Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1913)
15he G o l d H i l l N e w s Pt'M .ISHKD EVERY >»T1 RDAY AT «¡«>1.1» 1111 I., JACKSON COUNTY. ^ = = r OREGON, BY -- ................ ................. ■■■ Overdrafts I Sr« urrtl & Dnvvtured | h B M l. Parquet at the Movies Next Thursday is the Day l.ilc i*a moving picimv show a «Iram.i of .-mile* and I ar* where half tls^ihing* that we ain’t ->. anil on!» ill' half Entered at th«- Gold Hill pcwtottiee for tntn* *ii»is>b»u through tin mail' Thursday the 27th is the day set apart hy the chief executive of the Nution on which appear»! While light* at ni J n wlh-n (he klila go dowii, each wilh a coin |. p u d trcond-chi!*« matter we are requested to be thankful for the blessings of the past, and look forward to i for a gliui|w- of the film* in Miyvietowu better things in the future. We take pleasure in thanking our customers for their ; —the film« that never en d !' The -mile* most liberal putronage during the past year, and trust that our future dealings will and tlie tear*, the jihe* and ji-< r*. the SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 1918 je*t* that the eoinie* puty, *hall k<* p the he equally as pleasant. And while you are making the necessary preparations for hill* for a lhoii*and year*—jn -t a- they that big 1 hunksgiving dinner, we would like for you to remember that we have a do today! SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Ufe I* a moving picture *how light on complete line of those things necessary for the occusion. the eanva* played—where the Hitting fig- Veribest mince meat in pails - - 25cts me* «"otne ami go. motley and man and + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + *E + F + + + •> + + *F + + + + + . Preferred Stock mince meat in pkgs 15cts maid. Bright light* at night win n the + kid* eunn n<-, and ihe «birr of the Hlui 1« Griffin seeded raisins, 2 pkgs - - 25cts + GOVERNOR WEST’S THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION sweet; when the ma*t«-i iniiner play* hi* Preferred seeded raisins, 2 pkgs - 25cts + a w n on the curtain of the street! Fig- T IS an apt eustum that has chosen the autumn time for Seedless raisins in bulk, 2 lbs - - 25cts + tire« that Haunt in fur* and laee, uasirel* + our Thanksgiving. It is the seasonal threshold be Red Ribbon currants, 2 pkgs - - 25c ts that waste and dr p from sight a jag + twixt the day of activity and evening of introspection. thrown on; from a drinking plate—the Monopole currants, per pkg - - - I5cts + same old Him* am on tonight! How fitting it is, then, ere we go on, that we hesitate, Arabic dates, per p k g ..................... I5cta‘ * Life i* amoving picturesh <w—a drama Arabic dates in bulk, 2 lbs - - - 25cts + consider and give our thanks to Him who is Almighty, for of smile* ami leant—when- hall lli ild.ig* + what of good we have been enabled to accomplish and for Cranberries, per q u a r t ..................... I5cts th at we see ain’t so, and only ||ie half + the privilege of future endeavor. appear*! White light* at night w|i n the Currant jelly in glasses . . . . aocts + kid* go down—I «ant to give thank* f ir Our thanks should specially be rendered on high that Monopole sliced pinehpple - - . SOcto thi* that I have seen In Movie-town some + the season has been most bountiful; that our nation these Royal Club grated pineapple - - 25cts thing* that I wouldn't mis*!; A mother that walled a wayward youth, a pal that + past 12 months has been spared die burdens and horrors Olives in bulk, per quurt . . . . 50cts stuck hy a friend, and one who lifted the a. of war, and that it has been blessed with a statesmanship Walnuts, per pound ..................... 25cts sword of truth, and whltpcd away to the + to lead the toilers and those of great wealth unto a better Merscd Sweets, 8 pounds . . . . 25cts end! + understanding. , For these and the manifold blessings of We invite you to come in and let us show you our line of staple groceries, we guar + a free people, it is meet that we give united remembrance + antee that we will put forth our best efforts to see that your wants are cared for, BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON + to our Father. and your needs fully suplied. ♦ Now, therefore, in accordance with a time-honored ,.irs. Flora Foreman, principal of custom, I, Oswald West, governor, by virtue of the author the Quincy school district, faces + ity in me vested, designate Thursday, November 27, 1913, charges of having introduced social + istic doctrines in the public schools. + as a day of public thanksgiving throughout the common The apple was king in Oregon Tues -!