Gold Hill Jackson Co. G r e a f« « f N atu ral H .t o a r e **f Soul horn O r.g a n l l On b .a u ti/u l H ugu. R tv .r I / - O n . C om m u n ity a t O p ? o r - ta n ti y R o g a . R io tr V aU .y, w K .r . t h . a p p i. g a n . d f a m . ------------------------------------- ------ ------------- -------------------------- ’ i, iznr.uun.& A I UK1JAY, JANUARY 3,1914 NO. 35 CURRENCY MEASURE IS BEING GROOMED I OR PERFORMANCE LABOR LEADER IS VICTIM OF COWARDS A T CALUMET President of West ern Miners Shot and Beaten Calum et, Mleh.—The deportation of Charles H. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Mlnera and leading the copper miner«' strike, who was eaoorted from Hancock after be ing abot and clubbed, will he Investi gated by the special grand )ury when It resumes Ita sessions. Moyer, who reached Chicago with a bullet wound from which, however, he eeemed to be suffering little or no pain, told of having been clubbed and «hot by the oonunlttee that deported him. He aald that James McNaughlon, manager of the Calumet A Hecla mine, passed the "mob" In an auto *nd wae at the station when they ar rived. He also charged that the sher iff knew of the plan to deport him. Chicago, III.—Charles H Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, and now the central figure of the copper miners' strike in the Cal umet region, who arrived In Chicago with a graphic account of dramatic Incidents, In which he declares be was abot. mobbed and deported from the oopper district, oollapaed soon after his arrival, as the result of his wounds and was taken to St. Luke's hospital. There Is only the moat remote chance that the wound In Moyer's back will, prove fatal. JOE TINKER NEW WEIGHTS AND RATES IN POST J SECRETARIES WANHINOTON, Deo. 80.—The lot- pound and 0 cents to, additions! lowing . bang,-« In weight limit and post- pound or fraction thereof. ■K" rates for fonrth-rlass matter take el- 8I«U, « ^ N l ^ ,e„«a for the And teet January 1, 1014: The limit of pound w. ight of parcel. of fourth-dam mail for P°" n , ami 8 wnti for ? each additional delivery within tlw first and second zones ,raction All regnlations or parts of r e fla tio n s slmll la- Increased from 20 to 60 pounds, and in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, in conflict he.ewith are hereby rescinded seventh and eighth sones from 11 to 20 On and after March 10, 1914, the pounds. i lassiflcation of articles mailable under The rah- of («»stage on parcels exceed section K of the act of Anguat 24, 1912, ing four m in«« in weight in the thinl, autliorlzlug the establishment of the par fourtli, fifth and sixth zones shall be as cel post service shall he extended so as follows: to include books. The rate of postage on Third sone—Hix cents for the first 1 hooka weighing K ounces or lew shall be pound and two cents for each additional I am t for each 2 ounces or fraction pound or fraction thereof. titereof and on those weighing in exon Fourth sone—(Seven cents for the first of 8 ounces the regular zone rate alia! I pound an.l 4 cents for each additional apfiiy. pound or fraction thereof. All regulations or parts of regulations Fifth sop — Eight eents for the first in conflict ht'h.-with arc rescinded.; 100 Acre Orchard Sold for $55,000 Afterthought L»» Mine is Purchased Medford Mail • Tribune.—Butler A GRANTS P A » , Jan. 2 . - The J. R Monroe completed a .leal Tuesday where BaJey mining property on Thomas Creek, by H. C. Leland, of Han Francisco, se- known as the “ Afterthought” , has been cure.1 Mr. Butler’s interest in their im purchased by F. B. Hanford and associa proved 100-acre orchard, four m ile. north- ted mining men from Michigan and Illi east of Medford, on a valuation for the nois, the purchase price being 912,000. orchard said to he 960,000. Mr. la-land This property 1 m one of the moat prom Jos T in k e r, recently sold by C in cin has been looking over the valley for the ising mines of tlie district and the 250 nati to Brooklyn fo r »26,000, who last ten days for a suitable location. The feet of tunnel work already done proves Jumped from tho National League to change in ownership will be consummat tlie value of tlie ore deposit. A large ed January 1. amount of ore is now blocked oat, and the now outlaw Federal League. Mr. (aland thinks the Rogue River the sssays are moot encouraging. One valley the most beautiful plac. he lias lot of 27 tons Irom the surface workings seen. Uiat was milled returned values of »64.44 The property consists of five-year-old per ton, while another of 10 tons from orchard, some of which bore this year. the lower jsirtion of the ledge went »07 It is in the Coker Butte section, adjoin per ton This ore was haul.-d to the mill ing the Uenard orchard. at the Michigan mine for treatment. Hatchery Expert is Now in Charge at Elk Creek •o d la a Bomo By M arbhara; Thousands Form Spectacle of G rief. Calum et, M ich.