Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1914)
W ISH 1 0 SA Y to the public that» on February 4th, ▼ ▼ 1914, we start on our 12th year, the oldest firm in Gold Hill. But few business houses in Jackson C ounty can say this, w ith ou t having made some changes. Wo huve conducted our business on a strictly business form and therefore have made it a success Now we wish to suy that thia coming year you will find us with a stock equal to any store of its size in Jackson County. Our store room is limited but you will find the goods just the same. Remember our expenses are lighter than those of the average merchant und we are not burdened with a lot of bad accounts, therefore we can save you money, as we will make you the prices that will convince you. Just remember this when the spring goods begin to arrive. Our stock of Groceries will be up-to-date. All goods delivered. For a starter—a good blend o f flour at $1.15 per sack Merritt & Company iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: Zillllillllllllllllll 1 Legal Notices H t M M O N 8 Meridian, and as grounds io- lii» contest <<» allegi-s that said Ralph W Marshall ’I’*-" '•"< now reside up.,,, tiie said land, | nor bus he been upon same at any lime I during tlie post two years, and Is* ha» n.4 plm . d improvement» upon or culti- vated O clean d any ,4 Mns* at any time or caus'd improvements or cultlvai n to be d-Hi»' tiH-rton. Yon are, therefore, fnither not iti,» I that be »aid allegations will 1«. taken as con fessed, ami j,„ur said entry will 1« can celed w ithout farther right to be heard, vltiif r tM'fore tb h oAoe or on apr»»al, if yon fail to filmin th b otfto* within twenty dav- after the FOURTH publication of tm» noine, a» shown la-low. your answer umli r oath s|»:eifieally responding ttz dies.- .dlegations.ff contest, togetih r with due posif that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. X on should state in your answer the nam,* o* the I»sg office to which you de sire future notices to be sent to you. —B. F. Joxes, Register. Dau- of first publication Jan 17, 14514. Mecond ,9 ft *>4 ” ” third 99 »» ” •’ fourth •• Feb. I; ” In the Circuit Court of the State ,,f Ore gon for the County of Jackson, Victor E. Reno, Plaintiff, vs. T. C. Noiris Nettie B. Norris and B. H. Harris, Defendants. Unit P> Quiet Title To B. H. Harris, one of tlie above nam ed ik-feudaiits: In the Name o f the Stan* of < iregon you are hereby required to appear and an-wer the plaintiff’n complaint against you now on file in the above entitled court and cause on or before tlie last day of the time pres, rils-d in the order for publication ol summons herein, to-wit, on or before Monday, the 15th day of February, 1014, said dap* being the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons. And if you fail to appear #i:d answer, for want thereof the plaintiff Will apply to the court for the relief pra.,ed for in said complaint succinctly sum d as follows: That tlie title .4 tlie plaintiff in and »o tlie fractional sootls*ast quarter of se<*tion Notice for Publication twenty - seven (27) and the fraztional southwest quarter of section twenty-six (26) and the west halt of the northwest DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR qnarp-r of section thirty-five (35); Also U. 8. r.and Office at Roseburg, Oregon. an undivided one-half interest in and to . December loth, P»13. tiie east half of tlie northeast quarter of None» is liereby given that Georg,* E. Section thirty-four (34) and 1s t ts ven (7) Hays, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who, on in Section twenty-seven (27); ail of said November 16, 1910, made homestead En *. .JVC •(«icrfbed land being in township try Herial, No. 06439, for 84 84 NXV48VV4 « xw-4 NW4 su ” ; : (3<,<"oul,b range I In,-c (.'Qwest " . M.., and containing in all two hund red six acres of land more or less, in 8 XV Jackson County, Oregon, beforever