Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1913)
J5/5e G o l ill N ew Overdraft« I Sm tax'd A littasi u rrd I B M .l. Pl 'B U S H E D EVERY <ATI RDAY AT GOLD H ILI., JACKSON COUNTY, W»ll Spmlt OREGON, BY B en H. L am pm an Entered at the Gold H ill poMtotttce for Lranxiniwtion through the mails as Nmtnd-cliM* matter SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 1913 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE JACKSON COUNTY ANGLERS BILKED AGAIN Sm nly uni strap lit th e archer stood he Is-nt his bow till the mni string sang (or v ifo r dw i It in th,- brown yew wood and tin* cloth-yard arrow -prang; unde tin- oak ami over 111,- Inal, a shimmer of light (or the eye io ira il-, Hashing it wn Io tlii* rive r’s Hissl when- ila- itsl -lag stood nt the d rin kin g plate. Now tin am i wa- -lout and the bow wan strong and (lie whining siring was of twisted (tut, the arrow true as its nah was long— but tin- -baft How wide by a foot Th, abler- cracked as the red deer broke and Into lln> bottom coverts Bed; Ute bow- nt n loan d on tbo friendly oak, and " A pi u on tbo tricky w in d !” be -aid. FLOUR JY WEEK RING our four years of General Merchandising in Gold Hil! it has been our policy to offer to the trade at least once a year an opportunity to buy Flour anti Leed at as near cost as it is possible for us to sell. You who are acquainted with our ( ompany know that we are heavy buyers of the above stated articles, and espec ia y at this season of tha year. You ulso realize that our facilities for handling L lour and (train in large quantities are not the best, on uccount of warehouse room. We have several cars of Flour and Feed coming between the 1st and 15th of Novem ber, so in order to make room and at the same time convert a portion of it into C A S H , we have decided to offer the following, c o m m e n c i n g Novor an archer bent a bow, or a h u n t CLSEVN HERE in this issue appears the Medford Mail-Tribune’ at th ivory bead. If the L call to arms against the injustice annually meted out to er shaft glain—t or tin* .30 How wide or low, but In1 Jackson County anglers and sportsmen. It is deserving of a »•ailed the wind to h i- tne d; the wind or careful reading by every citizen who holds near to him the best the still or the sh illin g light, or a loots-n- interests of the Valley—an angler’s natural paradise, rapidly be ing string or a fnultxi Is ire, when the quarry -prang from sigh, and in coming divested of its finny attractions through the abusive pa startle«! to the thicket tore. But the tru th shall ternalism of the hatcheries and their sponsor, the federal bureau I*;, as it always was. that the error lie- in o s fo llo w s the thoughtless aim, and he who reckons of fisheries. the given law s, w ill ling tlw game............. Fish are a good deal like folks. They evince a strong a ttra Windage a f,ait—now ho sltxips to d rin k ction for their native habitat. Authorities agree that the adult —high, for the drop of he driven -h a ft; salmon, ascending from the sea, seek that sunny riffle upon la ii ,t I n k crash' d m h e rive r’- brink 66 —and, " V ii wa« jiidg tn n t !” Uw bow which they first wriggled an infant fin. If this be true, it is sig man laughed. 66 nificant, for it foretells the tremendous decrease of the sprinp and fall salmon run in Jackson county waters. ! B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON Harried by commercial fishermen at the mouth of the Rogue and in Josephine county, but few of the fish win to the upper teacher» of th e Eugene pub river before the nets are lifted. Then, by grace of the federal lic schools have form ed a local branch authority, in go the fish racks—stream-damming affairs wit I cf the N ational G rade T eachers' asso pickets spaced at two inches. This season the racks were place ciation. A new- gym nasium will be built at a half-mile above the village of Rogueriver. The stream wa.- the O regou norm al school a t Mon paved with the backs of the frenzied fish. Crashing into the mouth. G round has been broken on racks the egg-heavy females fell back, stunned and battered. 