I Jt Gold Hill C re a ta » ! N a tu r a l K a a a u re a t o f S a a lh a r n O r e g o n n On k a a a t if u l H o g u e H iv a r V Ö L 16 BiL Wdw Jackson Co. O n * C 'im m u n it y o t O p p a r . lu n a y H a g a . H iv t r V a lla t , w h f a th a a p p i . g a m e d fa m a GOLD H IL U JA C K SO N COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1913 SISKIYOU ROAD CONTRACT LET AGED MINER BURNED IN CABIN Contract Price Over Siskiyous . $ 1 0 7 ,5 3 4 ; Officials Pleased Operations to Begin l at Once Promise of Contractor Ton of Powder Opening Quarry Wm. Laddington, Foots Creek, . at Site of Gold Hill Cement Plant Perishes in Powder Explosion Bugaa».—Alleging gross fraud and te“n,d,“°n °n P,M °' Will Furnish Logs For Fair Building G rants P a n .—Josephine county court haa taken steps to comply with the request made by Commissioner Booth of Eugene, of the state commis­ sion for the exhibit and building o> the Panama-Pacific Exposition, for several pine logs to be used as col­ umns in the state building. The court has granted 1100 to be used in secur­ ing and bringing to the Southern Pa­ cific tracks, two pipe logs to be the • entrance columns in the Oregon building. The logs are to be 40 feet long and measure five feet through at the small end. " Oovemor Waat during the progress of the recant local option election In Springfield, T. C, Luckey, owner of one of the aaloona (here, haa filed a ault In tha circuit court hare asking that the county court be enjoined from canvassing the results of the election or from declaring that Spring- field la prohibition territory Battered Torso Lay in Smoking Ruins of Old Cabin The Kernel A Me Dowell Lousing oom* Death by an exphsiion of -lynaiiitta« (»any, ill Tacoma, Wash., were ’lluirMlay which fired the lonely cabin and reduced awarded tlie contract for grading the Pa- tlie remains of tlie victim to a clwm-d- ellie Highway over the Hlsklym mount* mass, Was the fate of William laiddlng- aina by State Highway Engineer Bowl by ton, an aged prospector of Foots Creek, ami the county court, the price lieiiig Rote Planting la Begun early Tuesday night. Near the hour o|* • 107,634.KJ. Tliey were the lowest of the Medford.—Fifteen thousand roue nine tlte i-xhloslon was beard by distant', nine Brin» who bid. All bid« were »ejec­ outtlnga have been distributed to the neighbors, and the foliuwing morniita tlss. ted on paving the Central Point-Medloral school children of Medford by mem grewsouue find was mail« amid the ashw. road, ax being too high. The road will bora of the G reater Medford Club aa of the cabin.» Farmer Slays Wife, Then Self be 13 inileN long, 24 feet wide. the beginning of a campaign looking Coroner A. E. Kellogg left this city Sandy.—To the belief that his wife Kennel A McDowell bid 211 cents on toward establishing a rose festival aa Almost a ton, IftVI pounds, of powder roared and rein In a single shot at wae "craxy" la laid the cause ot a the scene of the tragedy early Wednet»-’ earth excavation, 3H cents on I immp work a permanent feature tn thia city. tlie lime ledge of the Beaver-Portlan 1 Cement company late Saturday after­ 7tt rente on aolld rack, Ao cente per tragedy enacted seven miles from bars day morning, bringing the remains noon. Tlie big allot constituted tlie actual opening up of the quarry. The aquare rod on clearing right-of-way, *1.40 Huntington Raid Mads when Francis McCabe, aged 34, shot this city where tliey were prepared fA^ powder was loaded in a series of six holes, ranging from 12 to 70 feet in depth, per square rod on grabbing, »1.06 ;ier and killed his wife, Amanda Kuhn Mc­ burial. In his opinion tlie explosiott «** Huntington.—Direct effect of Gov- ami was electrically detonated. Scores of curious watchers viewed the explo­ foot on corrugated Iron culvert 12 inch, ernor Waat'a activity In Baker county Cabe, aged 24, went to the home of dynamite sept by the old man in bis cab­ sion from safe distances. Work at tlie quarry is programing rapidly *1 tio on is Inch, *2 on 24 inch; *.72 on was felt here when Ed Hanson, town I his parents, a quarter of a mile dls- in, caused his death and resulted in the’" 12 inch concrete culvert, *1.00 on IH inch, marshal and deputy sh eriff raided the i tant. told of the crime he had commit­ fire. The limbs were either blown oV^ *2. on 24 Inch, * 70 per foot on 12 inch West Hotel, arrested the proprietor, ted, kissed his 5-year-old sou, fled burned from the body, but the charfM i vitrified tile, *1.30 on 1H Inch, »2.63 on A. H. Clark, on a charge of conduct- from his father’s bouue and returned torso remaining. The cabin, which ad­ 24 Inch. On rubble masonry, *8 per cu­ Ing a disorderly resort. to his own. where he fired four shots joins the Black Channel mine, was cone- bic yard; darn A. concrete, *11 per cubic Into his breast and head, dying In­ pleltly destroyed. Since 1862 Laddington had been a TeM- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4. + + + + q. + q .q , + + + + + + stantly. 