L e g a l Notices 1.500.000 ATTEND SERVICES 41 LIVtii LUSI WHEN | NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL C A P I T A L I ~ RAMMED LINER SINKS NOTICE OE CONTEST Chicago.—N early l.Rrto.ooo men and ( For publication.) , I wo,n" n * » « • * than th ree fifths of the DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTERIOR senate Invites Suggestions Re- »n,lr« population or th s city -S unday Atlantic Steamer Goes to Bot­ U. is. la n d Office, Roseburg, Oregon, -- - - - - took active p art in th e g reatest rellgb January 12, 1014. girding the Regulation tom In Ten Minutes After ous dem onstration In the history of To Ralph W. Maraliall of Rock H unt, Chicago. of Trust». One., Oontestee: Struck by Nantucket. T h s "go to church Sunday" cam You are hereby notified th a t Grant Shanks, who gin-* Gold HiU, Oregon, a* W ashington.—W inding np a week of palgn drew reg u lar churchgoers, occa Norfolk, Va.— The atory of how 43 hi* post -ottiiv a d d le « , did on Jan u ary S, consideration of the ad m in istratio n 's atonal churchgoers and never church persons w ent down to death In the 1914, die in this office hi* duly corrobor- goers to church In such num bers that ataxl application to conn-stand secure the an ti-tru st legislative program m e, m em ­ chill w aters of the A tlantic when the cancellation of jo u r Hom,-stead E ntry bers of com m ittees of th s bouse and the capacity of every place of worship liner N antucket ram m ed and sank the ovary denom ination was reached at No. 06790, Serial No. ik>79t> made Nov­ sen ate predicted th a t th e bills sug­ steam er Monroe, wee brought to port em ber 21,1910, for Sf of SWtg of Section both m orning and evening services It J i ’fnan 't T c '.u r t " « .'^ O u t fa ¿ " f a a m 7 ™ r"‘“ ,H,ul‘5y’ “nJ “lak® gested In P resid en t W ilson's m essage by th e »9 survivors of th e sunken 8. Township 36 S, Range 3 W, W ilamette 11 WM » trium ph of co-operative through it all 1 1 1 from exjx»rt« who have lx>cn would be ready for congress before ship, who w ere rescued and brought Meridian, and a* ground* for hi* contest work on th e p art of churches, public rnce 8 c h o o f a * i f l e ^ ' ‘"i h i / i J 'x i > t C « 'i" Correspond- tie alleges that said Ralph W. Marshall M arch 1. to shore by th e N antucket. Iocs not now reside upon said aniiva, land. ■ -- of practical les»u,s. re i.retu u in o the l . f . r K’k but “ ( our“ I •• tlx- twin — • waws«« H earings before luw th e savsvatac house JUUIIIMIJ Judiciary and new spapers. It was a trium ph it was a story of awful sa d sudden nor has he been upon same at any time and in te rsta te com m ittees. It w as an which, according to th e statem en ts of death, sw eeping out of the dark and cessful p o ultry raiser» in the ¿ . “ id f k*"g •»pertonco of the m ost s u e d o r m » t the h .. n a s i two l u „ years, re a m ... I ..rr o , w ar au during past and h he . . r has men who took p art In the campaign, r a l s h ii S f ’ V’ rylh'n' n o t placed improvement* upon, or culti­ nounced, would be prolonged and the will m ake Itself fell In Chicago church fog and taking unaw ares the doomed vated ot cleans! any of same at any lime, sen ate In te rsta te com m erce com m it­ half hundred w ith the heaviness of and poultn work for many years. o r cau-red im provements or cultiv ai n to tee. w ith th e approval of th e p resident, sleep still on them . It told how the filial incut lie done thereon. will receive suggestlona by m all from enemies of poultry; f 0“ ' ^ •PP11*nc" ; stricken Monroe, with her side gored You are. therefore, fm ther notified that m ea of affaira In terested In th e sub­ s: etc. . u ‘ 7 b **’ and «"«nagement; Jeep by the knlfe-llke steel prow of the said allegation* will be taken as cun- I C * f a ^ s ^ d ^ «- .the fact th a t th .