1 the p roject, which will coat ,8000, hich will be finished In 60 days. For weeks the chief employment of the rack-tenders was th»' and Jam w es J. Hill sta te s th a t the Hill U O N T lot people tell you that these Flours are cheap grades; D O N ’T let them daily pitchforking of scores of dead fish into the open river. railro ad In terests a re building and pre tell you that the Feed is short weight; D O N ’T let them persuade you that you Under this paternal system of fish propagation the bars for miles paring for o perating fast steam ers to ply betw een th e Colum bia riv er and can buy as good goods elsewhere for less money—we guarantee P R I C E , below the racks stank to high heaven with the rotting hulks of; | San Francisco. the silver horde that came up the Rogue—to spawn. Until mer M onum ent has been added to the W E IG H T a n d Q U A L IT Y ciful providence through the agency of a freshet swept the racks list of "d ry " tow ns of th e state. Elec B D O N ’T F O R G E T T H E T I M E A N D P L A C E — — from the river, the shameful sacrifice continued. Then, and then tion retu rn s show th a t prohibition won by six votes. Ballots of th e wo only, a few pitiful sore-backed hundreds sought the long-denied men influenced results. riffles. R ep resen tativ e H aw ley of Oregon introduced bills prohibiting lieu It has been asserted that the racks did not stay the progress has land selections In Oregon, except of the steelhead. If this be true, judge how a six-pound, even a when th e base lands surren d ered to four-pound, fish might win through a two-inch space. The aver th e governm ent a re also in Oregon. T he ruling of th e Industrial w elfare age steelhead weighs even more. Numbers, of course, cleared com m ission th a t women employed In the obstruction by leaping—but bear in mind that the racks were facto ries shall not earn less than ,8.64 not constructed to encourage facility in jumping. Forward they a week or w ork m ore than 54 hours leaned, over the swift current, six slanting feet above the water, In any week becam e effective Monday. By freak ish an tics of n atu re there and the _ majority of . steelhead remained with the imprisoned sal- . has been produced In the orchard of , - man — Ine whole pitiful fiasco resulted in the securing of but a ; Joseph N. Iftm ter, at Bend, a com bin J ’ever look into, the coolcrvain- comparatively small quantity of ripe eggs. Beyond those racks ation of S pitzenberg and Jonathan ap ----------------- H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r ----------------- th e flavors and colors of the two itiesw» of a Bon Ton M ilk Punch lay the open river, with the finest spawning riffles on the coast— v ples, arieties being sep arate and distinct on a hot <l«y — «» componnded untenanted. Could a regiment of poachers, with a ton of dyna in one apple. by our new Electric Mixer? A b ottle dropped overboard off the mite, have done the work more effectively? Great Stuff, Folks! H ardw are Sloven T in , G ranite and Alum inum AVare Garden Tools S iberian coast by th e hydrographic Jackson county will not see the silver salmon run this season. expedition of the Pacific ocean, three Haying and Heading Tools Builder»’ Materials anil Tools lim iting Portland will ship it this excellent fish, days dead, at umpteen y ears ago, to ascertain th e ra te and Quality £ B uilding Piqs-r l ’aints Oils Varnishes Brushes Glass Cns-keryware cents per pound. Yet below the Ament dam, myriads of the direction of th e cu rren t, w as found at Quenchers at Large Assortment of Quccnswan- As tine a line and amortment of bay. gamey flashing beauties are flinging themselves into the fish T aquina Grape Purple V in Fizz F i s h i n g T a c K lc Jackson county co u rt's offer of pay Calwa Grape Juice ways. And the fishways are barred against them. More pres- for a section of th e D ollarhide toll as then* Is in the county Cattaraugus ( Utley (inns A iu n in n itio n Picks Cherry Drip» Orangeade Hires’ Reliable Root Beer Shovels Miners’ Supplies Powder, Fuse and Caps Ba-s- Balls and ervation and propagation of species—to furnish departmental road' haa been acc<“P,Pd by the owner Strawberry — Pineapple of th e road. The section Is needed In M itts, ami Bats. My Stock is complete in every line and my prices are rig ht employment, and cheat Jackson county of her heritage. connection with th e construction of T ry o ur S p e c ia l R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e t o p u r c h a t e t b e a e G o o d t is How long must we be expected to provide fish for the mar th e Pacific highway. B a n a n a Sundae S en ato r Claude McCulloch of Baker ket fisherm en-that we may buy it back at seven prices? How been retained by th e corporation long must we lead the line in contributing to the fish and game d has ep artm en t to prosecute actions now fund, and receive in return less than the least? How long may pending In M ultnom ah county for vio latio n s of th e blue sky law, as well the Rogue be rifled of its chief attraction? a s those in contem plation. Nature bedded the boulders in the spawning riffles. Since I The railroad com m ission has been the first salmon came from the egg they have sufficed. If now, advised th a t th e Southern Pacific has N o rth b o u n d when the demands of the netters become more insistent, there is g raated a reduction in the freight rate on c a r lots of canned goods from C res No. 14 • 9:00 a. m need of artificial propagation, of capture for such a purpose, let well to P ortland from 25 cents per 100 No. 24 (m otor) • • • 11:04 a. in 6:60 p. in No. ltt • • • • it at least be intelligently located. There is a hatchery at Elk pounds to 17A4 cents. 