— Tho W estern Fed a»«ts Wvtgh MV Weeede. Cottatpa Urure,—A toaau mitigai beets that ttp tha aoalaa at 147 pounds bare tsswn raised hr J. M. MoDols aa an lndteatton ot th. of Clrdt agi Grove autt D anan ARE BUSY PERFECTING BANK PLANS MRS. JOHN P. MITCHELL Committee to Visit Cities That Want Reserve Banks Washington.— Secretaries McAdoo and Houston of the organization com m ittee have taken the first official steps to start the machinery of the Glass-Owen act. In a resolution adopted by the or ganization com m ittee, it was provided that every national bank which ac cepts or rejects the provisions of the federal reserve act shall file a report of such action within sixty day. In tention to subscribe to the capital stock of federal reserve banks must at the same time be declared. Under the law these reports must be filed on or before February 22. ! From January 1 to March 1. Secre- J Laries McAdoo and Houston will de vote much of their tim e with hearings and investigations relative to the des ignation of federal reserve cities and districts. Cities to be visited are New York, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis. P o rtland , M r». John F . M itch ell, w ife of tha San Francisco, Houston, New Orleans, Cincinnati and Cleveland. man who defeated Tam m any and Is Atlanta, By April 1 the work of organization now M ayor of G reater Now Y o rk. will be completed and the federal re serve board will be ready to take up the work where the organization com m ittee leaves off. It is planned to have all essentials completed so that the system may be started aa soon as the reserve cities and districts are announced. Ashland Must Take Up Burden With Sister Cities Tlie new company proposes to com mence immediate development of the property, and will make a real produc ing mine of it. Men and supplies left for Thomas Creek yesterday, and it is pro posed to get the mine ready (or machin cry at the earliest possible movement T ru s t Revision to Be Short W o rk . Gently circumventing the recent court Congressmen prospectively viewing Hugh C. Mitchell, of the Rnreau ot decision which exempts tlie city of Ash the new year declared that the addi Hatcheries, returned from Elk creek Sat land from the road levy shared in com tional legislation to make the Sher- •ration of Miners burled Its dead. urday and rejMirte that E. W Careells, mon by the rest of the county, the county , man law more effective will not ab Fifty-nine bodies. Including those of from California, has arrived to assist in court did not make a similar levy for the sorb as much of congress* time aa an 44 children, were carried through the fislicultural work on Itogne river and coming year, but included the road ex ticipated. streets down a winding country high tributaries, «aye tho Medford Mail-Tri President Wilson's atti penditures in the general levy. way and laid In graves In a anow en bune. Mr. Mitchell stale»: tude, as they have gathered from talks This proceeding, which brings the de with him, is that business, needing ad shrouded cem etery within sight of "Tilt- bureau of fialu-rUa is preparing for linquent southern city into the fold of justment from the tariff and currency Lake Superior. the steelhead trout season and a» the road to t payment, is authorized by a re measures, is not now in a position to Thousands of snddntied miners plant at tin- Elk ereek hatchery was en cent decision in a similar Lane county withstand a slashing attack. It is not formed the escort of the funeral par larged last spring and a heavy run of Had the road levy been made the a period of depression, they say, it is ties and passed between other thou steelhead. is looked for within sixty days, city of Ashland would have been exempt merely one of transition. sands who aa spectators testified to no effort or expellee is being spared to Loa Angeles, Cal.—John Boatlck, Judge William M. Colvig, renowned as ed from even the payment of interest up the grief that has oppressed the com obtain efficient men to care for the fry. "the El Monte bandit,” pleaded guilty The president's program is for pas munity since 72 men. women and chil Rogue river's reputation as tile greatret in the superior court to the murder of a consistent and persistent booeter for on road bonds. From the general levy sage of a law making guilt personal dren were killed In the Christmas eve angling stream known cannot be jeopar Traveling Passenger Agent Horace E. southern Oregon, the Valley, and Med when necessary the court will segregate in trust cases— possibly prison sen ford, received as a Christmas present an amount sufficient for road work, tences, instead of the wide latitude of panic In Italian hall. dised by employing other than experien Montague and was sentenced to be from the Houthei n Pacific tlie appoint which will probably be three mills. fines now discretionary with judges ced men. hanged. The state and county tax levy, as fixed under the Sherman law—and prohibi ment of tax attorney and right-of-way W a n t Michigan S trike Investigated. Mr. Cassell has given this work his He will be taken to San Quentin by the county court at Jacksonville Mon tion against Interlocking directorates. agent at a salary of »3,«00 per annum Chicago.