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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1914)
b fte G o l d H ill N e w s t Set «wed A Ilian urvd Dalle» will be ready tor the next »<<« ■Ion of the Oregon legislature, accord B. M. t . Ing to State Engineer Lewis A proj Pt BUSH 1.1» EVERY SATURDAY AT CHILD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, ect engineer will be selected. Th« kn igh t and the Peasant = = OREGON, BY = = = = = Representative Hawley has Intro B en H. L am pm an dneed a bill authorising the use el i. the revenues of Crater Lake National Good moth, halccd, tlu> morn waaamtwd, park In defraying the coat of the park Enteriti at tlie Geld Hill pnehiMk» (or trausniissiiiu through tla* mails as The valley warm and pleasant, management and for Improving road« M't'ondt'fab«, matter When they two met upon the mead— and trails within the park Sir Prosper and the Ifeasant! Corporation Commissioner Wataon SATURDAY, FEK 7, 1914 ha» cancelled the permits to do bust 11. nea» in thia »tate of the Inveator» bight—a fear-tome knight SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Sir At Prosper Building A Trust company and the sortie, si-.*ge, or sally— State Deposit A Mortgage compuny Bestrode a roan of hreiil and bone, of Portland. And clattered down the valley. BEST SETTLED AT HOME Oregou will get B11B.000 less from III. the Indian appropriation bill than was T H E REFUSAL of the Democratic party leaders to consider Tire simple chap, hot loot front Trappe, recommended by Secretary of the In With tunic grey and dusty. terlor I.ane In hl» report of Decembei ■ national suffrage legislation at this time is deeply founda- Snatched off the cap above his map, 1. The appropriation of $15.000 foi tioned in common-sense. To begin with—suffrage is certain, And gave a greeting lusty, the addition to the sssembly hall, Che maws school, was Included In the cut and Congress is busy. The progress of this greatest of modern IV. The war department Informs Senn reforms is facilitated by the education of centuries, just now The manner light of that poor wight tor Chamberlain that army transports bearing fruit in the abstract proposition that woman is man’s Distraught the roan to snorting— are limited by law to carrying persons The knight pulled rein and tugged auiain connected with the federal or Insulin equal in the scheme of the universe, and entitled to speak in the To check the wild cavorting! service and cannot be rented for the policies of the state and nation. He who gainsays this is a re V. transportation of agricultural college actionary—a cave man in modern costume, however smartly he At length hr' pried the roan’s jaw wide, cadets to the Panama exposition. The bill of Senator Lane amending puts the contrary proposition. The state which is not ready to And reined I »-side tire villain— adopt suffrage of its own accord, is a field wherein suffrage would "O dd—«rooks!** he cried, "h e irks uie existing law requiring vessels bound for Portland to stop nt Astoria, was ide; not flourish, but wane to the dismal failure that its detractors The p. favorably reported by the commerce swine is ripe (or killin’ !’’ prophesy. It education is not completed—the work of enlight committee. The law providing for the VI. enment is not finished —its women are not with the cause. Suf Front thatch to shoe he clove him thru— stop at Astoria is obsolete and an oh struction to commerce. It 1» pointed frage is certain. Given time the backward commonwealth will The knight smote o’er the breeching— out. follow its more enlightened neighbors, with a full conception of The halve« lay bh«sling In the dew ; So weak that he could not raise his gun to shoot himself with the bullet what suffrage implies, and a determination to make the feminine He smole to see them twitching. he had saved for his self destruction VII vote a power to be reckoned with. The abstract justice of the rather than starve to death. Wesley In winsome shade lie »wiped the blade, proposition should prevail upon its own merits—rather than be And cleansed the stain upon i t ; Kastahl of Nehalem was found In the rammed home by hasty national legislation. It will prevail in Then pricked the roan o’er stick and woods some mi!«»« from Vernonia by a party that had been searching foi stone. its oyn good time—and that is not far distant. But a little him. The whiles he huniuit*d a sonnet. while—sisters! The secretary of the navy does not VIII. believe in It, and he says so fearless Behind befell— tlie parcbmenta t**U— ly. but he has Just allowed an Oregon ASSISTING THE FINISH FIGHT A matter past all thinking! man to resign from the navy. This By lawk and bell! The ludves grew was a special case, however, and It well!