people, having worked as is an expensive luxury. The plan is Delegates from every stMo and you, must sav that 1 have as many faults session I again introduced a bill continn- lumberjack, farmed the rich valley lands, to give the one board to be created that some other plan would be worked province of North America are In at iis tiie average man, and when the earn- ing tin- said appropriation of $3tx> (XX* for ran an “ armstrong” mowing machine on out. in place of the three departments au paign I egins to warm up the ot tier fellows ' another two years, contingent upon the Would Reorganize Agricultural Dept tendance at the annual convention of will tell you all about them. From first Government making a like appropriation the fertile bottoms where the timothy, thority to appoint an engineer. the supreme council, Knights of Py reA-top, clover and tide grass grow six Chairman Lever, of the house com thias, at Washington. The delegates evidence I have learn«! that I first open- ' to purchase the locks. Since that time the feqt high; having walked nearly every Fishing Rules Protested. inttteo on agriculture, has completed were welcomed by President Wilson 1 my eyes in a modest dwelling on a Government lias appropriated this sum mile of the west line of seven of our Astoria.—During the past few days the report to the house of the annual and praised by Secretary of State farm near Lawrence, iXtuglas County, j anti has taken the locks over, and navi- counties that border and stretch along the agricultural appropriation bill. It ng Bryan. Kansas, more than a half century ago. j gation on the Willamette River is now Pacific Ocean for three hundred miles, quite a number of letters have been sent by packers and fishermen to Col My father died when 1 was eight years 1 free to all. gregatea $18,1*47.000 exclusive of per o lj, and I came to Oregon will, my moth- i At the 1907 session I introduce,i a rero from Clatsop to Curry, pulled stroke oar onel McKinstry, of the United States manent appropriations, an Increase 01 T H E M ARKETS. in a fishing boat on the moonlit waters of Engineers, protesting against the pro er in 1870, and settled upon a homestead lotion to provide fir n i- ? $980,000 over last year's total. tlie mighty Columbia when the splash of posal of the department to prohibit Portland. v - i , . m | 'I' " prov i,te for the amending of tlie Many radical chunges are proposed n the ) aqmna Bay country. Two ya-ars Omstltution to allow women the right of the Silverside and Chinook was music to Wheat—Club, 87c; bluestem, 98c, in tho measure, Including reorganlza later my toother died, and 1 worked for suflrage. It passed tho, hu re the ears of three thousand fishermen; fishing within a prescribed district at *1 Russian, 86c. the mouth of the river. tlon of tho weather bureuu and prepu ranchers and far,tiers , , I w as eighteen. I «-ived only in the Se nate double reefed and scudded before a boom Hay—Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $14. go,ng to the public schools during the | However, since that time th. ration by the secretary of agriculture Butter—Creamery, 35c. , ---- J progressive ing southwester when the storm king was wintcr months. of a plan for reorganizing nnd sys voters of ()regon have voted to allow our on nnd the white caps lit the way from to entertain yon in the latest style, hut Eggs—Candled, 36c. teroatizlng the department work From 1876 to 1893, I worked in the log- mothers, wives, daughters and sisters the Sand Island to Astoria, work«! as decs you will be as welcome as the flowers in ^ ^ ’rovlslon for attention to cost ol 3eattle. ging camps, on tlie stock range and at j right, of equal suffrage, and another,stake hand and captain on steam and sailing springtime, and if f on|y have a tent on ^P lng problems is mado In several Wheat—Bluestem, 98c; club, 87o; HteamlHialing. From 1893 to 1808, was has Ix-en set along tlie line of good gov- vessels on our rivers and bays, with this tlie Capitol grounds, the latch-string will Items. For Investigating the prepara red Russinn, 86c. county clerk of Lincoln County, during eminent. ( personal knowledge of Oregon I believe be on tlie outside, and there will he no tlon for market, handling, grading Hay—Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfe, which time I studied law and was admit During tlie HXX» session I introduced a that r can lx; of some service to the state sign ‘ ‘keep off the grass.” packing, freezing, drying, storing and $14 per ton. ted to practice in 1897, since which time lull which became a law, repealing a for- and tlie people whom I seek to represent. Sincerely yours, Eggs— 370. transporting of poultry and eggs a I have been in active practice. —B. F. JoNRS, J mer act of the Legislature granting to the If 1 ain elected, come and see me. Be ing of modest means, I will not be able (Advertisement) Major Part Bond Money Paid Over AN OPEN LETTER To the Veters o f the First Congressional District t