quiet ed against tlie defendants and each of XEQ 8EV4, 8ec. 26, Township 35 8., them; and that the defendants and each Range 3 west XViliamette Meridian, has of them be forever Istrred from any right, filed n.giee ol intention to make Final title, or inten-st therein, and that tiie de thirc-year to c&tablirfh to thfc fendants and each of them be forever en landalsive Proof, before XV. II. Can joined amt restrained from asserting any on, I nited described, States Commissioner, at Med- claim ol right, title or interest in or tz> of January, said propei ty or any portion t K< n».f, and 1914 ° re<rOB’ on tbe30tl* for plaintiff’s costs and disboreemeote to Claimant names as witneases: be taxed. J. L. Rowe, of Sams X’aiiey, Oregon, This summons is published in ihe Gold homas Wyatt, of 8am» Valley, Oregon. Hill News, tiy order of Honorable F. XL 8lmtz, of Sams Valley, Oregon, O lkins, Judge of the above entitled court, Mox XV alter Scott, of Sams Valley, Oregon. which said order was made and entered —B. F. Josies, of record on the 17th day of December 11513, ami in compliance therewith the Register. date of die first publication hereof is the 20th day of December 14513. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION —W. E. P hipps , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Attorney for Plaintiff. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., Ml«* France» Cbfvlngton, ■>( P ortland,1 publication Field A Stream, in their na arrived Sunday la»i, assumiut direction tion-wide angling content fur rainbow o< the primary M*h<»>l» the following{ trout, were won by resident» of Klamath 1 morning. The young lady la highly re- 1 county in Oregon water». The largest of eouimemtat a» a primary ¡n»tructor, and there fish weighed 1:5 pounds. A h steel her little charge* aru already malting head, so eailod, o f the Rogue river, are ‘ great progre»H. tiotiiiug more nor less than a sea-going 1 uder the imspi<**» of the Ladies' Aid, j rainbow trout, is it not time to «cure an tli<- California Jubilee quartet, colored I official ruling npon this point, and gain Your favorite brands of Hour at the following prices, -Inger» and entertainers of unusual turrit, I tile husky fighter the repute lie disterves? who have charmed local audiences sever-1 Why not inaugurate a campaign to pro O lym pic . . . $1.40 per ta ck id time, hclor.*, will return on Wedncie j mote tie* I<»*»1 linage of the more proper day evening, February IStli, appearing) nan«*? Rogue river riffle» yield fi»h of Snow D rift - - - 1.40 ” ” thia speck« which tip the beam at 20 lb». nt the o|iera bourn*. • If there is glory to be gained in the cap The Rev. Win. R. Jeffery, Jr., of' ture of llii» gatney fi»h, aside from the Pride o f W ashington 1.25 Grant» Pas», pastor of the M. E. church January 13, 1914, ■ fighting thrill he never fails to give, _____Administrator’s Final Notice of that city will assist Rev. Owlet, of the N o n e « is hereby given that Louie C. ¡southern Oregon waters should receive This is a hard wheat flour. IN* THE COUNTY COURT OF (ORE Rainey, of Beagle, Oregon, who, on local M. E. church in a aerie» f revival i their »hare. Augnrt 12, 1009, made Homestead Entry GON, FOR JACKSON COUNTY. meetings, beginning .Monday evening, A reduction in lots of 10 sacks or more. Serial, No. 02317, tor 8 XVUS XV U, Sec. In the Matter of the Estate ) February 9th. Rev. Jeffery in an evang- 30. N W « NWXi.8ec.31. T .34. 8. R. 1. of list paator and a line speaker. W. and S E « 8 E >i. Section 25, Town- A law and order league, having for Charles T. Anderson, deceased. , ehip 34. 