• wealth and ask that for the tasks of our daily bread there day. Governor West issued an off’ + then be substituted appropriate and reverent services to cial proclamation declaring that day + Him. to be “apple day" in this state. + For the first time since range horses + + + + T T T + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -:•+ + + + + + + + sold for from $10 to $20 the United States army has Invaded the Baker district to buy horses. THE EAGLE POINT ELECTION Captain McLaughlin, twenty-first in fantry, has been detailed as Inspector • • N EAGLE POINT correspondent of the Ashland Tidings hot instructor of the Oregon Militia, with I ---------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ---------------- headquarters at Portland. J ’ever look into the cool cream- ly denies the currently reported lack of interest in the rec Proceedings to contest the election inew of a Bon T on Milk Punch ent local election which slated that hamlet for another season of of November 4. in which Harrisburg on a hot day — a* compounded by our new Electric Mixer? licensed saloons, and the blessings that flow abundantly there went “dry," have been instituted by Hardware stove* Tin, Granite ami Aluminum Ware Garden Tool* W. B. Holman, proprietor of one of from. “White Ribbon”, for such is the nom de plume beneath H arrisburg's two saloons. G re a t S tu ff, Folks! Haying and Heading Tuqla Builder*’ Material* and Took) IP*.Hug the communication, asserts that every legal voter in Eagle Point, Klamath land owners who are de Building Pa|*-r Paint* Oil* Varnlahc* Uruabea (,1a** Cns-keryware excepting two, participated in the election; and further states linquent in their construction charge Q u a lity latrge Annortmcul of Qu,*-n*ware A m Hue a line and assortment of been given an extension of time. Quenchers a t that the judges were saloon men, that eight unregistered voters have F i s h i n g T u c K le Payments may now be made by May Grape Purple Vin Fizz were permitted to cast ballots, and that the “whiskey judges” 1, 1914. a* there I* in tin- county Cattaraugus Cutley Gun* Ammunition Pick* Calwa Grape Juice Douglas county court has set aside cleared the room while the votes were being counted. Ti e Cherry l»ri|>* Orangeade Shovel* Millen* Supplle* Powder, Fit*- and Cap* Ba*e Hall* and Hires’ Reliable Root Beer worst possible interpretation of every election day incident is a sum for use in employing experts Mitt*, and Bal*. My Stock i* complete in every tine ami my price* are right Strawberry — Pineapple who will keep watch on violations of brought to prove the invalidity of the victory for booze. The the liquor- laws. "Spotters” will no R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a a a t h e a e G o o d « la T r y o ur S p e c ia l curse of the prohibition cause lies in its foolishly fanatical re longer be employed. B a n a n a S u n d ae Captain Robert Dollar, head of the cruits—and in a disposition to attack the issue anonymously. ship company, told Portland bus With the exception of the unregistered voters, who were doubt steam iness men that more concerted action less sworn in as provided, the charges of fraud are deserving of in the m atter of deepening the Colum a champion whose identity is assured, and whose courage is su f- bia river channel was needed. The secretary ot the treasury has ficient to start the proper investigation. Viewed as presented deposited /400.000 with depository they are unworthy of credence, and in their anonymous reflect banks in Oregon to aid in moving the ions against presumably honest judges of election constitute an crops and has made a deposit of $900, N o rth b o u n d 0:00 a. No. 14 exposition of the fact that unfairness may masquerade as well 000 in depositories of Washington. 11:04 a. Senator Lane has introduced a bill No. 24 (m otor) in righteousness as in rye. 5: "Hi p. . . • authorizing the appropriation of $1,- No. Ill 5:07 p. . , 500,000 for the purpose of purchasing No. 32 (motor) S o u th b o u n d Brief News of the Week Thomas E. Wilson, who began as a or constructing a sea-going dredge for No. 23 (motor) 7 :53 a. 3:15 p. A treaty of peace between Greece clerk at $4 a week In the employ cf use at the mouth of the Columbia riv No. 15 1 :42 p. No. 31 ( motor) Morris & Co., Chicago, was electee er. and Turkey has been signed. Plans are being made for the instal president of the company, succeed!:: An oil war is on between the Stand lation of an exhibit of Oregon's re ard Oil company of Indiana, and the the late Edward Morris. sources at Ashland, for the benefit of Frederick A. Hyde and Joost H. Pierce Oil corporation of Missouri. visitors and others who will pass A woman jury at Santa Monica, Cal. Schneider, convicted of school land through that city during the Panama frauds involving government lands in Miners, I can sharp tried, convicted and recommended for Pacific fair at San Francisco In 1914. en, repair or make leniency Frank E. Seely, accused of Oregon, California and other western Combined action supporting the beating his wife, and disturbing the states, were taken in custody a t Wash tools, and guarantee