Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1914)
Legal Notices W EG O 8 V M M o N s NOTICE FOB PU B L IC A TIO N DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTKKtOH U. S. Land Olli e a t Roseburg, O r«,, January 13, 1914. N otici » is hereby given th s t (»nule 0 . R ainey, of Beagle, Oregon, win», on August 13, 1999, m a d . H .nis-tnad E n in Serial, No. 02317, tor S W ‘4 8 W , Sec 39. N W X N W tg.B ee. 31. T . 34. 8. R I W . amt 8 K i4 8 E t4> Suction ID, Towu- ship 34. 8., Range 2. weal W illam ette M eridian, baa fltal notice of intention to m ake Final Five year Proof, to ex- tallitali claim to th e land above dercrib- ed, before W. H. C an on . U n ite d S t i l e - Comm issioner, el M»»dfur<l, Oregon, on tl»« CJ» dav of March, tilit. Are You Going to Build a SILO In tla> C ircuit Court of th e State of Orv nun (or tla« Oouaty of Jackson. Victor B. Bcno, Plaintiff, va, T. C. Norrto, Nettle H. Norris tuid B H. H arris, Defendants. Suit to Quiet Title To B. H. H a rris one of the shove nam ed ilefendanls: In tlie Name of tlie State of Oregon you are hereby required to sppestr slid answer If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you the plaint itT a com plaint against you now Claimant nainee as witness«»«; on tile in the above entitled court and have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST cause on or hefore tlie last day of the time W illia m Jones, of Beagle, Oiegon, SILO that has ever been constructed. prescribed in the order for publication of Jo h n Oregieon, of Beagle, O regon, summons herein, to-wit, on or bcfoiw Arnold B allry, of C entral P oint, Ore , Monday, the tHh day of February, 1914, Ksley Bailey, of C en tral Pom i, Oregon. — B. F. J unks , said date being the expiration of six Register weeks from tlie date of the first pollina 37-42 tion of this summons. And if you fail to ap jx ar and answer, Notice for Publication for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said DEPARTMENT OF T H E INTERIOR complaint succinctly stated as follows: U. S. istnd Otlhv at Roseburg, Oregon. T hat tlie title of the plaintiff in and to December 15th, 1913, the fractional southeast quarter of station N oth -« I s hereby given that Georg»- K. twenty - seven (27) tuid the fractional Hays, of Sams Valli'y, Oregon, who, on southwest q uarter of section twenty-six November 16, 1919, mad»' homi'-t.'S.I En (28) and the west half of the northwest try Serial, No. 0B43D, (prS* 8* X W fStV I, quarter of section thirty-five (3.5); Also N* N* SW>4 85V*. S | NW* NW* SW«4 . an undivided one-half intereat in and to N *SW Q N W Q sW * . SW’i, \ K '4 NW>, tlie east half of tlie northeast quarter of SW tg, NWi* SKi< N W X s W '4 , s»v. 2» Section thirty-four (34) and Lot seven (7) end SKi4 NE>4 NF.ia SE i4 . NE»4 8EQ in Section twenty-seven (27); all of said Proprietors N E l4 SF.t4 , Sec. 26, Township 3.5 8., above described land being in township Rang«* 3 west Willamette Meriitiun, Ini» tbirty-aix (¡Iff) south, rang»' tlnee (3) wiwt Rigs for <ill occasions IIltd notice of intention to make Final W. M... and i-ontaining in all two bund Good horses and drivers (hat know the roads three-year P roif, toi*stabtia)i|rlahn to tlie led six acres of land more or less, in land above described, before W. II. Can Jackson County, Oregon, be forever quiet We m ake no spvc-iulty of any cluss of trade on, United Stales Oimmissioner, a t Med. ed against the defendants and each of ford, Oregon, on tlic.'toth day of January, them ; and th at tla< defendants and each 1914. of them be forever tarred from any right, Claimant names as witnesses: title, or interest therein, and th a t the de I. L. Rowe, of Sams Valley, Oregon, fendants and each of them be forever en Thomas W yatt, of Sams Valley, Oregon, joined and restrained from asicrting any Mox SIiuU, of Sams Valley, Oregon, claim of right, title or interest in or to W alter Scott, of Sams Valley, Oregon. said prope. ty or any portion thereof, and —B. F. J onkh , for plaintiff* s costs and disbursem ents to Register. be taxed. This summons is published in the Gold N. H. - T h e release of H ar Hill News, by order of Honorable E. M Six MexicanGeneralsand 2.800 ry Concord, K endall Thaw under bail would not ’slkins, Judge of th e above entitle»! court, MASKED MEN OUST WOMAN which said order was made and enter»'»! First show begins at 7:30 o’clock, three films be a public m enace, according to the Soldiers Surrender to of record on the 17th »lay of Docvinhcr B ittsr Feud S ta rts O ver H om estead report of the comtnlaalon appointed by 913, and in compliance therew ith the American Troops. Contest and Home Burned. Federal Judge Aldrich to Inquire Into late of tlie first publication hereof is the A berdeen, Wash.—Driven from her the s ta te of Thaw'« m entality. T he 29th day of December 1913. hom estead 12 m iles from here by a »•reslillo, Tex.