WILSON-SAYRE WED NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL DING SOCIAL EVEN! GREAT COMBINATION OFFER Washington.—Occupying first pines In tha Important events of the week at the nation'« capital waa tbe wed ding Tueaday afternoon of M lu 1 » • I . Wilson. second daughter of Pre» Ident and Mm. Wlloon. The cere mony waa performed In the historic East room of the white bouae, on tha vary apot whore Mies Nellie Onnt married Algernon C. F. Sartorloa on May It. 1878, and w hen later Ulaa Alice Roosevelt waa Joined la wad- lock to Nlcholaa Longworth. An altar had been erected before the broad window at the eaat aide ot tha room, aa waa dona for the Rooae ▼alt wedding. B efon tha altar waa a broad data, on which the bridal party stood. Ulaa Wllaon. attended by her maids, entered the Eaat room through tha main doorway, from the Inner apart ment. leaning on the arm of her father. Mr. Sayn, Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, ol the Labndor mission, the beat man. and the Rev. Sylvester W. Beach awaited her at the altar. To one aid« were the diplomatic corps. Opposite them were the guests of the senate and the house and In another group the pereonal friends of tha Wllaon family and the representatives ol Washington residential society. with the P o r t l a n d E v e n i n g T e l e g r a m , en abling us to give subscribers the advantage of a gigan tic combination offer for a limited period. You can get a metropolitan evening paper with all the latest news of the world, and all the news of Gold Hill and vicinity in this paper at a remarkably low price. T h e E v e n i n g T e l e g r a m is the best paper in the state, market reports unexcelled, Saturday edition contains a magazine and comic section in colors. PORTLAND EVENING TELEGRAM - 1 Y ear $ 5 .0 0 GOLD HILL NEWS - 1 Y ear TOTAL Both papers thru this office if paid in advance for 1 year, before Dec ember 31, 1913... - 1 .5 0 - $ 6 .5 0 Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line of boriai robes, caskets, etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone : Home*, 9—M ; Residence Phone, Home 2—K ; Pac ifle 4 ( - 5 «• D R ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS ADMINISTERED RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD A. E. KELLOGG NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 36 Main GOLD HILL, OREGON No 1—Coat, vest and two pair of pants for the price of a suit. No. 2—Coat and two pair of pants for the price of a coat and pants. No. 3—Overcoat and one pair of pants for price of an overcoat. The extra pair of trousers may be of the same material as the suit or be made from any other pattern that is priced at the same figure as original order. Onr guarantee stands back of every garment, it must fit and give satisfaction - or you need not take it. If extra pants are not wanted, you may order a handsome silk v. st F R E E . Mark Tailoring Co. P. B O U C H E T T a ilo r H u ts o n B ld g . plicant will offer final proof in support of his application ami sworn statement on the 5th day of December, 1913, before Register and Receiver United States Land DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR I Office' at Bosebnrg, Oregon, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. : A" y peT ? Iiherty u* pr"u>“t thia Septem ber18, 1913. : P" " ha~ W ',r" ^ in itia te a con- N oticb is hereby given that Harry L. any tlme bef?re iw,ne8> by Tabke, whose post office address is 1172 filing a corroborated affidavit in this of East Everette Street, Portland, Ore., did, fice, alleging facts which would defeat tiie entry. on the 2 day of January, 1913, file in this —B. F. J ones , office Sworn Statement and Application, 21-30 Register. No. 08608, to purchase the SJ^ Sec tion 14, Township 34 S, Range 3 West, Nervous and Sick Headaches Willamette Meridian, and the timber Torpid liver, constipated bowels and thereon, under the provisions of the act disordered Hoir.aeb are th - cauies of of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, these headaches. Take Dr. King's New known as the “ Timber and Stone Law,” Life Pills, you will be surprised how at such value as might be fixed by ap quickly you will get relief. They stimu praisement, and that, pursuant to such late the diferent organs to do their work application, the land and timber thereon properly. No better regulator for liver have lieen appraised, $410.00, the tint and bowels. Take25c ^nd invest in a box her estimated 980,000 board feet at $050 today. At all druggists or by mail, H.E, per M, and the land $70.00; that said ap- Bocklen A Co., Philadelphia or St Louis Legal Notices W. H. Smith El Paso, Tex.