8.. Range 2. weet Willsuiette Upon lot» owned by Dr. R. C. Kelsey, its object “the enforcement of all law» Notice is liereby given that the under Meridian, has filed notice ol intention at tile rear of the XI. E. church, Meter*. of city, county and state, and especial signed Administratrix of the estate of to moke Final Five year Proof, to es- Charles T. Anderson, deceased, has filed tablisb claim to the land above deecrib- x Kelly und Homan, employed at ila* ce- jy those pertaining to gambling and in the County Court of Oregon, for Jack- ed. before W. H. Canon. United States H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor went plant, an* erecting a dwelling wl« n Immorality,” has been organized in son Connty, her duly verified final ac Comnnaoioner, at Medford, Oregon, on Phone 17 3 they will keep bachelor quarters. Ralph Bend. count, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 6th dav of March, 1914. 5 ; Homan is son of Rev. llomtin, the well Logging operators in Coos county the 27th day of January, 1914, at 10 ,„ 9 b.u m *n t »ances as witnesses: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii : Zllllllliuillllllltl known president of XViliamette Unlver have their landings clear and 11,000,- o’clock in the forenoon of said day, at »’ ill ¡am Jones, of Beagle, O'e^on, tlie Court room of said Court in the '»¡ty. Gregieoo, of Beagle, Oregon, 000 feet of logs have come out on the Connty Court House in die town of Jack John Arnold Balky, of Central Point, Ore., F. XV. Brewster, of Iola, Kansas, ar high water in the last few days. One sonville, On*gnn, as the time and place Ealey Bailey, of Central Point, Oregon. Mrs. May Greene, of Medford, is »¡tend Jam of 3,000,000 feet occurred in the for the hearing of said final account. —B. F. J ones , ing the present week at tin* home of her rived on Monday and is »pending the All persons interested an* hereby noti South Coos river, but they were re , week as guest at the home of Leigh Hunt, Register. brother, A. E. Kellogg, and family. fied to make or file their objections with J of the Hunt Engineering company. Mr. leased. court to said final account, if any The good roads convention held at said Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrisley, of Med Brewster is enjoying an extended vaca they have, on or before said time. December 27th, 1913. ford, visited with Kanes Creek friends tion in tlie west. He is a well known Independence declared for the Pacific i for several days the first of the week. — B essic C. A xdersox journalist of the sun-flower stute and the Highway being built on the west side of the Willamette river, or for two •>4-38 Administratrix. Grand Master Tavlor, of Pendleton, publisher ol Iola’s daily newspaper. Practically new nine room residence, highway, if necessary. It also went with light«, water, and other modem con Oregon, visited this city Sunday in the Harry Day, Plano M an:—Here is your j on record in favor of constructing per NOTICE OF CONTEST interests of the local lodge of I. O. O. F. chance, special low prices und easy terms veniences; splendidly situated in the best manent hard surface highways on all (For publication.) A. It. Cornell, genial salesman of in for tiie next thirty days. 20 per cent, off main traveled roads in Polk county to DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR residence district of Gold Hill—the city with a payroll. II a southern Oregon surance and prophet of optimism, skir- on all l’ianos. 61 different make? new connect with the Pacific H.ghway on I . S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, home is wanted don’t fail to investigate. j uiislied in the Gold Hill territory Tliurs- und secoud* hand—beet line of Piano« and 1 the north and south. January 12, 1914. XVrite, wire or call, Player-Pianos in tlie West. 40 Edison | «’••>* In John Lytle, under arrest In To Ralph XV. XIarshall oFRock Point, - T H E GOLD HILL BANK. Records, cylinder, at 15c, 20c, and 25c Grand Island, Neb., for criminal as Ore., Contestee: Mrs. J. E. Nieliols, for several weeks Gold Hill, Oregon. AND HIS BIG each. Player-Piano tnnsic rolls, 33|j off sault upon a young girl, which he has You are liereby notified that Grant | tin* guest of relatives on Kune» Creek, Portland