Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1914)
W EG O T h e a te r Gold Hill’s exclusive M otion Picture & Vaudeville Theater TO N IG H T C o m p le te C hang'e o f -3 - F e a tu r e F ilm s C o m p le te R e e ls T w o Shows First show begins at 7:30 o’clock, three films Admission . . . 10 cents A . E. K ellogg', Mgr. OFFICERS ARRESTED; + SALOONS CLOSED + + Governor West Places Copper field. Oregon. Under Mar tial Law. Copperfield, Or.—M artial law was declared a t C opperfield by Colonel B. K. Lawson. H e was supp o rted by five m em bers of th e co ast artillery . Miss F ern Hobbs, p riv ate se c re ta ry to Gov ern o r W est, dem anded th a t th e saloon- m en in th e council resign, and they refused. She th en left tow n and m ar tial law w as declared, all th e saloons w ere seized, and th e city officials placed und er arrest. Miss F ern Hobbs, G overnor W est’s private secretary , did not declare m ar tial law. H e r only connection w ith th e case w as to dem and of th e m ayor and o th er c ity officials th a t th ey sign blank resig n atio n s. T his th ey declin ed to do, and th en it w as th a t Colonel Lawson took control and read to the assem bled m u ltitu d e th e proclam a tion of m a rtial law w hich he had brought w ith him from Salem. Colonel Law son flatly refused to recognize an injunction ag ain st Gov ern o r W est's m artial law order, which had been se n t by telegraph to Special Deputy S heriff U. S. Jackson by C ir cuit Judge A nderson, of Baker. W hile a lone deputy sh eriff w as en gaged in serving in junctions on m em bers of th e m ilitia to p rev en t them shipping confiscated liquors and bar fix tu res ou t of th e tow n, th e troops, u n d er Colonel B. K. Lawson, kept rig h t on loading the contrab an d goods on the train . N ot only w ere liquors and b ar fix tu re s shipped to Baker, b u t th ere was a w ealth of gam bling p araphernalia, con sistin g of cards and dice, th ree ro u lette w heels, one ‘’m o n te” layout and th re e m oney slot m achines w ith th e m oney, J8. still in them . T he city officiais who have been u n d er a rre s t w ere released by Colonel Law son, b u t th e tow n rem ained under m a rtial law. 4 -4 > 4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 - GOLD H IL L O P E R A H O U SE 4- S eatin g C ap acity 600. 4- + S ta g e 50x22. 4- ----------- + + I t Is th e o b ject o f th e 4- 4- m a n a g e m e n t to book o n ly 4- an d 4- + firs t class a ttra c tio n s + a b o u t tw o p e rfo rm a n c e s a 4- m o n th . T h e s ta g e h as b een 4- * 4- e n la rg e d an d new d re s sin g 4- 4- room s ad d ed to th e b u ild in g 4- + w ith new scen ery an d th e 4- p re s e n t sta g e , w e can s ta g e 4- 4- + a n y k in d of a p ro d u ctio n . ♦ T h e H o u se in th e fu tu r e + ♦ w ill be b o o k ed th ro u g h th e 4- N o rth w e ste rn T h e a tric a l as- 4 so ciation h a v in g sig n ed a con- 4- tr a c t to th is e ffe c t, an d th e y 4- have a ssu re d us th a t th e y 4- w ill use th e ir b e st e n d eav o rs to only book good co m p an ies W. H . S T ÏC K E L , 4 M an ag er 4- 4, 4, 4’ + + + + + 4, , i, + > + + 4- Legal Notices SU M M O N S In d ie C ircuit Court of die state of Ore gon for the tXniitly of Jm-kaon. Victor E. Bcuo, Plaintiff, vs. T . C. Norris, Nettie B. Norris and B. H. Harris, Defendants. O PER A H O U SE One Night—Saturday, Jan. 17th Suit to Quiet Tide To It. H. H a rris one of the above Bant ed defendants: In the Name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the plaindlT a oom plaint against yon now oa tile in the above entitksi court and cause on or before dte last day of the time pieacribed in die order for publication of Minuiona herein, Io-wit, on or tvfore Monday, the 9th d a , of February, 1914, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of tills summons. And if you fail to appear ar.d answer, for w ant thereof the plaiutitl'will apply to the court for the relief prayisl for in suld com plaint succinctly statist as follows: T h at the title of die plaintiff in and to the fractional southeast quarter of section tw enty - seven (27) and tlie fractional southwest q uarter of section twenty-six (2 6 ) and the west halt of the northwest q uarter of section th irty -lire (.35); Also an undivided one-half interest in and to the east half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-four (34) and Lot aeven(7) in Section twenty-seven (27); all of said above deecribed land being in tow nship thirty-six (36j south, range th tee (3 ) west W, M .., and containing in all two h u n d red six acres of land mere or less, in Jackson County, Oregon, be forever quiet ed against the defendants and eaeii of th e m ; and th at the defendants and each of them be forever barred from any rigid, title, o r interest