VICTIMS OF MEXICAN BANDIT ARE BURNED L e g a l Notices NO TTC« o r C O NTEST iF o r publication.) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR I . s. Utnd Office, R.wburx. Oregon, January 12, 1914. Fifty or More Passengers and Crew Believed to Have To Ralph W. Marshall of Rock 1‘oiut. Perished in Tunnel. Ore., Conicsux*: You are heeeby muifici that Hrant Shank*, who giv<> Gold Hill, Oregon, a* Cumbre, Mexico.—Nothing but char­ hi* post-office s.liireiw. 4 N W '4 , S - c .3 I. 4 .3 4 . S R , W. and - E i, s E «<, Section 25. Town­ ship 34. 8., R tnge 2. west Willamette -Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five year Proof, to es­ tablish claim to the laud above describ­ ed, before W. H. Canon. United States Commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, on the 6th dav of March, 1914. Claimant natnes as witnesses: Wiliiam Jooee, of Beadle, Oregon, John Gregisoo, of Beagle, Oregon, Arnold Bailey, of Central Point, Ore., Esley Bailey, of Central Point, Oregon. —B. F. J on as, Register. A U T O M O B IL E <& G AS ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in th is work, as well as any detail of General Blacksm ithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c R s m it H CELILO CANAL NEARS FINISH: Big Blast Removes Last Obstruction to Flow of Water. The Dalles, Or.—About 80 per cent of the work on The Dalles-Celllo canal was completed when 10,500 pounds ot powder were exploded by the pressing of an electric button. The last ob structlon to water flowing from end to end was blown out. The completion of this important improvement will give a large portion of the Inland Empire the benefit ot water transportation. It will open to steamboat navigation the Columbia river from Priest Rapids to the sea, a distance ot about 400 miles, and dur­ ing the greater portion of the year the Snako river from Lewiston to the sea a distance of about 465 miles. T h e i Ladies in this T o w n are Sim ply Going W ild o v e r H a rm o n y H a ir B e a u tifie r. A m i n o w o nder, b e c au se teration taking only a few w ," ‘ »ill are guaranteed to please you, or your mom. kick. " These Stage Beauties Endorse Them There is no clan of women who know better how to divriminate in th, them mure beautiful than actres»«*. Among the many >«-lel.ral.-.l st K ' " U° “ y i U i r k - u i t it h Z m i lia r,.„‘my SI B lill.L B A R R \ AfORE E l/lK m t G ^ t N " " L^kl’IlF T T P T i v i n i N" Star in “A Strange Woman ’• Y ork. LOUSE DRESSER S ta r in “ P o ta a h and P t r h u u lU r , 1 h ea ter, N e w Y ork. bow tourin« the I ’ u ited ■til only at the more thar, 70C0 -»rott Stores. May Sue Rockefeller for Taxes. Cleveland, Ohio.—County Attorney Locher received Instructions from At torney General Hogan to sue John D. Rockefeller for his personal taxes The Cuyahoga county authorities had estimated approximately $12,000,000 was due them. AMERICAN-JAPANESE RELATIONS IMPROVED i H IL L . O R E u n u a i rAlLb IN LUNhtbSIUN ‘W hy Did You M urder Me? W ith o u t Result. Is Asked, Los Angeles.—The "third degree," rith a "ghost,” as the central figure, was applied by arresting officers in an attempt to obtain from John H. Grondin, a young druggist, a confes­ sion to the murder of his wife, Zella, according to a statement made public by his attorneys. Grandin's attorneys declared that shortly after he was arrested he wag taken by detectives Into a darkened room, where a “ghost" soon appeared and demanded In gloomy tones: “Why did you murder me?" His attorneys said they considered such methods outrageous, but at the sara^ time positive proof of their cli­ ent's innocence, as the shadowy form and the dismal question alike failed to move him or to obtain from him the slightest admission of guilt. Washington.—Notable improvement in the relations between the United States and.Japan is believed to have resulted from the events in the house of representatives last week connect­ ed with the passage of the Burnett im­ migration bill Reports from Toklo W. P. CHISHOLM , M. D. are to the effect that a profound im GENERAL PRACTITIONER pression was caused in the Japanese capital, not only by the refusal of the G old H ill , O regon . house to include in the bill the pro­ posed prohibition against the entry of A. E. KELLOGG Japanese into the United S ûtes, but even more by the non-partisan appeal NOTARY PUBLIC of Representative Mann. Phone 86 Main The Japanese statesmen are declar GOLD HILL, OREGON ed to have been much pleased, by the house’s reception of the appeal for fair A. E. KELLOGG treatment of aliens and for abstention from legislative Interference with the GOLD H ILL, OREGON executive department in its efforts to Citrus Crop is Bumper. Em balm er and Funeral arrive at a settlement of the open Is­ Chicago.