1500 Indiana Hold Marshal At Bay yard; clam H, *10; rlaaeC, »1»; reinforc­ ident of Foots Creek and pursued his cab­ ing steel, *11 per 100 pounds. Banta Fe, N. M.—Fifteen hundred ling of prospector. He was 88 year« o f' Teacher»’ Agency State Plan. Other bill« totaled as follow«: Ambrose Navajo Indiana rallied In defense of Olympia. Wash.—Mrs. Josephine age the dean of Jackson county argon­ llirtiaallOo., Portland, *124,130.IN); E. F. eight renegades and are reported In Preston, superintendent of public In­ auts—and still worked a claim. Report on Beautiful Johnson, Portland, *110,14)3 .10; 1’ Mcll. armed encampment During the past season of spring frosts Tlie best way to handle the situation Fuller, *184,00.22; Jeffrie« A Billiton, Mountain, 35 miles southwest of the it was estimated that fully tk),Out) boxes will bi- for toe growers Intake up tlie mat­ struction, is considering the advisabil­ has it that in earlier days he made hfeJ stake’', and subsequently squandered k. Portland, 110,730.144; Hayden Bras.., Eu­ Shiprock Agency, defying United I of fnrit were lost. Without question this ter with the two local fruit associations, ity of establishing. In connection with gene, *134,0(0.0; J. W. Swivney, port- States Marshal Hudspeth to take pria- Ins- could hâve Iss-n averts 1 by orchard or if there are those- who do not kelorg to her office, a departm ent that wouli For some years past he has been receiving land, »14,600.06; Barber Aephalt Paving oner the renegades who are wanted heating which has been fully demonstrat­ any association, they may combine their serve as a free employment agency assistance from the county. He was a* Co., »116.478.12; Turner ( ’« ., San Fran­ on federal w arrants charging horse ed as effective in ibis district, if there orders so as to make at least a minimum for all teachers seeking positions In native Kentuckian, b u t possessed n o known relatives. the state. stealing, assault and bigamy. cisco, * I OH, 710.20. was any doubt as to value of orchard car. heating In this valley, it must have been Work will start at once on tile road, As »sin as possible growers should con­ Scrip Land Surveys Accepted equipment la being ordered and a camp dispelled last May wlu-n tlie condition of sult with this office as to (lie equipment Albany.—T hat the land office la will la- iwtablialM-d at once. the pear crop in heated and nnlieated or- tliey'fssil. While I shall be very glad to Washington has accepted the survFjry Both tnemla-ra of tlu- county court am) | charais of the frost zoo > was comparait. gfw XMrli data as w ill aid the grow rs in of township 12, south of range 4 e a s t’ Stale Highway Engineer Kowlby are high­ 1‘n'parations for orchard heating should making their estimates, I must leave the of the W. M„ which is known as the Is- made as soon us possible. This can* bmfiueas matter of pun-basing to the as­ ly pleaa d with the prior «-cured, a« the Northern Pacific scrip land, on whlchh «•«liiiiat.d coat bud ta-en figured at *120,- ! not he done on short notice in the spring, sociations or to the individual himself. 000.0*. a colony of 70 people settled two years - l If orchard heaters or pots are to Is- nsed, Besides tire pots, storage for oil should — j they must Is- ordered in time to insure be provided for. Do not depend upon ago, following a decision in regard 'tdc At an adjourned meeting of the county lands In California, was the word' ■ delivery not later than Mardi 16. The The State Board of Fish ami Game Florence, Or.—Citizens Of Florence wood as it may happen that a frost fol­ court held Wednesday, a delegation con- j brought here by Edward O. W’ebeT,*- escorted nine Industrial Workers of Gommiasionen. have offered the following l«>ta used in Ibis district arc largely the lowing a rainy period will find the wood i live-quart lard ;iail type, and are made too wet to Ignite readily. Gil known as sisting of J. A. Perry and F. A. Madden, j one of the homesteaders. the World, who had established their additional lsnintk-s <>n predatory animals, headquarters here, to n boat on which which are to Is- paid from tin- game pro­ jit y tin- Corrugated Iron Company o t Richmond Smudge Gil, furnished by the representing the fruit growers of the val- j The settlem ent is located 10 roll«, M heeling, W. Va. Tliese pots ean be Staiidani Oil Company and costing from ley, presented the recommendations sub­ from the town of Whitcomb and ab o u t1 they took them to the mouth of the tection fund: Hlualay River and headed them north Gray or tiinls-r wolf....................... .