campaign to deepen the channel at ington, and will begin their terms. peace. my w ork to stand the mouth of the Columbia river has After years of marital troubles and The Anti-Saloon league convention been undertaken by the Ports of Co separation from her husband, Mrs. the racket; tr y me a t Columbus, Ohio, adopted resolu lumbia committee, Ports of Portland and be shown tions making a veiled attack on Sec K atherine D. Osbourne filed suit for and Astoria and the Portland Cham retary Bryan, declaring that federal divorce against Lloyd Osbourne, step ber of Commerce. officers interfering in state politics | son of Robert Louis Stevenson. The Industrial Welfare Commission Two hundred and seventy dollars Bchould consider themselves sponsors B L A C K S M IT H plan of limiting the hours for women for boxing lessons and a course in for men elected to office through their workers is opposed by many business physical training is the largest item Influence. men of Oregon, and if is declared that Crush girdles, ribbon sashes, modi of expense contained in the election the women employes will be discharg fied kimono sleeves, hip plaits and account of Mayor-elect Mitchel, of ed, ip many cases, if the law is perma plenty of buttons, are among the new New York. Suit for divorce has been filed by- nent. fashion decrees, according to the an W. Ferguson, state insurance com nouncement of the National Suit and Mrs. Dr. H. W. Coe, wife of the Port A Specialist in this work, missioner, who has returned from a land physician, on the grounds of Cloak m anufacturers' association in cruelty. The couple also have differ trip to the Middle West, where he as well as any detail of session a t Cleveland, Ohio. made an investigation of Insurance The loss of life to sailors due to the ences over ownership of stock in a General Blacksmithing, etc. conditions, declared that he favored recent storm on the G reat Lakes is sanitarium in Portland. Dr. Henry S. Tanner, of Los An the establishm ent of life insurance un approximately 256 and the property der the supervision of the state. loss is figured at more than ¡5,000,000. geies, who fasted for 44 days, says he B la c k s m ith With his throat cut and an artery is willing to propose m arriage to Mrs. The striking trainmen on the South in his left wrist severed as a result 1 Emmaline Pankhurst, m ilitant suffra era Pacific lines between El Paso and of attem pted self-destruction, his eyes Advertised tetters New Orleans have agreed to return ’ gist leader of England who is now Ir. closed, his head thrown back, his lips • the United States. He admires hor The following Is a list of letters remain to work Immediately, pending the muttering a prayer, Oswald C. Han ing uncalled for in the Gold Hill Portof- outcome of further negotiations, it innger gtrike methods. Hot Chili Hot Coffee Every city and country school In sel, slayer of Frank J. Taylor, of As flee for the month ending November 1, is stated by members of the federal toria, was hanged at the state peni Hot Tamales, Saturdays nil!!. Parties calling for same will please board of mediation and conciliation. Oregon and Washington th a t wants a tentiary. giv date advertised. A charge qf one Arbitration plans, it was added, would pig can have one with the compli Hot Drinks Hot Lunches Despite the fact that Secretary cent will 1»- mail«- upon delivery. ments of the Portland Union Stock be announced at once. Served at all times Dunlap, Mr*. Elizabeth Yards. The only condition attaching Lane on July 19 virtually directed the General Land Office and his own of B u n t e ’s C h o c o l a t e s - T o b a c c o s , E tc . Durham, S'. S. (3) to the gift pigs will be a requirement People in the News Graham, H. H. t! nt »nch school accepting one keep fice to issue patents In 15 or more A rthur E. Carter, son-in-law oi : n accurate record of the kind, quant: Siletz cases, that order has not been Muzzi’ll. Mr*. Edna Frank B. Nye, is under arrest at Mi: ty and the cost of the food that : carried out. The departm ent haB be n Stacy, William holding some of these entries for car. neupolis, charged •.ith bigamy. I' Wilson, Geo. 1!. ' . it. This will be for the purpo cell: - J — I I enuv D' 1’ ek . o , ( - f t . .- .i m arrying Miss Selma Hi- •lining the cost of feeding n 'is - Postmaster. * ;; a pig for market. B en H. L am pm an I L A N C E & C O M PA N Y HTiizzZ WAirrZZ A B-u-r-r!!! D. H. M IL L E R Sc 15c The BoN-ToN S. P. Time Card Just a word! D . H . M I L L E R ’S ‘¿ G o o d q u a l i t y g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig h t ” I r o n b y E le c tr ic ity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now C .F . C A R T E R $ 3 .5 0 A U T O M O B IL E <& CAS ENGINE REPAIRING W e will send you one on trial CALIFOR.NIA-OR.EGON POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. CHARLES KELL HOT EATS FOR COLD DAYS A T T U R N E R ’S