—After three years of dis-, sue between the two countries. D irector appointments, Pacific Coast citrus fruitgrowers this year have produced j Complete line of burial robes, Banker’s Shortage ia Now Million caskets, etc. a bumper crop, according to a state­ Memphis, Tenn.—With the discov- ment made here, by E. O. McCormick, j FU N E R A L CAR ery that of $527,867 listed as actual vice president of the Southern Pacific Office Phone : Home, 9—M ; Residence cash on hand when tbs bank closed railroad. This year's crop of oranges ' Rear Admiral Frank F. Fletcher, Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main Its doors, $410,000 was represented by alone, according to Mr. McCormick, who ia In command of the American personal checks of the president, C. will be sufficient to provide at least , warships off the coast of Mexico. Hunter Ralne, now Imprisoned, charg 16 oranges for every person In the j DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E ed with embexzlement, the amount of United States. Convict Camp Abandoned. the apparent discrepancy In the ac DENTIST Medford.—Owing to the daily In­ counts of the Mercantile Bank advanc­ flux of unemployed and the threatened OAS ADM r.VISTKRKD ed to more than $1,000,000. The exact approach of the “Idle army,” resident UNKINDNE3S. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD amount will not be known until the Highway Engineer Kittredge has an­ As “hnkindness has no remedy audit Is completed. nounced the abandonment of the pro­ at law," let Its avoidance be OVER a s YEARS’ posed convict camp in the Sisklyous with you a point of honor.—Ho­ C X S is ir a r r Y. M. C. A. Meeting May be Repeated. for work on the Pacific Highway, and sea Ballou. Vancouver, Waah.—The Tri-Stat* declares that the preliminary excava­ convention of Young Men’s Christian Unkind language is sure to tion will be done by local and tran­ assoctiUlons of Washington, Idaho and produce the fruits of unkind- sient labor. nee»—that is, suffering in the Oregon, which met here, was so lij. bosom of others.—Bentham. structlve, harmonious and enthusiad j In view of the protests by north- T rabc M arks tlc that there is every possibility that D e sig n * western apple growers and shippers Unklndness may do much. a Tri-State convention will be held CO R V W IG H TS AC. A n r o n * • • e d l n » a ik a tc h an d d w ertp ti-m m a , against the McKellar cold storage bill And his unklndness may defeat again next year. w ile * r a a e a r u in o a r o p in io n f r a , w h eth e r an my life. Congressman McKellar Informed Rep­ In v e n tio n ! • p ro b a b ly p a te n ta b le . C om m unlca- HANDBOOK on P a ten t« But never taint a y love. e e n t fr e e . O ldest a g e n c y fo r ■ •cu rin g p a te n t« . resentative Slnnott that hls bill waa P a te n t« ta k e n th r o u g h M unn A Co. r e c e iv e Trial Cost la $250,000. —Shakespeare. •p acu t notte«, w ith o u t ch a ry « . In Che not Intended to apply to fruit San Francisco.—The cost of the Western Fuel Company conspiracy In nature there’s no blemish but Bridge Bill It Signed. A h a n d so m e ly t West r a te d w e e k ly . L e r r e e t «tr. trial in the United States District the mind'. cu I at I on o f a n y e e le u llflc Journal. T e r m s, M a Washington.—President Wilson has None can be call'd' deform’d bet Court here was estimated to have signed the bill authorising construc­ the unkind. reached a total of $260,000. tion of the Portland-Vancouver bridge —Shakes pear* across the Columbia river. Professional Cards P atents Scientific American. unuu's n^’L a W EGO REAR-ADMIRAL FLETCHER F r id a y Q, S a tu r d a y “Sheridan’s Ride” A m arvelous historical fea tu re , film in 3 reels, of L ittle Phil, th e hero of W in ch ester—introducing fea tu re s of our late Civil W ar, from th e fall of S u m p ter to th e m eeting of L in­ coln and Sheridan a t W a sh in g to n -a ls o th e fam ous ride and th e b a ttle field from s ta r t to finish. E very person should see this fe a tu re —from th e toddling youth to th e g rey -h aired veteran. tt Rattle Snake and Gun Pow der” “T he Ranch T en o r” One Reel of C om edy—a laugh fro m s ta r t to finish C om ing next» M onday—1 nite on ly “ The 1913 California R o d e o ” Matinee—Saturday • F o r th e benefit of th e Ladies and children TWO SHOW S - F IR ST 2:00 P.M. - SECOND 3:00 P.M. W E CHANGE program every M onday, W ednesday and F riday. 3 Reels each show. E very evening ex cepting Sunday. T w o Show s F irs t show begins a t 7:30 o’clock, second 8:30, th re e films A dm ission - - 10 cento