ö7> IIF l' EVERY SATl'KPAY AT <¡«‘1.P i l l i .I.i JACKStTN 0>VNTY ley. held at Salem, the 1UU growers present voted to effect a permanent OREGON, RY the Vagrant organisation for the purpose of «level B e n H . L a m p tn a n T* bt*«l and crippled «ml »<|iiat I k oping the loganberry market and ad Em -red at th - Gold llill |»wiorti«v (or tntii»iui*si.>n ilirough the inaila aa »lonclx'd by the maw of Uh' loud aaluon. vancing the Interests of the growers aecond-ctam mai u r boistcrotM drifted lh<< tie.my brawl oat In every way possible. Representative Slnnott’s bill to au (briMhc cleaner night, charity thing SATURDAY, FE R 14,1914 curtain of rioml ovi-r the reeling moon, thorite the secretary of war to detail but the »ingle light at the corner burned »wo army engineers to work with en SUBSCRIPTION Si.50 PE R ANNUM IN AD VANCE —high and yellow and bright Aa cal glneera of Oregon and Washington ciiini playa a beneath the load of a twist«»! back. President, in a recent epistle to a Southern friend and political And ever lie inooch«*— it was paid to an Oregon farmer for a deal with, have cleared away many a difficulty and have given dia-sn’l matter at all what tliey are, or 13-year-old seedling which grew In a ; to the policy of the state department a definiteness and dignity which of the bunch he took—there ia fence oorner on his farm. The worth that are very admirable. I need not say what pleasure and pro­ profit in each for the guys who ret the of the tree to the purchaser lay In th«> fact that It yields ripe apples every fit I myself have taken from close association with Mr. Bryan or nets and spn-ad the lute—and a doctor month from May to November, ths might have road from that vag aa we how thoroughly he has seemed to all of us who are associated fruit being rich In quality and prodl would road from a book. A r with him here to deserve not only our confidence but our affect- gious in quantity. Overdrafts might have ycariuxi for a chance to tionate consideration.” stretch him onton a alab, and whittle a- Coming upon the heels of Wilson’s declaration that he will way (or a time to prove hia claim.» on the in no case resubmit his candidacy after the expiration of the worn-out tieah—ami road you out of ten­ Makes Old People don and bone, marrow and mrade and present term, his tribute to Bryan, as a friend and statesman, is llab, the tale of the trap that caught the Strong and Well pregnant with significance. It is almost a prophecy of the cer­ chap aa a carp ia caught in the meeh. tain attitude of the rejuvenated Democracy in 1916. It is an The system he played waa sure, all We want t«> get the news to all old peo­ right; there was little it left to do—save ple about Rexall Olive Oil F«iol»i..n, a endorsement of Secretary Bryan to the highest g ift of the people, to pick him up at tlie proper time and remarkable new food-medicine which we in every essential sense. wonder about his name, anil hustle him (irmly believe is the I »-»l n-iueity ever made Both Wilson and Bryan are making history of a character off to the county plot and cover him up to ovarm ue the weakening, debilitating a (ew—all that was left of th<> guy who compatible with the best traditions of the nation and the sound­ played and lost the game. [bx'tors ol effects of increasing «.Id age. It lielp» t,. re­ build wasted t i s s u e s , strengthen the est pledges of their party. In both instances are they revers­ course are right enough, and pn-ad»'r» nerves, and give new energy and a lively ing the criticism of the gentry who termed them “visionary” have their pla -e—what fool would hail a («•eling to tlie body. It contains no aleo- that drifts away in the fog?—hut hoi or dangerous drug. Il may not make and “impractical”. Never was the future more largely concern­ derelict I’d give a quarter to free myself from the you feel Iwtter lor a lew days, but if you ed \fith Bryan, as the logical successor to a national policy of sneer on the twisted face ol the vag that do not (eel much hetter and stronger be­ clean progress, than at the present m om ent Scoffed at as a answered the query with— “ In youth I fore you have taken a quarter as much as you have of other medicitiA that have theorist, derided as a dreamer of dreams, he is demonstrating was a gay dog!” not helped you, we will gladly give back himself to be an executive of remarkable ability, and is exper- your money. iencing the satisfaction of watching his dreams bear fruit in Rexall Olive Oil F.ntul»i«in contain» BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON pure Olive Oil and the Hypophosphite» concrete, beneficial legislation. The old chestnut regarding his which, though they have long l»«-n en­ unfitness for a post of authority may never be cracked again— dorsed by amvessful physicians, are lien' The Oregon Irrigation Congress w ill at least to sympathetic listeners among the people. Bryan is not for tlie first time combined. Tlie result is meet in Portland for Its third annual finding himself—but the people are finding Bryan. He is the session, Friday and Saturday. a real hody, nerve and blood-building food-medicine that we believe is superior logical successor of the present President The First National Bank of M errill to anything else in overcoming debility, The chorus of asinine guffaws that will arise to insult the has applied for membership In the weakness and liability to direare, and to new banking system. lone and strengthen the mrves ami en­ skies when his candidacy is again announced, shall sink to W. S. U'Ren of Oregon City has for­ rich the blood. You who are weak ami thin whine when his worth comes to the polls for ratification. mally announced himself as an inde­ run-down—you who are often troubled by The census of his enemies in either of the parties, would un­ pendent candidate for governor of Or­ various cold weather ailments, use Rexall questionably reveal every reactionary, every heeler of Big egon. Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep well illiam Hanley, of Burns, w ill be ahd strong. It is a sensible, pleasant-tast- Business, every wart-toad of perjured politics, that the pecul­ an W independent candidate for United ing aid to renewed strength, lietter spirits iarities of American politics and the creed of dollar dominance States senator from Oregon at the glowing health. If it doesn't help you, permit to remain temporarily in positions o f prominence. The general election next November. come ami tell us and we will give back last laugh will be with the common folks of the field and fact­ Floyd Bilyeu, chairman of the state your money without a word. Tliat is how game and fish commission, states that much faith we have in it. Sold only at ory. the department will save about »8000 a year as a result of moving Its of flees to Salem. c o m in g : the C a l if o r n ia A ll S t a r •J u b i l e e Q u a r t e t G O L D H IL L O P E R A H O U S E W E D N E S D A Y E V E N IN G F e b . 18 th J U B IL E E S O N G S , P L A N T A ­ T IO N M E L O D IE S , E T C . A D M IS S IO N 2 5 c AND ÔOc A u s p i c e « o f L a b i é s ’ A id T. T. Geer, ex-governor of Oregon, Is considering seriously becoming a can dldate for the republican nomination for governor at the coming primary election. Senator Chamberlain’s joint resolu­ tion to continue the provisions regard ing the marking of the graves of Con­ federate soldiers and sailors was re­ ported favorably to the senate. Mrs. Joseph Ni.sbaum gave birth at the Salem hospital to a baby January 26, making the fourth baby of the fam ily born on that date in as many gen erations. The federal grand Jury will, It Is said, investigate the business transae tions of T. II. Sheldon, former presi dent of the First National bank of Roseburg. i The "dry" petition, bearing names of 262 voters, h im presented to th city council at Klamath Falls, asking the question of « Prohibition to be placed on the balhjtJ Tw o hundro«! and, fourteen native Alaskan school childten at the 8alen> Indian school- have -felegraphed Sen­ ator Chamberlain thei- thanks forget ting the Alaska rallrfed ball passed. The North Pacific F ir & Lumber company, which Is instilling a big mill at Banks, will put in anelectrlc powet and lighting plant for by the in habitants of ths village Governor West Is considering ac cepting an invitation ol the National Civic Federation to spe% on "Prison Reform" at a meeting 1» be held In New York city March 6. The O.-W. R. ft N. C< jH ahowing moving pictures at La Vande, In a campaign of education {, ghow how accident» may be avoldlj an(j urg|ng people to keep the laws f the country the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. »1.00. —M. D. Bowers Gold Hill, Oregon. BATHS::: Hot and Cold-Clean Tub A P a tr io tic C r e e d in- l.ll-AF in our I'oiiulry The l'iiii**d Slat«-» of Amer ▼ ▼ lea. We la lieve In her Oonstilitllon, her la»». In i in­ stitutions, and tin« principle» for which she stands. Wo lielleve In her imine— (lie past is at, ib.-ir vi-uhi», their ▼ > brain, ami Ibclr brawn. We believe in lb. ir h o m e ly , their integrity ami .lepeudability, We believe I hat nuthlng «an »land in the way of their euinmereial uilvainemciit and prns|«*ritv. '' Iri’.l.lFA I that wbat^iro tvnuisl “ tlun » of hu»im-»s «1«— ▼ ▼ preasion’’ are hilt period-of preparation for greater and more pronounced coniinerelal sm'iessra, \ ’l> III BELIEVE that in our country are haing worked out great problems, the eolation ol which will be for the- benefit of all mankind. a THE GOLD HILL BANK D. H. M I L L B R — ----------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ---------------- Hardware Stove» Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware Ganleti Tool» Haying ami Heading Tools Builder»’ Materials ami Tools Routing Building Paper Painu Oita Varnislies liruahtei tìlas» Crockerywaiv I-arge Assortment of Qneensware As fine a line ami asporttnent of F is h in g T a c K le «« there Is In Ihc county Cattaraugus Cut ley Guns Ammunition Pick» «huveta Miners’ Supplie» Powder, Fus«, sud Cape Ita».' Ralls ami .»lilts, amt Bats. My Stock ie complete in every line and my prim e an. right R e m e m b e r » K e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d i ie D. H. M I L L E R ’S “G o o d Q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ” I r o n by E l e c t r i c i t y Late Model .Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now $ 2 .5 0 We will send you one on trial CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. RARBERING:; Particular attention to all II /^ = ERANK TURNER Agency Medford Domestic laundry First door Fast of 'Phone office HOTEATTSJFORCOLDDAYS Hot Chili Hot Coffee Hot Tamales, Saturdays Hot Drinks Hot Lunches Served at all times B u n t e ’» C h o c o la t e s • T o b a c c o s , E tc . Spend a pleas­ ant evening a t A T T U R N E R ’S Gold Mill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade The BoN- ToN All Get t>he Best