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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1914)
• ! Gold Hill G r» a t» » t N a tu r a l /fe e o u rre e a f S a u lh r rn O r» g a n n b » a u tifu l R ag ù » R iv a r On fte (Halft SPECIAL TRAIN WILL PREACH BENEFITS OF DAIRY AND PORKERS Will 6e in Gold Hill Februa ry 12; Itinerary Include» Fifty-one Towne Dry «tat» Prsdleted. Spokane, W ash— "The state of | Washington will be voted dry at the ; November election of this year by a 1 majority of at least 20,000 votes ’ This Is the prediction made by May or Hindley, who has just ret irned from the coast, where he talked with the Mayors of 11 Washington cities and prominent coast business m in on the present Issue of prohibition. Citizens' Alliance Exonerated by Jury. ( alumet, Mich.—The grand Jury In- veHtlgatlng the aeaault upon Charles H. Moyer, president o f£ h e Western Federation of Miners, who was beaten and deported from the strike district, reported a complete exonoratfon of 17 ) member» of the Cltlxens1 Alllenoe. charged with participation In the af fair. Jackson Co, O n » C o m m u n ity o t O p p o r tu n ity - R o g a r R ii , r V nO or, u h m th » a p p i» g u n , 4 fo m » Woman Wins Own Suit. Olympia, Wash.— Mrs. Claris« ey, of Beattie, who during the last | term of the supreme court was allow ed the unusual privilege of arguing her own case after she had disagreed with her attorney, was awarded a re duction of nearly 217.000 In street as sessments against her property, la a decision handed down Saturday. ~ SENATE PASSES BILL PROVIDING $40,000,000 r~~ - - i ■ h i FOR GREA T PROJECT - Machinery Used in Panama Construction Will Work on Next Federal Job ALBERT J. JENNINGS Municipal Store Opened In Chleatfe. Chicago.— Chicago’s first municipal store, which the city council recently authorized with an appropriation of 221,000, and at which groceries are sold at cost to the poor, has bees opened. If tbe market proves a suc cess. meats and wearing apparel also will be sold, and other stores opened In different sections of the city. The third Farming OwBonattMton train ol tlie Houliicrn 1‘aclflc, working in con- junction with tin« Hstciwioa service oi the Oregon Agricultural college, will arrive in Gold Hili on Thursday, February I2tb at 4:10 p. in , remaining until ft;4ft. Tin* train in operated lor tin- purpoae oi promoting dairying and hog raining in j Coquille Coal Is Moving. wmtern ami southern Oregon, to tlie end H aiti Revolt Is Growing. Coquille.—The output of the three that thia territory may become the gnat- Port Au Prince— The revolutionary eet dairy and hog section in the nation, movement In Haiti la growing strong coal mines on the Coquille river at an export* have continually maintained er dally. All the towns in the north Riverton, nine miles below this city. that it aliould bo. The train will consist 1 are In arms against the government Is 200 per cent greater now than It £ of seven car . including baggage car car ami several of the most Important was a year ago Their production Is rylng complete dairy farm outfit, sample« I place» have been captuied by revolu now running 300 tons a month, and 100 laborers are at work In them. tionists. Of feed, etc.; boxcar lor stock exhibit; two Hat car» lor demonstration purpose», Justice Urges Roekplle. and two coiicln - lor lecture work in tin, T H E M ARKETS. The Dalles.—Justice of the Peace J. event Ute weather prevents lecture» from Portland. W. Allen is urging the establishment •«•Ing conducted in the open. Eleven in Wheat—Club, 85c; bluestem, 96e; ot a roekplle on which to work the structors will accompany It. red Russian, 84c. I city and county prisoners. Most of Fifty-one tewus and cities of Oregon Hay—Timothy, 217; alfalfa, 214 the 80 criminal cases which have come will !»• visited by the wjicciaJ detnonetra- llu tter—Creamery, 35c. before the Justice In the last four Uon train, which enter» upon it» itiner Eggs— Candled, 37c. months have been for mlnor'offenses. James C. Gilmore, president of the ary at lnde|>*ndcncc, Monday, February Albert J. Jennings, former train 2d, and cl aes tlie campaign at Albany, new Federal Baseball League, which Seattle. robber and ex-convict, who has start Silver Gray Is Captured. w ill fight the National and American Saturday, February 14tl>. W heat— Bluestem, 94c; club, 85c; ed a campaign for governor of Okla Bend.— A sliver gray fox, the fur homa. Individual invitation» have lieen mail Leagues. red Russlnn, 83c. of which is believed to be worth from ed pi many fanner» ami rancher», but H a y—Timothy. 217 per ton; alfalfa. 2300 to 21500, was caught by C. L. Immorality Charged to Indians. 814 per ton. tlie difficulty «I securing the name» of all i Fruit Union Want» Packing Plant. Smith, a rancher, nenr Bend. Roseburg.— At the annual meeting Pendleton.