Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, December 13, 1913, Image 2

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    G o ld H ill N e w s
Pi ni I - l l l 'P
Three carloads of Christmas trees
have been shipped from Molalla to
Loa Angeles. Trees were 4 to 10 feet
B en H. Lum pm nn
high and each car carried 1200 trees.
The first curload of broomcoru evet
Entered .11 ib GoVI Hill po-totlhv for transmission through the mail» a»
shipped out of Josephiue county went |
•xigid-elass matter
to Ashland, where it will be manufac
tured Into brooms.
And while you are making ready to celebrate the day, we Offer the invitation
SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 1913
Petitions are being circulated at
for you to call at our store and look over the good things which
Medford for the recall of Mayor Pur
SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE din and every member of the city
we have for that occasion:
Seventy-five citizens of McMinn­
ville, who have organised a military
company, are to be made a part of the
national guard by order of Adjutant-
Qeneral Finser.
ROHIBITION will become a statewide campaign issue next Citizens of Grants Pass adopted res­
year. In a stormy session at Portland representatives of olutions calling on the county court
the various church denominations, the Prohibition party, and the to annul the 6-mill road tax levy as
W. C. T. U.. ratified an agreement to wage warfare for a “dry to the city of Grants Pass, the object
being to save the city *67,000.
state in 1914. claiming the ensuing year to be more auspicious to
Thomas R. Sheridan, ex-president
their purpose than 1916, when it was feared that the president of the First National bank of Rose­
ial election would overshadow the state issue. It is ass u met burg, was indicted by the Douglas
county grand jury for obtainiug money
that the movement will meet defeat, as in the past, but that as­ by false pretenses, and for forgery.
sumption will not lull the retail liquor or brewery interests into J. D. Brown, of Arlington, has been
Canned Pineapple, Strawberries, Cherries, Peaches, Pears
the repose of fancied security. Booze and boodle will flow as chosen to mjcceed Arthur V. Swift, of
Baker, as president of the Oregon Ed­
freely from one camp as platitudes and fanacticism will eminate ucational & Co-Operative Union of J
from the other. Leaving the guard down for a jab, is it safe to America.
Frank Brown, of Carlton, has been
venture the assertion that statewide prohibition has never been
to aid in judging the short-
can never be, a complete success? In the wake of prohibitory selected
born cattle at the international live­
We have many beautiful things suitable fur presents. Ties,
st ite legislation troops the boot-legger, the blind-pigger, and the stock show at Chicago. The exhibit
Handkerchiefs, Suspenders and Hose in fancy Christmas
perjurer. There may be no abrasions on the fair face of things is the largest in the show.
In the past season the government
Scarfs in both wool and silk. Ties. Bows, Neckwear,
but the sore is under the surface.’ If the combined energy o:: has cruised 250,000 acres of timber-
Combs and Hair Ornaments for the Ladies.
prohibitionism were devoted, not to the bolstering up of an ab­ land In the reserves of Oregon. The
surd political party or to mere localities, but to centering home work was done in mature belts, with
W e w ill a ls o h a v e o u r A n n u a l T ren t fo r th e C h ild r e n
upon the calloused dome of Congress the national sentiment for the view of selling the timber to log
ging companies.
a cleaner nation, we should, indeed, have taken strides toward
Jackson county was not visited by
a single serious forest tire in the past
season, the protection costing about
half a cent an acre for the timber
holdings outside the government re­
President Wilson has granted a par
N A CURRENT magazine appears a clever story by Zona don to Harry Redford, convicted at
Gale—of Friendship village, that homely little hamlet which Portland last spring on a charge of
thousands of the reading public know and love. This time the taking liguor into the Umatilla Indian
reservation and sentenced to 60 days
village celebrated Christmas, and in a manner to make the heart In jail and to pay a fine of *100.
glad. Not one heart, or a few, but every heart in Friendship The petition of the Klamath sports­
H e a d q u a r te r s fo r
village, save one—and that one bitten with regret and better for men's association against the closing
Sprague and Williamson rivers to
the lesson. It was a great yarn, well told. The plans for Christ­ of
logging operations has reached Wash­
mas happiness that were laid by the lovable old village gossip ington and been presented to Secre­
Stoves Tin, Granite and Aluminum Ware
Garden Tuula
are so practical that hundreds of towns will follow the lesson tary Lane by the Oregon delegation.