—General Jose Yne« Salazar's command is completely sur rounded south of Saragosa. General Villa ordered his soldiers to take Gen eral Salazar alive so that he may be publicly executed as an example to federal officers and federal sympathiz ers. Simultaneously repulsing a front and a right and left flank attack, turn ing the separate attacks into general engagement along his line of defense, 12 miles long, General Francisco Villa, by executing a clever strategy aftei dark drove the attacking federal forces out of their camp before TLerra Blanca and hurled his cavalry aftet them as they fled in a panic to their trains. The decisive movement came, about when General Villa apparently aban doned his center position at, ,Tl#rra IManoa, leaving bis camp fires, burn ing. The federal forces, bent on a ul/jhi surprise, advanced upon the position. Halfway to tbe apparently deserted Villa camp they were confronted ,with not only Villa’s main column, but de tachments from the right and left wings. Race for Senate Intent of Ailshle. Boise, Idaho.—Chief Justice James F. Ailshle Intends to become a can didate for United States senator, sub Ject to the will of the republican prl maries. This is settled w ith /th e friends of the chief Justice, who have been circulating the Information in the state. — ---------—TT” Grain to Bring Mlfltons. Winnipeg, Manitoba.—The govern ment of Saskatchewan announced that the grain harvest this year would be valued at 8110,900,000, of which $71,- 000,000 is represented In wheat and 825,000,000 In oats. MANUFACTURER'S AGENT for Roofing, Hydraulic Pipe, all sizes, Skylights, Contract or s Supplies. I represent Manufacturers and Jobbers in many lines, and can quote low prices. Address, W. d. Smith, Medford, Oregon Are You Going to Build a V SILO ? If you are, don’t waste any time, any money until you have seen us. We have the BEST and CHEAPEST SILO that has ever been constructed. F ree! We have a Present GOLD H IL L , OREGON AU Get Ghe Best W hite House to Be Closed New Year This offer expires DECEMBER 3 1 s t A. E. KELLOGG We make no specialty of any clans of trade $5.00 MEXICAN REBELS ARE VICTORS IN BATTLE BI Darling & Hodges Washington.—Tha final legislativa fight for Prescient Wilson's currency bill began In the senate with the pres entation of reporta from the divided banklug oomralttea. The bill submit ted by Chairman Owen and five other democrats of the committee follows closely the lines ot the house measure and contains ouly auch amendments aa President Wilson was willing to accept. Senator Hitchcock, democrat, and the five republicana submitted a draft materially changing the bill and pro posing four reserve banks owned by the public and controlled by the gov ernment. Both sections of tha committee agreed on concentration of reserves, their volume and mobilisation, the velums of tha capital of tha proposed banka, promotion of an open discount market, provision for elaatlo curren cy, the Issuance of federal reserve notes, that the federal notea should be obligations of the United States, that the system should be a regional federal reserve bank system, Instead of a central bank, and on the control of the system Itself by the govern ment. President Wilson has decided not to hold a public reception In the white OPPOSE INSURANCE CURB house on New Year's day. The offi Fraternal Congress Disturbed by Pol cial announcement of his Intention icy of Wisconsin. was couched in this language: Chicago.—Condemnation of activi "The usual New Year’s reception ties of etate Insurance commissioner? will not be held on Janunry 1, 1914. In the Internal affairs of fraternal In The departure from custom on this surance orders was expressed In reso occasion is due to the fact that the lutlons adopted here by the execuUv« president will not be In Washington board of the National Fraternal con at that time. Owing to the long ses gress. sion of cougress, the president has The resolution resulted from re had no vacation since hts Inaugura ports of officials of the Independent tion. As the approaching session of Order of Foresters of Toronto that congress will be ibe long session, the the Insurance commissioner of Wis ( only opportunity for the president to cousin had demanded a change in secure a rest will he during the usual W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. plans for a special assessment of 80. holiday recess of congress." 000 members which the order’s con GENERAL PRACTITIONER In this the president has shattered I stitution does not call for. The reso a long established custom and his ac G old H ill , O regon . lutlon asserts that such a policy “find? tion will be resented In Washington no warrant in the laws of any state Is certain. and If successfully pursued will be CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. “Circular 8” Is Upheld. destructive to the fraternal insurance Practice Limited^t-,» The legality of “Circular 8," putting system." Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Into effect the Dick law for the reor Washington University Regent Njmee ganization of the militia, was upheld Eyes scientifically examined ¡uni glajwa Olympia, Wash.