* th e N antucket, filled rapidly, rolled femrd. and your said entry will K can­ ject Instead of conducting form al h e a r­ celed without further right In he heard, ings celebrated Rancocaa Farm , a t llm w n 'i Mdi‘. trty i t " ’1« .'" tb?, * o rld — the over on h er side, and In a few m in­ either before this ortice or on appeal, if B etides giving th e trad e com m ission for it» tine kaiiK K as Leghorns uud DA Y - O L I ) 'c in v '" * 1*'« N 1 /" ,a ," wu* utes turned over and plunged to the you fail to file in this office within twenty au th o rity to reg u late th e alie of co r­ eggs are m arketed every week D LD -t H IX , and where 30.0tXl bottom, carry in g with her the pas «lays after the FOURTH publication of th e ^ / o V o f R s ^ Z l - ^ ^ r ^ dO,U” pre»w rin« *bto C.n,i porations, S en ato r Cum m ins has pro­ this notice, a* shown below, your answer, Mexico City.—Jo se Requena. one of eengers and men lore of th e crew posed am endm ents which would also under oath, specifically responding to ho had failed to get c le a r of the th a t you can m aster and apply in the w ealth iest M exicans and form er the« allegation* of coateet, together with em pow er It to d eterm in e w h eth er any fh» r °.WU ll' ,,ne. w hether you live in wreck. due proof th at you have served a copy of person o r corporation la violating th e ch airm an of th e Felix Diaz party, was the city, suburbs, o r country, and • lalernslioasl Csrrespoodeacs Scheels W hen th e oraeh cam e thoee aboard arre ste d a t his m ansion here and sent your answer on the said contestant eiU tier th a t equips you to handle a few hens • law w ith resp ect to sales below actual I l o » « M . g, r a n l.iii. P». in person or by registered mail. the Monroe w ere In bed and usleep. to prison charged with being In a plot ixiultry farm. \ ou should state in your answer the cost fo r th e purpose of Inflicting in­ to rem ove G eneral H uerta. This (.otirsr will help you ju s t ns the Only C aptain Johnson and the crew 2 i -• *• «•••‘•«.Ls » . nam e of the post office to which you de­ ju ry upon a com petitor, and w hether m any other I C K Courees have T 1 be d ictato r Is now discovering on deck w ere up. But the shriveling • r»«iu» « .i.i., c.«.... sire future notices to be sent to you. iiT ’Tl? thousands of meti and women any corporation Is violating th e law dally alleged plots to overthrow his of the stricken vessel and h er listing tn other walks of life. —B. F. J o n s , Register with resp ect to th e am ount of Its capi­ A"«, Tl‘e attach ed coupon will bring Date- of first publication Ja n 17, 1914 talization as com pared w ith th e value governm ent and assassin ate him and motion, as th e w ater poured through v m des. ru.tive circular of this great a rre s ts a re common. Ou pretext that the gash tn h er side, aw akened the second nd ” ” 24 of Its property. lo u ltr y Kaising Course. FW it In third S«. CTAb., they a re plotting ag ain st H uerta, many sleeping passengers and sent them 31, and mail it today. fourth Feb. Monopoly of W ires Urged. rich and pow erful M exlcaus have been olarabertng tow ard the deck. W arned Ob.____ by the officers, they hurriedly adjust- VMM G overnm ent m onopolisation of tele­ throw n Into Jail. NOTICE FOR PU B L IC A TIO N ed life preeervers an d made for the Pedro Del Vlllar, an o th er rich man, graph, telephones and w ireless com DEPARTM ENT OF T H E IN T ER IO R m unication, "and such o th e r m eans of was arre ste d soon a fte r Requena was tilted deck. T he tim e w as too brief. L - 8. la n d Office a t Roseburg, O re., transm ission of intelligence as may taken into custody. P lotting was Those rescued agreed th at from the Jan u ary 13, 1914. h e re a fte r develop." Is recom m ended charged ag ain st him. It was not ex tim e the M onroe wa* struok until »h. N o t ic e is hereby given th a t Louis C. plained w h eth er Del V lllar w as con settled beneath the wuvne not more R ain ey , oi B eage, Oregon, who, on in a report subm itted to the sen ate nected w ith R equena o r w orking in than 10 m inute* elapsed. August 12, 1909, m ade Homsstead E ntrv by Postm aster-G eneral Burleson. Serial, No. 02317, tor S W ‘. S W t.- Im m ediate governm ent ow nership of dependently. 30. N W>4 X Wt4 , Sec. 31. f . 