he Gold Hill (»rautaa! N u lu r u l Raaouraaa o f Sout b a rn O regon u On b a a u tifu l R ugua R iv a t — .... . líill -----— --------------------------~ _ 2 , Jackson Co. O n a C o m m u n ity o f O p p tir- tu n ity --R o g u a R iv a r VaJ/ay, w h ara th a ap p la g a in a d fum a o A iu iu 7 A it r p o n u n n i j^O 41 PRESIDENT WOULD REVERSE CANALTOLL POLICY a « PA V1NG TO COMMENCE A T ONCE ON HIGHWA Y Senators Will Delay Vote on Equal Suffrage Amendment Lincolnisms * Medford - Central Point Road Fir f t on Program tf«.d lt; ► / ( l e i t l nlsqi eeJJHo In ld -n H .wvftrj dl ». DR. HOWARD A. KELLEY -i'.tu u /. 1 , , ' , ' ‘ G eneral pancho villa W ith m a lic e lo w ttrtl hone, w ith c h a r ity fo r a lL w ith firm ness in thé H it h i, a t . C o d gives us to see the r ig h t. ” « g S econd In a u g u r a l A d d rc — Money Order Ser­ vice is Enlarged; More Ships Work on paving the Central Point- MwHool mail will l».(fin within tin. nest I W a s h in g to n -W ith their minds pre- few .lay« end In.......inpieteil within sixty “ L e t us have f a it h th a t r ig h t m ake» m ig h t, a n d e'«cupled with Immigration problems, ■lay« ft.«« time beginning. The pave­ trust legislation, treaty obligations and ment will la. inur inches of reinloneed in th a t f a it h le t us, to the end, d a re to do o u r d u ty eononl*- w ith granitoid surfaci', rixtaen President Wilson's determination for ae w e u n d e rs ta n d i t . ” tset in width. The work will I n . done by reversal of p?Ucy on the Panama tolls . ■ A d d r c , F e b ru a ry 2 1 , 1 8 5 9 the county under 2600 pocket from last summer. I -------------------- — — M issio n F u r n itu r e M a k e r R e tu rn s F ro m V a c a tio n J. N. Foiintiiin rclurncil on Friday from racoma, Washington, when, he has Ixs n visiting with rtlttlvcs. Mrs. Fountain will remain for another month befor re- turning to this city. him. Green was notdti for his prowess ai a buckaroo, and was a star performs) F r id a y the T h irte e n th is at the Pendleton Round-Up last year N o H o od o o , P a re n ts In s ist He le survived by a wife and a chilt about one year old. w ith E.isala. Tc Prison Iror Fourth Tims. Pendleton.— F, mr times a convict is the re ord held by Bert Plxler. found That Friday the 13th may be anything guilty in the c t r ult court of the theft Ime for which but an unlucky day is attested by the of four cattle. The Highway 8takee Are Set. birth of a ten [>ound boy to Mr. and Mrs. he has lust bet *n foun rullty was com Central Point.— The surveyors era A. E.Kellogg, at their home in this city mltted within 10 days after he return­ ployed by the county In connectlot late last, evening. Nor does tlie good ed from the s| ale prison. H e was ten with the Pacific highway, and undei omen rest at tliis—in addition to the tenced to sen e 10 . ears. the direction of the state engineer mystic date, tlie lusty young gentleman are here setting grade stakes betweer Cooper stive Store Bum s. arrived upon his mother's birthday. this city and Medford. This Is the tnl Redmond.-/ -Fire swept the plant of tial move In the actual developmen More than a hundred members of the Farmers 1 ooperative Warehouse of the highway here. The surveyor! company he» e, doing damage estlmat- the house are listed for speeches on after they have finished work in thli ed to he Is excesa of »12.000. Insur- the Shackelford good roade bill. The locality will move to the Slsklyo» ance will co -er about »8000 ot this bill proposes a maximum of »26,000,- mountains, south of Ashland. loss, but vaj liable contents of the 000 in appropriations, allotments to structure wa •e unprotected. be based on equal local appropriations. National Capital Brevities. The senate passed the agricultural extension bill. It provides for govern­ ment aid to state college experiment stations. A threatened losa of »200,000,000 in hogs during the present year from hog cholera ted the senate to agree unan­ imously to a bill appropriating »500,- 000 for the department of agriculture to fight the disease. That secretary of State Bryan Is seeking the Tokio government's con­ sent to a Japanese exclusion act simi­ lar to the Chinese exclusion law was stated on high authority. Hearings on the M cKellar cold stor­ age hill have been Indefinitely post­ poned. Strong objections were made t o jt by fruit men and salmon packers. vision for two dreadnoughts are satis­ fied that the necessary appropriation w ill go through both houses without difficulty. Pow er Plan Is Offered. A comprehensive plan for the de­ velopment of water power on public land, under government regulation, was embodied in a MU Introduced by Senator Jones, of Washington. It would provide that permits for occu­ pying power sites should be issued only to states, municipalities and pub­ lic service corporation which are sub­ ject to regulation and control by such governmental agencies as public serv­ ice commissions. W here the develop­ ment is Interstate the bill would pro­ vide that the federal government shall have supervision as to rates.