— seemed proper to let the young man ^R E S ID E N T WILSON quite naturally caught particular And either half was winking! have an opportunity to make a fait ■ Tophet—from the censored press of the Mexican capital — living for hla family. IX. Secretary Lane has allotted $23, when all bars went down to the import of arms from the Amer | The duxsotne calves who vfeweil the 460,000 to carry on work under the ican bolder. The President is characterized as crassly commer halves, reclamation law this year, and of this cial—with an intent behind the act to aid the gun- and powder- Cleft stark upon tlieir grazing,— total, Oregon receives $1.220.135. This makers of this country. Column after column of fervid print With snort and fear, humped high and big allotment exhausta all moneys now clear available for government Irrigation is wheeled into line to bombard Wilson, who is declared to be About that sight amazing. work. Including the full $20.000,000 the “triend of assassins and protector of bandits.” This from lent by congress several years ago. X. the Huerta press—whose sovereign censor sprinkled the dust | Them halve« went—"C lap!” Tla* pea- but heretofore untouched. Portland has an unemployed prob along his path to power with the blood of Madero. Were Wil »ant chap Iem. It does not amount to an enter Arose and scanne«! the valley; son of the commercial mind, thousands of American troops gency and It Is not so acute as In would have been burning powder beyond the Rio Grande loner I With r,’*n cap he top,,* ' d hb ,nap' most other cities throughout the qoun s in c e -th a t American capital might'reap the rich harvest ¿f th a !1 A"d “W“V try. Solution is, however, rendered XI. more difficult by the closing of the conquest. If there is anything to criticize in the removal of city rockplle. No adequute plan has By brook and briar he ran like Hr«'— the embargo on arms, it is that the decree was not issued at an By fen and fern and hollow, been made by any agency to handle the situation. There are, according earlier date. The importation of munitions to the rebels should Ami oft he cried, "The world is wide to estimates. 4000 to 6000 men there shorten the struggle, of which this nation, and the world, has Sir Prosper—but I follow!" who have no work. long been wearied. Once terminated, precautions may be en XII. Instructions to institute criminal forced against the rekindling of the flame—whichever aspirant I The high hawk Hew arrows (he blue— prosecutions against all the commis slon merchants doing business In thl The knight glanced o’er hi« shoulder finds his way to the unstable Mexican presidency. state without complying with the law | As burst in view, with shrill halloo, enacted by the last legislature regu A sight to make one older! People in the N e w s lating thetr business have been sent B rie f N e w s of the W eek X III. out by the state railroad commission Ex-Senator Lyman R. Casey of According to late reports given out to 10 district attorneys In the state Jamestown, N. D„ died at Washing at Washington the number of farm And all alone It took the roan, And eke the knightly rider,— In the counties of Multnomah, Marion ton. animals in the United States has in It biffed Sir Prosper with a stone, Umatilla. Josephine, Clatsop, Wasco Emperor William of Germany cele creased 7.1 per cent. And squash«*«! him like a spider! Linn, Baker, Jackson and Lane. Only brated his fifty fifth birthday recently. The supreme court of California one association or firm in the state Winifred T. Denison has been con raps the national policy of withdraw has complied with the law. firmed by the senate as secretary of ¡ng from taxation great areas of land, ENVOI the interior for the Philippines and declaring the act is a departure from By hill and dale they tell the tale member of the Philippine commission. the spirit of the constitution. Of knightly dee«!.« and sprightly— Brigadier General Funston has re British Columbia labor federation turned from service in Hawaii to take demands impeachment of Judges Mor The peasant folks who love their jokes; But love Sir Prosper—lightly! command of the second division on the rison and Howay, who sentenced mi Mexican border. ners in conneation with Nanaimo dis Charles G. Williams, for years treas turbances. urer and business manager of the Chi A change has been made in Bohemia B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON Hot and Cold—Clean Tub cago Cubs, jumped to the Federal permitting women to vote, according league. to announcement of the premier in • • A white blackbird has been seen at The body of ex-Senator Shelby M. Austria. • • Cottage Grove, It Is declared. The Cullom, who died in Washington, was A franchise for a trolley car system bird resembles Its fellow» In every brought to Springfield, 