— M ajor E. L. Swartzland- who aliould be interested in the work is! • f, agent on tbe Um atilla reservation, at once apparent, ami a special request i» of the Douglas County Fruit Union and several witnesses are In Portland ten lend P> Aid. HE PRESENT. Tim held here, »leps were taken toward to lay before the federal grand ju ry importance of the work to be undertaken establishing a fruit packing plant here I GEORGE PUTNAM ;; in ;; MAIL-TRIBUNE charges of Immorality on the part of for the further development and pro»|a-r- for tlie union, and u resolution favor- 1 reservation Indians. It is said a num- . ity o f thia diatrlct, and the opportunities Ing employment by the county of an " of gaining at first band ooncisc and reli- agricultural expert wus adopted. | her of rede with wives are living with other squaws. abic information Upon these very impor JA ( KSON COUNTY has never had a governor, but is tant topic», canno*, !»• ovcn-stlmaUxi. In Jackson county the H|»a-ial will visit Basco Musical Comedy entitled to one. As a m atter of fact, southern Oregon Bud Anderson Outclasses Uie following places at the hour» indi Company Will Appear at is not recognized politically, commercially or in any other cated : Oregon City Barber; Suit A GOVERNOR fR0M JACKSON COUNTY Wednesday, irbruary 11th Boguerivcr sr.^f: 10 p.m ., Iv. 4:40 p in Thursday, February 12th Ashland - ar. 7:30, lv. t»:00a.m. Talent - ur. 0:20, iv. 10:20 a.m. Medford - ar. 10:34 a m., iv. 12:30 p.m. 0 . P o in t-a r. 1:40 p.m ., Iv. 3:40 p.m. tl. Hill - ar. 4:10 p.m ., iv. 6:4ft p.m. Opera Monday Evening way by the rest of the state. Smaii part of its progress or development is due to Oregon or to Oregon capital. for W ife’s Alienation On Washington.— By a vote of 46 to 1«, the senate passed the Alaska railway bill, directing tbe president to pur chase or construct 1000 miles of rail road in Alaska at a cost not to exceed 240,000,000. Fifteen republicans and Senator Poindexter, progressive, voted for the bill. Senators Bacon, Hoke Smith and W illiams, democrats, voted against IL The bill places on the president re sponsibility for the selection of the route from tidewater to the interior of Alaska, and the construction, equip ment and operation or leesfng of such lines as he may construct or buy to constitute this route. The broadest powers are conferred on the president in carrying out his duties. Redemption Fund Provided. The bill provides for a redemption fund Into which shall be paid 75 per cent of all moneys derived from the sale of public lands in Alaska or of the coal or mineral contents thereof. Machinery utilized in the construc tion of the Panama Canal is made available for the construction work. The bill provides for the senate’s approval of the appointment 6f civil engineers receiving more than $3000 per annum; forbids any payment for t^e good w ill of existing railways; gives injured employes the right to sue the government, and lim its the government’s defense to the grounds provided for In the Federal employers' liability law of 1908. To Urge Goethal« to Stay. Listen to ibis. It 1» the dramatic crlt Ic of tlie Medford Mail-Tribune, in a re Southern Oregon has grown in spite of Oregon, rather Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 27.—“ Bud” cent ixsuo, discussing a performance of Anderson, of Vancouver, Wash., and than because of it. It has no state institutions and no the Basco musical comedy „ company, ! Medford, Or., pugilistic aspirant for tbe state officials. The benefit this section derives from being which will ap|M*:tr a' the Gold Hill opera lightweight championship of the world, house, next Monday evening, February ] a part of Oregon consists in being hampered in its devel is sued for $5000 damages by an Oregon 2d. Says the Mail-Tribnne: opment by unprogressive and restrictive laws and in pay City barber for alienating the affections ’’Basco and bis musical comedy com o iliis wile. The suit was filed in the cir ing constantly increasing taxes to support institutions and pany broke the record at the Page theater , Validity o f Clatsop Road cuit court o f Clackamas county this last night, not only forcing tbe inw of tbe ' officials, commissions and boards located in other portions morning by Brownell A Stone, attorneys Established in High Court ‘‘8. It. O.” sign, but even tilling all six of the state. for tlie barber, G ny'H . Pace. This is the teen of the Isixes for the llr»t lime in tbe second suit brought by Pace in which | L Salem, Jan. 27.