prices. Come and pick them confessed. Detective Sergeants Day Shanks, who gives Gold Hili, Oregon, as j returned to her home at Lebanon, XVed- A special liargain in the way of a good, out. —H arry D ay , Gold Hill, Oregon. and Hyoe, of the Portland police, be- ins post-office address, did on January 8, i lies.lay. 1914, tile in this office his duly corrobor well-built seven room dwelling, and large , lleve that they have at last caught ated application to contest and secure tlie The Progressive Bible Class, of the M. Mr. and Mrs. Sisty, of Central Point, the murder of five-year-old Barbara cancellation of your Homestead Kntrv lot. Best of garden land, well located, E. church, entertained at their regular | j were guest» at the ranch home of Mr. No. *06790, Serial No. 06790 made Nov PEOPLE monthly session on Monday evening, | Kolzman and cleared up a mystery ember 21,1910, for 84 of SXVti of Section must be sold. For particulars call.upon ¡and M»s. Win. Lewis, of Kune» Creek, —C. 8. R edfield . which has baffled the police since And Lots of Girls serving clam chowder and crackers, I Sunday last. N o . 131 Many invited guests were present. The . March, 1911. R E P O R T O T T H E C O N D IT IO N O F Cass Higinliothun, of Monmouth, ar evening’s entertainment was directed by With a capital stock of $641, the Cor Presenting the Laughable rived tlie first of the week, summoned by Ihe men of the organzation, whose turn I vallis Cannery, operated by the Ben j the serious illness of hi» brother William, It was to provide the spread and arrange ! ton County Growers’ Association, did Comedy A t G o l d H i l l ire t H . s t a t e o f O r a t o r e , a t t h e c l o . O o f j of Kune» Creek. tlie musical program. Both were appre a $55,000 business in 1913. The can o r e a ir e a a a J a n . 1 3 t h , 1 9 1 4 I Ralph Hubbard, of the local » c 1 i . mi I fa ciated and heartily encored. Joe Hicks, nery packed 17,840 cases of fruits and Nesourc«» culty, was tlie guest of Professor Keddie, whose art is the concotion of odd culin vegetables, this being 38 carloads of L ia M ititt of tli * state University, on Friday and ary triumphs, presided at the manufac- ! 36,000 pounds each. The cannery paid Loans and discounts - $31,348 75 (Militai Mock paid fe ----- $10,000.00 A RIOT OE EUN j Saturday last, at Mudford. lure of the chowder, of which ten savory I the growers approximately 116,000. tha nirafts, secured and unsecured 16.11 minus 25 per cent retained as working Kiuids and warrants 1,394.60 Vndivldetl profits, lesp expenses Five cars of Rogue River valley pota gallons were compounded. St.x ks and other securities 173.35 and taxes'[Mid - -’ t :Ui ..■j , capital for 1914. Besides thia about toes have been »hipped from Medford to 2,800.00 Individual deposits subject to I la* famed—and fatigued—army of uti- |<ooe was spent for additional room Furniture and fixtures tlie United States army, on the Mexican !î1 * îron> hanks not reserve hanks 1,702.98 employed, who have canned commotion ! and equipment I bar from approvisi ' reserve rseerve bonks s JW9.44 bi check - - - . . . 37,335.06 border. The spud» sold at ."5c per sack in thy northern part of the state .luring Russell Hawkins presented Jona- ( 'liecks anc d other .. c *a»h items 280.27 ( ashler a checks outstanding - f. o. b. 143.22 t '«<1 on hand the last month, Rent a detachment south- thau Bourne, Jr., with a sol'd gold 6,758.30 Doors Open at 8 —Show 8:30 Miss Natalie Swigart, of Ashland, Miss ward the last week. They pass,*,I thru piale „ a chrlstm ae remembrance Expenses None Time certificai«*» of deposit - 6,411.20 Ruth Paxson, of Central Point, and Miss this city seventy-odd strong, a cheerful , from citizens of Nehalem. Wheeler. Gi ild Dust - 112.05 Jean Horton, of Talent, wen* guests at company of well-led vagabonds, perched Total Total - -, 693,925:76 Tillamook and Bay City, with an In 663.B25.75 the home of Mr. and Mr». Lynn