—Tw enty-eight hun com m issioners found th a t Thaw was —W. K. P hipps , m asked bnnd of 16 m»‘n. Mrs. M argar | ire d Mexican federal suldiers, six g«m- not afflicted with any of the m ental A ttorney for P lain tiff.! e t M. Ross, well-known dem ocratic I '»ruls, 200.0(10 rounds ot am m unition, diseases from which he wua held to politician, sent an appenl to G ovenior , two cannons, four large fl«tl«i pieces be suffering at the tim e he killed Btan Administrator's Final Notke L ister for protection. I and 1500 civilian refugees a re In th«> ford W hite, IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF ORE According to th e account told by I custody of the U nited fftates arm y W hile the com m issioners say they G O », FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Mrs. Ross, the 16 men, nil m asked and border patrol ns the result of the fed- have reuched "a definite and positive In the M atter of the E state » arm ed, forced th eir way' Into the •ral arm y 's evacuation of Ojltixa. Mex oplulon as to the p resen t m ental con GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE + of house, rem oved her and her two sons ico. Its flight to A m erican territo ry dltlon of Thaw and hla probable sta te Seating Capacity 600. Charles T. Anderson, deci ased. ) Notice is hereby given th at the under and a fter settin g fire to th e place and the occupation of the village by of mind a t the tim e of the hom icide," Stage 50x22. signed A dm inistratrix o f the estate of drove them 12 miles and ordered them G eneral Francisco V illa's rebels. they re train from expressing thia opin Charles T. Anderson, ile»va.«ed, has Sled not to retu rn u n d er penalty of death. It is the object of T he d istress of the refugees is ap ion, in view of th e ir luatrucllona from the Governor West Places Copper T he trouble began some tim e in the County Court of Oregon, for Jack- management to book only palling. Men, women, children, dogs the court not to em b arrass any subse son County, her duly verifle»! final ac when Mrs. Ross’ right to the 'f ilm and chickens and ca ttle nre packed quent litigation w here the broad ques field. Oregon. Under Mar first class attractions and count, and said Court has tixe»l Monday, was denied. H er two sans were then to g eth er In a space covering several tion ot inaunlty m ight be involved. about two performances a tial Law. the 27th »lay of Jan u ary , 1911, at 19 accused of assau ltin g a neighbor. acres. About them are »enttered all month. The stage has been T he report will be considered by o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at They w ere tried and convicted on an the w reck and turm oil they brought Judge A ldrich in connection with the enlarged and new dressing Copperfield, Or.— M artial law was tlie Court roeui of said Court in tlie assau lt charge, but succeeded in get In fleeing from the O jtnga battle. rooms added to the building petition of Thaw for adm ission to bail declared a t Copperfield by Colonel B. County Court House in tlie town of Ja c k tin g a new trial. A b itte r feud in the • From a m ilitary view point the situ under habeas corpus proceedings. with new scenery and the K. Lawson. He was supported by five sonville, Oregon, as tlie time and place neighborhood resulted. ation was regarded as being w ithout present stage, we can stage m em bers of the coast artillery . Miss for the hearing of said final account. precedent, since in tim e of peace the ! any kind of a production. Federal Closed Seaton Waived. Suffrage Plans Are Nation-Wide. F ern H obbs, p riv ate se c retary to Gov All pensms interested are hereby noti U nited States arm y has never had i W ashington. - R epresentative A lbert The House in the future e rn o r W est, dem anded th a t the saloon- fied to make or file their obji-ctions with j W ashington.— Plans for a vigorous to surround, disarm , hold in custody Johnson obtniued a ruling which will will be booked through the m en In th e council resign, and they saiil court to said final account. it' any nation-w ide cam paign to produce a and c are for bo large u body of aliens. perm it the hunting of m igratory birds Northwestern Theatrical as constitutional am endm ent g liitig suf Few er than 500 cavalrym en handled In the s ta te of W ashington w ithout refused. She th en left tow n and m a r they have, on or before said time. sociation having signed a con frage to women w ere outlined by the the punic stricken mob of alm ost ten 1 prosecution until the sta te 's closed tia l law w as declared, all th e saloons December 27th, 1913. tract to this effect, and they congressional union for woman su f tim es th eir number. w ere seized, and th e city officials —B essie C. A xdkkson season beginning Jan u ary 81. The have assured us that they placed u n d er a rrest. Administratrix