—The validity of Clal- history of tlie house. More to the point, Bud Anderson figures. "so p county’» 6100,000 bond issue for good eveiyone was pleas <1. Tlie contagions p c X w ’T Z t b T Wiy* “ * r ? “ '* I m° * "l pe«onal ambition is In August 1913, the barber filed a suit road» wa» «-Htnlilii-lK-il by tbe supreme hilarity ami ridiculous antics of Basco, IS f r e ,f ir n M C“n,|hl“t<‘’' and being ridden for a fall. However for divorce from liis wife, Maud Griflin, court today In an opinion written by Jns- who, for some of his eont< rtloiis, seems fn^-for-all sc ramble for primary nom-, the choice should be narrowed down to .laughter of O. W. Griffin, of this city Pace’s allegations in tbe complaint. w hicV tice Charles L. Me Nary. Thu county, to bi' an overgrown “ Little Jeff,” which, ¡nations, present» the opportunity for one candidate-let tlie county unite for Pace’s allegations in tbe complaint, which ol which Astoria i» the county »cat, may backed up by tlie clever impersonations r ” 0 th° ” 7 innik........... . “U - ' - a ~ X e r eventually obtained him a divorce on Sep now procei-d to aril it» bonds anil expend <>f ’’Curley” Confer, kept tlie audience tember 13, were that Anderson had alien the proceeds a» contemplated on three of in a roar of laughter, were interspersed bis election by concerted and undivided Accident Benefit» for Postal Employe» ated his wife’s affections. vote of Jackson county—nearly 10,000— with just the rigid amount of “ pony bal effort. its main highways. In the suit against Anderson, Pace al The postoffice appropriation bill, will secure him the nomination against F. L. Parker attacked the validity of let work ( s l id t h e girls an* young and Tliere never wa» a time when more un- leges that the prizefighter sought out his carrying a record breaking total of scattered opposition. With the nomina- pretty) to make everyone want more of (lie bond issue on tbe ground that the l” ,"i'lt)l| r ° f th*' ‘«o» securetl." tlie election merely becomes wife, and became acquainted with her in 2305,000,000, was passed by the house. »urn of $400,non exceeded 2 per cent of each. It was also most refreshing after September, 4911, and held secret meeting3 I t includes an amendment which the usscsseil valuation of property in the all the ’’Apache” and aerobatic dances Lord 1914. The opportunity to climb the with her for some time. Further, when extends to postoffice clerks, letter car The Ashland Tidings suggests tlie name comity, and because tlie election was held which have swept the country, to gee Mi»» political lightning rod in public has prov he and his wife moved to Isleton. Cal., riers, rural free delivery carriers, under the provision» of the Gill regiatra- Schuler in her graceful floating toe dance. en too big a temptation for aspiring poli- of State Senator von der Hellen of Wei Bud wrote letters to her and called np on mounted letter carriers and postoffice len as a republican guliemat-orial candi- tation law, later declared unconstitu And then, just a» we wondered how ticians, oblivious of the long distance telephone. messengers, for Injuries received on th .7 ' ï , “ ’', Tb,‘ ¡. . «00,1 one. An much more variety of entertainment t w , tional. The plaintiff further avers that the^mg- duty, full salary for one year after ln- could lie furnished for 30 cent», came S Ä " W b# u B v“ - ilist took his wife automobile riding in JuryK with an additional half salary Walter Farnsworth, with hi» sweet, sym Los Angeles, Cal., and Oregon City, Or., for another year If necessary, and pathetic tenor, giving ns those fascinat and finally so infatuated Mrs. Pace that 22000 lump sum payment In case of Fruitgrowers Plan Work. <r ._ . , r iMiii anotih'r im ing Irish songs, »<> reminiscent of Chann her affection for her husband was dead death. Roseburg.— A t a meeting of the cey Olcott and Andrew Mack, assisted affairs and lie was obliged to get a divorce from Apple Shippers Assured. fruitgrowers of Douglas county, hejd part o f tbe time by Jack Thompson and Tbe issues M ore the people are I other available repubHcan g 'Ì v I ? Gore her. l l l i e r i h 'd partisanship h H r h fla n u h in or be __ ’ .. of I l inlicritcd Pacific Coast apple shippers and th e re , It was decided to affiliate with “ Curley,” whose harmony resulted in not those O president of tlie Medford National Iwnk. Anderson was found in company with commission merchants, who have been 't h e North Pacific Fruit Distributors’ encores until they were tired (not the liefs based on differences in national pol Among the democrats who could be nom- association In disposing of thia year's audience), And it is certain that the il icies originating in civil war times. Nor inale.1 and elected by a whirlwind cam tlie former Mrs. Pace at her father’s apprehensive of the results of the Mo- crop. This UHsoclatlon does not hnn- lustration of the Tango, which was an are they those that split tlie republican paign are County Judge Ton Velie and home when the summons was served by Kellar cold storage bill w ill not be affected by the measure. The bill dle the products of Individuals, but added attraction, would have uroused party and elected Wilson. Every candi- Attorney A. E. Kearnes. There are oth- Deputy Sheriff Miles, of this county. would prohibit keeping in cold storage of the various fruit organizations of nothing lint, hearty approval either at dale draws Ins own plalfonn and asks ’ ers just as available for snpport upon personality. The char-1 What tbe people o f Jackson counts the state. various products longer than 90 days. Farmers to Get Advice. Queen Mary’s court or at the Nat, ami It Is also planned by the fruitgrow tlie perpormers were sure ’some chick atter o f ins support determines whether want to do is to draft tlie most available In response to a large number of Burns.