*20.00 i delivered f. o. b. Medford in car lots of 4 cents to 454 cents f. o. b. Medford, has mitted by U h - committee appointed at the 55 miles east of Albany. : not less titan 18,000 for 111 to 11 cents. been most satisfactory. It may be pos­ Medford mass meeting recently held, , Mr. Weber said that the legality’’of * along the beach, with Instructions to Cougar or mountain lion................. 16.00 praying for the inauguration of a thort. the filings will be determined In a 4 ••kaap going/' There was no disorder Bobcat or lynx.................................. 1.00 The minimum car is tin- smallest number sible that the Vnlon Oil Company or These bounties are in addition to tin- | that can Is- purchased economically, since some independent concern may be able clean-up campaign of tlie orchards of the i short time, probably before Thanks ' in town after the boat had departed following amounts which an-authorized less than car lots would demand s ni.M-h to furnish oil of the same quality and at vallev and requesting the appointment of J giving. by the legislature and are paid by tlu higher freight rate. During tlie past two the same or a lower figure. The question additional inspectors during the clean-up i c unity clerks under tin- regular Isjiinty years the Rogue River Fruit and Produce of oil may be taken up later, but the campaign. The county court authorized the tem-1 Association combined tlie orders of indi­ matter of pots should not be delayed. law: ss porary increase of the inspection force to Coyote or coyote p u p ........................»1.60 vidual growers and shipped ill several nine, who will be appointed by County —I’. J. G'G aha , Gray wolf or black wolf................... 6.00 ears, thus securing the minimum in cost Inspector J. W. Myers, to serve guch Gray, black or timls-r wolf pup . . . . 2.60 of manufacture ami freight charges. f'alhologist in Charge. time as is found necessary to clean up the Bids-at, wildcat or lynx.....................2.00 Mexico City.—Il was leariA-d that orchards, and authorized a vigorous cam­ Olympia, Wash.—After nearly lA* the American charge had aeon Presi­ Mountain lion, panther or cougar . .10.00 paign. All orchards will be inspected, years, during which dancing in publié The additional Istanties otl'.-ra-.t from dent Huerta and had been told that owners notified of infection, and failure school buildings has been forbidden ’ he wuuld not resign and would liaten tire gana- protection fund will not Is- ;>aid Washington.—With the adm inistra­ will continue indefinitely. When sift to clean up in reasonable time will be rigidly, AttSrney-General Tanner, id'- only to such proposals as were com­ on any animals killed before Ort. I, 1018. tion currency bill to be reported to the Ing the complaints that have been followed by condemnation and cutting an official opinion, throws the banf patible with his own dignity and that To secure'the«-bounties atliduvits from the county clerk must Is- sent t<> the of­ senate this week after long delay, a made for years against the reclama­ down of infected trees and the placing of down to devotees of the tango, as w elt!l of his country. plan to revise the national banking tion service, Secretary Lane arrived a lien upon the orchard to pay for the as the more conservative forms of th * '1 What doubt Remained regarding fice of the state game warden. laws to meet the new currency system at the conclusion that there should be work. terpsichorean art. The last session o f t h e legislatura General H uerta's intentions with re­ has made its appearance in legislative a greater division of authority than Dancing Is a form of recreation, th e '' changed the bounty law so that it is not spect to compliance with the Ameri­ Klamath Expected to Vote Bonds circles. It will include important prevailed in the service as first attorney general holds, and since th é can demauds for his own elimination necessary fop the hunter to go in ;s-rson or­ Klamath.—There will be some op­ “social cepter” law of 1913 throws the® questions, originally contemplated as ganized and created what is was removed from the minds of most Is-fora- llte county clerk. Hccan semi his no w a part of the currency bill, but set known as the Reclamation Commis position to the »300,000 bond issue to schools open at night for study, irn- - hides, accompanied by an affidavit. Ac­ Mexicans and foreign residents by his aside until the next session of con- slon. consisting of five men. This new be voted on next month for county provement and recreation, It follows. - peremptory dismissal ot Manuel Gar­ cording to tlie old law, it was m-ecssary gress, when a general revision of commission, whose organization has roads, but there Is now every Indica­ he says, th at school dancing is strictlÿ X to sever tin- bead from tin- rest of the