—Eldridge Wheeler in an opinion by Brigadier-General tnrnislied when needed. „v". lete-Corey PaLdit.z, M-dfsrd, Ore. f o r y O L J . To in tr o d u c e for many years head of the school« Enoch H. Crowder, Judge advocate- of Montesano and now mayor of that general of the army, made public by our tailoring we are going to city, a prominent democrat, was ap Secretary Garrison. give you, absolutely FREE —A I p?lnted a re8ent of the university oi The circular, the legality of which Washington to succeed Howard G was challenged by the Nationnl Guard PAIR OF TROUSERS - no if Cosgrove, son of the late governor Association, holds that the federal or ands about it—we must have who resigned recently. government will recognize national guard officers and organizations only you for a customer. when requirements of the regular ar T A K E Y O U R C H O IC E my are complied with as to organiza tion, equipment and discipline. o f t h e s e p r o p o s itio n s : Professional Cards Gold Hill Livery Marriage Ceremony Performed Senate Committee Presents Substitutes for Administra In Historic East Room of tion Currency Bill. White House. The N e w s management has made arrangements - f - Big Pines Lumber Co’y Gold Hill vi The Penny's Mightier Than th e S l V O r d The lonae change in your pocket, placed in this Bank, will be safe from fire, robbers and loss. It will enable yon to go in business for yours -If and provide for you in old age. Small accounts welcome, they grow surprisingly. LET’S GET ACQUAINTED! Election Chasm Bridged. Temporary laws for direct election of senators were Indorsed by the sen ate elections committee. Senator Poindexter’s bill providing that sena tors shall be elected under present laws governing the selection of repre- sentatives-at-large or governors until each state has made provision for elections under the new constitutional amendment was recommended for passage. National Capital Brevities. We P °y 4 per cent, on Time Deposits THE GOLD HILL BANK Abolition of political bosses and the general condition of the democratic party were among the subjects dis cussed at a conference between Presi dent Wilson and William F. McCombs Saved His Foot chairman of the democratic national RY A SMOOTH SHAVE at committee. John Bussett Moore will not resign II. D. Ely,ol|Bantam, O., suffered from as counsellor for (he state department horrible nicer on his foot tor four years. March 1. lie denies friction between Doctor advised amputation, but he refu himself and Bryan. He was advisor sed and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Ar and you’ll come again. on tho Mexican situation under Taft, nica Salve hs a last resort. He then They all do. Particul and acts in the same capacity under wrote: “ I used your salve and my foot ar attention to latest President Wilson. was soon completely eared.” Beet rem style haircuts. Next!! Democratic senators friendly to the edy for hums, cuts, bruises ami eczema. appointment of H. M. Pindeli, the Gets box today. Only25c, All druggists « Peoria publisher, as ambassador to or by mail. H. E. Bucklen A Co. Phila Russia, let it be known that they delphia or Ht. Louis. would make an extreme effort to se East of ’phone office cure the confirmation of his nomina tion before the end of the week. Nearly Every Child Has Worms The sudden death of Commissioner Marble, of the interstate commerce A Consumptive Cough commission, will make no change In Paleness, at times a Hushed face, un A cough that bothers you continually the plans for the beginning of the In natural hunger, picking the nose, great is one of the danger signals which warns vestigation of tho eastern railroads thirst, etc., are indications of worms. of consumption. Dr. King’s New Discov request for advances In rates, It was Kickspoo Worm killer Isa reliable, tho ery stop tbe cough, loosen the chest, ban announced. rough medicine for the removal of all ish fever and let you sleep pei cefitlly. That railroad earnings are not com kinds of worms trom children and adults. The first dose checks the symptoms and mensurate with the Increased cost of Kickspoo Worm Killer in pleasant can- gives prompt relief. Mrs A. F. Mertz of operation, taxes and wages and addlr d\ form, aids digestion, tones system .ov Glen Ellyn, Iowa, writes: “ Dr. King’s tions to equipment necessary to meet ercoming constipation and Increasing New Discovery cured a stubborn oongh commercial demands of the country, the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe after 9 weeks' doctoring failed to help." was the statement made to the Inter (or even the moRt delicate children. Kic- Try It, hs it will do the same for yon. state ppjnnierce commission by repre s poo Worm Killer makes children hap Best medicine for coughs, colds, throat sentatives of the railroads arguing for py and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed, Try ami lung troubles. Money hack if it fails. a. general increase of 5 per cent In it. Drugstores or by mall. Kickapoo In Price 50c A 81 .DO, All droggisis, by mail freight rates. dian Medicine Co., I'liiladelphia and St H. E. iiucklen A Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. Ixiufs. / T URNER’S SHOP FRANK TURNER