frage. The program Includes a sched ’’ft was hopeless," said G eneral M er federal closed season begins January will use their best endeavors ule of “d e m o n s t r a t i o n s t h a t will, nc cado. "O ur men had left only 7« 15 but will be waived this „prlng. Miss F ern ’ Hobbs, G overnor W est’s to only book good companies cording to the suffrage leaders, "aw a rounds of am m unition apiece and we private secretary , did not d eclare m ar NOTICE OF CO.NTE-T W. H. STICKEL, ken the country as never before to tia l law. H er only connection w ith r ( For publication. ) could not have resisted a charge by Girls Starve But Won’t Be Servants. Manager realization of th e issue.” th e case w as to dem and of the m ayor DEPARTMENT OF T H E INTERIOR Loa A ngeles.—Although they say the rebels. It would have been a + + + + + 4- + + + + + 4- and o th er city officials th a t they sign 1 U. 8. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, m assacre. 1 ordered the evacuation they a re starv in g and w ant work, blank resignations. ’ T his they declin January 12, 1914. and flight to safety across the riv er nearly all of t l i e girls and women re g ed to do, and then it w as th at Polonel To Ralph W. Marshall of Rock Point, istered at the m unicipal em ploym ent on grounds of hum anity.” Wonderful Cough Remedy O re., Contestée : Law son took control and read to the bureau turn down every offer of do assem bled m ultitude th e proclam a You are hereby notified that Grant m estic' service. STATE BEGINS TO PROBE tion of m artial law w hich he had Dr. K ing's New Discovery is known Shanks, who gives Gold H 'll, Oregon, as Washington State Officials Investtgata brought with him from Salem. Big Steel Plant Reopens. everywla-re as the remedy which will his post-office address, did on January 8. Salem, Or.—T h at the I. W. W. ot Spokane City Treasury. Colonel Law son flatly refused to surely stop a cough or cold. I). P. Lawson 1914, file in this office Ins duly corrobor W heeling, W. Va.—T he Riverside Spokane, W ash.—From two differ plant of the U nited S tates Steel Cor recognize an injunction ag ain st Gov o f Kidson, T enn., writes: “ Dr. King’s ated application to contest and secure the P ortland who plan m aking the capital ern o r W est’s m artial law order, which New Discovery is the most wonderful cancellation of your Homestead Entry of the sta te th eir Mecca will find ent directions th e sta te of W ashing poration has resum ed operations in had been sen t by telegraph to Special cough, cold and throat anti lung medicine No. 06790, Serial No. 06799 made Nov rough sledding in Salem was indicated ton began investigation of persons In full a fter an idleness of four m onths. D eputy S heriff U. S. Jackson by C ir I ever sold in mv store. I t can’t be beat. em ber 21, 1910, for S* of SW>4 of S 'c ti.,u when the sta te board of control de the county tre a su re r's office under the Approxim ately KWJ men a re affected. cu it Judge A nderson, of Baker. Township 3)1 S, Range.lW , Willamette elded th at with the exception of pos^ adm inistration of Zach S tew art, who It sells without any trouble at all. It needs W hile a lone deputy sh eriff w as en no guarantee.” This is true because Meridian, and as grounds for his sibly 30 or 40 men, th e best th a t could Is under bond aw aiting trial on a DRAIN VALLEY IS PLAN gaged in serving in junctions on m em Dr. King’s New Discovery will relieve the tie alleges that said Ralph W. Marshal) be done would be Jobs for a p art of crim inal charge. S cott H enderson, a ss ista n t atto rn ey Plan la to Make Low Grate Lands bers of th e m ilitia to p rev en t them most obstinate of coughs and colds. Lung dis-8 not now reside npon the said land, them pulling stum ps on sta te property Rich Agricultural Farms. shipping confiscated liquors and bar trouble» quickly helped by its use. You nor has he been upon same at any time for th ree good m eals a day and a sm all general, has arrived to tak e up a line C orvallis.— Probably th e m ost Im of investigation whose purpose and di fix tu res out of th e town, th e troops, should keep a bottle in the jiouse at all during the past two years, ami he lias wage. It becam e evident the charge that rection he declined to state. portant piece of developm ent ever un u n d er Colonel B. K. Lawson, k ep t times for all the family. 