W. upon the box-ears of a freiglit train, late scription testifying their “lamtlng ap TATE OF OREGON) Smith on Sunday last. Saturday forenoon. At Ashland they de preciation, respect and esteem and Cor nty of J ackson »' *” * Bert Darling went to Ashland Sunday, trained and sjM*nt tlie night, but were not particularly in recognition of loyal, in I, Lynn XV. Smith, cashier Yon read it—take it—The New». visiting liis mother, Mrs. XV. E. Darling, welcomed witli an address by the mayor, defatigable, intelligent and effective lia* alsive statement is tine to Mrs. S. T. I lodge» visited with relative» I who is recovering satisfactorily from a nor soup and coffee, as elsewhere. Tlie effort in upbuilding the wonderful I.YNN XV. SMITH, Cashier. recent operation for appendicitis at tlie detachment was*led by Capt. Reimer, state or Oregon and welfare of the Correct—Attest : at Ashland on Saturday last. H. I>. R eed , accompanied by bis wife, who traveled people." Oh’i^ r 1*''1,a,‘id ”worn to before me this Mr». Leigh Hunt visited at Medford on Granite City hospital. R. H: XI oork , 19tli day of Jan., 1914 Manager R. 11. Moore, of Merritt A by passenger train, ami registered at the Directors. Wednesday, returning that evening. Receiving reports that more boys C. S. REDFIELD, Notary Public. hotel, while the rank and file shifted for In the state are smoking cigarettes Wm. lzewis, I lie Kane» creek rancher, Company, announces that their mercan tliemselves. than ever before, Superintendent of transacted busiuen in Medford Saturday tile business in tlds city will lie closed to night, Saturday, January 31, to reopen For flic purpose of raising a fund to Public Instruction Churchill has an hist. Tuesday morning, February 3rd, during equip tin* organization with uniforms, a nounced that a campaign, having ns .Mr. and Mr». Iain Applegate eame the annual in'i-ntory of stock. musical concert will Is* given at tlie o)iera its slogan "swat the deadly cigarette." down from the Turtle Rock ranch on Tlie closing month holds a unique re house next Saturday evening, February would be started in the schools at Thursday. A big supply of fresh meat always on hand. cord us the second wettest January in 7th, by the band boys. Solos, instrum onco. So determined Is Mr. Churchill Rev. Homan, president of Willamette thirty years, according to weather observ ental and vocal, brass an I vocal quartets, to put an end to smoking by school University, visited his son, Ralph Ho We carry the best of creamery butter. er Louis Dodge, of Ashlund. The record lendings, duets, and special selections liy boys he has announced thnt no smok man, on Tliur»<(ny. Is held by a January of several years tlie band will comprise a program that is ers, no matter how excellent their All kinds of fresh fish in season. .Mr*. I. T. Galligar was tin* guest of past, with a tall of 7,62 inches. The certain to in- very good. Tickets are now ' handiwork, will be nllowed to exhibit Medford friend» on Wednesday a n d downpour of the present month has been on sale in the children’s industrial fair de- Thursday. 6.87. In but two other mouths during a As an illustration ol what Oregon lias' PHr,m,snt nt the State Fair, am) none Mrs. It. (’. Kelsey was a visitor in period of thirty years lias tlie rainfall ex to offer tlx* angler • and • sportsman, at 1 will be eligible for competition, for Medford Wednesday, purchasing stock ceeded the mark of the first month in tention is called to tlie fact that tltree of which the prizes will be free trips to' 11514. for the Ladies' Shop, Proprietors the live capital prizes awarded by the the exposition at San Frnncisco. Flour — Flour I Gold Hill Flour and Feed Store OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Residence for Sale MON., FEB. 2d A. B. Basco Musical Comedy Co. 15 15 THE GOLD H ILL BAN K A Seaside Romance Prices — 25c & 35c Local News Notes Gold Hill Meat Market Woodcock & Blackert