111., for burial. to operate from Jerusalem to Bethle way except In color. Particular attention to all P. P. Claxton, commissioner of the hem, and for the operation of a light The Eugene commercial club plans United States bureau of education, ing plant in Jerusalem has been grant to raise $7000 for use in continuing FRANK TURNER urges an all-year around school term, Agency Medford Domestic Iznnnlry ed by the Turkish government. activities of the club for the ensuing In order to save the pupils from Idle First door East of ’Phone otU<« Contracts for 4400 new wooden year. ness during the summer vacation freight cars, to be built immediately period. Representative Lafferty has Intro Kenneth Murphy, aged 21, serving a at a cost of between $5,500,000 and $6,- duced Senator Chamberlain’s bill ap life term in Nebraska, for murder, who 000,000, the first big railroad equip propriating $2,500,000 for a drydock was paroled in order that he might ment order In several months, have on the Columbia river. enter the University of Nebraska, has Just been let by the Union Pacific sys The First National bank of Tilla tem. been denied admittance to the school mook and the H'J^boro National bank By order of the interstate commerce have applied for membership in the by Chancellor Avery because the commission lower express rates new federal banking system. youth Is a criminal. General Francisco Villa announced throughout the United States will be- The onion crop In the Sherwood dis that civilized warfare, particularly oame effective Monday. It is estimat trict this year will net the growers with reference to the treatment of ed that the average reduction In more than $76,000 and the return from prisoner», would hereafter be adopted charges will be approximately 17 per hops will be $150,000. cent. by the Mexican rebel». An Oregon man sent the treasury Representatives of the agricultural department 26 cents “conscience mon Scores of Filipino politicians who are active in the fight for the Inde colleges in the far west are to meet in ey" to repay the government for use pendence of the islands are paid by conference the latter part of the week of a cancelled three-cent postage Japanese, in the opinion of Edward K. at the state agricultural college of stamp 40 years ago. Dyer, manager of the Philippine Is Utah. The conference is to effect a Deputy State Treasurer Ryan esti land Telephone A Telegraph company, permanent organization and discuss mates that $1,000,000 In unpaid war the standardizing of extension work rants will be outstanding when the who has arrived at San Francisco. The anonymous letter received by and the securing the needed state and taxes for the year become available Chief of Police Sebastian, of Los An national legislation to aid them in in April. geles, stating that Francis Lewis carrying on their work. Preliminary arrangements have I Clark, the Spokane millionaire, who Farmers are finding good use for been made for a ranchers’ junket early ; disappeared from Santa Barbara, was the oyster shells being dug out of the In March from Medford to North Yaki held by blackmailers for a ransom of channel by the government dredger ma, Wenatchee, Hood River and othei , IT« ,000, was written In part by a wo at work at Coos Boy. A large bed of orchard centers In the northwest j man, and in part by a man, say ex (he shells has been struck and the The report on the practicability oi ' shells nr« ■-* f«.r a fertilizer. perts. creating a great power site at The Overdrafts BATHS::: D. H. M ILLER --------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r --------------- Hardware Stoves Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware Garden Tools Haying ami Heading Tcads Builders' Material« anil Ti»>ls Rooting Building 1‘ajH-r Paints Oil« Varnishes Brushes tils«« Croekeryware lairge Assortment of Qtirenswuro A« fine a line and assortment of F is h in g T a c h le »« there ¡» ill the county Cattaraugus Ctitley Guns Ammunition Pieks Shovels Miners’ Supplies Powder, Fuse and Caps Baw Bulls ami Mitts, and Kits. My Stock is complete in every line and my prices are right R e m e m b e r th e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d s Is D. H. M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ” I r o n by E le c t r ic it y Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, n o w $ 2 .5 0 W e will send y o u on e on tria l CALIFOR.NIA-OR.EGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. RARBERING H O TEA TSFO R CO LD DA YS Hot Chili Hot Coffee Hot Tamales, Saturdays Hot Drinka Hot Lunches Served at all times B u n t e ’s C h o c o l a t e s - T o b a c c o s , E tc . Spend a pleas ant evening at The BoN-ToN A T T U R N E R ’S Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll Get bhe Best €>