34. S R 1 telephone lines is recom m ended, with On th e dem and of S ecretary of S tate DEMOCRATS FIGHT MURPHY W. an 1 s e U S E Jtf. Section 25. Town- Bryan, th e H u erta governm ent releas­ *hip 34. 8.. R m ge 2. w ell W illam ette a system of license for the o th er ag en ­ National Club By R esolution Readi M eridian, has filed notice of in teution cies of com m unication, estab lish in g a ed from prison Sam uel Cantu, an T am m any Boss Out. to m ake Final Five year Proof, to es­ governm ent monopoly even w here A m erican, who had been sentenced to New York.— D isorder ended a meet be shot an a spy. tablish claim to th e laud above d escrib ­ th ere is not actu al ow nership. ed, before W. H. Canon, U nited S tates ing of th e national dem ocratic club The rep o rt recom m ends im m ediate Com m issioner, at Medford, Oregon, on a fter a resolution dem anding that Woman K eeps Long Vigil By Body. the 6th dav of M arch, 1914. acquisition by p u rch ase a t appraised Ixis A ngeles —W ithout having made C harles F. M urphy be retired from the value of th e "com m ercial telephone C laim ant names as w itnesses: coanected statem en t of any kind. Miss leadership of Tam ninny Hall had been W illiam Jones, of Beagle, Oregon, netw ork," except th e farm er lines. N an ette W arren, who w as found In declared adopted on an aye and nay Jo h n Gregison, of Beagle, Oregon, Arnold Bailey, oi C entral Point, Ore , W aiting T reaties Ready fo r Action. h er ap artm en t a fte r keeping a lone vote. Esley Bailey, of C entral Point, Oregon. W hen the chairm an announced the R esponding to P resid en t W ilson's vigil of 20 day s over th e body of her —B. F. J o s e s , appeal, m ade a t th e w hite house con­ sister. Miss Mary W arren, was placed result of the vote. M urphy partisan s 37-42 R egister. ference last week, th e sen ate com m it­ in th e Insane w ard of th e county hos I and those favoring his retirem ent tee on foreign relatio n s ordered a fa­ pital. It w as learned th a t she was started a dem onstration. F ists were vorable rep o rt on a larg e n um ber of th e d au g h ter of a fo rm er pioneer busl shaken freely, th re a ts w ere m ade and arb itra tio n tre a tie s betw een th e U n it­ ness man and m an u factu rer of Toledo, kard name« used. It was 10 m inutes ed S tates and th e leading cou n tries O., and thHt she w as helrees to a fo r­ before a sem blance of o rd er w as re ­ stored. tune of $500,009. of th e world. Lex 2-Reel D ram a—A Labor va. C apital P icture Friends of M urphy a s s e rt the reso- j T he far-reaching c h a ra c te r of this lutloc had been carried by an Illegal group of tre a tie s is show n by the long •ALFALFA W EEIC DATE SET vote, and they will lay th s m a tte r In ♦ » list of first-rate pow ers with which LJAJSpeciaiist in this] u - o r k ^ th ey a re m ade, including m ost of the Mr. C hurchill A rranges For Schools th e form of a protest before the board . “N estor”—Indian Lovo S tory To C elebrate. of governors of the organization. g reat pow ers of Europe, South A m eri­ a sjw e ll asS an y Jd etail ; o f ' ca Salem .— B elieving alfalfa-grow ing of | and th e orient. | [General Blacksm ithing, etc. A side from th e im p o rtan ce of th ese so m uch Im portance, no t only to th e : ____ “ N estor”—Comedy Scream tre a tie s in th e cause of a rb itra tio n llvAitock In terests of th e country, but som e of them have a la rg e r signifi­ also In Its relatitÿi to th e m ainten­ cance in affecting th e political and in­ ance and upbuilding of soli fertility, d u strial relatio n s betw een th e U nited the en tire second wéek of M arch has B la c k s m ith been d esignated by S tate S uperintend­ S lates and o th er countries. our patrons valuable Coupons to exchange fo r th e celebrated en t of Public In stru ctio n C hurchill as Pekin.