One hundred and ninety-four re­
Haying and Heading Ti»>l»
Builder»’ Material« ami Tiad»
tau g h t Nothing but the fear of plagiarism, the dread of being cruits
in three months' time Is the
Building l'a per Faint» till» Varnishes Braabra Gia»» CrockeryWMW
caught at “copying,” will hold others back. Why hesitate at a record made by the Oregon national
I-arge Assortment of Queenswaie A» linea line and aaiairtmcht of
plagiarism that makes for happiness, or assume that benevol guard In a campaign to fill up all
F is h in g T a c k le
ence may be copyrighted? The practical adaptation of the Zona companies of the guard to war
strength iu the face of the present
Cattaraugus Cutlcy Gun» Ammunition I lek»
Gale story’ has been recently discussed in Gold Hill—a little Mexican situation.
■(hovels .Miner»’ Supplie»
Powder, Fuse ami Caps
Inn«' Ball« and
aid will set it on its cheerful way. Gold Hill is neither too large, Samples of the first sheet of pulp
.diti», ami Bata. My Stock w complete in every line ami my price« are right
nor too small, too dignified, nor too humble, to do the right thing
from mill waste, have been received
R e m e m b e r I h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a s e t h e s e G o o d * ta
at the right time—and Christmas time, of all times, is the time by Governor West from C. A. Smith
to do it!
of the C. A. Smith Logging company,
which has built a pulp mill in connec­
tion with the company’s big plant at
Brief News of the Week
People in the News
The radicals ruled the New York
Ex-President Taft explained the
Poultry produces more wealth for
republican state conference and forced reason he did not go back to Cincin­ Oregon annually than does fruit, It
the approval of a direct or state-wide nati to live was that he didn't want to produces half as much as wheat, three
primary law.
practice law before judges he himself times as much as wool, one and a half
There is a well-authenticated report appointed, when president.
times as much as hops, 60 per cent as
that President Huerta has been as­
Andrew Carnegie’s secretary figures much as hay, twice as much as oats,
sured a loan of *750,000 pesos by an that the iron master has given away and 6 per cent of the total agricultural
American corporation with Mexican *365,125,-000 out of a fortune originally wealth of the state.
of *380,125,000.
J. H. Ackerman, president of the
Because they had ridden Mrs. John
The release of ex-President Zelaya, normal school at Monmouth, who
Richardson on a rail following the who was arrested In New York, charg­ heads the western state teachers' as
linking of her name with that of her ed with murder in his own land, was sociatlon, has prepared the program
brother-in-law, five gray haired wo­ authorized by order of the depart for its session at Salem December 22
A Specialist in this work,
men of Waukegan, 111., were convicted ment, on condition that he sail on the to 24. The big event of the session
well as any detail of
and each may be fined $200 and sent­ first boat for Spain.
will be the address of Dr. M. O. O'Shea
Blacksmithing, etc.
enced to six months in jail.
Indictments charging graft in con­ of Wisconsin.
It is announced that nearly all the nection with building highways In
Deputy Sealer of Weights and
hotel owners of San Francisco, repre­ New York have been returned by the Measures Buchtel has been notified
senting more than 1200 hostelries, special grand jury against Arthur Me that in various parts of the state
B la c k s m ith
have agreed with the Panama-Pacific Lean, treasurer of the democratic cords of wood containing less than
exposition officials that prices for state central committee.
128 cubic feet, the number required
rooms will not be increased over those
Boys and girls are advised to stick by law, are being sold, and has in­
Oregon Agricultural College
of the present, on account of the 1915 to the farm by Champ Clark, speaker structed the county sealers to make
F arm ers ’ W eek
of the house, addressing a meeting of Investigations.
Telephone securities were given a corn growers.
Senator Pomerene
December 8 to 13, 1913
That State Senator McColioch has
jolt in the stock market when Wall says, if he were a girl, he would rather no legal right to serve as attorney for
This will he a notable event In the ed­
street heard the report that Samuel bake a good loaf of bread than dance the corporation department and the ucational history of Oregon.