6:07 p .in Game W arden W illiam F. Fin No. 32 (m otor) Creek, well toward the head of the river. As the Mail-Tribune ley Statue " is sending ~ S o u th b o u n d broadcast an appeal 7 :63 a. m No. 23 (m otor ) suggests, the salmon should be taken not many miles below this asking h unting organizations of the No. 3:16 p. nt 16 . . . . point—for the run jvill go ever up-stream until an insurmount s ta te to donate to th e ch aritab le in No. 31 ( m otor ) 1:42 p. m stitu tio n s of th e ir vicinities, gam e for able barrier intervenes. T hanksgiving. Jackson county possess a priceless dower in the splendid T he Oregon B u tter and Cheese- angling afforded by the Rogue. The river has been looted long m ak ers’ association will hold Its ad journed session a t La G rande on De- Miners, I can sharp enough but the crowning disaster lies in the misplaced activi cem ber 5, In connection with the farm en, repair or make ties of the men who are hired to propagate the fish they destroy. e rs’ congress and tri-state dairy m eet too's, and guarantee ing, to be held th ere a t th a t time. Concerted action by the sportsmen of the county alone can cope S en ato r C ham berlain of Oregon has my work to stand with the situation. And Oregon, a commonwealth of clean and introduced a hlH m aking Milton the racket; try me ardent anglers, will back up the county. W heeler, of Portland, a colonel on the SATURDAY, N ov. 15 « ““ * S A T . E V E ., N ov. 2 2 d Daily Bread Flour, regular 1.60 - SALE $ 1.40 Carnación Flour, SALE $ 1.35 Pure W hite * lour, SALE $1.35 Red Cross Flour, SALE $1.15 Bear Brand, $1.15; Peerless $1.30; Crown, $1.40 W hite Loaf, $1.30; Roll Barley, 75 lbs. $1.20; Shorts, 80 lbs. $1.20; Bran, 75c Sack L A N C E & C O M PA N Y WA/zz/ WAirr/Z B-u-r-rH! D. H. MÏLLE.R, 15c The BoN-ToN S. P. Time Card lust a word! D. H. M IL L E R ’S “G o o d q u a lity g o o d s a n d P r ic e s R ig h t ” I r o n b y E lectricity Late Model Electric Irons. Guar- teed 5 years, now B rie f N ew s of the W eek Jn o rd er to facilitate m arriag es min lsters a t Republic, O., will perform N otes am ounting to ,70,000 and c u r w edding cerem onies free of ch arg e rency In the sum of ,3936 w ere tak en The large percentage of m arriageable w hen robbers blew open th e safe of bachelors, old m aids and m aidens In th e S tate Bank of W altham , six m iles th e town Is said to have causad con from A ustin, Minn. certed action to aid Cupid. T he p alatial home of Jo h n H ays T he notable g ath erin g s of th e week H am m ond a t W ashington has beet included th e conventions of th e Anti bought by th e R ussian governm ent as Saloon League of A m erica, In Colum & hom e for th e Russian em bassy. bus, Ohio; th e U nited S tates Good P r i 'e paid w as ,500.000. R oad- s oclatlon. In St. Louis; the i 'a r t l a l law prevailed a t P eking and !■ ' ' d M unicipal League of th« and • ¿ecutions took S tates, in T oronto; Ute A m er stic action by ic a n . i. i.itio n I ■ th e S tu d y a n d -if, In hit: strug- I'! ' a of Infant M ortality, I n p retired list of the United S tates arm y, volunteer rank being held by him d u r ing th e civil war. G overnor W est com m uted to life Im prisonm ent th e sentence of Lem Woon, who had been sentenced to be hanged N ovem ber li, for the killing of Lee Tai Hoy In Portland, March 7, 1908. T h e C hinese said he eventually would be able to prove th a t he did not kill the man. The Oregon public ow nership league organized tem porarily a t Portland by th e election of John L. Schuyli-man as p resident and J. 1!. Stilw ell as tern porary secretary. One of the nr,nr pal o bjects of the league is to urge t. law estab lish in g a system of voi.i::: j bv mail. | and be shown C .F . CARTER B L A C K S M IT H A U T O M O B IL E ® . GAS ENGINE REPAIRING I A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B I n c H s m ith $ 3 .5 0 We will send you one on trial CALIFOR.NIA-0R.EG0N POWER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.