G o l d H i l l N e w s Near Neighbors P C R l.l- llI SD « ______L ,* I \n ;v SATURDAY ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . . , AT GOLD J ill I OREGON, BY JACKSON COUNTY ,,, x..-. „ , Riverside. =a B e n H. L a m p m a n F.iii. «1 at the Gold Hill portoA ce for traiwmi.'vion through the mai In i atvond-claiw matter Ml«« Bertha Wolverton • short liuic Monday. whs In Medford Mrs. Me Qntlken, of Ashland, w»« an over-v*unday gueig at the Rosalia Ranch There Kerns to he an abundance ol moisinrv fulling. We think if it kee|Mon at the present rate it may reach the nor ■ual number of inelua af rainfall. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Word haa lie,*n received from Mian Lyndall Jacob«, of Council Blutik, Iowa, she will reach h ttr the latter part ot PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE SOUNDS BUGLE EOR ADVANCE that thia week. Miaa I.yndall ia a sister of George Jacobs, who haa been running the ranch alone for a few month«. ONSTANT CAUSE for self-congratulation have been the ex­ Several from here attended tlie enter­ ecutive acts of President Wilson to those who elected him tainment given in Gold Hill Monday eve­ Along with the beaming regulars of the Democratic ranks, those ning, by Prof. Reddte, of the state Uni­ partyless patriots who chose Wilson as the somewhat unwelcome versity, All were well pleased and should he return no doubt a greater number s >lution to a situation that did not please them, are also begin­ would attend. ning to refer to their selection as a triumph of good judgment A glorloualy good time waa eujoyed hy and fundamental common sense. In no instance has the Presi­ all who attended the masquerade had iu Me Donald house on Kiveraide, Sat­ dent given cause to doubt his sincerity in the common weal, or the urday evening. Between fifty ami sixty question his ability as a level-headed, far-seeing, uncommonly wen' in attendenee, some being guest« in­ sensible executive. Where Taft would have been profound and vited by member« of the* clnb. Those muddy, or Roosevelt vehement and chaotic, President Wilson from away were; Mr. and Mr«. Gurley, Mr. and Mrs. Wahl, W. W. Me Donald, has displayed good, old-fashioned American common-sense. Misses Marguerite Carley, Florence For his Mexican policy the President has been crucified in Clarke Messrs. l*aul Me Donald, Clinton Chas. Carr. Ftoy.l Hart, all print, by those crass commercial interests who would cinch their Pnrkeypil•, I Medford, Mrs. Me Quilkcn, of Ash- grasp upon he soil of a suffering foreign country, through the ml. and Mr«. Hughe« and Mr«. Din­ anchorage of American bones in strange graves. These are the widdle, of Portland. A buffet supper was consisting of coffee, sandwiches harpies who would make patriotism pay any price to serve, their served, and cake. The costume« wen* all gi««l, purposes. It took a calm heroism of sorts to put away the glory Mra. Schaumberg and Miss Harper hav­ that is always given to a war-time president, with ample excuse ing tin* best diaguiaea. Music was fur­ for hostilities, remembering that peace, while not cheap at any nished hy Miss Minnie Clarke, violinist, of Medford, also Mtssra. Benj. Harrison, price, should never be held lightly. It is interesting to speculate John Short, and Ralph Duaenberry, on just what would be occurring at the present period of grace violins, and Richard Swaeker on banjo. were either of Wilson’s two immediate predecessors in executive The central lrtiiient of F is h in g T a c k le «« there is in the county Cattarsilgu* Cutley Gun« Ammunition Picks -hovel« Miner«' Supplies Powder, Fuse and t'a|«< Base Ball« and Mitts, and Bal«. My Stock ia complete in every line and tny prlivs art* right R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e to p u r c h a s e I h e i e G o o d , is D. H. M I L L E R ’S ‘'G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R i g h t ” I r o n by E le c tr ic ity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now Professional Cards The Deschutes railroad company OAS AI1MTNIHTKKKD has been granted the right to enter RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD about 16 acres of public land In The Dalles land district for use In con- FOR SALE—40 acre stock, poultry or election with the equipment of its sta­ tion at Hunter Ferry, the principal fruit ranch, all tillable black loam, 10 wheat shipping point on the line and acre« cleared, valuable timlier on part. the largest receiving station for live­ Sim iles north of Gold Hill. Price $26. stock. $ 3 .5 0 W e will send you one on trial CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. HOTEATSFORCOLDDAYS Hot Chili Hot Coffee Hot Tamales, Saturdays Hot Drinks Hot Lunches Served at all times B u n te ’s C h o c o la t e s - T o b a c c o s , Etc. A T T U R N E R ’S