Hill, head of the Home Telephone the tango.
state industrial commission, was the
Farmers’ Co-operation will be the lead­
company of Portland, Or., was actively
Two cowboys, suspected of robbing statement made by Attorney-General ing topic of a stimulating series of lect­
engaged in merging the independent the Verde Valley bank at Blythe, of Crawford, who, in an opinion, advised ures. The week will las crowded with
telephone companies of the United *5000, and killing Cashier A. W. State Treasurer Key not to honor war­ iliscusaions, and demonst-ations In every­
States with the Postal Telegraph Bowles, were arrested at El Centro, rants for *250 a month as remunera­ thing that makes for the welfare of the
Cal. The suspects had in their pos­ tion for Mr. McColloch's service«.
farmer and home-maker.
Declaring that intimately personal session bteween *4600 and *6000 in
Governor West has announced that
subjects should be taught to children gold.
W inter S hort C ourses
be will ask the next legislature to
at home by their parents, the Parents
appropriate *3652.36, a deficiency in
January 5 to 30, 1014
Rights League of America, organized
Head of Cardinal Bishops Dies.
the amount expended for the trans­
in San Francisco to combat the intro­
Rome.—Cardinal Oreglla, dean of portation of Union and Confederate
The College has spared no effort to
duction of “sex hygiene” instruction the sacred college, died here of pneu­ veterans to the celebration of the 60th make this the most complete short course
and medical inspection in the public monia. His death makes Cardinal anniversary of the battle of Gettys­ in its history. A very wide range; of
schools, will Issue a call to all mothers. Gibbons of Baltimore dean of the col­ burg. This amount Is owed the O.-W. courses will be offered in General Agri­
R. & N. company, and the original culture, Horticulture, Animal Husban-
Many Dead in Texas Floods.
appropriation of *5000 has been ex­ dry, Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Me­
Houston, Tex.—The number of dead
chanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art,
In the Hood which has spread over
With the hope of eliminating some Commerce, Forestry, and Mnsic. Num­
Hot Chili
Hot Coffee
the lowlands In half a dozen counties
of the 22 saloons of The Dalles and erous lectures and discussions on FARM­
in south central Texas reached 150.
Hot Tamales, Saturdays
Wheat—Club, 82c; bluestem, 93c: providing for strict regulation of the ERS’ OO-OPERATTOW, a t home and
Four-fifths of the dead were negrc red Russian, 81c.
Hot Drinks
Hot Lunches
places where drink Is dispensed, the abroad, will I»- a leading feature. Make
(arm hands.
Hay—Timothy, *17; alfalfa, *14.
city council passed a rigid ordinance this a pleasant and profitable winter
Butter—Creamery, 37c.
which will become effective January outing. No tuition. Accommodations
Montgomery Ward Dies.
Eggs—Candled, 43c.
B u n t e ’a C h o c o l a t e * - T o b a c c o s , E tc .
1, 1914. Open fronts are required in reasonable. Itedneed rates on all rail­
Chicago.—Montgomery Ward, who
roads. For fnrtlier information address
gained a fortune as a pioneer in mail-
person« Inside visible from the side­
order merchandising, died here ol
—H. M. T ennant , Registrar,
Wheat—Bluestem, 92c; club, 82c; walk. The amount of the annual li­
pneumonia. Mr. Ward was 70 years red Russian, 81c.
Corvallis, Oregon.
cense which saloonkeepers shall pay
Farmers’ Business Courses by Corres­
Hay—Timothy, *17 per ton’ "
was raised from *800 to *1000.
pondence without tuition.
The Day that brought glad tidings to the World
Grape Fruit
Apples, Pears
D ates
W alnutts
In our Dry Goods Department
L A N C E & C O M PA N Y
Everything for
Christmas at
D. H. M I L L E R ’S
“ G o o d q u a lit y g o o d s a n d
P r ic e s R i g h t ”
Ir o n by E lectricity
Late Model Electric Irons. Guar-
teed 5 years, now
We will send you one on trial
A T T U R N E R ’S