— The annual short course in lie is prognstslve or reactionary. The use candidate regardless of , «« Rv“lla,,k agriculture and its allied interests will Inquiries from California merchants- ers to engage In tbe extensive culture ens’. ” U party as biinder, for an un- j parties mid , » " X p T . n ^ be held in Burns February 16 to 21, Representative Kahn obtained a prom of ('nullflower during the next year, Gold Hill receives tin» excellent com of Ibmkmg people belongs to a day that j by an energetic, spirited cam ^ign non, An export may be employed to direct pany, which usually books only the larg Inclusive, with the following instruct ise from Representative M cKellar -----r^’»R»s asisui- this work. er cities, t hrough the enterprise of Mana mute ami elect him—slip one over on the ors from the Orejon Agricultural Col that his bill would not be permitted Tlie great issue before the people at tlie mossbaeks by advertising to the world lege: Professor 11. D. Scudder, Ip ag to apply to apples in cold storage. ger W. H. Stickle. If Gold Hill is to re Short Weight on Butter Found. instate itself upon the itinerary of really November election will b e prohibition. how Jackson county stands by its own, ronomy; Professor Potter, in animal National Capital Brevities. Grants P ush .— In the cuse of the high-class productions this in an oppor This will be settled, one way or the other, and h o w a side-tracked community, husbandry; Mrs. Calvin, in domestic A point of order struck out of the state of Oregon vs. E. E. Abell, tried tunity for local theater-goers to demon by fhe people themselves. Hence this knowing just what it wants, pnxw ds to science; E. B. Fitts, in dairying, and annual postoffico appropriation bill here, the Jury found the defendant strate their willingness to be entertained. issue need not enter into tlie gubernator get it. Mrs. Dolman in domestic science. the “rider” to exempt all of the coun ial contest, for the winner is sworn to en guilty of selling butter one ounce short The proposal is a business one for the try’s 2400 assistant postmasters from force whatever law tbe people enact, This W ith a declaration against it by A t In a two-pound roll. Deputies of the the civil service law. Jaines E. Godfrey, of Salem, has feature out of tbe way, tlie main issues entiic county, and whether successful in state food commissioner collected the its entirety or not, will secure for the torney-General Crawford, all members beon appointed income tax agent In are economy, efficiency and good roads. a .»-ottTT or a eontwance netweun evidence from n local grocery store. county hereafter the political recognition of the state desert land board, with President Wilson and Secretary Bryan the Internal revenue service on rec Jackson county lias many citizens qual the exception of Secretary of State The deputies have been busy In on the latest Haytian revolution, offi ommendation of Collector M iller and ified for gubernatorial honors, who havo now denied. It should be taken up by Oloott, have gone on record against 'Southern Oregon for tho past two the various commercial c l u b s , who cials have been considering the advis Senators Chamberlain and Lane. His proved their capacity both in public and Governor W est’s plan qf Irrigating weeks collecting evidence for the pur ability of adopting some measures to compensation will be 27 per day and private life. I t could furnish better should appoint committees to get together public lands by state and federal co pose of locating violators of the law. Insure the continuance of constitution 24 per day In lieu ot subsistence. quallfled candidates for both parties than and ratify', prepare a id s t a a program r t r e l b for n g the . clubs to operation. ’ Colonel George W . Goethals w ill be asked to remain in the federal service. He w ill not be permitted to sever his connection with the government ex cept over President Wilson's protest. And the president expects Goethals to stay. ” This much was learned here from an authoritative source. I t Is under stood that the report that Colonel Goe thals was seriously considering Mayor M itchel’s offer to appoint him police commissioner of New York shocked the president. He had already plan ned the issuance of an executive or der creating a canal government with Colonel Goethals as governor. The T fact that Goethals , ldX T ° ° etha,8„ even even con- con' ‘ ° « er’ a r“ y said. was due to friction during the last year among certain Panama official». al government In the Island republic.