—An appeal to congress to undivided attention for sixteen years, penitentiary within 10 days. The and expenses. The plum made a decided day, amounts to fifteen mills. E stim a tes,_________ inveatlgate conditions In the copper luring which time lie lias acted in the w CABVlI7 There w ill also be a „ ,„ law exactly UB_ de- death penalty, according to the sen bulge in tlie genial Judge's cashmere on in detail had been previously published fining a trust, and serving notice on oountry of Michigan waa made by the capacity of foreman at all important stat tence passed by Judge Oavtn W. Craig Christmas morning. He will succeed the as required by Uw, but no proteste were | big business just how far it can go Chicago Federation of Labor In reso ions in California, operated by lx<th the must be inflicted within »0 days. late Colonel Eddy, and will make his registered and the levy was made in ac- , Beef Inquiry Planned, lutions which directly charged owners state flsli commission ami tlie bureau of The crime foe which Boetick. who ia lieadquarters at Portland, although tlie enrdanoe with the preliminary budget. . . . of the mines and tbelr «gents with bd flslierius, including Sisson, the 1-ake Ta but 22 yeara old. muat hang, waa com duties of liis position will require that he Altogether the levy for 1914 will raise tng responsible for the tragedy ot li.* hateherm, Rattle creek, Mill crock has announced the appointment of a mitted on the night of December 1. he upon the road a great deal of the time. about »570,000, tlie state levy being over Christmas eve, when 72 children and and many oilier». He will undoubtedly special committee of experts to con- He boarded the Southern Pacific’s Judge Colvig is a pioneer of southern four mills and the county practically the i duct an inquiry Into the present un- adults lost their lives. prove a valuable asset to southern Ore 8unset Express at Pomona, held up Oregon, coming across the plains with his same as that of tlie previous year. gon.” ! satisfactory meat production condi the passengers of the rear Pullman parents. His fattier originally owned the T w o U n iversity Regents Step Out tions in the United States. The an and shot and killed Montague, who he ranch now known aa Riverdale, and Beattie.—Two of the regents of tha nouncement by the seer tary pre thought was about to r esist which is at present the property of H. B University of Washington, F. A. Ha scribes that the committee will inves Arthur Colen and his bride, of San Nye, located 2 ) , mile« west ot Gold Hill zeltlna and G. A. Walker, have asnt tigate "especially in reference to beef, Franclsoo, were responsible for the He has practiced law for many years their resignations to Qovnmor D ater with a view to suggesting possible bandit's capture December 22. The having served a term in early days as and he la seeking the resignations of methods for im provem ent” Colens, returning on the express from school superintendent and later two terms three others. The governor last Sat The work of the commi'toe. it is Superintendent Adams wishes to an Rumors are rile of yet another new their wedding trip, were robbed by as prosecuting attorney, when tlie district urday requested Alexander McBwan. said, will center largely on the study the bandit. While Christmas shop F. A. Hnseltlne, John C. Higgins and train schedule to take effect in the immed ping on Mission street, in San Fran included the whole of southern Oregon nounce to the public tliat he has made of economic questione Involved in the iate future, with the additional preening arrangements with the State l T niversity He lias f„r many years been local legal . A. L. Rogers to resign on account of cisco, they saw Bostick. They left the Extension department whereby tlie local production, transportation, slaughter their action In removing Thomas F. into service of a through train for mail car and trailed him for half an hour. representative for the Southern Pacific in and markt-tlng of meat. school will be able to offer the people of end express exclusively. No, 13, tho Medford. Kane, president of the university, Railroads Asksd for Information. Two years ago Judge Colvig left his law this community a series of lecture« on from office, during the middle of the morning south bound passenger, which is Salem. Or.