za Aldape, the minister of the Inter­ banking laws has been promised by : been perfected only recently, consists tion that the bonds will be voted by legal. No dancing has been allowed & hide, or to cut the skin from eye to eye, ior, who was looked upon as the head a large majority. since Attorney-General S tratton hand-; often destroying (lie value of a good fur. the administration. of F. H. Newell, director; A. P. Dn •f the Huerta cabinet. If the bonds are voted the lakeshore ed down an adverse opinion on thte& In connection with this proposed re-I vis, chief engineer; W. R King chief I nder tlie present law the bides are Aldape led that group of the cabinet boulevard along the east side of Lake subject In January, 1902. which held the conviction that it marked by a stamp or brand and 111 ee vision congress will take up the far counsel; W A Ryan, controller, and Ewauna will become a reality. This holes punched in the bum- yr root of reaching question of rural credits. One I. D. O'Donnell, Irrigation manager, would be best to accede to that por­ Foot Ball Scores. of the provisions which probably will The commission meets once a week will open a direct route to a large tion at least of Washington s demands each car. farming area, and will also make one be Inserted In the new law will for-1 in conference with Secretary Lane Portland.—Gilmour Dobie's great which meant the total abandonment Ko unprepared for battle were the of the mort pleasant driveways in the Washington football team Is six times 1 of power by the provisional president, federal defenders that Villa's troops bid Interlocking directorates In nation- and at the weekly meetings all ques- Klamath country. a champion because little Smith shot'* and he is said Io have been the only actually reached the center of town al banks. An effort has been made , tlons of policy are settled, all plans to put this prohibition In the pending for construction work are approved the ball squarely between the goal11 National Capital Brevities one with sufficient courage to discuss before h single shot was fired. currency bill, but the administration I and all contracts let. posts from a 20 yard placement and d the International situation frankly ... Dudley Field Malone, third assistant Several executions of federal pris­ has maintained that it should go into big Fenton failed on a 40 yard effort;1, •with his chief. Sale of Cruiser Boston Fought secretary of state, may be selected by oners captured by General Pancho the rew banking law a last desperate effort to tie up a 101 Senor Aldape was the InHt remain-' Villa's rebel troops at Juarez have The departm ent of Justice has filed President Wilson as collector of the to 7 score. The senate banking and currency Ing cabinet officer appointed by agree­ taken place. The order for the execu­ in the supreme court its brief in be­ Port of New York to succeed John P. Oregon Agricultural College defeat-»’ ment between Huerta and General Fe­ tion of many of the prisoners has adm inistration supporters have de­ half of Secretary of the Navy Daniels Mitchell. ed the Washington State college elev­ lix Diaz at the close of the battle In been Issued directly by General Villa, clined to consider a scheme for guar in the case of A. Goldberg, of Vancou­ Cold storage is responsible for high the capital In February. The agree­ and at different periods the firing anteeing national bank deposits, with ver, B. C., who is seeking to compel prices of eggs, says the departm ent en by the score of 10 to 2 in the hard- ’’ the understanding that that question est fought game played on the cam­ ment was signed In the American em­ squads took out men and shot them. the navy departm ent to deliver to him of agriculture. The supply of eggs is pus In a long time. would be taken up next sessidn. bassy. The other ministers then the United States cruiser Boston put said to have increased steadily in the Advocates of the bank law revision chosen have been eliminated one by Carranza Demands Huerta's Removal up for sale to the higest biddher In past 14 years. plan are seeking to place their pro­ State Treasurer to Be Sued one. About 100 delegates, repreeentin; Nogales, Konbra.—General Venusti- jects ahead of the proposed antl-truat 1910. The lower courts here decided Salem, Or.—As the result of a reso­ nno Carranza will not consider nny legislation in the adm inistration pro- against Ooldberg, although he showed every state in the Union and everj lution adopted at a meeting of the El Paso, Tex.—For the sixth time k s m s a ean, he had deposited a certified check for shade of opinion were present at the accomplishing pence In ¿ Mox- w i» irr< v of i i <1 w - w .11 11 n i l 111 f t p r j l V t » 111 V IV A * ; gram in the last three years Ciudad Juarez ,C() Ilot pr<,dtcBte