—A bill prescribing the w or­ Factory W omen Plead to Wilson. "alfalfa w eek." Every school in Ore­ ship of heaven und of C onfucius by W omen w orkers who toil In th e gon, including the one-room country the president of the C hinese republic mills, sw eatshops and th e factories schools, th e g rad es and high schools was passed by the ad m in istrativ e I Tablew are of the “G reylock” p a tte rn , fully guarantee,!, and of th e n atio n pleaded w ith P resid en t of th e cities, will be asked to observe council, which took the place of the w arran ted fo r 10 years. N or lottery draw ings; keep your W ilson M onday for his assistan ce to W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. th e w eeks through placing special em ­ Chinese parliam ent, recently dissolved th e cause of w om an suffrage. T he phasis in th e language w ork on th e coupons and exchange them fo r S ilv e rw a re -n o w exhibited by P resident Yuan Shi Kai. The GENERAL PRACTITIONER presid en t reg retfu lly told them , as he subject of alfalfa-grow ing. in Bowers show windows. m easure was subm itted to the council did a delegation la s t Decem ber, th a t G old H ill , O regon . B ulletins of th e O regon A gricultural by Yuan Shi Knl himself. he could not urge an y th in g on con­ College and of th e H olden Im prove­ It Is understood th a t th e president's g ress w hich had n o t received th e o r­ m ent com m ittee, which give valuable idea is to set an exam ple to the C hi­ A. E. KELLOGG ganic consideration of the dem ocratic Bow ers’ Pharm acy inform ation ab o u t the grow ing of a l­ nese nation, w hich he thinks needs party. NOTARY PUBLIC falfa, will be d istrib u ted am ong the the moral Influence of religion. P erso n s close to th e p resid en t say schools. P hone 38 Main Ä l cN ig h t T he question of the introduction of he believes it is a problem for th e GOLD H IL L , OREGON S u p erin ten d en t Churchill announces a s ta te religion has created consider­ s ta te s to decide, although th ere is re a ­ th a t boys' and girls' ind u strial clubs able controversy in China, th e Chris­ son to believe he n ev er h as m ade up a re being organized thro u ghout the tian m issionaries of all sects opposing A. E. KELLOGG adm ittan ce tick et to the Wego. beginning J a n u a ry S his m ind definitely on th e m erits of state, th e w ork to include poultry­ such a step. T he constitution adopted th e question. H e does n o t feel it in ­ GOLD H IL L . OREGON raising, sew ing, pig-feeding, garden­ by the C hinese parliam ent m ade i cum bent upon him , how ever, to tak e ing, dairy reco rd s and m anual arts. provision for any s ta te religion. E m balm er and F uneral a stan d on it until th e dem ocratic It is planned to add alfalfa-grow ing p a rty h as fully considered It. D irector n ext year. Complete line of burial robee, W ith assurance th a t the place will N ational C apital B revities. program every M onday, W ednesday and F riday 'I R ^ l . casketB, etc. be accepted, P resid en t W ilson sent A to tal of $305,000,000 is provided each show. Every evening e x e e p to g Sunday to th e senate the form al nom ination for in th e record-breaking postoffice FU N ER A L CAR of Colonel G oethals to be governor of A.Iict* Phone .* Home, 9—AI j Residence ap propriation bill passed by the house. the canal zone. Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 4fi-Main T he house passed th e ann u al fortifi­ HUERTA JAILS MANY WEALTHY MEXICANS R.H. Bullock, Box 5 2 1 , Medford O /7C W EGO — Special — S u n d a y Nite A U T O M O B IL E GAS ENGINE .REPAIRING 4‘The Wall o f Money For th e Peace of Bear Valley “The Girl Ranchers” MANCHUS7 RELIGION ADOPTED BY CHINESE CHARLES KELL W E A R E G IV IN G ROGERS’ “ 1881” SILVERWARE Professional Cards The Store W E CHANGE DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E DENTIST GAS AUMISISTERED RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD OVER 6 5 YEARS F- r x p r p i r h i r r P atents T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights Ac. Anyone senitlng a iketr-li and description mav q n le k lr n .r e r ta iii Otir opink.n fr e e wl.eil.er îi . In v e n tio n a p r o b a b le p a te n ta b le . C om m uninC iL?rî*."_'_r2c,JZ