59c. and $1.00.' not places! iinprovements upon, or culti C. F. W atson and N. O. H awkins, ex dertaken In recent years in Oregon rig h t on loading th e co ntraband goods All Druggists or by mail. H. E. B uckhn vated o. cleared any of same at any time, m any of the men do not w ant work on th e train. or earned improvement« or cultivât! n io and will not work, was well founded. am iners for the sta te bureau of auper- In Oregon has Just started n ear Cor A Co. Philadelphia or St. Ixiuis G overnor W est w ithout consulting the vision and accountancy, have begun vallis. be done thereon. N ot only w ere liquors and b a r fix L an d o w n ers occupying 40 squnre rfc on th e records in th e treasu rer', tu re s shipped to Baker, but th ere was Yon arc, therefore, frnthernotiflisl tliat o th er m em bers of the board of con m iles of bottom and prairie lands be- a w ealth of gam bling paraphernalia, Worms the Cause o f Your Child’s Pains the said allegations will I»; taken as com tt ' ■ ' ' 4,1 ot the men to work a t var office. t he visit of the atto rn ey general's I tw ccn C orvallis anil Monroe have be consisting of card s and dice, th ree fessed, and y o u r said ,n try will b cap- lous sta te institutions. Ten who were sen t to the Feeble- ag en t Is more or less m ysterious gun the form ation of the first drain ro u lette w heels, one ’’m o n te” layout celeil with»,tit further right to lie heard,- I A foul, disagreeable b reath , dark circle» and th ree money slot m achines with either before ibis office or on appeal, if Minded Institute, partook of a good Rum or said it was due to the fact age d istrict organized under state around th e eyes, gt tim es feverirh, with I you fail to file in tins office within twenty dinner, announced (hat the proffered' that P ro secu to r Crandall, In his last laws In the W illam ette Valley, it la th e money, $8, still g i them . j g re a t th ir s t: cheeks fiushn»! find then J«lays after the FOURTH publication of accom m odations w ere not satisfactory ' T he city officials who have been * 1 a ttem p t to get the superior judges to believed th a t successful dem onstra J pale, abdomen «wollen w itn -b aro cramp u n d er a rre s t w ere released by Colonel tin's notice, as shown below, your answer and m arched back to the city. O thers call n grand Jury, had declared a tion of the beneficial resu lts of d rain j ing pains a re all in d ic a tio n s of w orm s. age in the proposed d istrict will bring Law son, bu t the tow n rem ained under □inter oatli. s|s'cifieally responding to sent to the state fairgrounds took lit sta te officer to be Im plicated. Don’t let your child su ffer— Kickapo.. about an era of progressive develop m a rtial law. those allegations of coniest, together with tie Interest In the work, and evidently j Worm K iller will give su re relief. I t kills m ent by which fully one-fifth of the due proof th at you have served a copy of w ere glad when th e day’s labor was H untington, O r —T roops from the th e s o r n u while Itsla x a tiv e effect add ■ total arable a re a of the W illam ette your ans«< or on tlie said contestant eitli i finished. Conference at Roseburg, O regon sta te m ilitia under Colonel B greatly to th e h ealth of yo u ren ild bv re Roseburg.—The social w elfare ot Valley, o r 1,009,000 acres, will l.e so K. Law son arriv ed h ere to declare S moving th e dangerous t-.ud d issv n eabl- in person or by registered mail. E ggs—Candled, 37c. You should state in your answ er tlie R oseburg and com m unity will be the stim ulated th a t crop products will be m artial law and to close the saloons effect of worms and parasites from tin nam e o* th e post oflii-e io which you » ! subject of a conference on social serv doubled in tw o years, th a t "w hite here. ! system. Kickapoo Worm K iller as a Seattle. sire future notices to be sen t to you. W heat—Bluestem , 94c; club, 85c; ice to bo held In R oseburg gn Jantt lands" will be elim inated and th a t the T h ere a re 10 m ilitiam en from Cop Health producer should be In every — B. I*. J ones , Register. red R ussian, 83c. ary 17, 18 and 19. The aim of the con en tire cost of the construction of the perfield ivho are with Colonel Lawson j household. P erfectly safe. Buy a box Date of first p ubic ¡»lion J a n 17, 1914 ference is to aw aken th e people oi drainage system can be paid for, it Hay—Tim othy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, and this force is considered sufficient to-day. Price 25c. All Druggis t or by second th e com m unity to Its needs for social necessary, in th ree years from in ” 24, $14 per ton. to cope w ith any situ atio n th at might m all, Kickapoo Indian Med. Co. Phila tliiril ” 31, walfar»1 and, If possible, to suggest creased farm profits. E ggs—38c. a ris e in H untington. d d phia t r Bt. Lonis. fouriii Eeb. 7, t'hins for beterlng these conditions. B u tter—C ream ery/ 36c. T h e a te r Gold Hill's exclusive M o tio n Picture & Vaudeville Th eater TO NIG H T « ? Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill :K 3 R e e ls Gold Hill Livery NEW, NOVEL, FILMS Darling & Hodges A ll Get Che Best DEFEATED FEDERALS THAW IS DECLARED GROSS BORDER LINE SANE BY COMMISSION T w o Shows Admission - - - 10 cents A . E . K e llo g g , M gr. OFFICERS ARRESTED; SALOONS CLOSED HARD WORK, LOW PAY FOR UNEMPLOYED