— Declaring that he A series of interrogatories was ad be- practice to l«com e manager of the Med General Commonwealth Service problems, now flagged from this stalion is said to 'ttollege year. I* slated for a regular stop here, while lleved the recent opinion of the su ford Commercial Club after being its ag municipal, sanitary, civic and education dressed by the interstate commerce the time of lioth this train and No 15, preme court placed all employes of gressive president for the five years pre al. Such eminent specialists as Dr. Jo commission to the railroads of eastern i Tragedy of Fighting Dear. Ashland.—Trappers on Lick creek, die afteruiMin southbound, will ho slightly state Institutions under the applica vious. His work as a booster made him seph Schafer, head of the Extention De- J classification territory in relation to partment; Dr. Clifton F. Hodge, tlie no a petition of the roads for an advance ;ln this county, recently came across varlier. Other alterations id improve tion of the eight-hour law. Labor Com m o re than a state reputation. a strange find In the way of two deer ment to the service are said to lie under missioner Hoff said that he would Mrs. Helen Gale and children will ac ted biologist recently from Clark Univer of 5 per cent in their freight rates. with horns Interlocked, one of them advisement, although th e new time table have members of the state board of company Judge Colvig to Portland, where sity, who lias created his own subject, The inquiries are designed to develop Civic Biology" ; Dr. Geo. Rebec, whose such facts concerning the physical a six-point buck and the other a five- has not yet made its appearance before cohtrol arreBted, If it became neces they will reside. sary, to obtain a comprehensive adju specialty is m ethais und administration and financial operations of the roads pointer. The six-point animal was tin- local agents. of education, and others, will discuss mat a« heretofore have not been submitted Extensive landslides along the Southern dlcation of the proposition. The mem ((.dead, and Its carcass Was being drag T H E M ARKETS. ters of vital importance to every citizen. to the commission. V ged about by the other one, appear Pacific trucks between Shasta Springs and bers of the board are Governor West, Secretary of State Olcott and State "Among other things it is desired I la 1 first lecture of the series will be given a n ce. indicating that the larger deer Hinson cfl'cctnallj tied-nn tram service Portland. by Di Joseph Schaler on the evening of to determine to what extent conflict of thè two had been dead several days. from the south on Wednesday and Thurs Treasurer Kay. Wheat—Club, 86c; bluestem »5c; day. Neither N o.’s 14 and Id for these I January 15. The course is free except ing and Intertwining interests com red Russian, 84c. City Clear Quarter Million on Carlins W ill Seek Gold Dust. | for the slight expense of advertising and monly deecrtbed as interlocking di- lays were in operation beyond tne site of XL Hay—Timothy, »17; alfalfa. »14. Phoenix.—The Forbes company has trouble, and wen- replaced in the only San F rancisco—The public works ; hall rent. Other «Humanities of our ■ rectorate« prevail," the ^5*—“"—r sa ant Butter—Creamery, 35c. secured leasee from the owners of the manner possible by a hastily made-up board decided that when the city fin I state are making much of this education- j said, “and what influence, if any, this Eggs— Candled, 40c.' flats along Bear crook, from Phoenix stub service from Ashland. Several slides ish«« Its first year’s operation of the al and civic improvement propaganda. I practice has had In increased railroad _ to Talent, for the purpose of washing «•cured, varying to several hundred feet Geary street carllae its profits will Let Gold Hill not lag behind in the costa.” Seattle. T the sand for gold. Work will begin in length, and from 3 to 10 feet in depth. have reached nearly $260,000. thing that, after all, is the only index to ' National Capital BravRIs«. Wheat—Bluestem, 95c; club, 84c; real and abiding progress. \ln a few days, and will be watched When oongiwM reconvenes after the red Russian, 83c. Christiania Bishop Diet. ’ with Interest, as It was In this vicinity holidays, Seaator Chamberlain, of Ore Kof Rent—40 acre tract; fruit treei Hay—Timothy, »17 per ten; alfalfa, Christiania, Nor.—The Right Rev .y ’ fhat rich 0t>ld deposits were found In l.fXHT;—Silver ehiin-liiin purse, con-' gon, will endeavor to call together all fair buildings; worth investigating. Sa »14 per ton. - \ Anton Christian Bang, bishop of Chris I 184». The developing company Is aald I Mining some money. Reward will be i the senators and representatives from — H arry D ay , Kg»a—41c. tianla and primate of the Norweglar x to be well financed. Gobi Hill. paid for its return to the office of the the public land states In the Lope of Butter—Creamery. 36c. Church Is deed. He was born in 1840 agreeing on a bill to amend ¡' . -ee Gold Hill News. year homestead law. v- Youthful Bandit Judge Colvig Gets Must Pay Penalty Railroad Position New Time Card and Train Rumor Extension Lecture Course is Secured