therein, and th a t the de fendants and each ol them be forever en joined and restrained irom asserting any claim ot right, title or interest in or to said prope. ty or any portion thereof, and (or plaintiff's costs and disbursem ents t<• be taxed. This summons is puhlishisi in the Gold Hill News, by order of Honorable F. M Calkins, J uiffee of the above entitled court, which said, order was made and entered of record on the 17th day of Decetnls i 1913, and in compliance therew ith tin date of the first publication hereof is tlie 20th day of December 1913. — W. E. P tn ers, Attorney for Plaintiff. A dm inistrator's Final Notice IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF <fl(E GON, FOR JA C K soN COUNTY. In the M atter ol the Estate 1 of Charles T. Anderson, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the under signet! A dm inistratrix of tlie estate of Charles T. Anderson, deceased, lias tiled in the County Court of Oregon, for Jack- son County, her duly verified final ac count, and said Court ha- fixed Monday, tlie 27th day of Jan u ary , 1914, a t 10 o’clock in th e forenoon'of said day, at tlie Court room of said Court in tlie County Court House in tlie tow n of Jack sonville, Oregon, a- tlie time and place for tlie hearing of said tiuai account. All persons interested are hereby noti fied to make or file their objection* with said court to said final account, if any they have, on or before said time. December 27th, 1913. — B essie C. A nderson ¡54-38 A dm inistratrix. Notice fo r Publication DEPARTM ENT OF T H E INTERIOR I'. S. I-iiml Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Decemlier 15th, 191:!. N otice is hereby given th a t George E Dr. King’s New Discovery is known Hays, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who. on everywhere as the remedy which will November Iti, 1910, made homestead En surely stop a cough o r colii. D. P. Ijtwson try Serial, No. 1X5439, for S4 Si N W i SW f, of Eid-on. T enn., writes: “ Dr. King’s N i N i S)V}< S W i, Si N W i N W i s W 'a , New Discovery is the most w onderin' N iS W li N W ti s W i, SW>4 S E 1« NW)< conch, cold and th ro at and lung medicine SWJfi, N W X S E ‘< NWJ< SW>4, Sec. 25. I ever sold in mv store. It can’t be beat, and S E ii N E '4 NF.'^ S E '4 , NEJtf K E 'i It sells without any trouble at all. It needs N E Ji H EJi, Sec. 2(i, Township 35 S., no guarantee.” This is true because Range 3 west W illamette Meridian, ha- Dr. King’s New Discovery will relieve the tiled notice of intention to make Fina1 most obstinate of coughs and colds. Lung three-year Pro if, to establish J laim to tin- troubles quickly helped by its use. Yon land above descriljcd, liefore W. H. Can' should keep a bottle in the house at all on, U nited States Commissioner, at Med times for all the family. 50c. and $1.00. ford, Oregon, on tht-30th «lay of Janttary. All Druggists or by mail. II. E. Bucklen , 1914. <k Co. Philadelphia or <t. Louis Claimant names as w itnesses: J. I,. Rowe, of Sams Valley, Oregon, Worms the Cause of Your Child’s Pains Thomas W yatt, of Sams Valley, Oregon, Mox Slnttz, of Sams Valley, Oregon, W alter Scott, of Sams Valley, Oregon. A foul, disagreeable b reath , dark circle» —B. F. J o n es , around th e eyes, at tim e- (everirh, with K> gister g r e a t h ir-t: cheeks Hushed and th"i pair, abdomen • woilen w i t l m i i a r p cram p log pains are all indications of worms D on't let your child su ffer—Kickapn N o rth b o u n d Worm K iller will give - u r e relief. I t kil i 9: IX) a • • • • th e worms while its laxative effect add- No. 14 11:O4 a. g reatly to the h ealth of y o u rcn ild hv re- No. 24 (motor) 5:56 p. No. Hi • • • • moving th e dangerous and disagt-i eahl. No. 32 (m otor) 5:07 p effect of worms and parasites from the S o u th b o u n d sy-tem . Kickopoo Worm K iller as a No. 23 (motor) 7 :53 a 3:15 p h ealth producer should be in every No. 15 1 GL'jp household. P erfectly safe Buy a box No. 31 ( motor ) Wonderful Cough Remedy S. P. Time Card H untingto n , Or.—T roops from the O regon s ta te m ilitia u n d er Colonel B. K. Law son arriv ed h ere to declare m a rtial law and to close th e saloons here. T h ere a re 10 m ilitiam en from Cop-I perfield w ho a re w ith Colonel Lawson and th is force is considered sufficient to-dav. Price 25c. All D ruggfs'e or by Try a H ot P oint stove, toaster, or an to cope w ith an y situation th a t might m ail, Kickapno In d ian Med. Co. P h ila d elp h ia or St. Ixruis. iron. John Kelsey, agent. arise in H u n tington. The famous 3 -Act Comedy LOST A CHAPERON’’ « -B Y - Yawn with Alice, the sleepiest gir, in town. GRANTS PASS PLAYERS, W ITH A BIG CAST OT 15 PEOPLE UNDER THE AUSPICES OT Idiugh nt Agnes She falls in the barrel! Gracefully? Oh, yes! <5/?e G o l d H i l l B a n d Direction Mrs. Earl V. Ingels There is a Laugh in Every Line W ild Hilarity in Every Situation In the notable cast are Mrs. Merle Caldwell-Dyer, the Misses Mina Hill, Lydia White, Beulah Williams, Della Emerald Jewell, Mildred Churchill, Clara Wolke, Helen Hair, and Messrs. G. \ aud McCracken, Russell Drake, Neil Allen, Roy Dunlup, Vernon Busier, A rthur Schilling and others, all of Grants Pass. P R I C E S : —2 5 c a n d 5 O c L o c a l T a le n t B e tw e e n A c ts NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Money Trust still Feared and Fight Against Interlocking Directories to Continue. W ashington.—O fficial W ashington seem ed to upprove th e action of J. P. Morgan & Co., in resigning from num erous corporation d irecto rates, but it was not believed th at it would prevent an a tte m p t In congress a t th e p resen t session to enact legislation to prohibit interlocking d irecto rates. T here was a general Im pression th a t while th e action w as a step in the right direction. It did not signalize th e breakup of th e so-called money tru st. L aw yers who followed the money tru st investigation by th e house com m ittee pointed out th at while Morgan & Co. had given up directorship* In several large hanks and tru st com* patties th e connections severed for the m ost p art w ere with railroads. So far as these officials could see from the inform ation a t hand, th e relatio n s be tw een som e of the big financial in s ti tu tio n s in New York have not been broken, although th is m ight follow. R ep resen tativ e Lindbergh, of Min nesota, au th o r of a bill to prohibit interlocking d irecto rates, said: “ I doubt If the action of M organ Ac Co. will have any effect on legislation It is in line w ith the evident purpose of big business to try to m eet the de m ands of the people and Is in a n tic i pation of legislation.” Education Test Pending. Are You Going to Build a SILO ? If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST SILO that has ever been constructed. Big Pines Lumber C o’y Gold Hill Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions ¡Good horses’ and drivers that know the’roads We make no specialty of any classjof trade All Get t»he Best T he house of rep re se n ta tiv e s soon will tak e up and probably pass the educational te st Im m igration bill. The the Pacific coast, will subm it some bill th a t Is now on the house calen d ar service. F requently, Mr. D aniels explaineu Im portant recom m endations, p articu is sim ilar to th e m easure which p a ss ed both houses a y ear ago and was ’ ni a field which rightly should he dotn larly with regard to th e tide of orien i Inated by A m erican Influence, a for tal Im m igration th u t Is tending In th s vetoed by P resid en t T aft. In effect, the pending m easure b ars j eign officer m ight tak e first rank be direction of th e U nited S tates. "It Is not tny purpose," he said, "to from the U nited S tates all aliens over | cause of th e failure of the U n ite 16 years old who a re unable to read S ta te s to provide a grade above that d irect my recom m endations to any T his subject hat p a rticu lar people, but It Is m anifest th e ir own language, exception being of rear-adm iral. m ade In the case of those who may been much discussed In connection th a t many O rientals now a re getting with the situation In the gulf of Mex Into th is country unlaw fully. T his Is Come to the U nited S ta te s seekln refuge from religious persecution a' ico, w here an English naval officer, p articu larly tru e of the so-called stu R ear-A dm iral S ir C h risto p h er Crad dents, who ostensibly come to this home an<l in the case of certain itntni grants, m em bers of w hose famliic: d. ek, o u tran k s R ear-A dm iral Fletoher, country to obtain ipi education. c have already been adm itted to thi com m anding the A m erican squadron. National Capital B revities. U nited S tite s . May F u rth er R estrict O rientals. O ut of an enlisted stren g th of 80,000 H ig her Naval Rank Essential. R ecoinem ndatlons will be m ade by officers and men th e United S tates C ongress will be asked to cre a te the bureau of im m igration for th e fur arm y passed through the y ear with four vice-adm irals In the U nited titer re strictio n s of certain kinds ot but two cases of typhoid fever. S tates navy Im m ediately a fte r the oriental Im m igration. D ecem ber 31 th ere w ere 2760 na holiday recess. S ecretary Daniels A. C am inettl, com m issioner-general tional banks in th e United S tates, ac said he had determ ined this course to of im m igration, who recently returned cording to a sta te m e n t of th e control avoid the possibility of e m b arrass to W ashington from an extended of ler of the currency. m ent to the A m erican navy In foreign ficial trip to im m igration statio n s on fö